Ex.1. Suggest the Russian for:

1.successful applicants                                      10. established reputations

2.their scores on the SATs                                 11.entrance requirements

3.the system com­prises three categories           12.fee

4.to obtain a master's degree                              13.proficiency

5.the source of its funding                                  14.award

6.challenging courses                                         15.successfully

7.higher quality of education                             16.the number of credits

8.amount of funding                                           17.to be earned by a student

9.they occupy a position                                    18.to be famous for

Ex.2. Suggest the English for the words in brackets. Read the whole sentence and translate it into Russian.

1.A college at а (ведущий )university might receive (заявления ) from two per cent of these high school graduates, and then (принимать) only one out of every ten who apply.

2.(Успешные) applicants (в таких )colleges are usually chosen (на базе) of a) their high school records; b) (рекомендаций ) from their high school teachers;

3.( Система высшего образования) in the United States (охватывает )three categories of institutions: 1) the university, which may (содержать) a) several colleges for undergraduate students seeking a (степень бакалавра) and b) one or more graduate schools (для тех) continuing in specialized studies beyond the bachelor's degree (получить,приобретать) a master's or a doctoral degree.

4.Any of these institutions, in (любой категорий), might be either (общественный или частный), depending on the source of its funding.

5.Some universities and colleges have, over time, gained reputa­tions for offering particularly challenging courses and for pro­viding their students ( высшим качеством образования).

6.The factor determining whether an institution is (один из лучших) or (один из) the lower prestige is quality of the teaching faculty.

Ex.3.Give nouns corresponding to the following verbs.

to account,to establish, to admit,to require,to involve, to accumulate,

to select,to decide,to graduate,to examine,to enter, to complete,to assign. 

Ex.4. Find in the text the factors which determine the choice by in individual of this or that college or university.

Ex.5. Answer the questions on the text and summarize the text in three paragraphs.

1.What are the admission requirements tо the colleges and universities?

2.What are the three types of schools in higher education?

3.What degrees are offered by schools of higher learning in the USA? What are the requirements  

for each of these degrees?

4.What are the peculiarities of the curricula offered by a college or a university?

5.What is a credit in the US system of higher education?

6.How many credits must an undergraduate student earn to receive a bachelor's degree? How can 

then be earned?

Grammar: The Future Perfect Continuous Tense. Have been + - ing (Participle I)

    Affirmative    Negative    Interrogative
 I shall have been working  He will have been working  She will have been working  It  will have been working  We shall have been working  You  will have been working  They will have beenworking I shall have not been working He will not have been working She will not have been working It  will not have been working We shall not have been working You will not have been working They will not have been working Shall I have been working? Will he have been working? Will she have been working? Will it have been working ? Shall we have been working? Will you have been working? Will they have been working?

I’ll have been working       I won’t (shan’t) have been working

The Future Perfect Continuous Tense

· Denotes an action which will begin before a definite moment in the future, will continue up to that moment and will be going on at that moment. By the next August she will have been teaching English for 30 years.

Ex.6. Put the verbs in brackets into the Future Perfect Continuous Tense.

1. By the end of this month we (learn) this language for ten years. 2. When my daughter goes to school we (live) here for over five years. 3. When the new century begins, they (reconstruct) this church for nearly 25 years. 4. If nobody stops him, he (grumble) for hours. 5. We can get there at 7 at the earliest. They will be painting the fence. If we arrive at 8.30, they (paint) it for three hours at least; and if we come at 9.30.,they will have probably finished the work.

Ex.7.Translate into English.

1.К тому времени, как он закончит университет, его родители проработают в Южной Африке два года. 2. Мы будем рекламировать эти товартовары несколько месяцев к тому времени, как они появятся на рынке.3. На будущий год к этому времени она будет изучать французский язык уже два года. 4. К тому времени, когда она приедет, я уже буду жить здесь в течение двух лет.5. К тому времени, как ты вернешься, я буду писать уже третий портрет. 6. Сколько времени они будут показывать этот фильм, пока ты не привезешь новый ? 

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