Тема занятия: Современные устройства и их применение

Тип занятия: комбинированное

Вид занятия: практическое

Цели: формировать коммуникативную компетенцию по теме «High tech gadgets»:

расширить словарный запас, совершенствовать навыки чтения (выделение смысловых опор), совершенствовать навыки монологической речи;

развивать общеучебные навыки и умения (умение сравнивать, обобщать, анализировать)

содействовать повышению мотивации на уроках через средства обучения.


1. Выполнить предтекстовое упражнение. Сопоставьте один из предложенных гаджетов с их функцией:

What does each item do? Which one(s) would you use to:

1. record your lessons at school                                 a) MP 3 Player

2. tell the time                                                            b) video mobile phone  

3. send a picture message to a friend                         c) digital camera

4. film a friend’s birthday party                                 d) Walkman

5. listen to music                                                        e) radio cassette player

6. send e-mails                                                           f) Dictaphone

7. keep a record of your spending                             g) TV

8. watch a DVD                                                         i) Personal digital assistant

9. look up a friend’s address                                     J) camcorder

10. edit your essay on the bus                                          k) laptop

11. do some Internet research for a project                 l) playstation

12. show photos to your friends                                 m) IPod

13. burn songs onto a CD                                            n) printer

14. listen to the news

15. plan your day/week


Прочитать и письменно перевести текст, выписать и выучить ключевые слова.

What three things you couldn’t live without

Sara Tyson (New Zealand), age 16, high school student, likes shopping and friends.

“I’m not really into computers, gadgets and thinks like that, but I have to admit I really can’t imagine life without my IPod. It’s amazing being able to store the whole of your music collection on one tiny device. I like to listen to it when I’m walking to and from school. Also I’d find it almost impossible to be without my mobile phone. I just couldn’t organize my social life without it, and my parents only allow me to stay out late on Saturday if I keep calling them. They want to know where I am. I have just bought a digital camera with my birthday money. It’s fantastic. I have taken so many photos of my friends. In fact I’m even considering a career as a photographer.”

Ответить письменно на вопросы, используя модель.

What kind of high tech gadgets do you own?

What do you use them for?

I’ve got a PDA. I mainly use it to plan my week or to keep a record of my spending.

4. Напишите краткое сообщение на тему What three things you couldn’t live without. Используйте текст как модель.

Преподаватель: Давыдова В.Д.

Занятие по английскому языку, группа СП-15, курс 1


35.02.12 Садово-парковое и ландшафтное строительство


Занятие № 41 по предмету Иностранный язык  (английский)

Количество часов: 2

Тема занятия: Великие изобретатели и их изобретения

Тип занятия: комбинированное

Вид занятия: практическое


· формировать коммуникативную компетенцию по теме «Outstanding Inventors and their inventions»: расширить словарный запас, совершенствовать навыки чтения, письма, формировать умения словообразования;

· развивать общеучебные навыки и умения (умение сравнивать, обобщать, анализировать);

· содействовать повышению мотивации на уроках через средства обучения.


Прочитайте и перепишите текст, вставляя правильную форму слов в скобках и выписывая ключевые слова.

British Inventions

1821. Michael Faraday is the … (invent) of the electric motor. Without this, we would not have the……(technology) appliances we take for granted today. Faraday’s face used to be on the British £20 note from 1991 to 2001.

1829. George Stephenson….. (design) a steam train locomotivecalled the rocket. It was a great success and encouraged the ….(grow) of railways which played a very important part in the …. (industry) revolution in the late 18th century and early 19th centuries. Many of the items we use today were invented during that time.

1837. Charles Babbage is considered by most to be the “Father of Computing”. By 1834 he had invented the ‘analytical engine’, which established the …..(base) principles of computing. Although he never completed any of his ….(computer) machines, his detailed ….(draw) were used to build a model of his Difference Engine No 2 at the London Science Museum. It was completed in 1991, and it performed mathematical ….(calculate) very accurately.

1925. John Logie Baird worked hard to transmit the first real television images, a dream of many …..(science) for decades before. His first TV set could be made from everyday objects such as a biscuit tin, cardboard and string. Later, others……( take) Baird’s ideas and ….(slow) developed TV as we know it today. 

Дата добавления: 2020-04-25; просмотров: 287; Мы поможем в написании вашей работы!

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