The method of achieving regulation in two stages, by which the

Gene- pattern makes R1, and Rl makes R2, is the method of the

Mammals, whose gene-pattern is used, in its action on the embryo

Brain, to determine the development at birth of some fundamental

Regulators (Rl) whose action is not immediately to the organism’s

Advantage. From birth onwards, however, they act towards the

Cerebral cortex so as to develop in it a vast regulatory mechanism

(R2) that, by the time adulthood arrives, is a much better regulator

(i.e. of larger capacity) than could have been produced by the

Action of the gene-pattern directly.

Whence comes the supplementation? From random sources as

in S.12/15 and from the environment itself! For it is the environ-

Ment that is forced to provide much of the determination about

How the organism shall act. Thus gene-pattern and environment

Both contribute to the shaping of the fully developed adult, and in

This way the quantity of design supplied by the gene-pattern is

Supplemented by design (as variety and information) coming

From the environment. Thus the adult eventually shows more reg-

Ulatory capacity than could have been determined by the

Gene-pattern alone. The amplification of regulation is thus no new

Thing, for the higher animals, those that adapt by learning, discov-

Ered the method long ago.

May it not be possible that the amplification can be increased

Even further? If so, is there not a possibility that we can use our

Present powers of regulation to form a more highly developed

Regulator, of much more than human capacity, that can regulate

The various ills that occur in society, which, in relation to us, is a

Very large system?

Amplifying intelligence. This book is intended to be an

Introduction, and for twelve chapters it has kept to its purpose.

The last two chapters, however, have developed the subject some-




What speculatively, partly to give the reader practice in applying

The earlier methods, and partly to show what lies ahead, for the

Prospects are exciting.

In S.13/18 we saw that selection can be amplified. Now “prob-

Lem solving” is largely, perhaps entirely, a matter of appropriate

Selection. Take, for instance, any popular book of problems and

Puzzles. Almost every one can be reduced to the form: out of a

Certain set, indicate one element. Thus of all possible numbers of

Apples that John might have in his sack we are asked to find a cer-

Tain one; or of all possible pencil lines drawn through a given pat-

Tern of dots, a certain one is wanted; or of all possible distributions

Of letters into a given set of spaces, a certain one is wanted. It is,

In fact, difficult to think of a problem, either playful or serious,

That does not ultimately require an appropriate selection as neces-

Sary and sufficient for its solution.

It is also clear that many of the tests used for measuring “intel-

Ligence” are scored essentially according to the candidate’s power

Of appropriate selection. Thus one test shows the child a common

Object and asks its name: out of all words the child must select the

Proper one. Another test asks the child how it would find a ball in

A field: out of all the possible paths the child must select one of the

Suitable few. Thus it is not impossible that what is commonly

Referred to as “intellectual power” may be equivalent to “power of

Appropriate selection”. Indeed, if a talking Black Box were to

Show high power of appropriate selection in such matters— so

That, when given difficult problems it persistently gave correct

Answers— we could hardly deny that it was showing the behavio-

Ral equivalent of “high intelligence”.

If this is so, and as we know that power of selection can be

Amplified, it seems to follow that intellectual power, like physical

Power, can be amplified. Let no one say that it cannot be done, for

The gene-patterns do it every time they form a brain that grows up

To be something better than the gene-pattern could have specified

In detail. What is new is that we can now do it synthetically, con-

Sciously, deliberately.

Дата добавления: 2019-11-16; просмотров: 214; Мы поможем в написании вашей работы!

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