Ex. 3.  Watch the video. Answer the questions.


Ex. 1. Listening. Listen to six people discuss where they would rather live

Vocabulary Challenge Complete the sentences with the words below.

crowdedness • partying • nowadays
wildlife • by and large

Начало формы

1. I'm tired because I was up late last night.

2. it is almost impossible to keep in contact with others if you don't have the internet.

3. Most of the time I don't mind using public transportation, but sometimes the is very stressful for me.

4. national travel is really cheap in Laos.

5. The biggest reason he wants to go to Alaska is to see .

Answer the following questions about the interview.

1) How does Jeyong feel about the people in the city?

a) They make it difficult to move around
b) It is crowded in a good way


2) Why would Al want a house in the city?

a) He likes the noise and energy
b) He wants to socialize there


3) What does Joel like about his life in the country?

a) He lives on a farm
b) He has time for his hobbies


4) Why was growing up in the country difficult for Martin?

a) The animals were a big problem
b) There wasn't very much to do


5) What does Mitchell dislike about the city?

a) Life is fast and stressful
b) It is too relaxed


6) Shuan prefers life in the city because he _________.

a) gets scared when he's alone
b) he likes to go places


7) Why DON'T people want to live in the country?

a) It's too expensive
b) There aren't any restaurants
c) It is a boring place
d) Farms smell bad

Fill in the gaps

Jeyong, Korea
I like living in cities more than the country because I like the 1)______________ of people all 2)___________ walking around and especially like going to 3)__________, being with many people and talking to 4)___________ is something that I like very much.

Al, England
I think ideally I'd like to do both, so have, be rich and have a house in the country and a house in the city and spend my weekdays in the country, in a 5)_________________, and go to the city on weekends and 6)_________.

Joel, America
Well, I've lived in very big cities for most of my life: Tokyo, Bangkok, Los Angeles, and now is the first time ever that I've lived in the country and I'm finding that I like it a lot better. I have time to do things that I could never do in the city, like play guitar or even read the news, and I'm enjoying a 7)__________________ a lot more than the busy city life.

Martin, United States
If I wanted to live in the city or country, I'd have to say nowadays, in the city. I grew up in the country in a very small 8)_______ and it was kind of 9)____________. I enjoyed the 10)______________ and the 11)______________ around but it was boring. The city is much more 12)________________ and a lot more to do and see and experience, so by and large, the city for me is the way to go.

Mitchell, United States
I would rather live in the countryside because I'm from the islands and and everything’s more peaceful, 13)____________, and time seems to go by 14)______________. Compared to the city, it seems like every one is in a 15)__________, moving around 16)____________, trying to get things done as soon as possible, that's why I'd rather live in the countryside.

Shuan, Canada
I think that living in the city would be so much better than living in the country. I like being 17)___________, and I like 18)______________ so living in the country would be, I would think, boring, compared to the city.

Ex. 2. Mute exercises. Dictation-translation. After classes he goes for a walk in the park. He says he needs it badly. He hates noise. It annoys me. At five he is at his desk. He gets ready for classes

till nine.

Ex. 3. Study the articulation of the vowel sound [ ʌ ]. The jaw is quite wide open, almost as far open as in [a:]. The middle of th e tongue rises in the centre of the mouth, just a little, relaxed. Lips are relaxed.

Ex. 4. Rules of reading and spelling.


1) [ ju :] – в открытом ударном слоге, tune, mute

2) [ ʌ ] – в закрытом ударном слоге: cup, duck


Uu – в открытом слоге после r, l, j = [ u :] – rude , blue , June


a) [ju:]: tube, huge, due, 'music, 'tunic, 'pupil

b) [ ʌ]: tub, hug, duck, must, 'tunnel, pup

c) [u:]: blue, rule, true, flute, rude, 'lunatic

d) huge, hug, tub, tube, mute, must, flute, rude.

Train the tongue-twister

A funny puppy runs in front of a pub,

A fluffy puppy runs in front of a club.

If the funny puppy didn’t run in front of the pub,

Would the fluffy puppy run in front of the club?

Забавный щенок бегает перед пабом,

Пушистый щенок бегает пере клубом,

Если бы забавный щенок не бегал перед пабом,

Бегал ли пушистый щенок перед клубом.

Между q и последующей гласной всегда стоит буква u.
Сочетание qu = [kw]: quick, quite.


queen, quote, quilt, 'quinsy, quench, 'quota


Ex. 5. Unsupervised exercise form Lesson 29.

Ex. 6.  Mark the intonation in the following examples and let your desk-mate draw the intonograms.

§ Can you fly a helicopter? § Does she think about her future? § Is he a frequent guest at the dean’s office? § Do they spend their vacation abroad every summer? § Are your friends a little crazy? ª How can you fly a helicopter? ª How often does she think about her future? ª When is he a frequent guest at the dean’s office? ª With whom do they spend their vacation abroad every summer? ª Why are they mad at me?

Ex. 7. Train asking each other general questions.

Ex. 8. Train giving directions. Prepositions of Place and Movement

Ex. 9. Talking about Cities and Towns.



Ex. 1. Learn the tongue-twister by heart.

Ex. 2. Read the text. Rewrite it into your exercise book indentifying the parts of sentence, Then reproduce it by heart,

I live in Saratov = Subject + Predicate + adverbial modifier of place (S+P+AM of place).

Ex. 3.  Watch the video. Answer the questions.

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