Insert a suitable conjunction expressesing time or condition.

1. I’ll marry my boy-friend __ he buys a flat for us. 2. Her phone card ran out __ she was talking with her mother. 3. Moira made sure the ring was solid gold __ she bought it. 4. We can’t go, we have to wait __ the taxi arrives. 5. I’ll give it to you __ you promise to marry me. 6. I’ll stay at your place for a while __ you don’t mind. 7. We’ll go roller-skating __ it rains. 8. I’ll call you back __ I learn the news. 9. We stopped answering the calls __ our parents called us the 500th time. 10. Simon hurt his leg __ he was climbing a tree.


23. Add a clause of time or condition.

Model: I’ll pass Grammar well ___ (cribs).

I’ll pass Grammar well if I don’t use cribs.

1. I’ll marry __ (a new house). 2. My boy/girl-friend will come earlier __(his/her boss). 3. I’ll put on my coat __ (snow). 4. I won’t go for a walk __ (write the composition). 5. Don’t forget to switch off the light __ (home). 6. Our family will go to the South __ (my father). 7. I’ll phone you __ (free). 8. Please, come to me __ (news). 9. I’ll master Grammar __ (hard). 10. Poor people will become richer __ (the government). 11. Cribs should disappear __ (tests). 12. I’ll manage to have a rest __ (a new job). 13. Men will stop lying __ (women). 14. We’ll study German __ (Germany). 15. We’ll vacuum our carpets __ (a vacuum-cleaner).


В придаточных изъяснительных (в роли дополнения) в так называемой косвенной речи используются: what (что), when (когда), which (который), where (где), who (кто), whom (кому, кого), whose (чей), why (почему), what … for ( для чего ), whether/ if ( ли ), that ( что ) и т . д . I wonder whom he’s going to marry. Mother first of all asks me if I’m hungry. We were not sure which road we should take.


Translate into Russian

1. I know whom you love. 2. I sometimes wonder whether we’ll ever marry. 3. Tell me what you’re doing that for! 4. Don’t tell the teacher whose bag it was. 5. Do you remember which way they went?             6. Nobody likes what he does. 7. We’d like to learn where our money is! 8. Don’t say who you work for. 9. His wife can’t even guess when he’ll come home. 10. Ask him why he did it.


Для введения косвенной речи используются глаголы: say (если за ним излагается только содержание речи) Say everything . tell (если за ним следует адресат) Tell them everything . ask (если пересказывается просьба или вопрос) Ask mother how much bread I should buy today. wonder (если показывают, какой информацией интересуется говорящий) I wonder how they’ll react.


25. Use say(s), tell(s), ask(s), wonder(s), speak(s), talk(s).

1. Scientists ___ there’s no life on other planets. 2. Our parrot can ___. 3. Only stupid people always ___ the truth. 4. I never ___ how much American policemen earn. 5. Proud men seldom ___ for help. 6. My Mum often ___ me to be kind to people. 7. How many languages do you ___? 8. Our baby can’t ___ yet. 9. People ___ that nothing hurts you like the truth. 10. Writers can ___ interesting stories. 11. It’s worth living if you have a friend and a couple of stories to ___ 12. Never ___ “never”. 13. Mother always ___ where I have been. 14. Few students ___ that studying is a pleasure. 15. Ticket collectors ___ the passengers to pay their fare. 16. I often ___ how I could become rich. 17. Only Russian people ___ how much other people earn. 18. Nobody will ever ___ you how much they really earn. 19. Doctors ___ that movement is life. 20. You mustn’t ___ anybody what you heard here.


26. Matching the parts, report what people say, tell, ask.

1. Children often wonder 2. Dentists insist 3. Ticket collectors tell us 4. Meteorologists inform us 5. Men don’t know 6. Cats ask 7. Friends always tell us 8. Mothers ask their children 9. Teachers advise students 10. Lawyers tell their clients a) to be given milk every day b) it’s time to pay our fare c) to be careful d) to study hard e) that we should brush our teeth f) where children come from g) about a weather forecast h) how to avoid taxes i) the truth j) what women want


Complete the sentences, using object clauses.

1. I often wonder __. 2. Teachers always tell us __. 3. Mother sometimes asks me __. 4. The old often complain __. 5. A friend of mine never tells __. 6. People say __. 7. We all want to know __. 8. My parents have always said __. 9. Pupils like to ask __. 10. My granny often tells __. 11. The Dean would like to know __. 12. Newspapers inform us __. 13. Doctors advise __. 14. Ticket collectors threaten __. 15. The government promises __.


В начале восклицательного предложения используется 1. how , если с ним соотносится прилагательное или наречие How fine the day is! How fluently you can speak Japanese! 2. what , если с ним соотносится существительное          (перед которым может стоять и прилагательное) What a crook he is! What a fineday we had yesterday!


В английских восклицательных предложениях порядок слов прямой, т.е. глагол следует за подлежащим: N + V What a clever boy your son is!                                                                     N V How beautiful Voronezh looks in spring!


28. Make up exclamatory sentences, using the following:

Model: How tall your boyfriend is!

1. tall 2. smart 3. awkward 4. selfish 5. generous 6. delicate                    7. devoted 8. happy 9. noisy 10. shocking 11. magnificent 12. long          13. green 14. calm 15. rough

29. Restore exclamatory sentences using how and what.

Model: clever / mum

        How clever mum is!

        What a clever mum I have!

1. cute/ boy-friend 2. strict/ examiner 3. good/ dream 4. charming/ singing 5. dark/ room 6. nasty/ weather 7. bad/ mistakes 8. impatient/ child 9. respectful/ man 10. absent-minded/ students 11. eyes/my boy-friend 12. old/ furniture 13. many/ stars/ sky 14. talkative/ girl     15. happy/ a newly wed couple 16. quickly/ time 17. lazily/ a cat 18. easily/ crimes 19. expensively/ rich women 20. cunningly/ foxes


30. Translate :

1. Какой ты жадный (greedy)! 2. Как здорово! 3. Какой красавчик (handsome)! 4. Как же нелепо(ridiculous)! 5. Какая отвратительная погода (nasty)! 6. Ух, как холодно! 7. Какие красивые глаза!                8. Какой непослушный ребёнок (naughty)! 9. Какая сердитая собака (fierce)! 10. Как ты ленив (lazy)! 11. Какая ж ты зануда (a bore)!           12. Какой смешной клоун! 13. Как душно (stuffy)! 14. Как много ошибок! 15. Как много на улице листьев (leaves)!

В восклицательных предложениях может использоваться наречие (well , badly , easily , quickly , etc .) . How beautifully you dress!


31. Use an adjective or an adverb.

1. What a ___ girl you were in your childhood! 2. How ___ you sing! 3. How ___ your hair is! 4. How ___ you run! 5. What a ___ day it is! 6. How ___ some people cheat others! 7. How ___ foxes are!                8. What a ___ cat you have! 9. How ___ we make mistakes! 10. How ___ some criminals are!


В английском вопросительном предложении часть сказуемого (оператор) ставится перед подлежащим.   operator Subject Predicate ….                                      v            N              V            вспомогательный                           Do       you      like   English Grammar?                  модальный                           Can      you     swim well?                глагол-связка Is Mother tired in the evening?


Выбор оператора зависит от 1) типа сказуемого Do you study English Grammar? Are you angry? Can you speak English well? 2) видо - временной формы глагола Was Mother tired yesterday? Did you study English Grammar at school ? Will they really come tomorrow? Are you listening to me? Had you done your homework by the time your mother came home?


3 2 . Choose the proper operator:

1. Where ___ (did/were) you born? 2. Why ___ (does/is) Mother tired? 3. When ___ (is/does) a schoolchild usually come home from school? 4. Why ___ (is/does) the teacher angry? 5. Where ___ (is/are/do) you going? 6. What ___ (can/is/does) a businessman spend his money on? 7. Why ___ (do/does/don’t) students seldom go to the library? 8. How much ___ (is/does) fish? 9. How much ___ (are/do) oranges cost in spring? 10. Whose money ___ (are/were) you taking when I saw you? 11. Which of you ___ (are/is) the strongest?          12. What marks ___ (do/did) you get at school? 13. What marks ___ (do/can/are) you get now? 14. Who ___ (was/did/were) you talking with at the bus stop? 14. What ___ (are/do/should) you study Grammar for?


В вопросительных предложениях (если это не вопрос к подлежащему) наречие частотности стоит после подлежащего. Do you often have headaches? Why do businessmen seldom have a good rest?


В вопросе к подлежащему наречие частотности располагается, как в утвердительном предложении. Which of you is usually late? Who normally cooks for you?


33. Ask your friends how often such things happen. Use always, often, sometimes, generally, usually, normally, seldom, ever, never.

Model: Do you often call your friend?            Avoid repetition!

1. Do you get bad marks? 2. Do you get up early on Sunday? 3. Does it rain in winter? 4. Are your teachers angry with you? 5. Does your teacher praise you? 6. Do your parents go to the theatre? 7. Do you buy English books? 8. Does your father cook? 9. Do you visit your grandparents? 10. Does your mother do your flat? 11. Do you giggle? 12. Does your friend call you?


Дата добавления: 2019-02-13; просмотров: 122; Мы поможем в написании вашей работы!

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