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Professionally – oriented foreign language


Card № 1

1.Reading comprehension “Epidemic hepatitis”

2.Give the definitions to the medical terms: leucocytosis, erythrocyte, blood.

3.Speak on the topic “ Heart and Circulation”


1) Epidemic hepatitis

Botkin’s disease, or the so-called epidemic or infectious hepatitis, is an acute viral disease affecting hepatic cells and bile ducts.

The prominent German scientist Virchow believing it to be due to obstruction of the common bile duct with mucus during inflammatory processes in the duodenum, the disease was called catarrhal jaundice.

But in 1880 the prominent Russian scientist S. Botkin having advanced the idea of an infectious origin of this disease, proved his suggestions by such facts as the involvement in this pathologic process not only of the liver but also of the nervous system, the kidneys, the enlargement of the spleen, etc.

But it was not before 1940 that the term “Botkin’s disease” was introduced into medicine due to the efforts of the well – known Soviet physician M. Konchalovsky.

Botkin’s disease occurs in epidemic form. This disease more commonly affects children, adults as well as elderly persons suffering from it frequently too.

Botkin’s disease is known to be due a filterable virus resent in the blood, liver and found in stool and urine. The virus is infective only for man. As this virus cannot be seen under a usual microscope, it is revealed only by an electronic one. Being highly virulent the virus survives in water, food, and on hands for days and weeks.

2)leukocytosis – this is white cells (the leukocyte) above the normal range in the blood.

 erythrocyte – (red blood cells) type of blood cell principal means of bringing oxygen to the body tissues.

blood - fluid mobile connective tissue of the internal environment of the body


3) Heart and Circulation


The cardiovascular system is the system of blood circulation. By the cardiovascular system we mean the heart, the arteries, the veins and the capillaries of the human body.


The centre of the circulatory system is the heart. The human heart is a cone-shaped organ, about 5 inches1 long and 3 1/2 inches broad. It weighs about 10 ounces2 in the adult male, 6 ounces in the female. It lies in the thoracic cavity, just behind the breastbone and between the lungs. The heart is a hollow muscle which has four chambers. The right heart consists of an upper chamber, the atrium or the auricle and a lower chamber, the ventricle. Between these two chambers is a one-way valve, the tricuspid valve. The left heart has two chambers, but the valve that separates its chambers we call the mitral valve. Although the heart is a unit, anatomically and functionally, we may think of it as of two pumps - the «right heart» and the «left heart». The right heart receives blood from the veins and pumps it into the lungs by way of the lesser circulatory system. In the lungs the blood receives oxygen. Then it moves into the left heart. From the left heart the well-oxygenated blood moves into a large artery, the aorta. The blood returns to the heart by means of the veins. The walls of the capillaries are so thin that the dissolved nourishment that has come from the digestive system and the oxygen that has come from the lungs can pass through them into the tissues of the body and so nourish it. The capillaries form a close network all over the body. They gradually join together and get larger, and become veins.








Professionally – oriented foreign language


Card № 2

1.Reading comprehension “Influenza”

2.Give the definitions to the medical terms: coronary arteries, blood circulation, murmur heard.

3.Speak on the topic “Coronary heart disease ”



Influenza, commonly known as the flu, is an infectious disease caused by an influenza virus. Symptoms can be mild to severe. The most common symptomsinclude: high fever, runny nose, sore throat, muscle pains, headache, coughing, sneezing, and feeling tired. These symptoms typically begin two days after exposure to the virus and most last less than a week. The cough, however, may last for more than two weeks.[1] In children, there may be diarrhea and vomiting, but these are not common in adults. Diarrhea and vomiting occur more commonly in gastroenteritis, which is an unrelated disease and sometimes inaccurately referred to as "stomach flu" or the "24-hour flu". Complications of influenza may include viral pneumonia, secondary bacterial pneumonia, sinus infections, and worsening of previous health problems such as asthma or heart failure.

Three of the four types of influenza viruses affect people, Type A, Type B, and Type C. Type D has not been known to infect people, but is believed to have the potential to do so. Usually, the virus is spread through the air from coughs or sneezes. This is believed to occur mostly over relatively short distances. It can also be spread by touching surfaces contaminated by the virus and then touching the mouth or eyes. A person may be infectious to others both before and during the time they are showing symptoms. The infection may be confirmed by testing the throat, sputum, or nose for the virus. A number of rapid tests are available; however, people may still have the infection even if the results are negative. A type of polymerase chain reaction that detects the virus's RNA is more accurate.

2) c oronary arteries - cardiovascular circulation, which transports blood to the cardiac muscle.

 blood circulation - is an organ system that permits blood to circulate and transport nutrients, oxygen, carbon dioxide, hormones, and blood cells to and from the cells in the body.

murmur heart - are heart sounds produced when blood flows across one of the heart valves.

3) Coronary heart disease

Coronary heart disease refers to a narrowing of the coronary arteries, the blood vessels that supply oxygen and blood to the heart. It is also known as coronary artery disease. It is a major cause of illness and death.

Coronary heart disease (CHD) normally happens when cholesterol accumulates on the artery walls, creating plaques. The arteries narrow, reducing blood flow to the heart. Sometimes, a clot can obstruct the flow of blood to the heart muscle.

CHD commonly causes angina pectoris (chest pain), shortness of breath, myocardial infarction, or heart attack. It is the most common type of heart disease in the United States, where it accounts for 370,000 deaths every year.









Professionally – oriented foreign language


Card № 3

1.Reading comprehension “Gastric carcinomas”

2.Give the definitions to the medical terms: purulent sputum, breathing, cyanosis.

3.Speak on the topic “ Lobular pneumonia”


1) Gastric carcinoms

Gastric carcinoma is a frequent from of cancer causing about 35-40% of all deaths from malignant tumours.

This disease is more common in men than in women. The highest incidence is noted at ages of 50 to 60. Gastric carcinoma is known to have a more malignant course in young persons than in old age. The duration of gastric cancer from the appearance of its manifestations to death is not longer than 1-2 years.

The aetiology of cancer is unknown. But such pathologic conditions as benign tumours, ulcer of the stomach, gastritis and stomach polyps have been determined to contribute considerably to its development.

According to certain data the use of too hot or cold, smoking and alcohol are considered to be responsible for the development of stomach carcinoma.

In the past few years a virus theory of cancer has been suggested. Though this theory is supported by many it has not yet been proved. For a long time many scientists have been discussing the importance of hereditary factors in the development of cancer. The hereditary theory has yet been confirmed either.

2) purulent sputum - when pus is secreted with sputum.

 breathing - is the process of moving air into and out of the lungs, gas exchange with the internal environment, mostly by bringing in oxygen and flushing out carbon dioxide.

с yanosis - is the bluish of the skin or mucous membranes due to the tissues surface having low oxygen saturation.

3) Lobular pneumonia

Lobular pneumonia is the disease when there are foci of inflammation of different size, irregular form in the pulmonary tissue. The disease is developing gradually.

The patient may have fever and the temperature changes. There is breathlessness and cyanosis of the face associated with the accompanying bronchitis. The decrease in the respiratory surface and occlusion of numerous bronchioles and alveoli are observed.

The patient complains of the pain in the chest on deep breathing in. He also has cough with purulent sputum. The pulse rate is accelerated. The arterial pressure is reduced. On physical examination dullness and shadowing in the lungs, abnormal respiration, numerous rales and crepitation are revealed. The liver and spleen are not enlarged.

To make a correct diagnosis the doctor must administer his patient to have the blood, urine analysis and the X-ray examination.







Professionally – oriented foreign language


Card № 4

1.Reading comprehension “ Gastric ulcers”

2.Give the definitions to the medical terms: breathlessness, symptoms, bening. 

3.Speak on the topic “Pulmonary tuberculosis”


1) Gastric ulcers

The Soviet scientists N. Burdenko, L. Koreisha, A. Speransky and B. Mogilnitsky proved the existence of an association between a lesion of the central and peripheral nervous systems and the development of ulcer.

The neurogenous theory of the pathogenesis of ulcer was developed further into the corticovisceral theory by K. Bykov and I. Kurstin. According to this theory gastric and duodenal ulcer were found to result from disturbances in the central nervous system, i. e. the brain cortex.

The brain cortex under the influence of external and internal stimuli sends impulses to the stomach and the duodenum, which cause a spastic contraction of vessels. Such a spastic contraction result in local trophic disturbance followed by erosion of the affected area by the gastric juice.

In the majority of cases ulcer is observed to develop in particularly nervous persons, often after emotional overstrain. But an irregular diet in combination with an emotional overstrain is often observed to contribute to the onset of under development.

Gastric and duodenal ulcers are found to develop more frequently in men than in women, mainly at page of 25 to 40 years. This disease is characterized by pains, haemorrhages, nausea, vomiting, etc. At the onset of the disease pain is usually dull in character. In gastric ulcer pain is found to grow worse after meals. Acute pain in the stomach is known to be characteristic of perforated ulcer. Pain due to ulcer is well known to occur periodically and be intermittent in occurrence.

The course of ulcer has proved to vary with age and sex, location of ulcer, etc. At a young age its course has no characteristics clinical manifestations. In old persons the incidence of ulcer is known to be rare. But they are often complicated by considerable haemorrhage resulting from sclerotic changes in the stomach.

2) breathlessness - (dyspnea) is the feeling that one cannot breathe well enough.

symptoms - a departure from normal function or feeling.

benign – life not threatening disease.


3) Pulmonary tuberculosis-Clinical Picture Pulmonary tuberculosis is caused by mycobacterium tuberculosis, which produces characteristic tuberculosis changes in the lung. This disease may also affect other organs: bones, joints, lymphatic glands, kidneys, etc. The causative agent of tuberculosis was discovered by Koch in 1882.

In the early stage of tuberculosis the patient usually complains of a general malaise, fatigue, loss of appetite and bodyweight. Cough may be dry or productive, i. e. with sputum discharge. Coughing becomes worse at night and in the morning. In patients with cavities in the lungs coughing is accompanied by a considerable discharge of sputum.

Sputum is mucopurulent. Its microscopic examination reveals a large number of pus corpuscles, erythrocytes, and tuberculosis organisms. Blood in the sputum is sometimes the first sign of tuberculosis. If large blood vessels are involved the discharge of blood may become profuse.

Fever is one of the permanent symptoms of pulmonary tuberculosis. In benign processes the body temperature is often subfebrile. In active forms it may range from 38° to 39°C. A considerable elevation of temperature is observed in pneumonic forms, when fever persists at a level of 38°C and higher for several months.








Professionally – oriented foreign language


Card № 5

1.Reading comprehension “Treatment of lobular pneumonia”

2.Give the definitions to the medical terms: congenital, preventive measures, metabolic disturbances .

3.Speak on the topic “ Atherosclerosis and its treatment”


1) Treatment of lobular pneumonia

Patient Smirnov aged 48 was admitted to the hospital with the diagnosis of lobular pneumonia. E had been developing-lobulargradually.

A week before the admission to the hospital he had bronchitis after which his condition did not improve.

Fever had an irregular course and the temperature changes were caused by the appearance of the new foci of inflammation inthe pulmonary tissue.

Fever had been persisting for two weeks and had been decreasing gradually.

The patient’s breathing was rapid with 30-40 respirations per minute.

There was breathlessness and cyanosis of the faceassociated with the accompanying bronchitis, decrease in the respiratory surface and occlusion of numerous bronchioles andalveoli.

The patient complained of the pain in the chest particularly on deep breathing in and cough with purulent sputum.

The pulserate was accelerated and the arterial pressure was reduced.

On physical examination dullness in the left lung, abnormal respiration, numerous rales and crepitation were revealed.

Dry ralescaused by diffuse bronchitis were heard all over the lungs.

The liver and spleen were not enlarged.

The examination of theorgans of the alimentary tract failed to reveal any abnormal sings but the tongue was coated.

The blood analysis revealed leucocytosis in the range of 12,000 to 15,000 per cu mm of blood and an accelerated erythrocytesedimentation rate (ESR).

2) congenital - what a person is born with, inherited.

preventive measures - These are measures that are used to prevent possible diseases.

metabolic disturbances - a condition in which normal metabolic processes are disturbed.


3) Atherosclerosis and Its Treatment

Atherosclerosis is one of the diseases of the cardiovascular system which is due to many causes. There is a number of factors which may determine its development.

Atherosclerosis of the blood vessels results from metabolic disturbances and particularly from disturbances ofcholesterol exchange. These disturbances begin long before there is any external evidence of the disease. Therefore the doctor must prevent its appearance beginning preventive measures and treatment as early as possible.

Prevention and treatment of atherosclerosis consist mainly of a certain regimen for the patient, which he must strictly follow. The patient must get up, eat, work, and go to bed at exactly the same time every day.

Sound sleep is very important since it enables the nerve cells to rest. The patient with the signs of atherosclerosis must sleep not less than 7-8hours and walk before going to bed. Mental and physical overstrain must be excluded.

The incidence of atherosclerosis is high in professional groups with insufficient physical activities. So physical exercises must be part of the prescribed regimen for such persons.

Smoking affects unfavourably the walls of the blood vessels and can result in their spasm, that is why patients suffering from atherosclerosis must not smoke.

The diet ofthe patients with atherosclerosis must contain sufficient amount of proteins, but fats and carbohydrates must be taken in very limited doses.

Vitamins are widely used in the treatment of atherosclerosis because some of them improve the metabolic processes and others dilate the vessels, particularly the peripheral ones.

Other drugs administered in treating atherosclerosis are the so-calledlipotropic substances, which prevent fat from accumulating in the organism.

Since the nervous system affects the metabolic processes in the human body the patients with atherosclerosis are prescribed such drugs as bromide and valerian to improve its general condition







Professionally – oriented foreign language


Card № 6

1.Reading comprehension “Urinary symptoms and urinalysis”

2.Give the definitions to the medical terms: Chronic disease, Characteristic of disease, perforating ulcer.

3.Speak on the topic “Gastric ulcers ”


1) Urinary symptoms and urinalysis

If you suspect that you have a UTI based on your symptoms, contact your doctor. Your doctor will review your symptoms and perform a physical examination. To confirm a diagnosis of a UTI, your doctor will need to test your urine for microbes.

The urine sample that you give your doctor needs to be a “clean catch” sample. This means the urine sample is collected at the middle of your urinary stream, rather than at the beginning. This helps to avoid collecting the bacteria or yeast from your skin, which can contaminate the sample. Your doctor will explain to you how to get a clean catch.

When testing the sample, your doctor will look for a large number of white blood cells in your urine. This can indicate an infection. Your doctor will also do a urine culture to test for bacteria or fungi. The culture can help identify the cause of the infection. It can also help your doctor choose which treatment is right for you.

If a virus is suspected, special testing may need to be performed. Viruses are rare causes of UTIs but can be seen in people who have had organ transplants or who have other conditions that weaken their immune system.

2) 1. А с hronic condition is a human health condition or disease that is persistent or otherwise long-lasting in its effects or a disease that comes with time.

2. All diseases have a set of characteristic features enabling them to be better understood, categorised and diagnosed. The characteristics of any disease are :

• aetiology (or cause)

• pathogenesis (or mechanism)

• morphological, functional and clinical changes (or manifestations)

• complications and sequelae (or secondary effects)

• prognosis (or outcome)

• epidemiology (or incidence).

3. A perforated ulcer is a condition in which an untreated ulcer can burn through the wall of the stomach , allowing digestive juices and food to leak into the abdominal cavity.


3) Gastric ulcers

The Soviet scientists N. Burdenko, L. Koreisha, A. Speransky and B. Mogilnitsky proved the existence of an association between a lesion of the central and peripheral nervous systems and the development of ulcer.

The neurogenous theory of the pathogenesis of ulcer was developed further into the corticovisceral theory by K. Bykov and I. Kurstin. According to this theory gastric and duodenal ulcer were found to result from disturbances in the central nervous system, i. e. the brain cortex.

The brain cortex under the influence of external and internal stimuli sends impulses to the stomach and the duodenum, which cause a spastic contraction of vessels. Such a spastic contraction result in local trophic disturbance followed by erosion of the affected area by the gastric juice.

In the majority of cases ulcer is observed to develop in particularly nervous persons, often after emotional overstrain. But an irregular diet in combination with an emotional overstrain is often observed to contribute to the onset of under development.

Gastric and duodenal ulcers are found to develop more frequently in men than in women, mainly at page of 25 to 40 years. This disease is characterized by pains, haemorrhages, nausea, vomiting, etc. At the onset of the disease pain is usually dull in character. In gastric ulcer pain is found to grow worse after meals. Acute pain in the stomach is known to be characteristic of perforated ulcer. Pain due to ulcer is well known to occur periodically and be intermittent in occurrence.

The course of ulcer has proved to vary with age and sex, location of ulcer, etc. At a young age its course has no characteristics clinical manifestations. In old persons the incidence of ulcer is known to be rare. But they are often complicated by considerable haemorrhage resulting from sclerotic changes in the stomach.







Professionally – oriented foreign language


Card № 7

1.Reading comprehension “Diseases of digestive tract”

2.Give the definitions to the medical terms: carcinoma, malignant tumour,  aetiology.  

3.Speak on the topic “ Cancer of the stomach”


1) Diseases of digestive tract

Diarrhea is a symptom defined as passing frequent loose, watery stools. It is associated with the loss of water and electrolytes (e.g., potassium, sodium, magnesium) from your body. People with diarrhea often have increased number of bowel movements. Diarrhea is defined as passing more than 3 loose or watery stools per day.

Acute diarrhea lasts less than 14 days. Most people experience acute diarrhea at one time or another. Persistent diarrhea lasts more than 14 days but less than a month. Chronic diarrhea lasts longer than a month. Both persistent and chronic diarrhea can be a sign of more serious problems, such as medical conditions.

Diarrhea occurs when the contents in your digestive system move so quickly through the digestive system that the intestines don't have enough time to absorb the fluids, or when the digestive system produces extra fluid. The result is stools that contain excess fluids, making them loose and watery.

2) Carcinoma is a type of malignant tumor (cancer) that develops from the cells of the epithelial tissue of various organs (skin, mucous membranes and many internal organs).

A malignant tumor is made of cancer cells and invades surrounding tissues. Malignant tumors grow fast and attack nearby tissues These tumors use

circulatory system and lymphatic system to grow on other areas and tissues.

The aetiology of a disease is its cause: the initiator of the subsequent events resulting in the patient’s illness. Diseases are caused by a variable interaction between host and environmental factors.


3)    Cancer of the stomach


 Gastric carcinoma is a frequent from of cancer causing about 35-40% of all deaths from malignant tumours.

This disease is more common in men than in women. The highest incidence is noted at ages of 50 to 60. Gastric carcinoma is known to have a more malignant course in young persons than in old age. The duration of gastric cancer from the appearance of its manifestations to death is not longer than 1-2 years.

The aetiology of cancer is unknown. But such pathologic conditions as benign tumours, ulcer of the stomach, gastritis and stomach polyps have been determined to contribute considerably to its development.

According to certain data the use of too hot or cold, smoking and alcohol are considered to be responsible for the development of stomach carcinoma.

In the past few years a virus theory of cancer has been suggested. Though this theory is supported by many it has not yet been proved. For a long time many scientists have been discussing the importance of hereditary factors in the development of cancer. The hereditary theory has yet been confirmed either.







Professionally – oriented foreign language


Card № 8

1.Reading comprehension “Various types of sclerosis”

2.Give the definitions to the medical terms: bile, pathologic process, viruse.

3.Speak on the topic “Botkin`s deasise ”

1) Various types of sclerosis

Arteriosclerosis occurs when the blood vessels that carry oxygen and nutrients from your heart to the rest of your body (arteries) become thick and stiff — sometimes restricting blood flow to your organs and tissues. Healthy arteries are flexible and elastic, but over time, the walls in your arteries can harden, a condition commonly called hardening of the arteries.

Atherosclerosis is a specific type of arteriosclerosis, but the terms are sometimes used interchangeably. Atherosclerosis refers to the buildup of fats, cholesterol and other substances in and on your artery walls (plaque), which can restrict blood flow.The plaque can burst, triggering a blood clot. Although atherosclerosis is often considered a heart problem, it can affect arteries anywhere in your body. Atherosclerosis may be preventable and is treatable.


Atherosclerosis develops gradually. Mild atherosclerosis usually doesn't have any symptoms.

You usually won't have atherosclerosis symptoms until an artery is so narrowed or clogged that it can't supply adequate blood to your organs and tissues. Sometimes a blood clot completely blocks blood flow, or even breaks apart and can trigger a heart attack or stroke.

Symptoms of moderate to severe atherosclerosis depend on which arteries are affected. For example:

· If you have atherosclerosis in your heart arteries, you may have symptoms, such as chest pain or pressure (angina).

· If you have atherosclerosis in the arteries leading to your brain, you may have signs and symptoms such as sudden numbness or weakness in your arms or legs, difficulty speaking or slurred speech, temporary loss of vision in one eye, or drooping muscles in your face.

2) Bile or gall is a dark green to yellowish brown fluid, produced by the liver of most vertebrates, that aids the digestion of lipids in the small intestine.

The pathological process is a combination of local and general reactions that occur in the body in response to the damaging effect of the disease agent.

 A virus is a small infectious agent that replicates only inside the living cells of other organisms.


3) Botkin’s disease, or the so-called epidemic or infectious hepatitis, is an acute viral disease affecting hepatic cells and bile ducts.

The prominent German scientist Virchow believing it to be due to obstruction of the common bile duct with mucus during inflammatory processes in the duodenum, the disease was called catarrhal jaundice.

But in 1880 the prominent Russian scientist S. Botkin having advanced the idea of an infectious origin of this disease, proved his suggestions by such facts as the involvement in this pathologic process not only of the liver but also of the nervous system, the kidneys, the enlargement of the spleen, etc.

But it was not before 1940 that the term “Botkin’s disease” was introduced into medicine due to the efforts of the well – known Soviet physician M. Konchalovsky.

Botkin’s disease occurs in epidemic form. This disease more commonly affects children, adults as well as elderly persons suffering from it frequently too.

Botkin’s disease is known to be due a filterable virus resent in the blood, liver and found in stool and urine. The virus is infective only for man. As this virus cannot be seen under a usual microscope, it is revealed only by an electronic one. Being highly virulent the virus survives in water, food, and on hands for days and weeks.







Professionally – oriented foreign language


Card № 9

1.Reading comprehension “Tuberculosis”

2.Give the definitions to the medical terms: Antiseptic, vaccination, abscess.

3.Speak on the topic “Infection diseases”


1) Tuberculosis

Pulmonary tuberculosis-Clinical Picture Pulmonary tuberculosis is caused by mycobacterium tuberculosis, which produces characteristic tuberculosis changes in the lung. This disease may also affect other organs: bones, joints, lymphatic glands, kidneys, etc. The causative agent of tuberculosis was discovered by Koch in 1882.

In the early stage of tuberculosis the patient usually complains of a general malaise, fatigue, loss of appetite and bodyweight. Cough may be dry or productive, i. e. with sputum discharge. Coughing becomes worse at night and in the morning. In patients with cavities in the lungs coughing is accompanied by a considerable discharge of sputum.

Sputum is mucopurulent. Its microscopic examination reveals a large number of pus corpuscles, erythrocytes, and tuberculosis organisms. Blood in the sputum is sometimes the first sign of tuberculosis. If large blood vessels are involved the discharge of blood may become profuse.

Fever is one of the permanent symptoms of pulmonary tuberculosis. In benign processes the body temperature is often subfebrile. In active forms it may range from 38° to 39°C. A considerable elevation of temperature is observed in pneumonic forms, when fever persists at a level of 38°C and higher for several months.

2) Antiseptics are antimicrobial substances that are applied to living tissue/skin to reduce the possibility of infection, sepsis, or putrefaction.

 Vaccination is the administration of antigenic material (a vaccine) to stimulate an individual's immune system to develop adaptive immunity to a pathogen.

 An abscess is a collection of pus that has built up within the tissue of the body.


3) Infectious diseases are disorders caused by organisms — such as bacteria, viruses, fungi or parasites. Many organisms live in and on our bodies. They're normally harmless or even helpful, but under certain conditions, some organisms may cause disease.

Some infectious diseases can be passed from person to person. Some are transmitted by bites from insects or animals. And others are acquired by ingesting contaminated food or water or being exposed to organisms in the environment.

Signs and symptoms vary depending on the organism causing the infection, but often include fever and fatigue. Mild infections may respond to rest and home remedies, while some life-threatening infections may require hospitalization.

Many infectious diseases, such as measles and chickenpox, can be prevented by vaccines. Frequent and thorough hand-washing also helps protect you from most infectious diseases.


Each infectious disease has its own specific signs and symptoms. General signs and symptoms common to a number of infectious diseases include:

· Fever

· Diarrhea

· Fatigue

· Muscle aches

· Coughing







Professionally – oriented foreign language


Card № 10

1.Reading comprehension “Source and spread of infection”

2.Give the definitions to the medical terms: fever, bronchial tubes, lung cancer.

3.Speak on the topic “Chronic bronchitis ”


1) Source and spread of infection

Respiratory tract infection (RTI) refers to any of a number of infectious diseases involving the respiratory tract. An infection of this type is normally further classified as an upper respiratory tract infection (URI or URTI) or a lower respiratory tract infection (LRI or LRTI). Lower respiratory infections, such as pneumonia, tend to be far more serious conditions than upper respiratory infections, such as the common cold.

Upper respiratory tract infection.

Although some disagreement exists on the exact boundary between the upper and lower respiratory tracts, the upper respiratory tract is generally considered to be the airway above the glottis or vocal cords. This includes the nose, sinuses, pharynx, and larynx.

Typical infections of the upper respiratory tract include tonsillitis, pharyngitis, laryngitis, sinusitis, otitis media, certain types of influenza, and the common cold.[1]Symptoms of URIs can include cough, sore throat, runny nose, nasal congestion, headache, low grade fever, facial pressure and sneezing.

A 2014 systematic review of clinical trials does not support using routine rapid viral testing to decrease antibiotic use for children in emergency departments. It is unclear if rapid viral testing in the emergency department for children with acute febrile respiratory infections reduces the rates of antibiotic use, blood testing, or urine testing. The relative risk reduction of chest x-ray utilization in children screened with rapid viral testing is 77% compared with controls. In 2013 researchers developed a breath tester that can promptly diagnose lung infections.


2) Fever, also known as pyrexia and febrile response, is defined as having a temperature above the normal range due to an increase in the body's temperature set point.

 A bronchus is a passage of airway in the respiratory system that conducts air into the lungs. The first bronchi to branch from the trachea are the right main bronchus and the left main bronchus.

 Lung cancer, also known as lung carcinoma, is a malignant lung tumor characterized by uncontrolled cell growth in tissues of the lung.


3) Chronic bronchitis

Bronchitis is an inflammation of the bronchial tubes, the airways that carry air to your lungs. It causes a cough that often brings up mucus. It can also cause shortness of breath, wheezing, a low fever, and chest tightness. There are two main types of bronchitis: acute and chronic.



Chronic bronchitis is one type of COPD (chronic obstructive pulmonary disease). The inflamed bronchial tubes produce a lot of mucus. This leads to coughing and difficulty breathing. Cigarette smoking is the most common cause. Breathing in air pollution, fumes, or dust over a long period of time may also cause it.

To diagnose chronic bronchitis, your doctor will look at your signs and symptoms and listen to your breathing. You may also have other tests.

Chronic bronchitis is a long-term condition that keeps coming back or never goes away completely. If you smoke, it is important to quit. Treatment can help with your symptoms. It often includes medicines to open your airways and help clear away mucus. You may also need oxygen therapy. Pulmonary rehabilitation may help you manage better in daily life.


Bronchitis may be mild or severe. It simply means that the cold has spread to the air passages.There may or may not be fever, but the cough may be severe and it may interfere with feeds and sleep. If there is fever and the person coughs frequently you must consult a doctor. Even without fever, if the cough persists a doctor should be consulted. Aspirin may be given to bring down the fever.








Professionally – oriented foreign language


Card № 11

1.Reading comprehension “Chronic infectious diseases”

2.Give the definitions to the medical terms: kidneys, urinary bladder, UTI.

3.Speak on the topic “ Urinary system.”


1) Chronic infectious diseases

Bronchitis is an inflammation of the bronchial tubes, the airways that carry air to your lungs. It causes a cough that often brings up mucus. It can also cause shortness of breath, wheezing, a low fever, and chest tightness. There are two main types of bronchitis: acute and chronic.



Chronic bronchitis is one type of COPD (chronic obstructive pulmonary disease). The inflamed bronchial tubes produce a lot of mucus. This leads to coughing and difficulty breathing. Cigarette smoking is the most common cause. Breathing in air pollution, fumes, or dust over a long period of time may also cause it.

To diagnose chronic bronchitis, your doctor will look at your signs and symptoms and listen to your breathing. You may also have other tests.

Chronic bronchitis is a long-term condition that keeps coming back or never goes away completely. If you smoke, it is important to quit. Treatment can help with your symptoms. It often includes medicines to open your airways and help clear away mucus. You may also need oxygen therapy. Pulmonary rehabilitation may help you manage better in daily life.


Bronchitis may be mild or severe. It simply means that the cold has spread to the air passages.There may or may not be fever, but the cough may be severe and it may interfere with feeds and sleep. If there is fever and the person coughs frequently you must consult a doctor. Even without fever, if the cough persists a doctor should be consulted. Aspirin may be given to bring down the fever.


2) kidney- one of a pair of organs located in the right and left side of the abdomen. The kidneys remove waste products from the blood and produce urine


The urinary bladder is a hollow muscular organ in humans and some other animals that collects and stores urine from the kidneys before disposal by urination.


A urinary tract infection (UTI) is an infection in any part of your urinary system — your kidneys, ureters, bladder and urethra. Most infections involve the lower urinary tract — the bladder and the urethra


3) The urinary system consists of two kidneys, two ureters, the urinary bladder, and a urethra.

Thissystem forms and eliminates urine, which contains metabolic waste products.

The kidneys, theorgans of excretion, also regulate the composition, volume, and acid–base balance (pH) of bodyfluids.

Thus they are of critical importance in maintaining the state of internal balance known ashomeostasis.

In addition, they produce two substances that act on the circulatory system.

Erythropoietin (EPO) is a hormone that stimulates the production of red blood cells in the bonemarrow.

Renin is an enzyme that functions to raise blood pressure.

It does so by activating ablood component called angiotensin, which causes constriction of the blood vessels.

The drugsknown as ACE inhibitors (angiotensin-converting enzyme inhibitors) lower blood pressure byinterfering with the production of angiotensin.







Professionally – oriented foreign language


Card № 12

1.Reading comprehension “Gynecology”

2.Give the definitions to the medical terms: acute disease, hypodynamia, pancreatitis.

3.Speak on the topic “ Diarrhea”


1) Ginaecology


Expecting a baby can be both exciting and a nervous time. For first time parents you are deciding on a hospital for delivery, doctors for child care, deciding on birth classes, curious about what you are having, and preparation for home just to name a few. For second, third, or even forth time parent's things may be a bit easier and relaxed. We will be taking a look more at the experience or events of first time parents.
Having a doctor you feel comfortable with and like will help make the pregnancy process a bit easier.

The mother as well as the baby will be going through changes and having someone to answer all your questions will be helpful. You will need to go in for exams, have ultrasounds and continue to check the overall health of mom and the baby.Here are some questions you may be asked if you are pregnant.

If you feel comfortable answering you can, but pregnancy is personal so it is ok to not answer questions especially asked by strangers.

Pregnancy and birth are as ordinary and extraordinary as breathing, thinking or loving. And both call on an individual’s creativity, flexibility, endurance and humor.


Pregnant women face many choices that will affect the pregnancy, birth experience and life as a new mother. Learning as much as you can about the developing pregnancy and various childbirth practices will help as you consider such questions as: What kind of care do you want to receive during pregnancy? Where do you wish to give birth? Who would you like to be with you when you are in labor?


2) acute disease -A disease or disorder that lasts a short time, comes on rapidly, and is accompanied by distinct symptoms.


Hypodynamia- marked by or exhibiting a decrease in strength or power.


Pancreatitis is a condition characterized by inflammation of the pancreas



3) Diarrhea is a symptom defined as passing frequent loose, watery stools. It is associated with the loss of water and electrolytes (e.g., potassium, sodium, magnesium) from your body. People with diarrhea often have increased number of bowel movements. Diarrhea is defined as passing more than 3 loose or watery stools per day.

Acute diarrhea lasts less than 14 days. Most people experience acute diarrhea at one time or another. Persistent diarrhea lasts more than 14 days but less than a month. Chronic diarrhea lasts longer than a month. Both persistent and chronic diarrhea can be a sign of more serious problems, such as medical conditions.

Diarrhea occurs when the contents in your digestive system move so quickly through the digestive system that the intestines don't have enough time to absorb the fluids, or when the digestive system produces extra fluid. The result is stools that contain excess fluids, making them loose and watery.







Professionally – oriented foreign language


Card № 13

1.Reading comprehension “Some type of skin lesion”

2.Give the definitions to the medical terms: nephros, polyneuritis, cystitis. 

3.Speak on the topic “ Kidney disease”


1) Some type of skin lesion

•   Skin type, degree of skin elasticity, individual healing, bone structure, general health, dental health, previous surgery to the area, and many other factors will determine to some extent the quality of the result you can expect.

•   However, the result also depends on the individual skin type: for treating white skin with low pigment content, it is possible to use without risk more intensive laser pulses.

•   Correction of physiological and morphological alterations in epidermis and derma is very individual since it depends on the skin type and condition as well as on patient's age and life style.

•   The darker is the skin (dark skin type or sun tanning/solarium radiation) by the moment of treatment, the higher is the risk of pigmentation disorder.

•   Human skin was acutely affected by ultraviolet radiation through erythema (sunburn) and chronically through several types of skin cancer.


The sun's rays make us feel good, and in the short term, make us look good. But our love affair isn't a two-way street. Exposure to sun causes most of the wrinkles and age spots on our faces. Consider this: One woman at age 40 who has protected her skin from the sun actually has the skin of a 30-year-old!

We often associate a glowing complexion with good health, but skin color obtained from being in the sun – or in a tanning booth – actually accelerates the effects of aging and increases your risk for developing skin cancer.


2)? nephros- A kidney-like organ.


Polyneuritis- neuritis of several peripheral nerves at the same time (such as caused by vitamin B deficiency, toxic substance, or an infectious disease)


Cystitis  is an inflammation of the bladder. Most of the time, the inflammation is caused by a bacterial infection, and it's called a urinary tract infection (UTI)



3) Kidney Diseases


There are three structures of the kidney which are susceptible to disease: the glomeruli, the tubules and the blood vessels. However, it is


rare that only one of these structures is affected; what happens to one frequently affects the others as well.


The disease in which the glomeruli are particularly involved is called glomerulonephritis. It may be acute or chronic, the first frequently leading to the second. It is often a sequel to such a childhood infectious disease as scarlet fever. In glomerulo-nephritis, the glomeruli become clogged with exudate and cell debris so that the blood no longer flows through them. Here a clearance test is useful; it will show that much smaller quantities of filtrate are being formed than normally. The glomeruli being still open become permeable to protein and albuminuria becomes very marked. This leads to edema.


Diseases involving the tubules are called nephroses. They are usually caused by poisons of various kinds, such as mercury, bismuth, uranium, or carbolic acid. Some degree of tubular degeneration occurs, however, in such diseases as diabetes, malaria and pernicious anaemia, and also in traumatic shock. Finally, athero-sclerosis of the kidney may occur, reducing the total blood flow through the kidney's blood vessels.








Professionally – oriented foreign language


Card № 14

1.Reading comprehension “Blood cells”

2.Give the definitions to the medical terms: premature, preterm, placenta.

3.Speak on the topic “Pregnancy and childbirth ”


1) Blood cells

The heart is an inner hollow muscular organ placed within the chest and included in the pericardium. The base of the heart is against the third rib. Its apex is against the interspace between the fifth and sixth costal cartilages. The weight of the heart is about 300 grams (gr) in the male and about 220 gr in the female.

The heart consists of two separate chambers divided by the septum. Each of the chambers has two connected parts: the atrium and the ventricle. The atrioventricular valves separate the atria from the ventricles.


2) premature- happening, arriving, existing, or performed before the proper, usual, or intended time

especially : born after a gestation period of less than 37 weeks


preterm- premature одно и тоже

The placenta is a temporary organ that connects the developing fetus via the umbilical cord to the uterine wall to allow nutrient uptake, thermo-regulation, waste elimination, and gas exchange via the mother's blood supply; to fight against internal infection; and to produce hormones which support pregnancy.


3) Pregnancy and childbirth


Expecting a baby can be both exciting and a nervous time. For first time parents you are deciding on a hospital for delivery, doctors for child care, deciding on birth classes, curious about what you are having, and preparation for home just to name a few. For second, third, or even forth time parent's things may be a bit easier and relaxed. We will be taking a look more at the experience or events of first time parents.


Having a doctor you feel comfortable with and like will help make the pregnancy process a bit easier. The mother as well as the baby will be going through changes and having someone to answer all your questions will be helpful. You will need to go in for exams, have ultrasounds and continue to check the overall health of mom and the baby.






Professionally – oriented foreign language


Card № 15

1.Reading comprehension “Angina pectoris”

2.Give the definitions to the medical terms: melanoma, bowen disease, dermatitis.

3.Speak on the topic “Various types of damage of skin ”


1) Angina pectoris

The heart is a muscle, about the same size as an adult human fist. Blood is pumped from the heart to the lungs, where it collects oxygen. This oxygen-rich blood is then pumped back to the heart and then to organs throughout the body through arteries.

The blood then returns to the heart through the veins and is pumped to the lungs again. This is called circulation.

Coronary arteries are the heart's network of blood vessels. They exist on the surface of the heart, and they supply the heart muscle with oxygen. If the coronary arteries narrow, the supply of oxygen-rich blood to the heart may become too low, especially during physical activity.

At first, this reduction in blood flow may not produce any symptoms, but as fatty deposits, or plaques, build up in the coronary arteries, signs and symptoms may emerge.


CHD is believed to start with injury or damage to the inner layer of a coronary artery.

This damage causes fatty plaque deposits to build up at the site of the injury. These deposits consist of cholesterol and other cellular waste products. The accumulation is called atherosclerosis.

If pieces break off or rupture, platelets will clump in the area, attempting to repair the blood vessel. This clump can block the artery, reducing or blocking blood flow, and leading to a heart attack.

Below is a 3-D model of CHD, which is fully interactive.

Explore the model using your mouse pad or touchscreen to understand more about CHD.


2) melanoma – a) a tumor containing dark pigment

b) a highly malignant tumor that starts in melanocytes of normal skin or moles and metastasizes rapidly and widely


Bowen disease: An early stage of skin cancer.

Bowen's disease is medically the same as "squamous cell carcinoma in situ." Squamous cell carcinoma is a tumor that develops from the squamous cells


Dermatitis, also known as eczema, is a group of diseases that results in inflammation of the skin.    



3) Various types of damage of skin

•     Skin type, degree of skin elasticity, individual healing, bone structure, general health, dental health, previous surgery to the area, and many other factors will determine to some extent the quality of the result you can expect.

•   However, the result also depends on the individual skin type: for treating white skin with low pigment content, it is possible to use without risk more intensive laser pulses.

•   Correction of physiological and morphological alterations in epidermis and derma is very individual since it depends on the skin type and condition as well as on patient's age and life style.

•   The darker is the skin (dark skin type or sun tanning/solarium radiation) by the moment of treatment, the higher is the risk of pigmentation disorder.

•   Human skin was acutely affected by ultraviolet radiation through erythema (sunburn) and chronically through several types of skin cancer.


The sun's rays make us feel good, and in the short term, make us look good. But our love affair isn't a two-way street. Exposure to sun causes most of the wrinkles and age spots on our faces. Consider this: One woman at age 40 who has protected her skin from the sun actually has the skin of a 30-year-old!

We often associate a glowing complexion with good health, but skin color obtained from being in the sun – or in a tanning booth – actually accelerates the effects of aging and increases your risk for developing skin cancer.







Professionally – oriented foreign language


Card № 16

1.Reading comprehension “Epidemic hepatitis”

2.Give the definitions to the medical terms: leucocytosis, erythrocyte, blood.

3.Speak on the topic “ Heart and Circulation”


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Протокол №1 от 28.08.2018.



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Professionally – oriented foreign language


Card № 17

1.Reading comprehension “Influenza”

2.Give the definitions to the medical terms: coronary arteries, blood circulation, murmur heard.

3.Speak on the topic “Coronary heart disease ”


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Протокол №1 от 28.08.2018.



и о.заведующая кафедрой ______________________ Х.А. Нурходжаева








Professionally – oriented foreign language


Card № 18

1.Reading comprehension “Gastric carcinomas”

2.Give the definitions to the medical terms: purulent sputum, breathing, cyanosis.

3.Speak on the topic “ Lobular pneumonia”


Утверждено на заседании кафедры языковых дисциплин с курсами

Протокол №1 от 28.08.2018.



и о.заведующая кафедрой ______________________ Х.А. Нурходжаева







Professionally – oriented foreign language


Card № 19

1.Reading comprehension “ Gastric ulcers”

2.Give the definitions to the medical terms: breathlessness, symptoms, bening. 

3.Speak on the topic “Pulmonary tuberculosis”


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Протокол №1 от 28.08.2018.



и о.заведующая кафедрой ______________________ Х.А. Нурходжаева








Professionally – oriented foreign language


Card № 20

1.Reading comprehension “Treatment of lobular pneumonia”

2.Give the definitions to the medical terms: congenital, preventive measures, metabolic disturbances .

3.Speak on the topic “ Atherosclerosis and its treatment”


Утверждено на заседании кафедры языковых дисциплин с курсами

Протокол №1 от 28.08.2018.



и о.заведующая кафедрой ______________________ Х.А. Нурходжаева







Professionally – oriented foreign language


Card № 21

1.Reading comprehension “Urinary symptoms and urinalysis”

2.Give the definitions to the medical terms: Chronic disease, Characteristic of disease, perforating ulcer.

3.Speak on the topic “Gastric ulcers ”


Утверждено на заседании кафедры языковых дисциплин с курсами

Протокол №1 от 28.08.2018.



и о.заведующая кафедрой ______________________ Х.А. Нурходжаева







Professionally – oriented foreign language


Card № 22

1.Reading comprehension “Diseases of digestive tract”

2.Give the definitions to the medical terms: carcinoma, malignant tumour, aetiology. 

3.Speak on the topic “ Cancer of the stomach”


Утверждено на заседании кафедры языковых дисциплин с курсами

Протокол №1 от 28.08.2018.



и о.заведующая кафедрой ______________________ Х.А. Нурходжаева







Professionally – oriented foreign language


Card № 23

1.Reading comprehension “Various types of sclerosis”

2.Give the definitions to the medical terms: bile, pathologic process, viruse.

3.Speak on the topic “Botkin`s deasise ”


Утверждено на заседании кафедры языковых дисциплин с курсами

Протокол №1 от 28.08.2018.



и о.заведующая кафедрой ______________________ Х.А. Нурходжаева








Professionally – oriented foreign language


Card № 24

1.Reading comprehension “Tuberculosis”

2.Give the definitions to the medical terms: Antiseptic, vaccination, abscess.

3.Speak on the topic “Infection diseases”


Утверждено на заседании кафедры языковых дисциплин с курсами

Протокол №1 от 28.08.2018.



и о.заведующая кафедрой ______________________ Х.А. Нурходжаева







Professionally – oriented foreign language


Card № 25

1.Reading comprehension “Source and spread of infection”

2.Give the definitions to the medical terms: fever, bronchial tubes, lung cancer.

3.Speak on the topic “Chronic bronchitis ”


Утверждено на заседании кафедры языковых дисциплин с курсами

Протокол №1 от 28.08.2018.



и о.заведующая кафедрой ______________________ Х.А. Нурходжаева



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