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8. Карощук П.М. Словообразование английского языка. – М., 1977, 169 с.
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9. Кубрякова Е.С. Что такое словообразование. – М., 1965, 174 с.
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Таблиця 2 - Афікси англійської мови
№ п/п | Назва афікса | Походження афікса | Яку частину мови утворює данний афікс | Від якої частини мови походить слово | Приклади твірних основ с даним афіксом |
1 | 2 | 3 | 4 | 5 | 6 |
1 | - al | L. | N | V | approv//al, renew//al, withdraw//al, upris//al |
2 | -al | L. | Adj | N | tempor//al, action//al, tad//al, comic//al |
3 | -ance | L. | N | V | forbid//ance, appear//ance, clear//ance, abid//ance |
4 | -ence | L. | N | V | consist//ence, depend//ence, emer//ence, prefer//ence |
5 | -ancy | L. | N | V | flip//ancy, repell//ancy, ascend//ancy, trech//ancy |
6 | -ency | L. | N | V | insist//ency, persist//ence, emerg//ency, constitu//ency |
7 | -ant | L. | Adj | V | repell//ant, cool//ant, claim//ant, lubric//ant |
8 | -ent | L. | Adj | V | asorb//ent, solv//ent, depend//ent, persist//ent |
9 | -ard | F. | N | Adj | drunk//ard, stink//ard, dull//ard, blink//ard |
10 | -arian | L. | N | Adj | libr//arian, prolet//arian, gram//arian, veget//arian |
11 | -ary | L. | Adj | N | document//ary, vision//ary, mission//ary, fraction//ary |
12 | -ory | L. | Adj | N | deposit//ory, laborat//ory, territ//ory, compuls//ory |
13 | -by | A.S. | N | Adj | idle//by, rudes//by, litte//by, whit//by |
14 | -eer | F. | N | N | convention//eer, engine//eer, revolution//eer, mountain//eer |
15 | -ese | L. | Adj | N | Milan//ese, Chin//ese, Japan//ese, Vietnam//ese |
16 | -esque | F. | Adj | N | arab//esque, picture//esque, blott//esque, Titan//esque |
17 | -ess | Gr. | N | N | host//ess, actr//ess, tigr//ess, tailor//ess, tutor//ess |
18 | -et | F. | N | N | blower//et, brook//et, lac//et, swimmer//et |
19 | -ette | F. | N | N | mountain//ette, novel//ette, balcon//ette, station//ette |
20 | -iana | L. | N | N | Shakespear//iana, Byron//iana, Burns//iana, Wagner//iana |
21 | -ie, -y | F. | N | N | sweet//ie, dear//ie, aunt//ie, dadd//y, Paul//y, Jimm/y |
22 | -ine, –in | L. | Adj | N | mascul//ine, femen//ine, Paul//ine, stear//in, gelat//in |
23 | -ing | A.S. | N | V | cutt//ing, paint//ing, meet//ing, warn//ing, wedd//ing |
24 | -ister | F. | N | N | chor//ister, palm//ister, leg//ister, soph//ister |
25 | -let | F. | N | N | ham//let, book//let, circ//let, wing//let, leaf//let |
26 | -ling | A.S. | N | N | hire//ling, oak//ling, suck//ling |
27 | -ster | A.S. | N | N | gang//ster, bank//ster, game//ster, boom//ster |
28 | -ton | A.S. | N | Adj | middle//ton, double//ton, idle//ton, simple//ton |
29 | -ure | F. | N | V | cleft//ure, bankrupt//ure, perfect//ure, prelate//ure |
30 | -ward(s) | A.S. | Adv | N | back//ward(s), home//ward(s), east//ward(s), win//ward |
31 | -way(s) | A.S. | Adv | N | cross//ways, side//ways, sun//way, end//way, length//ways |
32 | -wise | A.S. | Adv | N | corner//wise, coast//wise, end//wise, heart//wise |
33 | anti- | Gr. | N | N | anti//Calvinist, anti//fascist, anti//climax, anti//cyclone |
34 | anti- | Gr. | Adj | Adj | anti//aircraft, anti//puritan, anti//British, anti//clerical |
35 | arch- | Gr. | N | N | arch//cheater, arch//deceiver, arch//disturber, arch//knave |
36 | auto- | Gr. | N | N | auto//biography, auto//infection, auto//pilot, auto//rifle |
37 | auto- | Gr. | Adj | Adj | auto//genetic, auto//poisonous, auto//motivate |
38 | bi- | L. | Adj | Adj | bi//focal, bi//manual, bi//lateral, bi//colored, bi//polar |
39 | circum- | L. | Adj | Adj | circum//basal, circum//arctic, circum//meridian |
40 | circum- | L. | V | V | circum//bind, circum//glaze, circum//roll |
41 | counter- | F. | N | N | counter//influence, counter//wall, counter//move |
42 | di- | Gr. | N | N | di//arch, di//chloride, di//iodite, di//methyl |
43 | di- | Gr. | Adj | Adj | di//gastric, di//cotyledonous, di//chromic, di//basic |
44 | en-, em- | F. | V | N | en//cage, en//crown, en//slave, em//bale, em//plane |
45 | epi- | Gr. | Adj | Adj | epi//basal, epi//central, epi//focal, epi//dermal |
46 | ex- | L. | N | N | ex//champion, ex//president, ex//secretary, ex//wife |
47 | extra- | L. | Adj | Adj | extra//natural, extra//ordinary, extra//territorial |
48 | fore- | A.S. | V | V | fore//go, fore//gird, fore//think, fore//run, fore//say |
49 | fore- | A.S. | N | N | fore//finger, fore//tooth, fore//castle, fore//speech |
50 | hypo- | Gr. | Adj | Adj | hypo//dermic, hypo//basal, hypo//active, hypo//glossal |
51 | inter- | L. | V | V | inter//point, inter//change |
52 | inter- | L. | N | N | inter//community, inter//agreement, inter//growth |
53 | inter- | L. | Adj | Adj | inter//penetrative, inter//active, inter//jacent |
54 | intra- | L. | Adj | Adj | intra//arterial, intra//capsular, intra//nuclear |
55 | mal- | F. | N | N | mal//administration, mal//practice, mal//conduct |
56 | meta- | L. | Adj | Adj | meta//arthritic, meta//infective, meta//pneumonic |
57 | meta- | L. | N | N | meta//jelatin, meta// cresol, meta//phrase, meta//physician |
58 | micro- | L. | N | N | micro//ampere, micro//volt, micro//biology, micro//wave |
59 | mid- | A.S. | N | N | mid//summer, mid//night, mid//winter, mid//day, mid//November |
60 | multi- | L. | Adj | Adj | multi//florous, multi//nuclear, multi//personal |
61 | neo- | Gr. | N | N | neo//colonialism, neo//materialism, neo//cyanite |
62 | pan- | Gr. | Adj | Adj | pan//American, pan//European, pan//African, pan//British |
63 | pan- | Gr. | N | N | pan//grammatist, pan//logism, pan//slavism |
64 | para- | Gr. | Adj | Adj | para//chordal, para//sternal, para//central |
65 | per- | L. | N | N | per//chloride, per//iodote, per//carbide, per//acid |
66 | peri- | L. | Adj | Adj | per//ibranchial, per//chordal, per//ibronchial |
67 | peri- | L. | N | N | peri//arthritis, peri//nephritis, peri//neuritis |
68 | poly- | Gr. | Adj | Adj | poly//atomic, poly//chromatic, poly//angular |
69 | post- | L. | Adj | Adj | post//war, post//Adamic, post//Darwinian |
70 | pre- | L. | Adj | Adj | pre//Darwinian, pre//Raphaelite, pre//war |
71 | pre- | L. | N | N | pre//history, pre//equipment, pre//condition |
72 | pre- | L. | V | V | pre//heat, pre//arrange, pre//pay |
73 | preter- | L. | Adj | Adj | preter//natural, preter//essential, preter//native |
74 | pro- | L. | N | N | pro//consul, pro//rector, pro//tribune, pro//reality |
75 | pro- | L. | Adj | Adj | pro//subatontival |
76 | pro- | L. | Adj | Adj | pro//British, Pro//American, pro//educational |
77 | proto- | Gr. | N | N | proto//parent, proto//ideal, proto//pattern |
78 | pseudo- | Gr. | N | N | pseudo//patriot, pseudo//philosophy, pseudo//reality |
79 | pseudo- | Gr. | Adj | Adj | pseudo//religious, pseudo//romantic, pseudo//dramatic |
80 | retro- | Gr. | N | N | retro//gress, retro//flexion, retro//action |
81 | retro- | Gr. | Adj | Adj | retro//operative, retro//date, retro//frontal |
82 | semi- | L. | Adj | Adj | semi//dry, semi//attached, semi//official, semi//Arian |
83 | semi- | L. | N | N | semi//god, semi//ape, semi//barbarism |
84 | sub- | L. | N | N | sub//searcher, sub//man, sub//officer, sub//delegate |
85 | sub- | L. | Adj | Adj | sub//angular, sub//caliber, subchronic, sub//febrile |
86 | super- | L. | Adj | Adj | super//sensitive, super//fine, super//serviceable |
87 | super- | L. | N | N | super//irritation, super//film |
88 | supra- | L. | Adj | Adj | supra//lunary, supra//spiral, supra//folian |
89 | sur- | F. | N | N | sur//name, sur//coat, sur//base, sur//cingle |
90 | trans- | L. | Adj | Adj | trans//African, trans//Siberian, trans//Atlantic |
91 | tri- | Gr. | Adj | Adj | tri//locular, tri//nominal, tri//elementary |
92 | twi- | A.S. | Adj | Adj | twi//coloured, twi//faced, twi//forked |
93 | ultra- | L. | Adj | Adj | ultra//fashionable, ultra//modern, ultra//revolutionary |
94 | ultra- | L. | N | N | ultra//educationist, ultra//reactionist, ultra//dandyism |
95 | vice- | L. | N | N | vice//collector, vice//dean, vice//president, vise//governor |
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