Primary education                                                 Teacher of primary classes


Етрекова А.А

Personality of the teacher of primary classes

Everybody knows that teaching is a very specific and responsible job. A person must have enough courage to accept this responsibility. Teaching is also one of the most difficult professions. For some people it’s a red-eye, sweaty-palm, sinking-stomach profession. But for the real teacher the main attraction is not money, but job satisfaction. Not everyone has enough courage to accept this responsibility. Most young people prefer to choose a more rewording and better-paid job. However there are many young people who consider teaching as a career, who agree to be on stage day and night, paying special attention to the smallest details in their speech, voice, clothes, behaviour every minute.

The success of education and upbringing children depends to a great degree on the personality of a teacher, his/ her professional skills, moral principles, erudition and cultural back-ground. This noble and challenging profession demands form a teacher constant creativity, enthusiasm, understanding of children psychology and love for them, complete dedication to his course.

The teacher must be a model of competence; so he is a person who is learning as well as teaching all his life. Most jobs can be done within the usual office hours, but teacher’s work is never done and evenings are mostly spent marking exercise-books and preparing for the next lesson.

A good teacher encourages his or her pupils, keeps them interested in their subject. He/ she treats the pupils with respect and values them as individuals. He understands that each child is unique and has special talents and capabilities that’s why he educates each pupil with special attention to his/ her interests and encourages each one to be the best he/ she can be. He helps children to develop their critical and creative thinking to form their views and characters, their attitudes to life and other people. He/ she treats them to work independently and cooperatively, to be helpful and useful.

A good teacher will do his/ her best to bring up honest and considerate, patient and tactful, self-confident and self-disciplined people, able to meet many challenges of adult life in a rapidly changing world

Primary educational in Kazakhstan

Primary education in Kazakhstan typically begins at age 6 and spans four academic years—Grade 1 through Grade Four. Classes generally run in two sessions, from 8:00 AM to 12:00 PM and from 1:00 PM to 5:00 PM; with students either going to class in the morning or in the afternoon.

All primary schools in Kazakhstan are state-owned and constitutionally protected. The curriculum for these schools is developed and established by the Ministry of Education and individual schools are mandated to teach the ascribed curriculum to a “T”, thus giving students the best chance of success, with each year building on the one before. Textbooks are provided by the government to each of the country’s primary schools, which in turn lend them to the students for their use in that particular year.

The curriculum in Kazakhstan’s primary schools includes courses in reading, basic mathematics, writing, Kazakh and Russian language arts, science, social science, art, music and physical education.

Primary school education is provided free to all citizens and residents of Kazakhstan and parents typically pay only for extra-curricular activities such as sports programs, music programs, and sometimes lab equipment or other special equipment.

Primary educational in other countries

The systems of education are not similar in different countries. In Britain there are three stages of schooling. The British have primary school, secondary school and post-secondary education. The latter includes further and higher education.

In the USA the system of education is very decentralized. That means every state has its own education laws. Generally they have got elementary schools (6-11 years), intermediate schools (11-15 years) and senior high schools (9-12 grades). There are several ways to continue education: universities, colleges, community colleges, technical and vocational schools.

Задание 2

Primary education                                                 Teacher of primary classes

Оқу-Learning; Teaching; Training                                                Әдістер– Methods                                             

Әңгіме-Conversation                                                            Жеке тұлға- A natural person

Тәрбие-Education                                                              Қалыптасу - Formation

Дидактика – Didactics                                                     Қосымша білім беру -Additional education

Анализ-Analysis                                                                Зерттеу әдісі-Research method

Оқушы-pupil                                                                         Кітап -book                                                                                                                                                                 

Мұғалім-Teacher                                                                Дәптер-Noote book    

Жаттығу-Coaching                                                             Күнделік- diary

Бірлесіп оқыту-Coeducation                                              Жоспар-plan

Оқыту курсы-Course of study                                                     Арнайы бақылау- Special control

Задание 3.

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