X. Translate the sentences into English.

1. Дорога к заповеднику не заняла у нас много времени. Более того, по пути мы останавливались несколько раз, чтобы насладиться красивыми видами на горы.

2. Аквалангист опустился на дно озера, но что-то пошло не так, и вскоре он поднялся на поверхность воды.

3. Когда Гарри был студентом, для него было большим достижением взять интервью в прямом эфире. Теперь это его ежедневная работа.

4. Во время экспедиции в пустыне археологи несколько раз оказывались в опасности.

5. Почему самолёт приземлился через десять минут после того, как он взлетел?

6. В 2018 году альпинист из Непала установил мировой рекорд, поднявшись на Эверест в 22-ой раз.

7. Почему наш плот не остался на поверхности, а утонул?

8. После операции Джеймс не поднимал тяжёлые вещи целый год.

9. Мальчик бросил несколько монет в шляпу музыканта.

10. За пределами деревни дорога резко поднимается в гору.

Unit 3.2

I. Study the list of the words.

guilty (adj) – ashamed because you have done something wrong

in a good mood – friendly to other people

scared (adj) – frightened or worried

nervous (adj) – worried and anxious

pleased (adj) – happy or satisfied

exhausted (adj) – extremely tired

embarrassed (adj) – feeling ashamed or shy

confused (adj) – unable to think clearly or to understand something

disappointed (adj) – unhappy because someone or something was not as good as you hoped or expected, or because something did not happen

calm (adj) – relaxed and not worried, frightened, or excited

lonely (adj) – unhappy because you are not with other people

alone (adj) – without other people

anxious (adj) – worried and nervous

stressed (adj) – worried and not able to relax

excited (adj) – feeling very happy and enthusiastic

to take a lift – to use a lift

to get stuck in a lift – to get unable to come out of a lift

to push a button – to press a switch to control a piece of equipment

to last (v) – to continue to exist

II. Complete the table. Use the words and expressions from ex. I.

Word Synonym Antonym
1. DISSAPOINTED frustrated pleased
2. SCARED afraid brave
3. ANXIOUS nervous calm
4. LONELY friendless sociable
5. EMBARASSED responsible innocent
6. EXHAUSTED tired out refreshed
7. PLEASED happy bored
8. PUSH press pull

III. Complete the sentences with the words and expressions from ex.I.

1. By the time they reached the summit they were EXHAUSTED .

2. She get LONELY now that the kids have all left home.

3. Take the LIFT to the sixth floor.

4. She looked calm but was feeling NERVOUS inside.

5. I had never seen Ann in such a good MOOD before.

6. You shouldn’t feel EMBARASSED all the time – you’ve done nothing to be ashamed of.

7. I'm a bit DISSAPINTED . Was that her husband or her son she was with?

8. My mother always gets a bit SCARED if we don't arrive when we say we will.

9. I was extremely angry but I'm feeling a little CALM now.

10. They say the snow will LAST until the end of next week.

IV. Complete the sentences with prepositions.

1. She's very nervous DURING her driving test.

2. The drought lasted FOR several months.

3. I'm really pleased THAT your work this term.

4. The politicians themselves are confused WITH what to do.

5. I feel so guilty WITH not going to see them.

6. Robert's scared OF heights.

7. We were bitterly disappointed WITH the decision.

8. I felt embarrassed ABOUT how untidy the house was.

9. I was quite excited AT the idea of leaving home, but I was a bit frightened too.

10. Excited BY the news, Marie phoned her mother immediately.

V. Ask questions to the underlined words.

1. One Friday night Nicholas was working late at the office. (a general question)

2. Nicholas got anxious because nobody answered. (a special question)

3. The noise from the alarm was driving Nicholas crazy. (a question to the subject)

4. Sometimes Nicholas lay on the floor, with his face down, because the light was bright.

(a special question)

5. Nicholas decided to go outside for a quick cigarette. (an alternative question)

6. The guard asked Nicolas a lot of security questions. (a tag question)

7. He heard the voice at 4p.m. on Sunday. (a special question)

8. The door opened after a long interview. (a general question)

9. At 10.45 he was smoking a cigarette. (a special question)

10. The police weren’t searching for him for 41 hours. (a question to the subject)

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