Are there advantages to living in a small town rather than in a big city?

In a small town you have more contact with people - if you like that then that's an advantage. Personally I'm happy I don't have to talk to my neighbours. But having a sense of community can be very good for your health.

Do you think it is better for children to grow up in the city or in the countryside?

Probably I'd say it's better to grow up in the countryside and then live in the city, because when you're near a farm or a forest or something you learn about nature - the names of animals, trees, things like that. If you just live in the city you don't really learn where food comes from and so on.



What do you think makes a good museum?

Good question - I don't really know because I never found a museum I liked. But if there was one that wasn't boring, that'd be a good start. Maybe a good museum has more interactive things so people can understand the history better.

How do you think the teaching of history in schools could be improved?

The main problem with history lessons is that sometimes they're really boring. And ten years later you watch a movie about the thing you studied and it's actually fascinating. How do they take something interesting and make it so tedious? So the teachers have to show students why this thing is worth studying.

Do you agree that learning about our past is important for our future?

Of course, yes, because if we know what happened in the 1930s we can try to stop it happening again now. I mean, nobody today would vote for a right-wing extremist who wants to kick out all the foreign people and who is full of hate. Right? Oh.

What was the most important moment in the history of the twentieth century?

Definitely the start of the First World War, because that led to the Second World War and all the political and social changes. If the first war hadn't happened, I think everything would have gone differently.

What has been the most important moment in your life so far?

I think the most important day of my life was when I found a website called FCE Exam Tips. I was studying for the First exam but wasn't confident, and after reading the website I felt like a king. Invincible. It made me happy to learn English, and that meant I got a good job and I fell in love with a man from England and now I live in a castle and ride ponies every day.

What items from our lives today will be in the history museums of the future?

Mobile phones, smartphones. Maybe an iPhone because that's the most iconic phone. I think those will be interesting for people in the future because they will think 'what is this thing?' and in the museum there will be a note that says 'this is how people used to communicate' and it won't make any sense. They'll probably laugh at us.




If you could change one thing about your life, what would you change?

Probably my body clock. I really envy those people who get up early and they've gone jogging and cleared their inbox before I've even got out of bed! I'm a night owl, which is okay, but sometimes I think I'd get more done if was more like the Swiss.

Many people say life's too busy these days. Why do you think they say this?

They are right, but it's our choice to live that like. You don't have to be on Facebook and Whatsapp, and you don't have to work five days a week and have four hobbies. Life is busy because we make it busy, but it's possible to have a lot of things going on while being in control of your time.

Many people want to become famous nowadays. Why do you think this is?

Those famous people, we only see the good parts of their life. The movie premieres, their perfect wedding, all that stuff. Of course people want to have the same life - the reality is that those famous people are no happier than any of us. It's all a fantasy.


Is it important to enjoy a job or do you think it's enough to be paid well?

A wise man said that if you enjoy your job you'll never work a day in your life. That's because if you like your job it doesn't feel like work. It's almost like doing your hobby. I know some people like that and they are happy. I also know some people who have a lot of money but hate their job. They are always depressed. For me, it's clear.

Дата добавления: 2019-11-16; просмотров: 137; Мы поможем в написании вашей работы!

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