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Н awaii

Capital – Honolulu.

Hawaii, the 50th state to join (1959) the Union, is a chain of 132 islands. The most important cities are Honolulu and Pearl Harbor. Geographically Hawaii are almost in the centre of the Pacific.

 Hawaii is “an island paradise”. Indeed, Hawaii combines an equable (одинаковый) temperature, sunshine and absence of tropical storms, big sandy beaches, cosy lagoons, tropical trees. Its sky-scraper hotels seem to grow out of the sun beaches, variety of exotic fruit, plants, birds and volcanoes make the impression of luxury (роскошь).

The economy of Hawaii is dominated by the big sugar and pineapple companies.

Besides Americans, the present Hawaiian population includes Polynesians, Chinese, Filipinos and Japanese.


The “Oyster” State (штат устриц).

Capital is Annapolis

Maryland is a state of contrasts, it belongs both to the industrial Northeast and agricultural South. The Maryland region was named for Henrietta Maria, wife of King Charles I.

George Washington nicknamed the state the “Old Line State” in honour of its defense troops who didn’t run in battle and firmly stood at the old line (старая линия обороны).

Maryland is “America in miniature”: from tobacco farmers in the southern part of the state to missile makers (ракетчики) of the highly industrial Baltimore area.

Fishing is a significant industry for the state.

Baltimore, the largest city of Maryland, is an industrial and commercial centre and major seaport.

Bethlehem Steel Company’s Sparrow’s Point Complex, the largest steel plant in the USA, is located here.

Baltimore is also known as a “city of white-marble steps”. Really many houses have steps made of white marble.


Capital is Sacramento.

California was first called “El Dorado State” because of discovery of gold.

In the1840s, a few Americans settled in what is now Northern California.

On January 24, 1848, James Marshall discovered gold not far from Sacramento. Many people moved to California in the hope of becoming rich.

In 1850 it became a state of the Union.

Los Angeles is California’s largest city, Santa Barbara and Santa Monica are its most well-known health resorts, and San Francisco is the most picturesque (красочный) city not only in California but perhaps in the whole country. Tourism in San Francisco is the largest industry. In the 1930s, the Oakland Bay and Golden Gate Bridges were built across the water. They are important symbols of the city.

San Diego- a naval port and a centre of aerospace industry.


Форма контроля: проверка выполнения перевода (устно или письменно)



№ 17.   Контрольные вопросы по теме «США» Check questions . The UNITED STATES OF AMERICA

  1. Whereare the USA situated (located)?
  2. What is the capital?
  3. What mountains are on the territory of the USA?
  4. Which is the longest river?
  5. How many states are in the US?
  6. Which is the largest state? Which is the smallest state?
  7. What states are separated (отделены) from the continental USA?
  8. Who is the head of the country?
  9. Which states have the name of rivers?
  10. Which states have Indian names?
  11. What does the Indian word texas mean?
  12. What is the biggest city in the USA?
  13. What is the national flag of the USA?
  14. Where is the Statue of Liberty situated?
  15. What is the official residence of the US President?
  16. What is the July 4?
  17. Who was the first president of the US?
  18. In which city is Hollywood?
  19. What is the national emblem of the country?
  20. What are the main parts of New York?


№ 18. Практическая работа по теме «Россия»

№ 19  Промежуточная аттестация НПО. 2 п/г (семестр)

Страноведение: Британия, C ША, Канада, Россия

Составьте сводную сравнительную таблицу:


С apital/    location / national emblem/ population/ largest cities/ political system/ rivers, lakes           city

The UK




№20. Задания для самостоятельной работы по теме «Уникальная флора и фауна Австралии»

Подготовить сообщение об одном из представителей фауны/ флоры Австралии. Можно использовать следующую информацию.


Ostrich emu: koala; tasmanian devil; bandicoot; wombat 

Наиболее известными представителями австралийской фауны являются однопроходные животные (утконосы и ехидны), разнообразные сумчатые (коалы, кенгуру, вомбаты), и такие птицы как эму, какаду и кукабарра. В Австралии обитает самое большое количество в мире ядовитых змей. Динго были завезены австронезийцами, которые торговали с австралийскими аборигенами с 3000 года до н. э. Многие растения и животные, включая гигантских сумчатых, вымерли с заселением материка аборигенами; другие (например, тасманский тигр (сумчатый волк)) вымерли с появлением европейцев].

Богаты омывающие Австралию воды и головоногими моллюсками. Среди особо известных видов — синекольчатые осьминоги (несколько видов из рода Hapalochlaena; англ. Blue-ringed octopus), причисляемые к самым ядовитым животным мира, и гигантские австралийские каракатицы, собирающиеся каждую зиму для массовых брачных игр в одной из бухт залива Спенсер.

Nature. A. has more than 500 national parks – nonurban protected wilderness areas of or natural importance. 

National parks include rainforest, vast tracks of empty outback (далекая от побережья площадь, где живет мало людей), strips of coastal dune land and long, rugged mountain ranges.

The World Heritage List includes 400 sites with 12 Australian areas: the Great Barrier Reef; Kakadu and Uluru-Kata Tjuta national parks in the Northern Territory; the Willandra Lakes region of far western New South Wales; the Lord Howe Island group off New South Wales; the Tasmanian Wilderness (Franklin-Gordon Wild Rivers and Cradle Mountain-Lake St Claire national parks); the Central Eastern Rainforest Reserves (15 n/parks and reserves covering 1000 sq km in the eastern highlands of New South Wales); the Wet Tropics of far north Queensland, in the Daintree-Cape Tributation area; Shark Bay on the Westerb Australian coast; Fraser Island off the Queensland coast; and the Fossil Mammal sites at Riversleigh (western Queensland) and Naracoorte (coastal South Australia).

State forests – another form of nature reserve. Often they are primarily recreational areas with camping grounds, walking trails and sign-posted forest drives. Some permit horses and dogs.

Tropical rainforest. Most of A.’s tropical forest is restricted to a few mountain ranges and along river cources on the north-east coast. These remnant rainforests are highly regarded for their beauty and biodiversity. The trunks of trees support lichens [laiken] лишайники, ferns and orchids, and the understorey and forest floor are a profusion (изобилие) of palms, more ferns and essencial fungi [f^ngai] (грибы, плесень) and microorganisms that decompose the roich forest litter. Pythons, bandicoots, cassowaries (бандикуты, казуары), native mice are the largest inhabitants of the forest floor, while among the tree branches clamber possums, clumsy tree kangaroos and the monkey-like cuscus.

(бандикут - это небольшой зверек массой 640 г, длина тела до 340 мм. Череп плоский, голова удлиненная и узкая. Морда сбоку опушена длинным мехом, уши длинные, как у кролика. Мех серовато-коричневый, очень мягкий. Они питаются беспозвоночными и жуками, которых выкапывают из земли. У них хорошо развито обоняние, позволяющее им чуять добычу, зарывшуюся в землю. При помощи крепких когтей и длинного узкого носа они роют длинные конические ямы в земле, и оттуда извлекают добычу: жуков или червей или корнеплоды).

Brightly coloured butterflies and birds are often seen in the sunlight.

The eucalypt tree is typically Australian but there is no typical eucalypt forest. Depending on climate and soil you may find mountain ash, alpine gum or desert gum.of the 700 species 95% occur naturally in A.

Central Desert. Small marsupials and mice are mostly nocturnal (ночной); the rare and endangered bilby (long-earedmarsupial) was once common to much of Australia but now is only found in the deserts of central A. A few of lizards, such as thorny devil, kangaroos, the males brick-red and over 2 metres tall, emus continue to search for seeds and fruit, rock-wallabies in the evening.

Australia is blessed with fascinating mix of native fauna, with ranges from the primitive to the highly evolved – some creatures are unique survivors from a previous age, while others have adapted so acutely to the natural environment that they can survive in areas which other animals would find uninhabitable.

Since the European colonization of A., 17 species of mammal have become extinct and at least 30 more are endangered. Many introduced non-native animals have been allowed to run wild, causing a great deal of damage to native species and to vegetation. Introduced animals include the fox, cat, pig, goat, camel, donkey, water buffalo, horse, starling, blackbird (скворец, черный дрозд), toad and rabbit.

The platypus, the short-beaked echidna (or spiny anteater); marsupials are mammals which raise their young inside a pouch, or marsupium. Included in this group of around 120 species, some of them are well-known – kangaroos, wallabies, koalas, wombats and possums (or phalangers, brushtail or ringtail), and less known bandicoots, quoll and now-extinct thylacine or Tasmanian tiger.

The dingo is A’s native dog.

Humpback whale (горбатый кит) – this massive mammal migrates to breed in subtropical waters in winter. Adult humpbacks may be 14-19 metres in length.

Australia’s birdlife is as beautiful as it is varied, with over 750 recorded species, many of them endemic.(т.е. регулярно встречаемые в определенной стране или районе).

The emu – bird that stands 2 metres high. Emus are found across the country, but only in areas away from human habitation. After the female lays her six to 12 large, dark green eggs the male hatches them and raises the young.

The laughing kookaburra is common throughout coastal Australia, but particularly in the east and south-west of the country. The blue-winged kookaburras are the largest members of the king-fisher family. They become quite tame.

The shy superb lyrebird  is a ground-dwelling rainforest bird found in south-eastern A. lyrebirds have a beautiful song and are also clever mimics.

Australian snakes are generally shy and avoid confrontations with humans. A few, however, are deadlythe most dangerous are the taipan and tiger snake, and death adders, copperheads, brown snakes and red-bellied black snakes should also be avoided.

There are 2 types of crocodile in Australia: the extremely dangerous saltwater crocodile (saltie) and the less aggressive freshwater crocodile, or freshie. Salties are not confined (ограничиваются) to salt water, and may even be found in permanent fresh water more than 100 km inland. Salties, which can grow to 7 metres, will attack and kill humans. Freshies are smaller, more finely constructed and have much narrower snout (рыло) and smaller teeth. They have been known to bite.

The redblack is A’s most notorious (пресловутый) spider. It is generally glossy black with a red streak down its back. Its bite can be lethal. The funnel-web is a large, aggressive ground-dwelling spider found mainly in New South Wales. Their bite can be fatal.

Flora. There are more than 700 native Australian grasses found in a variety of habitats across thecountry. Millionsofsheepandcattleowetheirsurvivaltodryshrubbyplantscalled saltbush, named for their tolerance to saline conditions. It is extremely widespread, there are 30 different species.

The most well-known of A’s 40 palm species is the cabbage palm. (near Alice Springs) the tree grows up to 30 m high and unique to this area.

The Australian species of acacia are commonly known as wattle – over 660 species exist in A. they vary from small shrubs to towering blackwoods. Most species flower during late winter and spring with yellow flowers. The largest of the acacias is the blackwood.

The mulga is the dominant species in huge areas of inland Australia. Its hard wood was preferred by Aboriginal people for making spears and other implements.

  The boab is A’s most grotesque tree and is found only from the south-western Kimberley to the Northern Territory’s Victoria River. Although boabs rarely grow higher than 20 metres, their moisture-storing trunks can be over 25 metres in girth.

The eucalypt tree is typically Australian but there is no typical eucalypt forest. Depending on climate and soil you may find mountain ash, alpine gum or desert gum. Оf the 700 species 95% occur naturally in Australia.


Форма контроля: презентация материала на уроке;проверка выполнения преподавателем.


№ 21 Задание для выполнения самостоятельной работы по теме «Страны английского языка»

Составить сообщение о любой стране английского языка. Это может быть материал, который учащийся самостоятельно нашел и представил как сообщение на русском или английском языке в письменной/ печатной форме или сообщение об изученной стране по плану:

1.Официальное название.   2. Площадь.          3. Место нахождения.     4. Столица.

5. Особенности климата.    6. Географические особенности (горы, реки, озера)

7. Политическая система.   8. Национальные символы.       и т.д. (не менее 10 фактов)


Форма контроля: презентация на уроке; предоставить на проверку преподавателю.

№ 22.          Словарный диктант по теме «Страны английского языка»

Переведите на русский язык.

Вариант                                          2 вариант           

1. location                                               1. lake

2. population                                           2. mineral resources

3. independence                                     3. Commonwealth

4. west                                                    4. capital

5. capital                                                 5. forest

6. forests                                                 6. borders

7. double-headed eagle                          7. location

8. is rich in minerals                                8. Head of State

9. head of Government                          9. official name

10. national emblem                                 10. aborigines

11. Great Britain                                       11. Is situated

12. island                                                  12. wildlife

13. currency                                              13. The North Sea

14. queen                                                  14. The United Kingdom

15. nature                                                  15. Maple leaf

16. monarchy                                            16. the bald eagle

17. rivers                                                  17. rivers

18. the Pacific Ocean                             18. mountains

19. the House of Representatives             19. largest cities

20. localdivision                                      20. country

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