Клепча Егор читает стихотворение наизусть

Внеклассное мероприятие

Конкурс чтецов

« Motherland »

Подготовил a :

Учитель английского языка

Хвитько О.Ю.

Минск, 2019

Цель мероприятия:

- развитие творческих способностей учащихся, воспитание любви к поэзии, Родине;

Задачи мероприятия:


- повышать мотивацию учащихся к изучению английского языка;


- развить навыки публичного выступления;

- развивать коммуникативные навыки учащихся;

- развивать выразительное чтение учащихся;


-воспитывать интерес учащихся к изучению поэзии;

Подготовительная работа:

Выучить стихотворения о Родине и оформить выставку проектов.

Оборудование: презентация о Беларуси.

Ход мероприятия.

Dear friends! Today we are going to have competition of Poetry. You will listen to different poems of Motherland.

А начнём наш конкурс с выступления Бреуса Ивaна.

Where do you live? Where do you live? I live in Belarus

I live in Belarus

I live in Belarus, that,s where I live

Учащийся 3 «А» класса Евщик Дмитрий  рассказывает общую информацию о Беларуси.


    Belarus is my homeland. It is the place where I was born. Officially it is called the Republic of Belarus.

    Belarus is situated nearly in the center of Europe. Belarus is a unique country. It,s history is a little-known page in the word history. More over the Belarusians known the history of their Motherland not better than their neighbours do. But they can be proud of their past, culture and art.

    Belarus is a lake-country. There are about 10,800 lakes here. The largest is Lake Naroch – 80 square kilometers.

    A third of Belarus is under forest. The largest are called pushchas. (The Byelovezhskaya Pushcha).

    The territory of Belarus is divided into 6 regions: Brest, Vitebsk, Gomel, Grodno, Minsk and Mogilev. The capital of Belarus is Minsk with a population of over 1,5 million people.

     By the way, Belarus is the country with unique history and rich cultural heritage.


Гридюшко Алиса  читает стихотворение наизусть

Draw a house .

I,ll take a pencil, draw a house,

Draw the sky and the sun above it.

To warm the house

Draw a pipe from it winds the smoke

I,ll take a pencil, draw flowers,

Draw bushes and trees around.

So it was always fresh in the garden,

I will draw a rain of caring hands

I,ll take a pencil, draw a forest

Draw field and the snake river

So peace was upon this Earth,

Draw like a dove flies in the sky.


Казак Марк читает стихотворение наизусть


Homeland of mine. Happiness mine.

Young song of mine, never sleeping

For ever field, for each forest pine

The hearts of your sons are weeping.

Ахмеров Евгений читает стихотворение наизусть

My village

When you are in my village

See the beautiful banks of the river

With the nicest sight of the forest

And the carpet of different flowers.

When you are in my village,

Come to school which is dear.

See the life of all children

And decide that it,s clear.

When you are in my village,

They will show you team

Which this year is sixty

And still works in the field

When you are in my village,

You will grow the wheat

Together with children

In the great vast of field.

Кореняк Анна читает стихотворение наизусть

Native country.

Pictures beloved of my native country,

You are my gladness, my pain,

What can it be lures my heart to bounty?

What binds me so with its chain to you…

I hear the ripe harvest in glad conversation,

The quiet complaint of the leas,

The happy drone of tall woods murmuration,

The song of the mighty  oak-trees.


    Эти слова написал известный белорусский поэт Якуб Колас. Послушаем, как это звучит на родном нам языке.


Ярослав Горбель читает стихотворение наизусть

Вобразы мiлыя роднага краю,

Смутак i радасць мая!

Што маё сэрца да Вас парывае?

Чым так пракованы я к вам…

Чуецца гоман мне спелае нiвы,

Цiхая жальба палёу,

Лесу высокага шум-гуд шчаслiвы,

Песня мгутных дубоу…


Балацун Ульяна читает стихотворение наизусть


To all kind of countries – great respect

But always remember your Motherland.

Love it faithfully, defend and protect!

Be the patriot of the native land.

Гоза Анна читает стихотворение наизусть


Sparkling silver of rivers and lakes

Golden sun and falling snow-flakes.

Virginal nature with forests and hills

Rarest animals, purest fields…

It,s my Motherland!

Crystal meadows and clear sky!

It,s my Motherland!

Here I was born and will die

It,s my kingdom, my dear state

Here I will forever stay!

It,s my Motherland!

The country of spiritual wealth!

Greatest literature, music and art

People beautiful , honest and smart

Smiling mother and laughing kids

Bleeding hearts and posthumous deeds.


Клепча Егор читает стихотворение наизусть

The Country and the City

Some people live in the city

Where the houses are very tall

Some people live in the country

Where the house are very small

But in the country where the houses are small

The gardens are very big.

And in the cities where the houses are tall

There are no gardens at all.


Дата добавления: 2020-11-23; просмотров: 123; Мы поможем в написании вашей работы!

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