Rules for the performance of a competitive attempt.

3.5.1. After calling the platform, the athlete independently takes the starting position;

3.5.2. The athlete can remove the bar from the racks on straightened arms independently, or with the help of an assistant;

3.5.3. Begin the exercise only after the command of the senior judge on the platform "-Press!";

3.5.4. After touching the neck of the chest, the athlete independently (without a judge's command) raises the barbell on straightened arms to the initial state in the elbow joints;

3.5.5. After completing the fixation of the bar in the “straightened arms” position, the athlete must wait for the judge’s command: “Racks!”

3.5.6. After the order of the senior judge on the platform "-Racks!" the athlete, independently or with the help of insurance assistants, sets the barbell on the racks (using the help of a personal assistant is allowed).

3.5.7. If the approach is completed, the senior judge gives the command: “-The weight is taken!”

3.6. Violations committed through the fault of the team of judges:

3.6.1. Error assistants when setting the weight on the bar;

3.6.2. Touching the bar by assistants (help with lifting up) without the command of a senior judge on the platform;

3.6.3. In case of violations committed by the refereeing team on the platform, as a result of which the weight of the barbell was not counted in this approach, the athlete is provided with an additional test approach for the same weight of the barbell;

3.6.4. Rest between approaches of one athlete should be at least 5 minutes.

3.7. Errors in the Russian TROIKA division, in which the approach is not counted:

3.7.1. The beginning of the lowering of the bar without the command of the judge “-Press!”

3.7.2. Upward movement without touching the neck of the chest at the lower point of the amplitude of lowering the bar;

3.7.3. Setting the bar on racks without the judge’s command “Racks!”

3.7.4. Using the bench design for additional leg support after the “-Press!” Command and up to the “-Rack!” command;

3.7.5. The delay of the barbell on the chest for more than one cycle "inhale-exhale" (determined by the judge);

3.7.6. With a significant stop in the movement of the bar after touching the chest or a clear (dangerous!) Movement of the bar down - the command "-Racks! »

3.7.7. Separation of the pelvis or chest from the surface of the bench after the command "-Press!" and up to the “Racks!” command.

NOTE: In order to reliably determine the moment of "separation of the pelvis!" when protesting the result of the referee's assessment, videos made from a technical angle (at the height of the bench from the floor) from extraneous media are taken as an argument.

Chapter 4. “The Baker's Dozen”.

4.1. The competition task of the division is to gain the maximum total tonnage for three competitive approaches with independently selected rod weights according to the following conditions:

4.2. All members of the division are distributed by gender and weight category.

4.3. Depending on the actual number of participants in each weight category, general streams from two or more weight categories for speaking at one platform, but the total number of participants in one stream should be no more than 25 athletes. It is necessary to form competition streams in such a way that athletes of one stream have at least 20 minutes to rest between competitive approaches.

4.4. In each competitive stream participants alternately perform three test approaches to the weight of the bar in kilograms, which are determined independently for each approach.

4.5. The order of the athletes to enter the platform (order) is determined by the lowest weight on the bar for each competitive approach.

4.6. The result is a score of at least eight and no more than thirteen repetitions in each approach. The result of each competitive approach of an athlete is defined in the Document as the total tonnage in kilograms.

4.7. The result of the competitive approach of less than 8 credits is entered in the Document as equal to the value “ZERO” (zero mark).

4.8. Changes (re-order) of weight on the bar:

4.8.1. The participant has the right in each subsequent approach to order the weight of the bar from the previous approach or change it in any (both up and down) directions. Weight on the bar should be a multiple of 2.5 kg;

4.8.2. The athlete can change the previously ordered weight on the bar in this approach before the athlete is called to the platform.

4.8.3. It is possible to reduce the previously ordered weight of the bar in each approach no less than the weight on the bar currently installed on the competition platform from the previous participant.

Example: the athlete (No. 1) performed the approach to the barbell 150 kg, and the next athlete (No. 2) previously ordered 160 kg (in the same approach). Athlete No. 2 has the right to reduce the previously ordered weight of the bar, but not less than 150 kg.

4.8.4. It is possible to declare changes in the weight of the bar in each approach (the judge’s signature is obligatory!) No more than 1 time.

Determination of the winner.

4.9.1. The results of each athlete's performance in the weight category are determined by the total tonnage recruited by him in three competitive approaches (see paragraph 2.1. Of Chapter 1. of these Rules);

4.9.2. In the case when  two or more athletes of the same weight category have gained the same tonnage, the athlete with the lower own weight takes a higher place;

4.9.3. According to the decision of the organizers of the competition (it is  indicated in the Regulations on the tournament), it is possible to form competitive streams (from two or more weight categories) by the principle of absolute offset by the total weightlifting index, which is calculated by dividing the total tonnage of each participant by his own weight.

Example: in the Regulations on competitions: category “Baker`s Dozen. Men, Veterans-2, over 50 years old. Absolute classification. ”

4.9.4. In the case of an equal index for two or more athletes in the absolute standings, the athlete with the highest total tonnage takes a higher place.

4.10. The division of athletes into weight categories in the "Baker's Dozen" division is carried out in accordance with paragraph 1.11. Chapters 1 of these Rules.

4.11. In some cases, at the discretion of the Organizing Committee of the tournament (indicated in the Regulation on the tournament) it is allowed to reduce the minimum and maximum weight category in competitions. For example: the minimum weight category is “Up to 80.00 kg” or the maximum weight category is “Over 100.00 kg”. These weight categories are defined as “dual” (two or more).

4.12. The distribution of prizes in the “dual” weight categories is made by the Total Weightlifting Index. This definition should be indicated in the main Regulation on the tournament in advance.

4.13. In the competition division Baker`s Dozen" records are recorded:

a) in the total tonnage;

b) for the maximum weight in the repetition range from 8 inclusive to 13 inclusive (can be set in any approach from three attempts).


Дата добавления: 2020-04-25; просмотров: 69; Мы поможем в написании вашей работы!

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