Превратите утвердительные предложения в отрицательные и вопросительные

1. This coat belongs to Jane.

2. I drive to Moscow once a month.

3. Your boss is very impudent.

4. The car stopped near the bank.

5. The soup was delicious.

  1. The concert will start at 7 p.m.
  2. Her shoes are dirty.
  3. I bought the curtains for my bedroom.
  4. I am a football fan.
  5. Their wedding will be in spring.


Задание 1.5

Составьте предложения в форме диалога со следующими словами



to build to have easy website
to chat to read cheap money
to download to send happy writer
to get to use the same parents
to go to write to become friends to share a room

Задание 1.6

Выберите правильное слово из пары слов, отмеченных курсивом в каждом из предложений

Ответьте на полученные вопросы в парах

  1. Do you use/send the Internet every day?
  2. How many messages do you go/send every day?
  3. How many messages do you get/chat every day?
  4. When did you last chat/read a blog?
  5. Do you download/go videos, music, games or apps to your mobile?
  6. When did you last go/send online?
  7. Do you get/have favorite websites?
  8. Do you send/chat with your friends online?
  9. Where can you download/have a Wi-Fi?
  10. Which search engine (Google, Yandex, Mail, etc.) do you write/use?

Задание 1.7

Переведите слова из левой колонки, пользуясь объяснениями из правой колонки

to launch [lɔ:nʧ] to start, for example, to launch the project or a spaceship
a cheque [ʧek] financial paper, you go with it to the bank and get money
computer science [kɔmʹpju:tə: saıəns] one of the subjects that you study at college: math, English, biology, etc.
a bank accountant [bæɳk əʹkaunt] your personal number in a bank where you transfer and keep your money
a billionaire [bıljəʹneə] a person who has 1,000,000,000 $

Задание 1.8

Прочтите и переведите текст . Подберите заголовки A - E к абзацам 1-4. Один заголовок – лишний!


What did we do before Google? In the early days of the Internet, search engines weren’t very good and it wasn’t easy for people to find the information they wanted. Then in 1998, Larry Page and Sergey Brin launched the Google search engine. Suddenly it was easy to find the right website in seconds.


So how did it all begin? Page and Brin met in 1995 when they started studying computer science at Stanford University in California. They didn’t like each other at first, but they became friends when they shared a room together at university.


While Page and Brin were at Stanford, they got a lot of cheap computers and started to build a new search engine in their room. At first they called it “BackRub”, but they weren’t happy with the name so they changed it to Google. They didn’t finish their course and left Stanford in 1997.


Page and Brin wanted to start a business together, but they didn’t have any money. At first their families and friends helped them. Then in August 1998 a businessman wrote a cheque to “Google Inc.” for $100,000. But Page and Brin didn’t get the money for a month because they didn't have a bank account. Six years later they were billionaires!

A. Starting the business

B. How Page and Brin met

C. Stanford in 1987

D. The Internet before 1998

E. Building a new search engine


Задание 1.9

Скажите, верны ли следующие утверждения и при необходимости исправьте их

  1. Before 1998 it was easy to find things on the internet.
  2. Page and Brin first met in 1997.
  3. They had a lot of cheap computers in their room.
  4. They built Google when they were students.
  5. Google was the first name for their search engine.
  6. Page and Brin became billionaires in 2004.

Задание 1.10

Прослушайте или прочтите интервью и расположите загололвки в хронологическом порядке

1. Michigan State University 2. Wes Clark’s new book 3. Sergey’s mother 4. Sergey’s father 5. Maryland University 6. Larry's parents

Presenter Welcome to Book of the Day. Today we have the writer Wes Clark, talking about his new book, Planet Google. First of all, Wes, is it true? Did you really write this book in twelve weeks?
Wes Clark Yes, I did. And I enjoyed writing it because Larry Page and Sergey Brin are really interesting people.
Presenter OK-so, let’s start at the beginning. Where are they from?
Wes Clark Well, Larry Page is American but Sergey Brin was born in Russia. His family went to live in the USA in 1979, when Sergey was six, But his mother wasn’t very happy about going to the USA.
Presenter Did she want to stay in Russia?
Wes Clark Yes, she did.
Presenter So did Sergey’s parents find work in the USA?
Wes Clark Yes, they did. Sergey’s father got a job at Maryland University. He was a mathematics teacher there.
Presenter And what about Sergey? Did he study mathematics?
Wes Clark Yes, he did. He studied mathematics and computer science at the same university.
Presenter Ac the same university as his father?
Wes Clark Yes, that’s right.
Presenter Did Larry go to Maryland University?
Wes Clark No, he didn’t. He went to Michigan State University. His mother and father were computer science teachers there.
Presenter Really? So Larry was at the same university as his parents!
Wes Clark Yes, that’s correct. And Larry’s family always had computers in their home. He was the first student in his school to do his homework on a computer
Presenter Right. And then Page and Brin went to Stanford University, and now, of course, they're both very rich.


Задание 1.11

Дата добавления: 2019-09-13; просмотров: 344; Мы поможем в написании вашей работы!

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