Text 1. As American As Apple Pie

Answer the questions.


1. What does the expression ‘as American as apple pie’ mean?


2. What are the only true American foods?


3. What is eaten for Thanksgiving?


4. What countries are tacos, pizza and apple pie come from?…………………………………….

5. What dish is especially popular in the southern states?……………………………………….

6. What is the standard American dessert?


Text 2. Fast Food

Make corrections where necessary.


People on the go because of easy work or social schedules don’t have much time for cleaning at home; takeout meals from cafes, pizza parlors, and delicatessens (also called delis) have become a regular part of everyday life. Food can be taken from a restaurant, or people call in orders by the Internet and the takeout meal is delivered to their homes.

Ready to eat and instant processed foods that are hard to find are very popular. TV dinners are complete dinners on a tray that you can take from the fridge and heat up in the oven or stove. Snacks and junk food like doughnuts, pop corn, biscuits or potato chips are also easy to buy.


Sort out the food belonging to the eating styles of Speaker 1 and Speaker 2. How are they different?

Tofu, hot dog, vanilla milk shake, soy food, organic food, French fries, vegetables, fruit.

Text 3. What’s for Breakfast?

Complete the sentences

1. A weekday breakfast might be something quick: …………………………… , a muffin or


2. A weekend breakfast might be ………………… waffles, ……………or ……………….

3. Lunch at work or school is usually between………………………………………………

4. Some people prefer lunch from home: tuna ………….., sliced …………..., called cold cuts, or peanut ………………and jelly ……………………… are kids’ favorites.

5. Most schools and some businesses have cafeterias where ……………………………………

6. Dinner is the …………………………………… of the day.

7. Dinner is generally at ………………………………………………….

8. A typical dinner includes a …………………………….., a ………………., ……………. or some kind of vegetable protein and a ………………….. or pasta dish.

9. Stew (…………………………………………………) and ………………. are also popular.



What did they like about the restaurant?




Fill in the gaps. Translate the text. Comment on it.


Go placidly amid the noise and haste and remember what peace there may be in …………….. As far as possible, without surrender be on good …….. with all persons. Speak your truth ….. and clearly and ……………… to others, even the dull and the ignorant, they too have their story.

Avoid ……….. and aggressive persons, they are vexatious to the spirit. If you ……………. yourself with others you may become vain and bitter; for always there will be greater and lesser persons than yourself. Enjoy your achievements as well as your plans. Keep ………………….. in your own career however humble; it is a real ……………….. in the changing fortunes of time.     

Exercise caution in your ……………. affairs, for the world is full of trickery. But let this not blind you to what virtue there is. Many persons strive for high ideals and ………………life is full of heroism. Be ………………….. Especially do not feign affection. Neither be cynical about love, for in the face of all aridity and disenchantment, it is perennial as the grass. Take ………. the council of the years gracefully surrendering the things of youth. Nurture strength of spirit to shield you in sudden misfortune. But do not distress yourself with imaginings. Many fears are born of fatigue and ……………………..

Beyond a wholesome discipline, be ………….. with yourself. You are a ………. of the universe, no less than the trees and the stars. You have a right to be here. And whether or not it is clear to you, ………………, the universe is unfolding as it should. Therefore, be at …………. with God, whatever you conceive Him to be; and whatever your labors and aspirations, in the noisy confusions of life, keep peace with your soul. With all its sham and drudgery and broken ……………, it is still a beautiful world. Be ………………... Strive to be ……………….




Answer the questions.


1. What is Peter Parker’s degree?....................................................................................................

2. Where did he start working after graduating from university?....................................................

3. How did his life change one summer?.........................................................................................

4. What is a great advantage of his new job?...................................................................................

5. What places has he been to?........................................................................................................

6. Where is he planning to go next?.................................................................................................

7. Why did he have to learn to adjust to different ways of life?......................................................




Complete the sentences by choosing the correct answer.

1. Malcolm

a) is going to do very well in his exams

b) never starts working

c) is likely to win all the prizes in sports this year


2. Malcolm wants

a) to enter university

b) to work at Oxford university

c) to give lectures  


3. His father wishes he would

a) start playing football

b) work harder

c) entertain himself from time to time


4. James’s teachers say

a) he is hopeless

b) he has ability but he works by fits and starts

c) he is hardworking and consistent but not so capable as his brother


5. James

a) never does his homework

b) prefers housework to homework

c) spends less than twenty minutes on his homework


6. James is crazy about

a) girls

b) socializing

c) sports


7. His mother wants James to

a) become a professional tennis player

b) study law

c) make more money


8.  James’s father thinks

a) they should force James to work harder

b) James should do what he is cut out for

c) he should develop his personality for a couple of years’ time.




Write down how different students organize their vocabulary learning. Give your comments.


Student 1 She  
Student 2 He  
Student 3 She  
Student 4 He  
Student 5 She  
Student 6 She  
Student 7 He  
Student 8 She  

UNIT 3 5


Mark the sentences as true, false or not given.

1. In Japan education is more important than in any other country.

2. In Britain people usually stay with the same company all their life.

3. Japanese schoolchildren must work hard to get a good job.

4. They have to pay money to enter a university.

5. The atmosphere in junior high school is less relaxed and more competitive than in primary school.

6. Before each lesson the pupils stand up and the teacher bows to them

7. It is considered rude for pupils to look at the teacher’s face when speaking to him.

8. Japanese children prefer mental activity to physical one.

9. They go to special extra schools in the evenings.

10. Japanese schoolchildren don’t have any homework.

11. On holidays they go to school to take part in club and sport activities.

12. Japanese children are bored with having so much studying.




Answer the questions.


1. What two ways of listening are useful for students?


2. What can we pay attention to when we are listening to foreign speech?


3. What should we work on if we want to pronounce the words correctly?


4. What is “shadowing”?


5. Why should we look at English speakers when they are talking?





Answer the questions.


1. Why do most British students choose a university a long way from home?


2. Do students have to pay to go to university?


3. Where do they get money for a living?


4. What is the grant supposed to pay for?


5. Why do more students drop out nowadays?




Mark the sentences as true or false.

1. Most universities and colleges have entrance examinations.

2. GCSEs or A levels are school-leaving exams. 

3. Many school leavers take a gap year before entering a university.

4. During their gap year most people stay at home with their parents and just take a rest.

5. The first-year students usually live in a hall of residence.

6. Most universities run language courses for British students.

7. Students can choose such subjects as Commercial pop music or Environment at a university.

8. Schoolchildren are called undergraduates.

9. You must study 7 years to become a doctor.

10. You can take vocational qualifications to prepare for scientific research work.

11. Students who pass their finals well get a BA or BSc degree.

12. You must be single to get a Bachelor’s degree.

13. At university students take part in drama, charity and sports clubs and societies.

14. During rag week students organize performances and collect money for charity.

15. Universities don’t approve of pop bands and student parties.



Answer the questions.


Text 1 . The School System

1. What do Americans mean when they say ‘school’? …………………………………………...

2. At what age can people study for their high school or college diploma?....................................

3. How long do American children study at school?.......................................................................

4. How much do they pay to study at school?.................................................................................

5. Why do 11% of children go to private schools?..........................................................................

6. Where can they study religion?...................................................................................................

7. What is called ‘kindergarten’?.....................................................................................................

8. What is called a ‘grade’?.............................................................................................................

9. How many hours a day do students spend at school?..................................................................

10. Do they have homework assignments?........................................................................................

11. When does the school year begin and end?.................................................................................

12. Can American schoolchildren ask questions and discuss their ideas in class?............................

13. How many students are there in each class in public schools?....................................................

Text 2. At High School

Mark the sentences as true or false.

1. To enter high school students have to complete a course of studies that leads to a diploma.

2. The SAT is a scholastic aptitude test.

3. The SAT checks math and English language skills through multiple choice questions.

4. A student starting high school is called a freshman.

5. A student finishing high school is called a sophomore.

6.  There are six classes a day usually from 9 a.m. to 3 p.m.

7. Physical education (PE) and a foreign language are not compulsory subjects.

8. They can usually choose elective subjects like art and music.

9. At the end of the term student get a grade of A, B, C, D or F.

10. ‘F’ is the grade given for the best results.

11. Grades are based on test scores, class participation, class and homework assignments.

12. When students have enough of credits they can graduate. 

Дата добавления: 2019-03-09; просмотров: 517; Мы поможем в написании вашей работы!

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