Прослушивание ответа учащегося и его оценивание по критерию «Языковое оформление текста»

Ответ учащегося

Entertainments plays… play a great role in our life. In first picture you can see three people. They are sitting and they are laughing. So you can see the weather is bright brilliant. In the second picture you can see friends. Mm They are sitting in sofa in the room. The pictures have everything common. Firstly, we …we… can see people. Secondly, eh they are happy because they eh they like to have a rest. Moreover, moreover, they are laughing. This picture are different eh. In the first picture you can see winter. In the second picture you can see room. In the first picture you can see three people, in the second picture you can see four people mm. I would prefer eh watching… I would prefer second picture because I like eh to watch TV and… I like to eat popcorn.

Языковое оформление высказы-вания Максимальный балл – 2 Лексико - грамматические ошибки : Entertainments (грамматическая ошибка) plays play a great role in our life. They are sitting in sofa (неправильное ударение) (неправильное употребление предлога, отсутствие артикля)(неправильное ударение) in the room(неправильное употребление артикля). The pictures have every(лексическая ошибка) in common. Firstly, we we… can see people. Secondly, eh they are happy because they eh they like to have a rest. Moreover, moreover, they are laughing (фонетическая ошибка). This picture(грамматическая ошибка) are different eh. In the first picture you can see winter(лексическая ошибка). In the second picture you can see room(отсутствие артикля). In the first picture you can see three people, in the second picture you can see four people mm. I would prefer eh watching I would prefer second picture(отсутствие артикля) because I like eh to watch TV and… I like to eat popcorn. 0 баллов

Оценка: 3 балла.

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Дата добавления: 2019-02-22; просмотров: 195; Мы поможем в написании вашей работы!

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