When the dynamic system can vary continuously, small dis-

Turbances are, in practice, usually acting on it incessantly. Elec-

Tronic systems are disturbed by thermal agitation, mechanical

Systems by vibration, and biological systems by a host of minor

Disturbances. For this reason the only states of equilibrium that

Can, in practice, persist are those that are stable in the sense of the

Previous section. States of unstable equilibrium are of small prac-

Tical importance in the continuous system (though they may be of

Importance in the system that can change only by a discrete jump).

The concept of unstable equilibrium is, however, of some theo-

Retical importance. For if we are working with the theory of some

Mechanism, the algebraic manipulations (S.5/3) will give us all

The states of equilibrium— stable, neutral, and unstable— and a

Good deal of elimination may be necessary if this set is to be

Reduced to the set states that have a real chance of persistence.

Ex.:Make up a transformation with two states of equilibrium, a and b, and two

Disturbances, D and E, so that a is stable to D but not to E, and b is stable to

E but not to D.




The subject soon becomes somewhat mathematical; here it is suf-

Ficient to notice that these questions are always capable of being

Answered, at least in principle, by the process of actually tracing

The changes through the states D(a), TD(a), T2D(a), etc. (Com-

Pare S.3/9). The sole objection to this simple, fundamental and

Reliable method is that it is apt to become exceedingly laborious

In the complicated cases. It is, however, capable of giving an

Answer in cases to which the more specialised methods are inap-

Plicable. In biological material, the methods described in this

Chapter are likely to prove more useful than the more specialised;

For the latter often are applicable only when the system is contin-

Uous and linear, whereas the methods of this chapter are applica-

Ble always.

A specially simple and well known case occurs when the sys-

Tem consists of parts between which there is feedback, and when

This has the very simple form of a single loop. A simple test for

Stability (from a state of equilibrium assumed) is to consider the

Sequence of changes that follow a small displacement, as it travels

Round the loop. If the displacement ultimately arrives back at its

Place of origin with size and sign so that, when added algebra-

Ically to the initial displacement, the initial displacement is dimin-

Ished, i.e. is (commonly) stable. The feedback, in this case, is said

To be “negative” (for it causes an eventual subtraction from the

Initial displacement).

The test is simple and convenient, and can often be carried out

Mentally; but in the presence of any complications it is unreliable

If carried out in the simple form described above. The next section

Gives an example of one way in which the rule may break down if

Applied crudely.

Ex. 7: A bus service starts with its buses equally spaced along the route. If a bus

Is delayed, extra passengers collect at the stopping points, so it has to take

Up, and set down, more passengers than usual. The bus that follows has fewer

Passengers to handle and is delayed less than usual. Are irregularities of

Spacing self-correcting or self-aggravating?

Ex. 8: What would happen if an increase of carbon dioxide in the blood made the

Respiratory centre less active?

Ex. 9: Is the system x'= 1/2y, y' = 1/2 x stable around (0,0)?

Positive feedback. The system described in the last exercise

Deserves closer attention.

From (10,10) it goes to (5,5)

,, (10,12) ,, ,, ,, (6,5);

So an increase in y (from 10 to 12) leads to an increase in x (from

To 6). (Compare S.4/13.) Similarly,

From (10,10) it goes to (5,5)

,, (12,10) ,, ,, ,, (5,6)

So an increase in x (from 10 to 12) leads to an increase in y (from

To 6). Each variable is thus having a positive effect on the other

And if the system were discussed in plain words these facts might

Be used to “prove” that it is unstable, for a vicious circle seems to

Be acting.

The system’s behaviour, by converging back to (0,0), declares

Indisputably that the system is stable around this state of equilib-

Rium. It shows clearly that arguments based on some short cut, e.g.

Дата добавления: 2019-11-16; просмотров: 200; Мы поможем в написании вашей работы!

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