SUPPORT (поддержка, сопровождение)

Пожалуйста, контактируйте со своим поставщиком, если у вас есть вопросы по поводу этой программы. Часто источником сомнений являются результаты, которых вы не ожидали, или отказ программы принимать ваш файл данных. В таком случае, поддержка будет осуществляться только при предоставлении копии файла данных, посланного как аттачмент по email, желательно сжатого в ZIP файл. Наиболее частыми причинами проблем являются (a) файл данных в неправильном формате программы RES2DINV (b) высокий уровень помех в данных (особенно для дипольной осевой установки и/или данных ВП) (c) неправильная работа прибора или ошибки полевой методики. Можно выяснить источник проблемы только при предоставлении копии файла данных.

Пожалуйста, имейте в виду, что поддержка доступна только зарегистрированным пользователям полной версии программы. Техническая поддержка невозможна для пользователей демо версии этой программы. Для технической поддержки, вам нужно контактировать с поставщиком программы по электронной почте email по следующим адресам. Пожалуйста, приложите копию вашего файла данных к вашему email.

В вашем email, пожалуйста, укажите номер ключа ID. Этот номер ключа ID записан в нижней части блока начальной информации при запуске программы RES2DINV, если ключ подсоединен к компьютеру.

Special OhmMapper Note (Специальное замечание по поводу съемок с OhmMapper )

Результаты измерений с прибором OhmMapper можно преобразовать в формат программы RES2DINV используя 'DataMap for OhmMapper' program разработанный Geometrics, Inc. Это программа под Windows 95/98/2000/NT.

После запуска программы, кликните опцию EXPORT чтобы провести преобразование данных. Для дальнейших деталей смотрите инструкцию OhmMapper предоставляемую Geometrics."

Рисунок показанный ниже дает пример данных полученных прибором OhmMapper вместе с инверсионной моделью полученной программой RES2DINV.

Съемка была проведена в районе с выветрелым гранитом. Данные находятся в файле OHMMAPPER.DAT. Измерения были сделаны с дипольной осевой установкой с длиной диполя "a" в 10 м и со значениями n от 0.5 до 3.5 (Appendix A). Данные содержат 732 точки а инверсионная модель состоит из 1240 ячеек. Инверсия этих данных заняла 15 минут на компьютере Pentium II 300 МГц.

Рисунок 31: (a) Псевдоразрез кажущихся сопротивлений, измеренный с аппаратурой OhmMapper. (b) Модель разреза, полученная программой RES2DINV.

What ’ s New (Что нового в разных версиях программы)

Version 3.00 - Major upgrade to Windows 3.1 and 95. Maximum number of electrodes increased to 500. Multi-tasking support for Windows 95. Support for any Windows compatible graphics card and printer.

Version 3.01 - Improvements to finite-difference subroutine to calculate the Jacobian matrix which is now about twice as fast as the earlier versions.

Version 3.10 - Support for underwater surveys. Direct incorporation of topography into inversion model using a distorted finite-element grid.

Version 3.11 - The time taken by the finite-element subroutine to calculate the Jacobian matrix is reduced. An option to use a finer mesh for the finite-difference or finite-element forward modelling method is added.

Version 3.12 - Non-integer values for the “n” factor for the dipole-dipole, pole-dipole and Wenner-Schlumberger arrays supported (please refer to Appendix A). The maximum limits for the number of data levels and model layers increased to 52 and 17 respectively.

Version 3.13 - The ratio of the largest electrode spacing to unit electrode spacing for the Wenner and pole-pole array was increased from 32 to 64. The maximum number of data levels is now 64. The maximum number of model layers was also increased to 18.

Version 3.20 - Support for IP data added.

Version 3.21 - The maximum number of electrodes was increased to 650. Improvements has been made to the disk-memory swapping subroutines so that for a given amount of RAM the number of datum points the program can handle is increased. For computer systems with more than one hard-disk drive, the program will automatically select the drive with the most free disk space to store the temporary disk swap files.

Version 3.22 - Slight improvements to the use of memory in the IP inversion section. The size of the IP data set that can be handled for a given amount of memory was increased. An option to optimise the damping factor automatically during the inversion process was added. Support for the “reverse” pole-dipole array added (see Appendix A). Support for a command line batch mode included (see Appendix I). An option to plot the model section in the form of rectangular blocks was also added.

Version 3.30 - Support for cross-borehole surveys added. An option to allow the number of model parameters to exceed the number of datum points was also added.

Version 3.31 - An option for a used defined model added. In this model, the user specifies the thickness of the first layer and the factor to increase the thickness for each subsequent deeper layer. The program will also automatically update the directory used for the input data files and the output inversion files listed in the RES2DINV.INI file.

Version 3.32 - An option to extend the subdivision of the subsurface into blocks to the edges of the survey line was added. Option to display the uncertainty in the model resistivity values was also added. Version 3.33 - An option to incorporate the effects of the remote electrodes used in surface resistivity surveys with the pole-pole and pole-dipole arrays was added.

Version 3.34 - A few bug fixes. The user can now scale the depths of the model layers so that the depth to the last layer can be much greater than the default limit allowed by the program. When the program saves the model values in the XYZ format, it will now also save the coordinates of the corners of the blocks in the model. An option to use a very fine mesh in the vertical direction for resistivity contrasts of greater than 250:1 was added, as well as an option for 6 nodes in the horizontal direction between adjacent electrodes.

Version 3.35 - The user can now set the maximum number of electrodes, from 150 to 1500, via the JACOBWIN.EXE program. Drawing of colour contour sections is now significantly faster on most computers.

Version 3.36 - A robust least-squares inversion option was added. For very noisy data with ‘outliers’, the resulting model will be less sensitive to such datum points when the robust data inversion method is selected. For areas where the subsurface geology has sharp interfaces, the robust model inversion method will give better results.

Version 3.40 - Support for non-conventional arrays for resistivity surveys.

Version 3.41 – Two new methods for topographic modelling using a damped distorted grid and the inverse Schwartz-Christoffel transformation added.

Version 3.42 - Support for remote electrodes for IP surveys.

Version 3.43 - Support for the Wenner Gamma array, and underwater surveys with non-conventional arrays. Maximum number of electrodes increased to 2000. The program has also been optimised for data sets where the unit electrode spacing has been reduced by half of the actual value so as to get a model where the width of the blocks is half the usual size. This helps in cases where there are very large lateral resistivity variations near the surface.

Version 3.44 - Support for IP surveys with non-conventional arrays. This feature is useful in some cases where data from a series of overlapping collinear 1D sounding survey lines can be combined into a single 2-D data set to obtain a 2-D model.

Version 3.45 - Option to save results in SURFER format added. Also support for surveys with some electrodes underwater and some electrodes above the water surface level added.

Version 3.46 - Minor additions for data in general array format. Option to use a model with half the unit electrode spacing for data in general array format is added (see the file RATCMIX2.DAT for an example). It is now possible to carry out the inversion of data in the general array format with the demo version, but the results will only be displayed temporarily on the screen during the inversion. The damped distorted grid finite-element method is set as the default method for topographic modelling.

Version 3.47 – An option to carry out the inversion of IP data sequentially was added. Slight changes in the menu structure.

Version 3.48 – Support for up to 4 boreholes in cross-borehole option.

Version 3.49 – Program is much faster for the inversion of data from long survey lines; particularly on P2, P3 and P4 based computers.

Дата добавления: 2019-11-16; просмотров: 157; Мы поможем в написании вашей работы!

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