Exercise 22. Read the text and fill in the gaps with a preposition from the list below. There may be several possibilities.

above down to at in out of behind
into over through up across past on


Mary’s Day Out

The sun rose ___ Mary’s house. It was a beautiful day. Mary came ___ her front door and went ___ the path, ___ the gate and ___ the street. She crossed ___ the road and walked ___ the bus stop. The bus arrived and she got ___ the bus. It went round the corner, ___ the High Street, ___ all the shops and ___ the countryside. It stopped ___ the duck pond ___ the next village, and Mary got off. She climbed ___ a stile and started walking ___ a big field. Suddenly, she saw a huge bull running towards her! She raced ___ the far side of the field and squeezed through the hedge. Out of breath, she sat down ___ the grass ___ the river. She leant back against a rock. The sun was warm. Mary closed her eyes and listened to the water flowing by. Soon she was fast asleep. When she awoke, the sun had disappeared ___ the horizon. Suddenly, Mary felt that there was somebody else ___ the field. She turned round and saw the bull ___ her. It slept ___ the grass. Without a second thought Mary left in a hurry.

Exercise 25. Fill in prepositions.

1. Betty's sister is married ... Doctor Sandford.

2. Is Benny ... home? - No, he is still... the park ... his mother.

3. Look ... the picture (blackboard).

4. Put the notebook ... the drawer.

5. He is not... the room.

6. Come ... the room.

7. Go ... ... the room.

8. He has some friends ... Moscow.

9. Don't put the pencils ... the box.

10. Take the newspaper ... the table.

11. The letter is ... the book.

12. Go ... Room Four.

13. Come ... the blackboard.

14. Take the books and notebooks ... ... your bags!

15. She has a pen ... her hand.

16. Go ... the Institute.

17. Are you fond ... cats?

18. Have you got a dog ... the house?

19. Open your books ... page 25.

20. Thousands ... students study ... our University.

21. Children begin school ... the age ... seven.

Exercise 26. Fill in prepositions if necessary.

1. He must go to St. Petersburg ... spring.

2. We take our written exams ... January.

3. Our studies begin ... autumn.

4. What do you do ... Sunday?

5. All the students of our group will take part in the concert ... the eighth ...


6. May I ring you up ... the morning?

7. My elder brother is a doctor. He often comes ... home late ... night.

8. Is there anybody ... the Dean's office?

9. I must go and see him ... three o'clock ... Friday.

10. Listen ... the new text ... the laboratory.

11. Look ... the blackboard. Do you see any mistakes ... it?

12. Who is ... duty today?

13. Will you go ... the blackboard?

14. You may go ... your place.

15. ... the right ... the dining-table there is a cupboard.

Exercise 28. Fill in prepositions if necessary.

1. Pass ... me the salt, please.

2. Pass the salt ... me.

3. Give the bread ... me.

4. Show this text ... the teacher.

5. Show ... the teacher this book.

6. He is going to come ... half an hour.

7. Look ... the boy. How dirty he is!

8. I see a new wall-newspaper ... the corridor.

9. The children are playing ... the garden.

10. Are you going ... home? – No, I am going ... the library.

11. They have breakfast ... 8 o'clock ... the morning.

12. I dine ... 3 o'clock ... the afternoon.

13. What do you see ... this picture?

14. Excuse me, may I go ...?

15. Please, come ... . We are just beginning our lesson.

16. The bell is ringing, the students are coming ... the room. The teacher is entering ... the room.

17. The bell is ringing and the students are leaving ... the room.

18. He is leaving ... St.Petersburg, you know.

19. Will you wait ... me, I'll come ... a minute.

20. Are you ready ... the answer?

21. Have some fruit ... pleasure.

22. Help yourself ... some fruit, please.

23. I prefer an apple ... ice-cream.

24. The children are ready ... breakfast. They are waiting ... their father.

25. Let's have some herring to begin ... .

26. What do you say ... an ice-cream?

27. As ... me I prefer a piece of cake ... sweets.

28. A waitress is coming ... our table. What shall we order?

29. The pudding is ... your taste, I hope.

30. Going to the river is ... ... the question, it's too cold to bathe today.

31. Father usually comes ... home ... time.

32. We must pay the waitress ... the dinner.

33. I'm fond ... vegetables and meat.

Exercise 30. Complete the sentences with a preposition

1. We listened to the news … the radio.


2. Please don’t be late. Try to be here … time.

3. I won’t be here next week. I’m going … holiday.

4. Did you see Linda? – No, but I talked to her … the phone.

5. What’s … TV this evening? – There’s a film ... 9 o’clock.

6. In tennis, you hit the ball ... a racket.

7. It’s cold today. Don’t go out ... a coat.


8. Hamlet, Othello and Macbeth are plays … William Shakespeare.

9. Do you know anything ... computers?

10. My grandmother died ... the age of 98.

11. How long does it take from New York to Los Angeles ... plane?

12. I didn’t go to the football match, but I watched it ... television.

13. My house is the one ... the red door on the right.

14. These trains are very fast. They can travel ... very high speeds.

15. I don’t use my car very often. I prefer to go … bike.

16. Can you give me some information ... hotels in this town?

17. I was arrested ... two policemen and taken to the police station.

18. The buses here are very good. They’re nearly always … time.

19. What would you like to drink ... your meal?

20. We travelled from Paris to Moscow ... train.

21. One of the most famous paintings in the world is the Mona Lisa ... Leonardo da Vinci.

Сигнальные слова для Simple

Простые времена связаны с периодичностью, регулярностью или постоянством. Соответственно, сходным должно быть и значение их маркеров. Приведем список обстоятельственных спутников для разных аспектов группы Simple и примеры их употребления.

Present Past Future

Simple tense

usually (обычно), regularly (регулярно), often (часто), as a rule (как правило), seldom (редко), rarely (очень редко), always (всегда), sometimes (иногда), from time to time (время от времени), every day(каждый день). ago (давно, лет назад), in those times (в те времена), that day (в тот день), the other day (на днях), yesterday (вчера), the day before yesterday (позавчера), last week (на прошлой неделе). tomorrow (завтра), the day after tomorrow (послезавтра), soon (скоро), one of these days (на днях), in a week(через неделю), next week (на следующей неделе), in the near future (в ближайшем будущем).


Present: Примеры:

· I rarely use metro – Я очень редко пользуюсь метро.

· She usually doesn’t watch TV in the morning – Она обычно не смотрит утром телевизор.

· They always send Christmas cards to their friends – Они всегда отправляют своим друзьям рождественские открытки.

Past / Примеры:

· The incident happened the day before yesterday – Этот случай произошел позавчера.

· They met the other day – Они встретились на днях.

· I saw it last week – Я видел это на прошлой неделе.

Future / Примеры:

· It will be hot tomorrow – Завтра будет жарко.

· My grandfather will visit us soon – Мой дедушка скоро навестит нас.

· We will go to Italy next week – На следующей неделе мы поедем в Италию.


Простое (Present Simple)

Конструкции этого вида используют для выражения на английском обычных, повседневных или регулярно повторяющихся действий; передачи фактов, актуальных сведений, отношений, восприятий, общеизвестных истин; обозначения постоянных явлений, состояний природы.

· I am 15 years old – Мне 15 лет .

· The sun rises in the East – Солнце встает на востоке .

· She likes to sing – Ей нравится петь .

· Jack and Nick are his best friends – Джек и Ник его лучшие друзья .

· I run in the morning every day – Я каждый день бегаю по утрам .

Грамматическая категория Present Simple может быть использована также для выражения действий, запланированных на ближайшее будущее, если они выполняются согласно какому-либо плану, графику, расписанию.

· The bus starts in 15 minutes – Автобус отправляется через 15 минут.

Построение таких конструкций осуществляется довольно просто, достаточно взять инфинитив глагола без частицы to. Однако, для 3 лица действует особое правило: сказуемые получают окончание s.

· He/she/it means a lot to me – Он/она/оно многое для меня значит.

Образование вопросительной и отрицательной форм предложения простого настоящего времени в английском языке требует употребления вспомогательного глагола do.

· Do you work at café? – Вы работаете в кафе?

· I don’t work at café – Я не работаю в кафе.

Примечательно, что для 3 лица вновь характерна особая форма, но на этот раз не основного, а вспомогательного глагола. Сказуемые же при отрицании и вопросе употребляются в начальной форме.

· Does she write novels? – Она пишет романы ?

· She doesn’t write novels. – Она не пишет романы.

Данная подгруппа имеет наиболее широкое применение, обусловленное обобщенностью ее значений. Остальные же времена обладают более узкой и специфичной направленностью.

Продолжающееся (Present Continuous)

Название звучит немного резко для русского человека, но именно так англичане именуют процесс совершения действия в настоящем времени – Present Continuous. Это не просто какое-либо действие, а именно процесс действия, происходящий сейчас, в конкретный период или момент времени.

· I am playing now – Я сейчас играю .

· He is studying very well this year – Он учится очень хорошо в этом году.

· My brother is still sleeping – Мой брат все еще спит .

Продолжающееся настоящее время в английском языке используется также для выражения запланированных на будущее событий, связанных с глаголами движения, перемещения.

· Jessica and John are moving to a new flat next week – Джессика и Джон на следующей неделе переезжают в новую квартиру.

И последний случай употребления – обозначение негативного отношения к вредным привычкам, раздражающим действиям, которые совершаются постоянно.

· She is constantly talking about her baby! – Она постоянно говорит про своего ребенка!

Как видно из примеров, подобные предложения содержат сложное сказуемое, которое образуется с помощью глагола to be и причастия I. Для того, чтобы составить вопросительное выражение необходимо вынести глагол to be на первое место. А для отрицания к нему же добавляют слово not.

· Are you reading this magazine now? – Ты читаешь сейчас этот журнал?

· I’m not reading this magazine now – Я не читаю сейчас этот журнал.

Отметим, что эта временная подгруппа не может соседствовать с целым списком глаголов состояния, принадлежности, чувств и т.д. С такими сказуемыми употребляются другие времена.


The Present Continuous tense is formed with the help of the auxiliary verb to be in the necessary present simple form and the present participle of the notional verb.


I am driving.

He / she / it is speaking.

We / they / you are playing.


Глаголы, которые обычно используются с Present Simple: Verbs of thinking and opinions: to believe, to think, to understand, to suppose, to expect, to agree, to doubt, to know, to remember, to forget, to mean, to imagine, to realize, to deserve, to prefer.

 e. g. I believe you.

   Do you understand?

   I know his face, but I don’t remember his name.

Verbs of emotions and feelings: to like, to love, to hate, to care, to hope, to wish, to want, to admit.

e. g. I like black coffee.

        Do you want to go out?

        I don’t care.

Verbs of having and being: to belong, to own, to have, to possess, to contain, to depend on, to weigh, to come from, to resemble, to cost, to seem, to appear, need.

e. g. This book belongs to Jane.

   How much does it cost?

   He has a lot of money.

Verbs of the senses: to look, to hear, to taste, to smell, to feel, to see.

e. g. The food smells good.

When the subject is a person, we often use can.

e. g. Can you see that bird? Can you smell something burning?  I can hear someone crying.Questions in the Present Continuous are formed by putting the auxiliary verb to be before the subject. Negatives are formed by putting not after the auxiliary verb

e. g. Is he reading a book? He isn’t reading a book.

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