Избегите как можно больше выдержек к иммунологическому стрессору или окислять агенты

При профилактике СПИДа следует тщательно и тщательно исследовать воздействие иммунологических стрессоров как на индивидуальном, так и на общинном уровне. Список основных иммунологических стрессоров в группах риска по СПИДу в развитых и слаборазвитых странах см. В моих статьях "Естественная история СПИДа" и "сопутствующие факторы, вызывающие Ади".

Detailed explanation on how and why to avoid exposures to these agents should be explained to everyone (12-20).

It is absolutely necessary to convince people who react positively on "the tests for HIV"
that they are not infected with "the virus that causes AIDS." The feeling of being infected with the virus that supposedly causes AIDS is a strong mental stressor that degenerates the immune system of both individuals and the community (29-34). The HIV/AIDS hypothesis contributes by itself to generating immunosupression and AIDS. In order to prevent AIDS the "HIV/AIDS hysteria" must be stopped immediately.

As I explained in "The Natural History of AIDS", in Africa, Asia, the Caribbean and similar communities, malnutrition and other conditions due to poverty, also known as "tropical diseases", have substantial roles in degenerating the immune system and causing AIDS (12-20). As a consequence, in the underdeveloped world, malnutrition, tuberculosis, sexually transmitted diseases, malaria, trypanosomiasis, schystosomiasis, leishmaniasis, systemic mycosis, as well as other infections and parasites that destroy and bring the immune system into collapse, need to be controlled at once and for ever as a prerequisite to stopping the epidemic of AIDS. For the prevention of AIDS in these communities it is absolutely necessary to first reverse economic and social inequities.

To evaluate health status based on clinical and laboratory findings

Необходимо помнить, что реактивность на " тесты на ВИЧ" - ИФА, Западное пятно, антиген п 24, ПЦР или вирусная нагрузка-причинены мимо интоксикация / окисление, а не заражение ВИЧ, как я объяснил подробнее в разделе "Тесты на ВИЧ очень неточны" (24-26).

In any person who reacts positively to those tests or wants, for any reason, to prevent AIDS, that person’s health status must be evaluated carefully by clinical and laboratory techniques. In this regard, laboratory tests should be carried out to evaluate the physiologic status of all body systems and especially the immune system (35-37).

To check the status of the immune system several tests should be done. In addition to counting the CD4 T lymphocytes all the different T and B lymphocytes subsets should be counted. It is very important to evaluate the functioning status of all immunocompetent cells and phagocytes with tests such as lymphoblastotransformation, inhibition of migration, etc (36,38). It is necessary to know the levels all complement components, betha 2 microglobulin, as well as to check for protein electrophoresis, immunoelectrophoresis, quantitation of serum immunoglobulins (G, A, M, D, E), check for a variety of autoantibodies, circulating immune complexes, and to perform skin tests with various antigens (39-42).

Evaluation of the nutritional status is critical. Tests to determine the levels of macro and micronutrients should be run. Levels of B complex vitamins, vitamin A, C, E, selenium, iron, and zinc should be evaluated (43-46).

It is absolutely necessary to evaluate the level of intoxication or degree of oxidation of the immune system and of all other body systems (37,47). Considering that AIDS is a condition due to an excess on free radicals, especially oxidizing species, it is absolutely necessary to evaluate the oxidative status by means of the modern tests available to check for the biomarkers of oxidative stress (48-55).

The measures to be taken in order to prevent AIDS should be proportional to the level of intoxication of the individual or the community.

Detoxification of already intoxicated body systems including the immune system

There has been a flowering of natural non-toxic measures to detoxify individuals through the named complementary, holistic or alternative therapies (56,57).

The following are some of the measures that have been reported to have benefits in the detoxification process:

· Antioxidants: It is important to emphasize that the role of oxidizing agents in immunosuppresion and in the genesis of AIDS has been pointed out in great scientific detail (15,16,58-82). As a consequence, several antioxidant substances and compounds such as vitamin C, A, and E, gluthatione, cysteine, zinc, selenium, etc., have been used with success in the detoxifying process (83-95).

· Nutrition: The correction of any nutritional abnormality and disturbance must be achieved in order to prevent AIDS. Several diets and nutritional interventions have been used with success (96-103).

· Other alternative interventions include the following non-toxic approaches, techniques that have been reported to have substantial benefits in the detoxifying process: acupuncture, digitopuncture, Chinese traditional medicine, herbal medicine, Indian ayurvedic medicine, hyperthermia, oxygen therapy, massage therapy, homeopathy, naturopathic and colon therapy, music therapy, color therapy, gem therapy, aromatherapy, hypnosis therapy, light therapy, yoga, magnetic field therapy, orthomolecular medicine, cell therapy, and spiritual care (57,104-113).

Дата добавления: 2019-07-15; просмотров: 119; Мы поможем в написании вашей работы!

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