Antonov I.V. The State of System Hemodynamic in Associated Action of Components of Coalmine Blast Injury and Electric Current. — Manuscript.

A dissertation for the degree of candidate of science (medicine). Speciality: 14.01.12 — pathological physiology. — Donetsk National Medical University, Ministry of Public Health, Ukraine, Donetsk, 2008.

The dissertation deals with solution of scientific problem — researching of early violations of system hemodynamic in associated action of components of coalmine blast injury (contusion, burn, poisonous gas) and non-fatal electric injury in conditions of coalmine environment. It is shown that among all components of coalmine blast injury the contusion plays main role in the development of disorders of system hemodynamic. Severity of disorders of systemic hemodynamic depends of action of factors of coalmine environment (high temperature, humidity, hard physical work, low oxygen air content and high air concentration of methane and others toxins) which change conditions of action of different harmful factors. System hemodynamic also depends of sequence of blast and electric injury. On the basis of obtained results it is possible to give well-grounded recommendations of corrections of certain disorders of systemic hemodynamic according to character of coalmine blast injury.

Key words: coalmine, blast, contusion, burn, poisoning, electric current, system hemodynamic



АТ - артеріальний тиск

ВШТ - вибухова шахтна травма

ЗПО - загальний периферичний опір

ОЦК - об’єм циркулюючої крові

ППО - питомий периферичний опір

СІ - серцевий індекс

УІ - ударний індекс

УОК - ударний об’єм кровотоку

ХОК - хвилинний об’єм кровотоку

ЧСС - частота серцевих скорочень

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