X Is Wearing a Bright Blue Dress

X is wearing a bright blue dress,

Bright blue dress, bright blue dress,

X is wearing a bright blue dress,

All day long.

Y is wearing a bright green shirt,

Bright green shirt, bright green shirt,

Y is wearing a bright green shirt,

All day long.

April Rain

Rain, rain, April rain,

You are feeding seed and grain,

You are raising plants and crops.

With your gaily sparkling drops.

In Spring

The sun is shining,

The flowers are blooming;

The sky is blue,

The rains are few.

In Winter

The snow is falling,

The wind is blowing;

The ground is white

All day and all night.

As I Was Going Along…

As I was going along, along, along,

And singing a funny song, song, song.

The way that I went was so long, long, long

And the song that I sang was as long, long, long.

And so I went along singing a song.

As I am going along, along, along,

And singing a funny song, song, song.

The way that I'm going is so long, long, long.

And the song that I'm singing is so long, long, long.

And so I'm going along singing a song.

It is Snowing!

It's snowing, it's snowing

What a lot of snow!

It's snowing, it's snowing

Let us play with snow.

It's Snowing!

It's snowing, it's snowing

What a lot of snow!

Let us make some snowballs,

We all like to throw.

It's snowing, it's snowing.

Let us sledge and ski!

When I'm dashing down the hill

Clear the way for me!

In the Spring

In the spring, in the spring

Sweet and fresh is everything

Winter winds are no more blowing,

In the spring, in the spring

Sweet and fresh is everything.


Spring is coming. I can feel it,

How soft is the morning air!

Birds are singing, buds are peeping,

Life and joy are everywhere.

I Love Going to School

I'm learning to write

And I'm learning to spell.

And my teacher says

That I'm doing very well!

They Are Dancing…

They are dancing

They are walking,

They are singing,

They are talking.

My friend is dancing,

My friend is walking,

He is singing,

He is talking.

They Are Working

Jane is sweeping the floor,

Kate is washing the door,

Nick is feeding the cat,

Ann is brushing her hat.

What Are They Doing?

Tom is playing, Fred is eating

Nick is writing, Bob is sleeping

The sun is shining, and I am smiling.

Are They Working Well ?

I am counting to ten

You are giving them a pen,

She is looking at the door,

He is sitting on the floor.

All of us are working well,

Waiting, waiting for the bell.

The 8-th of March

March the eighth is coming,

Mother's holiday,

We are making presents

For our Mother's day.

Father's buying flowers,

Ann is washing up

Nick is writing postcards

Wishing "Happy Holiday!"

A Song About My Toys

One and two, and three and four

I am sitting on the floor,

I am playing with a ball (a frog)

And a pretty little doll (a dog)

One, and two, and three and four

I am sitting on the floor,

I am playing with a car (a hare, a fox)

And a pretty little star(a bear, a fox)

One and two, and three, and four

We are sitting on the floor,

We are sitting, girls and boys,

We are playing with the toys.


The snowflakes are falling,

Are falling, are falling,

The snowflaks are falling

All soft and all white.

The snowflakes are dancing,

Are dancing, are dancing,

The snow-flakes are dancing

All happy and gay.

Spring Is Here

Springtime is here,

Springtime is here,

Violets are blooming

Springtime is here

Springtime is here,

Springtime is here,

Green grass is growing,

Springtime is here.

Springtime is here,

Springtime is here,

Birds are singing

Springtime is here.

The Present Perfect Tense

We Have Made a Snowman

Look! We have made a snowman,

He is tall and fat.

He has a carrot for his nose

He has a funny hat.

A Pen-friend

I have taken a sheet of paper

I have written a letter to Fred

I have put it into this envelope

I am sure Fred will be glad.

I shall put a stamp on the envelope

To the post-office I'll run

I'll drop my letter into a letter-box

And shall wait for the answer.

The Sun Has Set

The sun has set

And now anew

With fallen dew

The grass is wet.

Each little bird

Has sunk to rest

Within its nest

No song is heard.

The Movies

The movies are nice,

I've been once or twice,

I go with my mother,

Get in for half price

The picture I've seen

Is fine as can be;

I get so excited

That mother pokes me.


Sister Kate has a plate

Sister Nell has a bell

Brother Nick has a stick

Brother Mike has a bike


He has a long nose,

He has a red rose

He has a blue hat

He has a black cat.

I Have a Ball

I have a ball, I have a car,

I have a lorry, I have a star.

He has a ball, he has a car,

He has a lorry, he has a star.

What do They Have?

Mother Cat has a red hat,

Mother Goat has a red coat,

Mother Hen has a red pen,

Mother Fox has a red box.

Has She a Ruler?

She has a ruler, she has a pen

And she has pencils. How many? - Ten.

She has pencils of all colours:

Red, green, yellow and blue.

She can draw some funny pictures

And what about you?


We have books, we have pens

We have pencils too

We can read, write and draw

And what about you?

Our Cat Has a Flat

Our pussy cat

Has a good small flat.

It has no door,

But a brown floor

The walls are white.

All the flat is bright.

There is a desk at the window

There is a shelf at the door

There is a table in the middle of the room

There is a green rug on the floor

There are four chairs at the table

There are two pictures on the wall

There are three candies on the shelf

A car, a Teddy bear, and a ball

The TV-set is in the corner

The piano is to my right

The cupboard full of cups and plates


Is on my left-hand side                                             ***

This is the key of the kingdom,

In that kingdom there is a city.

In that city there is a town,

In that town there is a street,

In that street there is a lane (провулок),

In that lane there is a yard,

In that yard there is a house,

In that house there is a room,

In that room there is a bed,

On that bed there is a basket,

In that basket there are some flowers,

Flowers in the basket, basket on the bed,

Bed in the room, room in the house,

House in the yard, yard in the lane,

Lane in the streets, streets in the town,

Town in the city, city in the kingdom

Of that kingdom this is the key.


A bear and bunny

Have plenty of money

They go to the store

For carrots and honey.

When the bear and the bunny

Ask for some carrots and honey,

The man in the shop

Says, “Where is your money?”

How strange and funny!

They really have money-

And that’s how they buy

Their carrots and honey.


A Looking-glass

I am on the wall

I am in your hand

When you look at me

You can see your face.


This is a bus, this is a train

This is a ship, this is a plane

I travel by bus, I travel by train

I travel by ship, I travel by plane

In and On

A little mouse is in the house

A little fox is in the box

A little duck is in the truck

A little cat is in the hat

A little good is in the boat

A grey cat is on the mat

A green frog is on the log

A red cock is on the clock

A big fish is on the dish

A white hare is on the chair.

I'm Looking for Fred

Under the table, under the bed

Under the sofa, I'm looking for Fred

If you know where he is

Help me to find him, please.

Children: "He is in the wardrobe".

Stop! Look!

Trams and cars in our town

Run up and down

Run up and down

Stop! Look at the light!

First look to the left!

And then to the right!


One little apple on a tree

Two apples for you and me

Three apples by the door

And four apples on the floor

The apples are good and sweet

Can you count them all, Pete? ( ten apples)

My Day

Breakfast in the morning,

Dinner in the day,

Tea comes after dinner

Then comes times to play

Supper in the evening

When the sky is red

Then the day is over

And we go to bed.


I cannot reach the ceiling

But I can sweep the floor

And when I grow bigger

I'll do learn to do some more.

Lazy-Bones Grundy

"I cannot work on Monday",

Says lazy-bones Grundy.

"Nor start the work on Tuesday,

Wednesday is a holiday,

I must plan on Thursday

What to do on Friday,

On Saturday I like to play,

On Sunday I must rest all day.

Learn Your Lessons

Learn your lessons

As well as you can

Be tidy like Nick

Not dirty like Dan.


I can read, I can write

I can speak English too.

I love learning English.

And what about you?

I Love Going to School

I'm learning to write

And I'm learning to spell

And my teacher says

That I'm doing very well

I can spell my nice cat-

And that is C-A-T!

I can spell it's name Pat -

And that is P - A - T!

I can read, I can write,

I can spell my name, too---

I just love going to school!

And what about you?

I Love Going to School

I'm learning to write

And I'm learning to spell

And my teacher says

That I'm doing very well

I can read, I can write

I can spell my name, too -

I just love going to school!

And what about you?

I can spell my nice cat -

And that is C-A-T!

I can spell its name Pat -

And that is P-A-T!

I Can't and I'll Try

The little boy who says "I'll try"

Will climb to the hill top,

The little boy who says "I can't"

Will at the bottom stop.

"I'll try" does great things every day

"I can't" gets nothing done

Be sure then that you say "I'll try",

And let I can't alone.

Дата добавления: 2019-08-31; просмотров: 150; Мы поможем в написании вашей работы!

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