The vital thing in getting  a   habit to stick is  to feel     successful—even if it’s in a   small way. The feeling   of success     is  a   signal     that your habit paid off  and that the work     was worth    the effort.

In a   perfect  world,    the reward   for a   good habit is     the habit itself. In the    real world,    good habits    tend to     feel worthwhile only after they have provided you with something.     Early on, it’s all sacrifice. You’ve   gone to the    gym a     few times,    but you’re    not stronger or fitter or faster—at least, not in any noticeable sense.    It’s only months later,     once you shed a   few pounds or your arms gain some definition,     that it  becomes easier     to exercise for its own sake. In     the beginning, you need a   reason   to stay on  track.     This is  why immediate rewards are essential. They keep you excited  while the delayed  rewards accumulate     in the     background.

What we’re really talking   about     here—when    we’re discussing immediate rewards—is the ending   of a   behavior. The ending   of     any experience is  vital because we tend to remember it     more than other phases.  You want the ending   of your habit to     be satisfying. The best approach is  to use reinforcement,     which    refers     to the process  of using an immediate     reward   to increase the rate of a   behavior. Habit     stacking, which we covered in Chapter 5,  ties your habit to     an immediate cue, which makes    it  obvious when to start.     Reinforcement ties your habit to an immediate reward,  which     makes    it  satisfying when you finish.

Immediate reinforcement can be especially helpful   when dealing with habits   of avoidance, which    are behaviors you want to     stop doing. It can be challenging to stick with habits    like     “no frivolous purchases” or “no alcohol  this month” because     nothing happens when you skip happy hour drinks    or don’t     buy that pair of shoes.    It  can be hard to feel satisfied     when there is  no action    in the first place.     All you’re     doing is resisting temptation,    and there isn’t much     satisfying     about     that.

One   solution is  to turn the situation on its head. You     want to make avoidance visible.   Open a   savings  account     and label it  for something you want—maybe “Leather Jacket.”     Whenever you pass on a   purchase, put the same amount of     money   in the account. Skip your morning latte? Transfer     $5. Pass on another month   of Netflix? Move $10 over. It’s     like creating a   loyalty   program for yourself. The     immediate reward of seeing    yourself save money   toward     the leather   jacket    feels a   lot better than being deprived.     You are making  it  satisfying to do nothing.

One   of my readers  and his wife used a   similar   setup.     They wanted  to stop   eating    out so much     and start     cooking together more.    They labeled their   savings  account     “Trip to Europe.” Whenever they skipped going out to eat,     they transferred $50 into the account. At the end of the     year, they put the money   toward   the vacation.

It is  worth    noting   that it  is  important to select short-term rewards that   reinforce your identity  rather    than ones that     conflict  with it. Buying a   new jacket    is  fine if  you’re     trying    to lose weight   or read more books,   but it     doesn’t  work if  you’re    trying    to budget   and save     money. Instead, taking    a   bubble   bath or going on a     leisurely walk are good examples of rewarding yourself with     free time, which    aligns     with your ultimate goal of more     freedom and financial independence. Similarly, if your reward   for     exercising is  eating    a   bowl of ice cream,   then you’re casting  votes for conflicting identities, and it  ends up being a     wash. Instead, maybe   your reward   is  a   massage, which     is  both a   luxury   and a vote    toward   taking    care of     your body. Now the short-term reward   is aligned with your long-term vision     of being a   healthy  person.

Eventually, as intrinsic rewards like a   better    mood,     more energy, and     reduced stress     kick in, you’ll become     less concerned with chasing the secondary reward.  The identity     itself becomes the reinforcer. You do   it  because it’s who     you are and it  feels good to be you. The more a habit     becomes part of your life, the less you need outside encouragement to follow    through. Incentives can start a   habit.     Identity sustains a   habit.

That  said, it  takes time for the evidence to accumulate     and a   new identity   to emerge. Immediate reinforcement     helps maintain motivation in the short term while you’re    waiting     for the long-term rewards  to arrive.

In summary, a   habit needs to be enjoyable for it  to last.     Simple   bits of    reinforcement—like soap that smells    great or     toothpaste that has a refreshing    mint flavor or seeing    $50 hit     your savings  account—can offer  the immediate pleasure you     need to enjoy a   habit.     And change  is easy    when it  is     enjoyable.

Chapter Summary

The   4th Law of Behavior Change  is  make it  satisfying.

We    are more likely to repeat    a   behavior when the experience is satisfying.

 The human  brain evolved  to prioritize immediate rewards over delayed   rewards.

 The Cardinal Rule of Behavior Change: What     is immediately rewarded   is  repeated. What     is  immediately punished is  avoided.

 To   get a   habit to stick you need to feel immediately successful— even if  it’s in a   small way.

 The first three laws of behavior change—make it  obvious, make it attractive,  and make it  easy—increase the odds that a behavior will   be performed this time. The fourth    law of behavior change —make it  satisfying—increases the odds that a behavior will be repeated    next time.


Дата добавления: 2019-09-02; просмотров: 251; Мы поможем в написании вашей работы!

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