Yes, No

– Oh, 'yes, 'yes, 'yes, 'yes, ‛yes! 'I ‛win!

– ,No, ,no, ,no, ,no, `no! `I win!

– 'No, 'I ‛win!

– 'You ‛cheat! ˇMom, 'Bobby ‛cheats!

– 'You, ‛rat! 'Rat, 'rat, 'rat, ‛rat!

– ˇMommy, 'Bobby 'calls me ‛names!

– ‛Children, 'play ‛nicely!


Romeo and Juliet

– I `love you, ,Juliet!

– 'No, 'no, 'no, →no!

– I ‛love you, Juliet.

– →No, 'not →good.

– ,I? ,Love? `You? I 'love ‛you. ,I `love you.

– ‛Hmm… O,kay… 'Not ,bad, 'not ,bad…

– I ‛love you.

– ‛Very good! 'Very, ‛very good! I 'love you, ‛too, Romeo. →Next!


Romeo and Juliet

– I `hate you, ,Juliet!

– →Again.

– I ‛hate you, Juliet.

– →No.

– I `hate you! ,I? ,Hate? ,You? ,Yes? ,No?

– 'Not ‛bad…

– I ‛hate you! ‛You! I ‛hate! ‛ Hate! ‛Hate! ‛Hate!

– `Excellent! “`Hate, `hate!” 'Simply `excellent! ‛Thank you, Romeo! →Next!


3. Johnny + Drew = ?

– I’m `ready, ,Johnny, 'read your ‛poem.

– ‛Yes, ‛people, ‛yes, it’s ‛true – I 'love that 'pretty, 'pretty ‛Drew. 'Yes, I 'love ‛Drew;

I 'love ‛cinema, ‛Shakespeare, ‛pizza, and my ‛ma. But, 'Drew does 'not ‛love me.

 'She loves ‛Pete. And when I 'see ‛her, I ‛spit! 'Spit, 'spit, 'spit, ‛spit!

– ‛Poor boy! Your 'ma ‛loves you, ,Johnny! 'Give her a `kiss!



– A ‛limerick | by 'my 'son ‛Johnny.

– Mr ‛Clark | has a ,lark. And Mr 'Rice has →filthy… ‛sorry, 'fifty ‛mice.

Mr 'Rice has 'fifty ‛mice! Mr ,Rook | is a ,crook. And, Lady ,Dunn | has a ,gun.

They 'live in a 'bar in ‛Africa… 'no, ,no, →in... in ‛Zanzibar! They 'all 'live in a 'bar in ‛Zanzibar!

– 'Very ‛good, Johnny!

– →And, and Mr 'Doodle has a ,poodle. And Mr 'Pork is a ‛dork!

– 'That’s e‛nough, Johnny! 'Go to your ‛room!

– O‛kay, mom…


The Picture

– Ah ‛yes. The ‛picture.

– 'This is 'Mary-‛Ann. 'Always ‛cute. 'This is ‛Caroline. ‛Always serious.

– A… `soldier? →This is…

– It’s ‛me. ‛Yes. ‛Always… ‛well… `strong.

– ‛You? 'Is it ‛you? ‛Really?

– ,Yes, it’s `me. ‛Young, ,uh? And 'that ,boy | is my 'little 'brother ‛Billy.                                               'Always with a 'finger up his ‛nose.

– The 'famous 'Bill the ‛Finger? The ‛actor?

– ‛Yes, the 'famous ,Bill | and his 'famous ‛finger. 'Hence the ‛nickname.

– 'Oh! ‛Now I understand!


Hate or Love?

– 'Oh, `stop it! You 'know I’m ‛ticklish!

– I ‛know, sweetie pie.  'What is `that? It’s a 'new ta`ttoo. It’s a ‛portrait. It →is 'John `Lennon! `I ,see.

– You 'see ‛what!? I ‛love John Lennon. ' “All you 'need is →love”!

– ` I ,know… 'Love, 'sweet 'love and 'nothing ‛else.

– You 'have ‛food? I’m 'so ‛hungry, I could 'eat a ‛horse.

– 'Look in the ‛fridge.

– ’Where?

– In the re‛frigerator. 'Where `else?

– O,K… in the ‛fridge… but you’ve →got… you’ve 'got only 'beer and ‛ketchup in there!

– ‛Yes, I ‛know. But 'all you 'need is ,love, ,right?        

–  ‛You! I ‛hate you!



– Oh `hi, `Jane! Still `angry ,at me? It was 'just a `joke…

– ‛Hi, Bob! You 'know that I 'hate your ‛jokes!

– →Sorry. You 'want to 'go for a ‛movie?

– It de‛pends. 'Which ‛one?

– That 'new ‛horror flick. I 'know that you 'like ‛horror movies.

– ‛Ah! 'Yes, I ,do. You 'mean the “'Cut, 'Gut and 'Lots of ‛Blood” 'starring 'Muma ‛Crumann?

– 'That’s the ,one.

– The di'rector’s 'simply a `genius! I 'love ‛all of his movies! He’s 'more than a ‛genius!

– Of ,course, →he is…

– ,Bob!

– ‛What?

– I 'don’t 'like your ‛tone!


Just a Cold

– ‛So, 'what do you ‛think?

– 'Eeny 'meeny 'miny →moe, 'catch the 'monster by the ‛toe…

– 'Muma ‛Crumann is 'just ` great! The 'girl’s the 'biggest 'star ‛ever!

The ‛cameraman | is ‛brilliant! `Brilliant! I’m 'so im‛pressed!

– ‛Yeah… 'so am ‛I. ‛Tell me, who was that 'fat ‛chap | with the 'big ‛axe?

– You 'don’t ,know? He’s her ‛father, of ‛course. You 'have to 'watch ‛closely | to under‛stand.

– I ` did, Jane. I 'swear I ` did.

– ‛Did you? I 'think I’ve 'heard you ‛snore | 'once or  ,twice.

– ,No, I 'did `watch it! →It’s… I’ve 'just got a ‛cold, 'that’s ,all!

– 'Just a ‛cold, ,eh? O‛K. But, 'be 'very ‛careful, mister! 'Very ‛careful, because I’m ‛watching you!

I’m 'watching you like a ‛hawk!


Reading Updike

– 'Knock, ˇknock!

– 'Who’s ˇthere?

– It’s the 'man you 'like to ‛hate.

– All ‛right, my 'hateful ,man, 'come ‛in. 'What’s ‛up?

– `Not ,much. 'What are you ‛doing? ,Reading? 'Are you all ‛right?

– ‛Yes, I am ‛reading. It’s ‛Updike…

– ‛Updike? 'John ‛Hoyer Updike? 'Son of 'Linda 'Grace ('Hoyer) 'Updike and 'Wesley ,Russell Updike?

– 'Born in 'Reading, 'Pennsylvania, in 'nineteen 'thirty-‛two?

– 'Graduated from 'Harvard College in 'nineteen ‛fifty-four?


– The 'famous ,novelist, ,essayist, ,critic, and 'overall re'fined inte‛llectual? The 'cult ,author?                     The `Up’dike!?

– 'Oh, ‛stop it! You 'think that if I 'liked “'Cut, 'Gut and 'Lots of ‛Blood”, I 'can’t 'read ‛Updike?

– I ,can, and I ‛do! And, I en'joy 'doing it 'very ‛much! ‛There!

Johnny the Fireman

– 'What is ‛this, →Johnny?

– It’s a 'book of →matches | and a 'can of `petrol, ,mom.

– I can ‛see | that it is a 'book of 'matches and a 'can of `petrol, ,Johnny. But ˆwhy?

'What are 'you `doing with them?

– I 'wanna be a `fireman. I 'like 'setting 'things on `fire. I `like ,fire. It’s 'very 'bright and →nice…

– ‛Now, Johnny, you’re up'setting your ‛mother.

We 'both ‛know | that you will be'come a 'famous 'poet and ‛author!                                                                     

And 'don’t 'say ‛“wanna”; it’s ‛bad English!

– O,kay, mom. But, 'can I 'be a 'famous 'poet and a 'fireman and 'set 'things on ‛fire?                                   ,Please? ,Please? ,Please?

– 'No, you can`not, Johnny!

– But, ˇmom…

– You’re up'setting your ‛mother, John. The dis'cussion is ‛over! 'Go to your 'room and 'study ‛Shakespeare!

– O‛kay, mom…


11. Time To…

For 'everything there is a ‛season, and a 'time for 'every ,purpose | under ‛heaven:

A 'time to be →born, and a 'time to ‛die; A 'time to ‛kill, and a 'time to ‛heal;

A 'time to 'break ‛down, and a 'time to 'build ‛up;

A 'time to ,weep, and a 'time to ‛laugh; A 'time to ,mourn, and a 'time to ‛dance;

A 'time to 'cast a‛way stones, and a 'time to 'gather 'stones to‛gether;

A 'time to ‛seek, and a time to ‛lose; A time to ‛keep, and a 'time to 'cast a‛way;

A 'time to ,tear, and a 'time to‛ sew; A 'time to 'keep ,silence, and a 'time to ‛speak;

A ‛time for war, and a ‛time for peace; A 'time to ,love, and a 'time to ‛hate;

A 'time to 'cast a‛way stones, and a ‛time | to 'gather 'stones to‛gether…


Всему свое время, и время всякой вещи под небом: время рождаться, и время умирать;

время насаждать, и время вырывать посаженное; время убивать, и время врачевать;

время разрушать, и время строить; время плакать, и время смеяться;

время сетовать, и время плясать; время разбрасывать камни, и время собирать камни;

время обнимать, и время уклоняться от объятий;время искать, и время терять;

время сберегать, и время бросать; время раздирать, и время сшивать;

время молчать, и время говорить; время войне, и время миру.

время любить, и время ненавидеть; время разбрасывать камни, и время собирать камни

12. The Butler Did It!

– A ,crime? A‛gain? ‛Where?

– In the ‛library, Holmes. The ‛silverware’s gone!

– ‛Ah, 'notice how it 'always 'happens in the ‛library, Watson! 'Who was ‛present?

– `Yours ,truly, Sir ,James, 'Lady ,Dunn, the ,judge, 'Colonel ,Stockton, the ˇbanker, the ˇdoctor, the ˇactress, the `French ,chef, the ˇbutler…

– 'Say 'no →more, Watson! The →butler ‛did it!

– I ‛see. You’re a `genius, ,Holmes, but `still…

– It’s ele‛mentary, my dear Watson. →Actually, the ,butler | is 'not a 'butler at ‛all!

– →You | 'don’t `say!

– I 'recognized him 'right a‛way. The “‛butler” | is the ‛brilliant, but ‛evil | Pro'fessor 'Marti‛farti –                 the ‛mastermind behind ↑every 'crime in the ‛world! It was ‛he | who 'stole the ‛silverware.

– You 'mean Pro'fessor 'Mori‛arti, Holmes. Mori,arti. 'Not 'Marti‛farti.

– 'Marti,farti, Mori,arti. Wha‛tever. A'nother 'heinous 'crime is ‛solved, →Watson.                                             ‛Now, `give me the ,violin – I 'want to ‛play…

– ‛Oh, I a‛dore that man!



Asking for Trouble

– You 'want 'coffee or ‛tea?

– I’m ‛fine, ‛thank you.

– 'You’ve been 'sitting at the com‛puter | for ↑two ‛hours.                                                                                               

'I 'didn’t 'see you 'have ,breakfast | or 'take a `shower for that ,matter.

– 'I’ve been ‛chatting. I’ve 'found this 'new ,chat room | and 'there’s this ,chap…

– It’s 'not `healthy, you know. You ‛sit there | 'staring at the ,screen | and ,talking to yourself.

You 'never 'even 'combed your `hair. You 'look like a `madman.

– →Oh, you e‛xaggerate! I 'don’t 'look like a ˇmadman! It’s →just that…

– 'Go 'take a ‛shower |`right ,now | and 'have 'something to ‛eat!

– 'Oh ‛really…

– 'Do it ,now | or you 'won’t 'know what ‛hit you, buddy! 'Are you 'asking for ‛trouble?

– `All ,right, I’ll ,go | but I’ll be 'eating without an ‛appetite!

– 'Just 'shut up and ‛go! 'Don’t 'try my 'patience 'any ‛longer…


A House

– 'What a 'gorgeous ‛sunset! 'Just 'look at 'that ‛view! It’s `breathtaking!

–‛Thank you. 'We 'like it ‛too.

– `Like it? 'That’s 'what I 'call a ‛serious understatement! I’m 'absolutely `loving it!

– ‛Thank you. It’s 'always 'nice to ‛hear.

– 'Have you `bought the ,house?

– ‛No, we could 'never have a‛fforded it. 'Not ‛these days. My 'parents ‛left it to me.

– 'Lucky ‛you. It’s ‛such a beautiful place. And 'so ‛peaceful.

– `Yes, it `is. And 'down ‛there, we 'even have a 'private ‛beach.

– You’ve 'got a ’river?

– `No, it’s a ,lake. 'Look 'over ‛there – we have a ,boat | and a 'private ‛mooring.

– `That beauty is ,your boat? 'I’m gonna ‛die… 'By the ‛way, 'what ‛lake is it?

– It’s 'Lake ,Green. And, of ‛course, it’s 'full of ‛trout… 'Do you ‛like fishing?

– I ‛love it.

– We 'also have 'two →horses, a →pony, and a ‛donkey. 'Can you 'ride a ’horse?

– ‛Yes, I ‛can.

– 'How about a 'ride to'morrow `morning?

– 'I’m 'so ex'cited I can 'hardly ‛wait!

– ‛Look, the 'first ‛star!

– “'Twinkle, 'twinkle 'little →star…”

– “'How I 'wonder 'what you ‛are…”


What’s The Difference?

– Good ,morning, Jim! 'Can you 'help me with the com'puter a,gain?

– ‛Uh, ‛sure, but 'those 'chaps 'never 'brought it ‛back…

– `Yes, they ,did. It’s 'sitting on my `desk!

– 'No ‛way! They 'couldn’t have 'got ‛past me | without my ‛seeing them.

– But I’m ‛telling you – it’s 'right ‛there. I’ve 'just ‛seen it.

– Oh, ‛may,be, you’ve 'seen a 'ghost or ‛something…

– 'Are you 'going to ‛help | or 'should I 'ask 'somebody ‛else?

– Ah 'well… 'let’s ,go…

– 'Here it `is!

– `Where?

– 'Right `here – in `front of you!

– I’m 'not ,blind. I 'told you they 'never 'brought it 'back from the ‛shop. It’s 'not ‛here.

– If 'you’re 'making some 'kind of ‛joke, it’s 'not ‛funny. 'What’s ‛this in your opinion!?

– It’s 'only a ‛monitor.

– A ‛monitor, a com‛puter… 'What’s the `difference?  'Just 'help me 'turn it ‛on – I’ve 'got `work to do!

– 'Oh, ‛Good Lord!


– 'Anything ,else?

– O‛kay… 'let me 'see those avo‛cados | in the ‛back. 'Are they `ripe?

– 'Not ‛really. They’re a 'bit ‛hard. 'What do you ‛want them for? A guaca,mole or a ‛salad?

They’re 'just ‛right for a salad…

–‛Neither. I 'eat them ‛straight | with some 'salt and 'black ‛pepper.                                                           My ‛roommate | 'taught me 'that in ‛college.

–'Just like ‛that, ,uh?

– ‛Yep. And with some 'nice ‛bread. 'French ba‛guette | would 'just 'do ‛fine.

–'How do you ‛do that? You 'make →an 'open ,sandwich | or ‛what?

– `No, you 'cut it 'open with a ,knife, 'take out the ,core, 'salt and ,pepper it |  and 'eat it with a ‛tea spoon. Very ‛simple | but 'very de‛licious.

– ‛Hmm… I should `try it. You 'got me ‛curious.

– You 'won’t re‛gret it. ‛Trust me. 'You’ll get 'hooked 'just like ‛me.

– `Oh. O‛kay. 'Thank you for your ‛recipe!

– You’re ‛welcome.



– The 'roast beef `sandwich, ,please.

– 'Half or ‛full?

– ‛Half, please.

– 'What 'kind of ‛bread?

– 'What d’you ‛have?

– ,Wheat, ,rye, ,ciabatta, ,French…

– `French, I ,think. ‛Yes, ‛that one – it 'looks ‛good.

– 'What 'kind of ‛cheese would you like?

– 'Make it ‛Swiss.

– To,mato, ,lettuce, ,pickles, ,onions?

– ‛Yes, ‛everything. `Hold ,on. 'Do you 'have alf‛alfa sprouts?

– 'Let me ‛check… 'yes, we `do.

– 'Use alf‛alfa then, in'stead of the ‛lettuce, please.

– `O,K. 'Mayonnaise or ‛mustard?

– 'Both 'mayonnaise and `mustard, ,please. 'And 'black ‛pepper.

– ,That’s it?

– →That’s it.

– →Next!

What’s Up?

– →Hey, 'what’s `up, ,mate?

– 'Not `much, ,mate. 'Got my'self a 'new com‛puter. 'Have a `look.

– ‛Wow! 'That’s 'fancy ‛stuff! A 'real 'mean ma‛chine! A 'dual 'core 'processor and ,all!

– It’s 'special de'signed for ‛gaming. It’s a ‛powerhouse. It’s 'got the 'latest 'everything and ‛more.

'Millions of 'real 'brilliant ‛gadgets.

– `Cool, ,man. 'Where did you 'get the ‛money? 'Rob a ,bank? It 'costs at the 'very 'least 'ten ‛grand.

– 'Fifteen ‛K | in a 'store near ‛you. But for ,me, it was ‛free.

– 'No ‛way, mate! Or, 'maybe, 'Bill 'Gates 'turned 'out to be your 'long lost ‛uncle |                                     and 'gave it to 'you as a `gift? “‛Luke, 'I’m your ‛father! 'Here’s some 'small ‛change for you…”

– 'Not ‛really. But, the 'Force was ‛with me | and this 'young ‛Jedi |  'got 'hired as a ‛game tester.

– A ,what?

– A 'game ‛tester. They 'pay me to 'test their com‛puter games.

– 'That’s ‛loony, mate! They 'pay you to ’play? 'No `way, ,mate!

– ‛Way! And, they 'gave me this com‛puter. I’m sup'posed to be 'giving them ‛feedback | on the ‛games they develop. There may be 'bugs in the ‛software, and they 'pay 'testers like 'me to `find them.

– 'Does it 'pay ,well?

– It 'ain’t ‛bad | for 'just 'sitting a'round and ‛playing. I 'used to 'do it for 'free ˇanyway…

– 'May the `Force be with you, ,mate!

19. Beam Me Up, Scotty!

– 'Looks 'like our 'buddy `Steve got ,rich. 'Probably 'won the ‛lottery or something.                                     I 'saw him 'drive a‛round | in a 'red Lambor`ghini the other ,day. It 'must be 'worth at `least half a ,mil.

– ‛Yeah, I ‛know. I 'talked to him ‛yesterday | and 'even had a `ride in that rocket of his.

– ‛So, 'what’s his `story?

– 'You 'won’t be‛lieve it.

– ‛Try me.

– O,K. You 'know that our ‛Stevie | 'never in his 'life had a ‛job.

'So, he 'sits a'round all 'day in his ‛underwear | 'watching ` “Star Trek” | and 'browsing the ‛paper.           About a ‛week ago | he 'goes through the ‛Auto Trader | and he 'sees that `ad.                                                  A `Lambor,ghini for a 'hundred ‛pounds. And 'being as 'stupid as he ,is | he 'just 'calls the `number.               The 'chap on the 'other side ‛says “‛Yeah. 'Come ,over | and 'bring the `money”. 'Stevie 'says to him,self “'What the `heck, it’s `only a ten minute ,drive, 'what am I 'gonna `lose?” You ,with me so far?

– 'Yes, I ‛am. 'Go ,on.

– 'Let’s have a `beer ,first. I had a 'tough ‛day. 'Want a ,beer?           

– ‛Sure. 'Beam me ‛up, Scotty!

20. Live Long and Prosper!

– 'Thanks for the `beer, ,man. 'Go 'on with the `story, ,will you?

– 'So, you 'like it so ‛far, ,uh?

– You ‛bet I do! The sus'pense is ‛killing me. I’m on my ‛toes | 'waiting for the `punch ,line!

– All ‛right then, it 'gets 'even `better. 'Our 'Captain 'Kirk ‛gets there; the 'chap 'gives him the 'owner’s ,title | and the ‛keys, and 'off our 'Stevie ,goes | in his 'new 'Lambor`ghini.

– ‛No, you 'must be ‛kidding.

– I 'kid you `not, ,man. The ‛story, ap‛parently, is that the 'chap was in the 'middle of a 'very 'ugly di‛vorce I ‛mean | ‛ugly. 'Ugly as they can ‛get. 'He and his 'ex-,wife | 'fought over that 'Lambor,ghini | for ‛years. ‛Finally, the 'judge ‛rules | that the 'chap must 'sell the ,car | and 'give the 'money to his `ex.

– 'Oh, `no!

– Oh, `yes, my ,man! 'Oh, ‛yes! So, the 'chap 'tells the ,judge, 'very ‛quietly, ,mind you,

“‛Yes, your honor! Of ‛course, your honor!”

He 'sells his 'car to our ,friend | for the 'one 'hundred `pounds | and 'sends the 'check to his `ex.

The 'curtain ‛falls. 'End of ‛story.

– 'My, oh 'my, oh ‛my! 'Looks like the 'stupid ,ones | have 'all the 'luck in the ‛world!

– 'Let’s 'drink to our 'lucky 'Captain ,Steve | and his 'new ‛spaceship!

– 'Live 'long and ‛prosper!


What Do You Think?

– 'Have 'you 'seen the 'American 'presidential de‛bate last night? It was 'quite a ˇshow.

– I’m 'sorry to 'say I ‛have.

– You 'don’t 'seem to be 'very im‛pressed.

– Im'pressed I ‛was. By their in'credible stu‛pidity! The Re'publican 'candidate 'kept 'talking about     '“nu-killer” ‛weapons. He 'can’t 'even 'say `“nuclear”. I 'don’t be‛lieve he went to Harvard.                  'Probably 'slept 'all the 'way ‛through it…

– ,Well, 'brains are 'not his ‛strong side. I 'give you ‛that. 'What about the ‛other chap? The ‛Democrat.

– The ‛Democrat, `right! He’s 'got 'more 'money in ‛his pocket | than 'Bill 'Gates and 'Donald 'Trump to`gether. The 'other `day, they 'showed his ‛ranch | in Cali‛fornia | and it was the 'size of 'New `Zealand. And he “'stands for the ‛poor”. ‛Yeah, ‛right…

– I →see. 'What about ‛our new Prime Minister, then? 'What do you 'think of `him?

– 'Well, his ‛suit looks OK. His 'haircut’s ,perfect. His 'teeth ,sparkle. 'What 'else do we ‛need?                      He’s a ‛darling!

– You 'seem to be in a 'very 'critical 'mood to`day, my ,friend.

– 'Well, you’re ‛right. To'day I’m a 'bit ‛grouchy. But it’s 'all a `game | and you `know it.

– 'Yes, in'deed I ‛do, my friend. But 'sometimes this 'game is 'very 'interesting to ‛watch…


The Magic Word

– 'My 'car ‛died on me. 'Just 'round the ,corner.

– ‛Obviously, you 'need a ‛new one. 'Yours is a 'piece of `junk.

– It’s `not a piece of ,junk. It’s a 'vintage ‛classic. It’s a 'Bentley ‛sixty eight | with 'all the o'riginal ‛parts.

– ,All?

– →Well, ‛almost all. ‛Sure she .needs some .repairing, but 'all in ‛all, she’s in ‛fine shape.

– 'Fine shape, ‛right. 'Then 'my 'wheelchair-bound ‛grandmother is in 'fine shape, ‛too.                            'What are you 'going to `do, if 'next 'time it 'dies on you in a ‛fast lane?

– 'Well, I 'don’t ‛take fast lanes. She’s 'not 'that ‛fast…

– 'Is 'that sup'posed to be ‛funny? I’m 'not ‛laughing, you know. It’s 'pretty `serious.

'You can `kill yourself.

– I’m ‛not going to kill myself. I’ll 'change the ,battery, the ,plugs, and the ‛fuel filter |                                        and she’s 'going to be 'just like ‛new.

– ‛Fine, 'suit your‛self.

– 'O‛K…

– “O'K” ‛what?

– 'Can I 'borrow your ,car | for a 'couple of ,days?

– ,And?

– '“And” `what?

– The 'magic ,word.

– ,Please…




– ‛Harry, ‛Harry, ‛Harry, ‛Harry, you 'have the 'right ‛haircut, the 'right ‛scar, the 'right ‛looks.

You 'even have a ‛wand. But, you 'do not ,have…

– ’Sir?

– You 'still 'do 'not 'know how to ‛say…

– ‛What, sir?

– You 'cannot pro'nounce the ‛word…

– 'Yes, I `can, I `can!

– 'Do not inte‛rrupt me, ‛Harry! You’re 'pushing me to the ‛limit!

Just 'shut your ,mouth | and ‛sit there! 'I’m 'two 'hundred 'years ‛old,

I have a `very bad ,temper | and I can ‛smack you, if you 'do it a`gain! You 'get my ’drift?

– ‛Yes, sir! I ‛do, sir!




– O‛K, ‛now, as 'I was 'saying before I was 'so `rudely inte,rrupted, ‛you, Harry, can'not 'properly pro'nounce the 'word “'abraca`dabra”. You 'want to →try it | 'once a,gain, Harry?

– ‛Yes, Professor ‛Doubledork!

– ‛Do it then.

– 'Abraca‛labra… 'abracama‛cabra… 'abracasha‛mabra… →abra…

– 'Get out of my ‛face, `you, 'little ,twit! ‛Out, ‛out!

'How do you in'tend to de'feat the 'all-‛powerful | 'Lord ‛Ugliwart,

if you 'cannot 'say the 'simple 'word “→ablaca… →avraca…” 'Oh, 'never ‛mind!

'Go and ‛study, Harry! ‛Study! ‛Shame on you! 'No des'sert for you to`night, ,Harry!

Vanity of Vanities

'Vanity of ‛vanities, 'all is ‛vanity.

'One gene'ration ‛goes, and a'nother gene'ration ‛comes; but the 'earth re'mains fo‛rever.

The 'sun 'also ‛rises, and the 'sun 'goes ‛down, and 'hurries to its 'place ‛where it rises.

The 'wind 'goes to'wards the ‛south, and 'turns a'round to the ‛north.

It 'turns a'round con‛tinually | as it ‛goes, and the 'wind re'turns a'gain to its ‛courses.

'All the 'rivers 'run into the ‛sea, 'yet the 'sea is ‛not full.

To the 'place 'where the ‛rivers flow, 'there they 'flow a‛gain.

'All 'things are 'full of 'weariness beyond ‛uttering. 'That which ‛has been | is 'that which ‛shall be;

and 'that which ‛has been done | is 'that which ‛shall be done;

and there is 'no 'new ‛thing | 'under the ‛sun...

Суета сует – всё суета! Что пользы человеку от всех трудов его, которыми трудится он под солнцем?Род проходит, и род приходит, а земля пребывает вовеки. Восходит солнце, и заходит солнце, и спешит к месту своему, где оно восходит. Идет ветер к югу, и переходит к северу, кружится, кружится на ходу своем, и возвращается ветер на круги свои.Все реки текут в море, но море не переполняется: к тому месту, откуда реки текут, они возвращаются, чтобы опять течь. Всё тщетно и невыразимо словами;

Что было, то и будет; и что делалось, то и будет делаться, и нет ничего нового под солнцем.

He Who Increases Knowledge

…'All is 'vanity and 'chasing after ‛wind…

I ‛said to myself, "Be‛hold, I have ob'tained for my'self 'great ‛wisdom | above 'all who were be'fore me in Je‛rusalem. ‛Yes, my 'heart has had 'great ex'perience of 'wisdom and ‛knowledge." I ap'plied my 'heart to 'know ‛wisdom, and to 'know 'madness and ‛folly. I per'ceived that this ‛also | was a 'chasing after ‛wind.

For in 'much ‛wisdom | is 'much ‛grief;  and 'he who in'creases ‛knowledge | in'creases ‛sorrow.


… Все есть суета и томление духа … Говорил я себе: вот, я возвеличился и приобрел мудрости больше всех, которые были прежде меня над Иерусалимом, и сердце мое видело много мудрости и знания.И предал я сердце мое тому, чтобы познать мудрость и познать безумие и глупость: узнал, что и это - томление духа; потому что во многой мудрости много скорби;                                    и кто умножает познания, умножает печаль.


1. 'Yes, it's a 'fine ˎthing.
'Yes, it's a 'fine 'thing to ˎsing.
'Yes, it's a 'fine 'thing to 'sing in ˎspring.
'Yes, it's a 'fine 'thing to 'sing in 'spring in the ˎfield.


2. She 'sells ˎeggs.
She 'sells 'hen's ˎeggs.
She 'sells the 'best 'hen's ˎeggs.
She 'sells the 'best 'hen's 'eggs 'every ˎWednesday.


3. He was 'able to 'beatˎBill.
He was 'able to 'beat 'Bill at ˎbilliards.
He was 'able to 'beat 'Bill at 'billiards and ˎbaseball.
'Ben was 'able to 'beat 'Bill at 'billiards and ˎbaseball.


4. You must ˎcome.
You must 'come to ˎsupper.
You must 'come to 'supper with ˎRuss.
You must 'come to 'supper with 'Russ and 'join in the ˎfun.

5. I 'shan't ˎdance.
I 'shan't 'dance at the 'garden ˎparty.
I 'shan't 'dance at the 'garden 'party on my 'aunt's ˎfarm.
I 'shan't 'dance at the 'garden 'party on my 'aunt's 'farm in ˎMarch.

6. They 'painted the ˎtable.
They 'painted the 'table pale ˎgrey.
They 'painted the 'table pale 'grey the other ˎday.
They 'painted the 'table pale 'grey the other 'day to 'save it from ˎstains.

7. Very ˎwell, William.
Very ˎwell, William, but 'why were you ˎworried?
Very ˎwell, William, but 'why were you 'worried aˎbout it?
Very ˎwell, William, but 'why were you so 'very much 'worried aˎbout it?


8. 'That's the 'man who had a ˎhat on.
'That's the very 'man who had a ˎhat on.
'That's the very 'man who had a 'felt hat ˎon.
'That's the very 'man who had a 'felt hat 'on when it was ˎhot.

9. I'd 'choose blue ˎshoes.
I'd 'choose blue 'shoes to take to ˎschool.
I'd 'choose blue 'shoes to take to 'school toˎ use.
I'd 'choose blue 'shoes to take to 'school to 'use if I were ˎyou.

10. 'All their 'daughters are ˎtall.
'All the four 'daughters are very ˎtall.
'All the four 'daughters of Mr. 'Crawl are very ˎtall.
'All the four 'daughters of Mr. 'Crawl are very 'tall and ˎtalkative.


11. 'Where's the ˎwatch?
'Where's the 'watch I 'put in my ˎpocket?
'Where's the 'watch I 'put in my 'pocket to 'take to the ˎshop?
'Where's the 'watch I 'put in my 'pocket to 'take to the 'shop be'cause it has ˎstopped?

12. ˎHow?
'How have you 'found ˎout?
'How have you 'found out ˎabout it?
 'How have you 'found out 'about that ˎrow?

13. The 'nurse told 'nursery ˎtales.
'Nightly the 'nurse told 'nursery ˎtales.
'Nightly the 'nurse told 'nursery 'tales about ˎgnomes.
'Nightly the 'nurse told 'nursery 'tales about 'gnomes to the ˎtwins.

14. The 'end of the 'pier is ˎnear.
The 'end of the 'pier is ˎnear I fear.
The 'end of the 'pier is ˎnear I fear | and the 'mist hasn't ˎcleared.


15. 'That's a 'rare ˎpair.
'That's a 'rare 'pair for ˎMary.
'That's a 'rare 'pair for 'Mary to ˎwear.
'That's a 'rare 'pair for 'Mary to 'wear every ˎday.

16. I was aˎnnoyed.
I was a'nnoyed at the ˎboy.
I was a'nnoyed at the 'boy for 'spoiling the ˎtoy.
I was a'nnoyed at the 'boy for 'spoiling the 'toy which be'longed to ˎJoy.

17. I'm 'sure that 'Muriel will be ˎcured.
I'm 'sure that poor 'Muriel will be ˎcured.
I'm 'sure that poor 'Muriel will 'soon be ˎcured.
I'm 'sure that poor 'Muriel 'injured at the 'tournament will 'soon be ˎcured.

18. He is ˎswimming.
He is 'swimming in the ˎriver.
He is 'swimming in the 'river with ˎTim.
He is 'swimming in the 'river with 'Tim and his 'brother ˎJim.

19. Have a 'look at the ˎbook

Have a 'look at this 'wonderful ˎbook

Have a 'look at this 'wonderful 'book which I 'found near a ˎbrook.

Have a 'look at this 'wonderful 'book which I 'found near a 'brook and 'gave to the ˎcook

20. We agˎreed.
We agˎreed to ˎgo.
We agˎreed to 'go there toˎgether.
We agˎreed to 'go there to'gether and 'have a good ˎtime.

21. 'Hugh has 'hunted the ˎhouse.
But 'Hugh has 'hunted the whole ˎhouse.
But 'Hugh has 'hunted the whole 'house for his ˎhat.
But 'Hugh has 'hunted the whole 'house for his 'horrible ˎhat.

22. I inˎsist.
I in'sist that you ˎstay.
I in'sist that you 'stay with ˎus.
I 'can't a'ccept your eˎxcuse, I in'sist that you 'stay with ˎus.


Дата добавления: 2019-02-22; просмотров: 450; Мы поможем в написании вашей работы!

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