Paraphrase the sentences. Use adverbs.

Paraphrase the sentences using the modal verb.

Ex 1

Example: It is possible that Peter will phone tonight. (may) –

             Peter may phone tonight.

1) It is impossible for me to drive a bus. (can’t)


2) It wasn’t easy but finally I did it successfully. (was able to)


3) I don’t think he is rich. He always wears cheap clothes. (can’t)


4) It is possible that the letter will arrive tomorrow. (may)


5) I think I will finish my work this week but it is very unlikely. (might)


6) I am almost sure we will spend our holidays at the sea. (may)


7) It is against rules to smoke here. (are not allowed to)


8) The prisoners managed to escape. (were able to)


9) I am quite sure June won’t pass the test. (may not)


10) When he was a baby, he knew how to use a computer. (could)



Ex 2

Example: I advise you to see a dentist. (ought) –

             You ought to see a dentist

1) You are not allowed to talk during the exam. (mustn’t)


2) It is not necessary for us to go to the meeting tonight. (don’t have to)


3) I think you need a new mobile phone. Buy this one! (should)


4) It is impossible that he is the baby’s father. He looks so young. (can’t)


5) I think she is Bob’s aunt. (must)


6) It is possible that he will come by taxi. (might)


7) You aren’t allowed to use the computer. (can’t)


8) Perhaps he will move to Brazil, but he is not sure. (might)


9) Would you mind carrying my luggage? (could)


10) I couldn’t swim when I was three. (wasn’t able to)



Ex 3

Example: I think the book was under the table. (must) –

            The book must have been under the table

1) I don’t think it is midnight. (can’t)


2) It was right to tell them the truth. (ought)


3) It is absolutely necessary for you to escape. (have)


4) You should drive more carefully. (ought)


5) It was wrong of her to tell lies. (shouldn’t)


6) It is good idea to cut the grass soon. (better)


7) It is not possible that he is an Italian. (can’t)


8) I advise him to give up smoking. (should)


9) You nearly caused the accident. (could)


10) There was no reason for her to come so early. (needn’t)





Ex 1

1) I can’t drive a bus. 2) I was able to do it. 3) He can’t be rich. He always wears cheap clothes. 4) The letter may arrive tomorrow. 5) I might finish my work this week. 6) We may spend our holidays at the sea. 7) You are not allowed to smoke here. 8) The prisoners were able to escape. 9) June may not pass the test. 10) He could use a computer when he was a baby.


Ex 2


1) You mustn’t talk during the exam. 2) We don’t have to go to the meeting tonight. 3) I think you should buy a new mobile phone. 4) He can’t be the baby’s father. 5) She must be Bob’s aunt. 6) He might come by taxi. 7) You can’t use the computer. 8) He might move to Brazil. 9) Could you carry my luggage? 10) I wasn’t able to swim when I was three.


Ex 3

1) It can’t be midnight. 2) You ought to have told them the truth. 3) You have to escape. 4) You ought to drive more carefully. 5) She shouldn’t have told lies. 6) You had better cut the grass soon. 7) He can’t be an Italian. 8) He should give up smoking. 9) You could have caused an accident. 10) She needn’t have come so early.


Ex 4


1) Трудно улучшить это устройство.

This device is difficult to improve. (Это устройство трудно улучшить)

2) Легко разрушить песочные замки.

A sandcastle is easy to destroy. (Песочные замки легко разрушить)

3) Трудно выучить китайский язык

Chinese is hard to learn. (Китайский язык трудно выучить)

4) Интересно изобретать новые инструменты.

New tools are interesting to invent. (Новые инструменты интересно изобретать)

5) Не безопасно пить эту воду.

This water is not safe to drink. (Эту воду не безопасно пить)

6) Воодушевляет смотреть футбольный матч.

That football match was exciting to watch. (Футбольный матч воодушевляет смотреть)

7) Было трудно следовать этому плану.

His plan was difficult to follow. (Его плану было трудно следовать)

8) Было просто найти дачу моего друга.

My friend’s cottage was easy to find. (Дачу моего друга было просто найти)

9) Было трудно найти пятизвездочный отель на побережье.

A five-star hotel was hard to find on the coast. (Пятизвездочный отель на побережье было трудно найти)

10) Было невозможно поверить его словам.

His words were impossible to believe. (Его словам было невозможно поверить)


Ex 4

1) It is difficult to improve this device.
2) It is easy to destroy a sandcastle.
3) It is hard to learn Chinese.
4) It is interesting to invent new tools.
5) It is not safe to drink this water.
6) It was exciting to watch that football match.
7) It was difficult to follow his plan.
8) It was easy to find my friend’s cottage.
9) It was hard to find a five-star hotel on the coast.
10) It was impossible to believe his words.

Some examples of paraphrasing sentences:

Original – Pouring hydroxide peroxide on a cutting board made of wood will kill salmonella and other bacteria.
Paraphrase – Bacteria on a wooden cutting board, including salmonella, can be eradicated by pouring hydrogen peroxide on it.

Original – Symptoms of the flu include fever and nasal congestion.
Paraphrase – Stuffiness and elevated temperature are signs of the flu.

Original – Every year, thousands of tourists visit Niagara Falls.
Paraphrase – Niagara Falls is visited by thousands of people every year.

Original – Michelangelo painted the ceiling of the Sistine Chapel.
Paraphrase – It was Michelangelo who painted the Sistine Chapel’s ceiling.

Original – The tornado hit the town.
Paraphrase – The town has damaged by the cyclone.

Original – Flu symptoms include nasal congestion and fever.
Paraphrase – High temperature and a stuffy feeling are signs of flu.

Original – He needs to throw a lot of things.
Paraphrase – He has a lot of stuff to get rid of.

Original – This brand has been preferred by most professional plumbers.
Paraphrase – Majority of the professional plumbers choose this brand on top of the others.

Original – At a cruise, you can enjoy the natural scenery.
Paraphrase – You would love to see natural vistas during a cruise.

Original – This product can breakdown excess body fat, thus help in shedding some pounds.
Paraphrase – This product can help you lose weight by getting rid of unnecessary fat in your body.

Original – Uploading a YouTube video can help your business be exposed even further to the online community.
Paraphrase – Your business will highly be exposed to the online world if you post your video on YouTube.



Paraphrase the sentences. Use adverbs.

Ex 5

Mrs. Ross leads a happy life.

             She lives happily.

1)John is a slow reader.
2)They sing this song in a different way.
3)Jim is free to speak as he likes.(Jim can speak...)
4)Barbara always wears stylish dresses.(She can dresses...)
5)Jack always gives me a warm smile when we meet.(He always greets me...)
6)Mary has a strong dislike for cats.
7)Tom knows a clever way of doing this job.
8)Put on your warm clothes, the weather is very cold today.
9)When Jane was speaking, her words sounded sad.
10)The news gave me a great surprise.




Ex 5

1)He reads slowly.

2)They sing this song differently.

3)He can speak freely

4)Barbara always wears stylish dresses. She can dress stylishly.

5)Jack always gives me a warm smile when we meet. He always greets me warmly. 6)Mary has a strong dislike for cats. She dislikes cats strongly.



Дата добавления: 2020-04-08; просмотров: 645; Мы поможем в написании вашей работы!

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