Federal Bureau of Investigation

Nbsp; INTRODUCTION TO LAW: BASIC TERMS 1.Some new words and word combinations to the text: regulations нормы legislation законодательство judicial opinion судебная практика police enforce правоохранительные органы punish наказывать break the law нарушать закон illegal незаконный main branches of law основные отрасли права Constitutional law конституционное право Administrative law административное право administrative agency административное учреждение government bodies органы государственной власти Civil law гражданское право remedies защита прав disputes споры property собственность Criminal law уголовное право punishment наказание criminals преступники Tort law деликтное право Employment / Labour law трудовое право International law международное право

Read and translate the text.

Law is the body of official rules and regulations. Usually, we can find such rules and regulations in constitutions, legislation, judicial opinions etc. Law is a formal mechanism of social control. The court and police enforce this system of rules and punish people who break the law – do something illegal.

Lets introduce with main branches of law.

Constitutional law is a part of law that deals with understanding and use of Constitution.

Administrative law is a branch of law that deals with the creation and operation of administrative agencies and the legal relationships between such agencies, other government bodies, and the public.

Civil law is a system of law that deals with private rights and remedies and disputes between individuals in such areas as contracts, property and family law.

Criminal law deals with crimes and punishment of criminals.

Tort law is a part of law that helps people to claim for compensation when someone hurts them or their property.

Employment / Labour law regulates relationships between workers, employers, trade unions and government bodies.

International law deals with relations between countries.


1. Answer the following questions:

1. What is law? 2. What are main branches of law?
3. What is constitutional law? 4. What is administrative law?
5. What is civil law? 6. What is criminal law?
7. What is tort law? 8. What is employment / labour law?
9. What is international law?  


4. Translate into Russian:

labour law, punishment of criminals, property, rules and regulations, social control, break the law, administrative agencies, private rights, rations between countries.

5. Translate into English :

Наказание, собственность, защита прав, нарушать закон, основные отрасли права, законодательство, полицейские силы, органы государственной власти, международное право.

6. Match equivalents:

a) law 1)международное право
b) constitutional law 2)конституционное право
c) administrative law 3) трудовое право
d) civil law 4)закон
e) criminal law 5)уголовное право
f) tort law 6) международное право
g) employment/ labour law 7)деликтное право
h) international law 8)международное право

7. Agree or disagree:

1. We can find rules and regulations in books and magazines. 2. Law is the body of official rules and regulations. 3. Constitutional law deals with understanding and use of Constitution. 4. Administrative law deals with private rights and remedies and disputes between individuals. 5. Civil law is a part of law that deals with regulations between countries. 6. Areas of civil law are government agencies and bodies. 7. Criminal law is a system of law that deals with crimes and punishment of criminals. 8. Tort law is a part of law that helps people to buy property. 9. Employment / Labour law deals with relationships at work. 10. International law regulates relations between people.

Работа полиции США

1. Some word for the text:

Agency – агентство, организация, орган sheriff - шериф
bridge – мост tunnel – тоннель
all in all – всего separate – отдельный
to finance – финансировать finance - финансы
respective - соответствующий weapon - оружие
club - дубинка  

2. Read the text and answer the following questions:

1. What five main types of police agencies are operating in the USA? 2. What other police forces are functioning there too?
3. Who finances the federal police agencies? 4. Who finances special police forces?
5. Are all policemen usually armed? 6.


The Police of the USA

The modern police departments in the USA came into existence in the years following World War I. Since 1920 municipal police agencies have increasingly grown in personnel and responsibilities. Special training and more selective recruitment practices have been developed to go hand in hand with the use of such technological developments as the automobile, the individual police radio, and the computer. The great part of police work does not involve crime-fighting situations but rather consists of both service and peace-keeping activities.

Service functions include directing traffic and enforcing traffic regulations, answering accident calls, aiding the sick, helping find a lost child or rescue a lost pet, recovering stolen property, and reporting fires. These are all services performed to assist the public.

There are five main types of police agencies operating in the USA:

- police agencies of the Federal government (Federal Bureau of Investigation, National Park Service, Border Patrol, US Postal Inspector and so on);

- state police forces (highway patrol, drug control agency, investigative bureaux and so on);

- sheriffs in counties (county sheriffs’ offices);

- the police forces of cities and towns (municipal or city police);

- the police of villages (constables and village police departments).

Municipal police departments are the heart of the entire police system. They have their own organization with several different divisions, each with specific functions. In most departments there are four major divisions:

- field operations (patrol, investigation, traffic, youth divisions, special operations etc.);

- administrative services (community relations, planning);

- technical services (communications, records,etc.) and

- inspectional services (internal affaires, intelligence, etc.).

Besides there are such special police forces as parks police, bridge and tunnel administration police forces, and police organizations for special tasks. All in all, there are about 40,000 separate police agencies in the United States of America.

The federal police agencies are financed from the Federal Fund. Other police forces are financed from the respective authorities’ funds.

Policemen have weapons, such as revolvers, clubs and gas pistols.


3. Translate the following word-combinations using the text above:

- peace-keeping activities;

- to enforce the law;

- municipal police agency;

- to go hand in hand;

- to rescue a lost pet;

- stolen property;

- drug control agency;

- traffic regulations.


5 Find the Russian equivalents given in column B:

A                                                 B

1 to direct traffic                  1.возвращать похищенное имущество

2 to assist public                  2. находить пропавших детей

3 to recover stolen property 3. носить оружие

4 to find lost children          4. регулировать дорожное движение

5 to have weapons               5. оказывать помощь людям


  1. Make up different word-combinations using the following words (A,B) and translate them:

             A                                                     B

Police                                                         training

Peace-keeping                                            property

Technological                                            department

Traffic                                                        activities

Stolen                                                         development

Special                                                        regulations

7. Mark the sentences T (true) or F (false); correct the false ones:

1. There are four main types of police agencies operating in the USA.

2. The great part of police work involve crime-fighting situations.

3. The modern police departments in the USA came into existence in the years 

following World War II.

4. Municipal police departments are the heart of the entire police system.

5. The field operations division is responsible for patrolling streets,

investigations, traffic and nothing else.

6. The federal police agencies are financed from the Federal Fund.

7. American policemen do not carry weapons.


The modern police departments in the USA came into existence in the years following World War I. Since 1920 municipal police agencies have increasingly grown in personnel and responsibilities. The great part of police work does not involve crime-fighting situations but rather consists of both service and peace-keeping activities.

Service functions include directing traffic and enforcing traffic regulations, answering accident calls, aiding the sick, helping find a lost child or rescue a lost pet, recovering stolen property, and reporting fires. These are all services performed to assist the public.

There are five main types of police agencies operating in the USA.

Besides there are such special police forces as parks police, bridge and tunnel administration police forces, and police organizations for special tasks. The federal police agencies are financed from the Federal Fund.

Policemen have weapons, such as revolvers, clubs and gas pistols.


Federal Bureau of Investigation


1. Some new words for the text:

Headquarters                  главное управление, центр, штаб-квартира

Advance                         прогресс, развитие

To set standards             устанавливать стандарты

Field officer                   офицер, курирующий определенный район

Extortion                        вымогательство

Larceny                          воровство, хищение

Fraud                             мошенничество

Robbery                         грабеж

Burglary                         кража со взломом

Motor vehicle                транспортное средство

Treason                           государственная измена

Espionage                       шпионаж


2. Read and translate some general information about Federal Bureau of Investigation:

About FBI

 (general information)

The most famous Federal Government Agency in the United States is the Federal Bureau of Investigation (the FBI). It was established in 1908 by Attorney General Charles Joseph Bonaparte in response to President Theodore Roosevelt’s need for an investigative agency to handle «land thieves» in the West and big business «trusts» in the East. The agency began as a small group of investigators in the Department of Justice.

In 1924, when the Attorney General Harlan Fiske Stone appointed 29-year-old J. Edgar Hoover as director of the bureau, a major advance began. Hoover instituted an immediate reorganization, setting new standards of qualifications for appointment as special agent and a system of specialized training for all personnel.

Under Director Hoover’s leadership, by the end of the 1960’s, the FBI, with headquarters in Washington, D.C., had field offices in 59 major cities and 526 resident offices serving 50 states. There were offices in 11 major foreign cities. The investigative work was performed by more than 16, 000 employees: 7,200 special agents and 9,100 clerical, stenographic, and technical personnel.

The FBI investigates over 180 different matters, including espionage, sabotage, treason, federal criminal violations and other activities affecting internal security; kidnapping, extortion, bank robbery, burglary and larceny in federal institutions; bribery, interstate transportation of stolen motor vehicles, aircraft, or property; fraud against government or theft of government property and any other matters in which the Government has an interest.   


3. Read and translate the following international words without dictionary:

Bureau, criminal, interest, agents, special, narcotics, prostitution, cooperation, local, deserter, identification, collection, arrest, police, laboratory, criminological, material, communications, control, teletype, contact, information, instruction, practical, situation, nation, function, inspection, limit, competent, atomic, energy.

4. Write and read the words from which the following ones are formed:

investigation ----------------            responsibility ---------------------

organization ----------------             security ----------------------------

appointment ----------------             suspect ----------------------------

government -----------------             criminal ---------------------------



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