In the name of God, the Exalted, the Most High O Supreme Pen,

joyfulness did not take hold of Thee in the days of Thy Lord, the Exalted, the Most High,


whereupon Thou didst sing with the melodies of Bahá upon the twigs of the divine Lote-tree;

yet there descended upon thee a great calamity that hath caused the lamentation of those between heaven and earth.


Speak out therefore of that which befell Thee from the rulings of His decree, that the tears of all in the oceans of names may begin to flow for a calamity that hath caused the trembling of heaven, the quaking of the earth and the agitation of the inmost essence of being; and hath brought tears to the Eye of Grandeur on the Throne of His Mercifulness.




And say:

May the first outpourings of the showers of bounty that descended from the clouds of the Will of God -- the Most Exalted, the All-Glorious – and the first glimmerings of light that dawned from the Horizon of Eternity;

and the first salutation that was revealed from the Tongue of Grandeur in the Kingdom of His irrevocable decree rest upon thee


O thou great sign, exalted word, luminous pearl and visage of unity in the dominion of His decree.


How can I make mention of thy afflictions, O thou Crimson Leaf!


I swear by God that through thy fall from the Tree of the Cause, the leaves of the divine Lote Tree fell; the twigs of the tree of eternity were severed; the branches of the Tree of Blessedness were seared; the hearts of His loved ones were sorely afflicted; the faces of the chosen ones of God were bereft of colour; and the hearts of the godly were torn apart in the highest paradise.


Gabriel [Ruhu‟l-Amin – the Faithful Spirit] wailed in the Court of Grandeur, and the inhabitants of earth and heaven cried out:




O thou who were an adorning sign of guidance on the faces of women and a light unto the brow of piety.


Through thee, the veils of superstition were rent asunder from the eyes of women, and their beings were adorned with the remembrance of the Lord of earth and heaven.


Thou art she who – upon hearing the call of God – hesitated not, even for a moment, but hastened towards Him detached from all else save Him.


Thou didst embrace Him and His great signs and recognised the Manifestation of the Self of God in His days, while all that were in heaven or on earth were terror stricken except for those who were aided by the hand of the Will of God and saved from the abyss of self and desire.


Thou wert a stranger in thine own land and a prisoner in thine own home; one who was far from the Presence of Holiness even in her eagerness to be near and forbidden to attain His presence even in her fervid desire to behold Him.


Thou wert moved by the winds of the will of thy Lord, the All-Merciful, in such way as was desired and willed by Him.


There was no movement or rest for thee save by His command and permission!


Blessed art thou for annihilating thine own will in the Will of thy Lord, and thy desire in His Decree.


Thou art she whom the whisperings of the stirrers of sedition failed to keep back from the Day-star of the world; and the opposition of the promoters of sedition deterred not from the Lord of the Day of Reunion.


Verily, thou didst remain firm in the Covenant on a day in which the eyes of men were stunned with bewilderment and the sinners fled from the presence of the Manifestation of the Self of God, the Unconstrained -- except for a few amongst the righteous.




Ah, ah, for thy calamity, the Pen ceased in its flow and breezes of sadness wafted over the inhabitants of paradise.


The foundations of His allencompassing Word were torn asunder and its members appeared as isolated letters at the beginning of the surihs of the book (of the Quran), through which understanding accepted the decree of limitation in the world of God‟s command, and the Essence of Being was dressed in the form of the Temple in the kingdom of God‟s irrevocable decree.


Visitation of Maryam                                                                                             CHAPTER TWO

Divisions 26-55




By God, O eternal leaf, perplexing indeed it is for Me to witness the world and not behold thee; and to hear the voice of the heavenly dove and hear not thy sweet melodies in praise of thy Lord, the Exalted, the All-Glorious.


As God is my witness, by thy afflictions all who have come into being in the kingdom of creation were stricken with sorrow, and all in the kingdom of names robed themselves with black garments.


How I recall, O beloved of Bahá, the days in which thou wert engaged in singing the praises of the All Merciful with thy sweet melodies upon the boughs and branches;


within which was raised the voice of the Tree of Utterance, the cooing of the dove of understanding, the melodies of the waters of life, the whisperings of heavenly breezes and the song of the bird of heaven!




Thou art she with whose song of praise all created things arose in glorification of the All-Loving God.


And after thee, the dove crept away in silence, the winds remained still, the lights of salvation were extinguished, and the waters of prosperity stood frozen.


Blind be the eye that beholdeth not in thy face the beauty of the Countenance of the Lord, and shedeth not tears of anguish for the sorrows that befell thee; and mute be the tongue that doth not make mention of thy name in the world of being.



Hail unto the days, during which thou wert rustling upon the tree singing verses of the unity of God; thereby was attracted the heart of every submissive woman who desired to turn to her Lord with a countenance joyful and radiant.


How sad were the days, in which thy face was veiled and thy revelation was hidden, and nearness to thee was not possible.




Ah, ah, O leaf of singleness, O primal word, O imperishable essence, O divine fruit, O effulgent beauty, O celestial sign and heavenly soul!


By the calamities that were heaped upon thee, the oceans were banned from surging forth their waves, the trees from bearing fruit, verses from being revealed, words from carrying meaning, the sky from its ornaments, the earth from its vegetation, the water from running forth, and the wind from blowing.


And were I to describe thy tribulations, the world of being would turn to utter nothingness, and the shrill voice of the Pen of the Ancient of Days would raise its cries.


I know not which of thy calamities I should make mention of before the Concourse on High: those that were heaped upon thee by thy friends or those that came from the enemies of God.


Thou art she who suffered in the path of thy Lord what no other faithful woman could bear to suffer; through which came to flow the tears of maidens in the celestial chambers, the huris of heaven fell upon the dust in prostration, and heavenly countenances shorn their heads of the tresses.




O Crimson Leaf, through thy calamities, the face of Revelation was changed, joy was overturned, the foundations of the frequented fane were shaken, and the outspread roll was rolled up.


Then alas, alas, by the calamities that befell thee all created things both visible and invisible accepted death and the Primal Will donned the robe of names and attributes.


When thy tribulations were poured into the most Great River, which was sanctified of all colour, it divided into four rivers and acquired various shades and earthly limitations.


And as they [the calamities] were released onto the primal pillar of the word of piety, the letter of affirmation delayed in its sorrow, while the letter of negation raced ahead, from which appeared what set the heart and soul of Bahá afire.


And no sooner were [thy calamities] recited unto the Primal Point than it let out a cry and was seized with perplexity and agitation, thereupon letters were revealed and appeared over the pages.


When the Point of Knowledge heard of thy calamities, it began to wail and cry and became scattered and disconnected, from which there appeared diverse sciences and various exponents, through which the learned manifested pride towards God on a Day whereon all created things bore

witness to the truth that the dominion belongs to God, the Almighty, the All Compelling.


By God, on account of that which was heaped upon thee by thine enemies,

His mercy was well-nigh overtaken by His Justice, and His bounties --

which have transcended all created things -- by His wrath!




Ah, ah, O word of Baha, and martyr in the path of Baha, how many a night didst thou shed tears on thy pillow in thy eagerness for nearness to Bahá;


and how many a day wert thou consumed with the fire of desire for reunion with Bahá and fixed thy gaze on the Visage of Glory, in which naught else could be beheld but God, the exalted, the Most High, and desired naught from its Countenance save the Visaage of thy Lord!


To this bear witness the inhabitants of the Concourse on High;

nay those of the realm of Eternity.


Blind be the eye that beholds not in thee the sign of His oneness and the manifestations of His singleness, O thou who hast been mentioned by the tongue of Bahá.




As God is my witness, the station of womanhood is abashed to be bestowed thee, O thou who art the pride of all men.


Blessed art thou O manifestation of beauty.


Blessed art thou indeed, for God hath – from time immemorial -- sanctified thee from the idle fancies of the people of perdition, and protected thee from wavering.


Verily, He is the Best-Beloved, the All-Glorious, and onto Him shall return the realms of the beginning and of the end.



Visitation of Maryam                                                                                            CHAPTER THREE

Divisions 56-80




I bear witness that thou wert a leaf that was moved only by the breezes of the Will of God; and that the vain imaginings of the people of sedition

--who broke the Covenant of God and turned against Him who is the Lord of the Day of Judgement -- did not take hold of thee.


Blessed is the woman who attained thy companionship and hearkened to thy praise, and held fast unto the robe of thy love, and drew nigh unto thee and unto the Lord thy Maker and Creator.


Verily, he who did not recognise thy love -- wholly for the sake of God –

remained deprived of the special favours which God had purposed solely for thee.


Paradise is for him, who hath turned unto thee, shed tears for thee, and visited thee after thy death.




O thou who art hidden within the layers of the earth, verily thy corpse is a trust of God, the All-Bountiful, latent beneath the earth while thy soul hath ascended to the All-Glorious Horizon and the realm of the Most High.


O God I beseech thee to confer Thy bounties upon whomsoever gazeth with affection upon her, and to turn away from whomsoever ariseth against her.




Aid thou whomsoever cometh to her aid; and ordain for whomsoever cometh to visit her the good of this world and of the next and all that hath been decreed for those of thy creatures who are near unto Thee and those of Thy servants who are wholly devoted to Thee.


Verily Thou art the King of Kings and One whose mercy is bestowed upon the down-trodden.


In Thy grasp are the kingdoms of earth and heaven.


Thou doest as Thou willest.


None other God is there but Thee, the Lord of the Throne on High and of the earth below; the Lord of this world and of the next.



Holy and sanctified art Thou, O my God.


I entreat Thee by the Manifestation of Thine Own self -- the Exalted, the Most High --

and the revelation of Thy wondrous signs; and by Thy manifold evidences which have encompassed heaven and earth, and by this grave which Thou hast designated as the home of Thy love and the resting place of a leaf from the leaves of Thy Tree of Revelation, .

not to turn me away from Thy Gate and not to deprive me of that which hath been decreed for Thy chosen ones.




O God, I beg of Thee by Thy Name, and by her name, and by the revealers of Thy Names not to leave me to myself and not to number me amongst those that have turned aside from Thee and repudiated Thee on the Day Thou didst seat Thyself upon the Throne of Thy Mercy and revealedst

Thyself with all Thine attributes unto all created things.


Give me to drink then O my God from the soft-flowing waters of Thy knowledge and the heavenly rivers of Thy loving kindness, so that I may become independent of all things except Thee and turn towards the Sanctuary of Thy divine presence and nearness.


Thine is the authority to do as Thou pleasest.


There is none other God but Thee, the Most Exalted, the Almighty, the Most Bountiful.




O God, I beg of thee by the fire which was set aflame in the heart of this handmaiden

-- who was stirred by the breezes of Thy Will and gave utterance to Thy praise --

to set ablaze the hearts of Thy servants by the fire of Thy love; that they may sever themselves from those who are numbered amongst the infidels and may turn towards Thy Visage.


Send down then O God upon me and upon those of Thy servants who are detached from all things and are Thy steadfast friends, the good of this world and of the next.


Forgive us then and forgive our fathers, mothers, brothers, sisters and our dear ones;


and forgive those who have believed in Thee and in Thy signs, have testified to Thy Oneness, have acknowledged Thy Unity, have obeyed Thy behest and have spoken out in Thy praise.


Verily Thou art Him who hast been from everlasting and wilt ever be the Supreme Ruler.


No name shall ever hinder Thee from another name and no attribute from another attribute.


All names serve Thine own Self, circle around Thy Holy Threshold, are submissive to Thy Sovereignty, are lowly before the revelation of the evidences of Thy Might, and humble before the glimmerings of the light of Thy Countenance.


Verily Thou hast forever been and wilt forever be sanctified from Thy creation and Thy servants.


And to this beareth witness my soul,

and every atom of my being and that of all who are between heaven and earth.


There is none other God but Thee,

the Almighty, the Most-High, the Most-Exalted, the All-Bountiful.    


Provisionally translated by G. Yazdani


Tablet to the Queen, Victoria, of the United Kingdoms of England                 CHAPTER ONE

Divisions 1-25

Revealed in 1868




O Queen in London!


Incline thine ear unto the voice of thy Lord, the Lord of all mankind,

calling from the Divine Lote-Tree:


Verily, no God is there but Me, the Almighty, the All-Wise!


Cast away all that is on earth,

and attire the head of thy kingdom with the crown of the remembrance of thy Lord,

the All-Glorious.


He, in truth, hath come unto the world in His most great glory,

and [all] that hath been mentioned in the Gospel hath been fulfilled.


The land of Syria hath been honoured by the footsteps of its Lord, the Lord of all men,

and North and South are both inebriated with the wine of His [prophetic] presence.


Blessed is the man that inhaled the fragrance of the Most Merciful,

and turned unto the Dawning-Place of His Beauty, in this resplendent Dawn.


The Mosque of Aqsá [in ___ ] quake through the breezes of its Lord, the All-Glorious

whilst Bathá (Mecca) trembleth at the voice of God, the Exalted, the Most High.


Whereupon every single stone of them celebrateth the praise of the Lord,

through this Great Name.




Lay aside thy desire, and set then thine heart towards thy Lord, the Ancient of Days.


We make mention of thee for the sake of God,

and desire that thy name may be exalted through thy remembrance of God,

the Creator of earth and heaven.


He, verily, is witness unto that which I say.


We have been informed that thou hast forbidden the trading in slaves, both men and women.


This, verily, is what God hath enjoined in this wondrous Revelation.         (Proclamation p. 34)


God hath, truly, destined a reward for thee, because of this.


He, verily, will pay the doer of good his due recompense,

wert thou to follow what hath been sent unto thee

by Him Who is the All-Knowing, the All-Informed.




As to him who turneth aside, and swelleth with pride,

after that the clear tokens have come unto him, from the Revealer of signs,

his work shall God bring to naught.


He, in truth, hath power over all things.


Man's actions are acceptable after his having recognized (the Manifestation).


He that turneth aside from the True One is indeed the most veiled amongst His creatures.


Thus hath it been decreed by Him Who is the Almighty, the Most Powerful.


We have also heard that thou hast entrusted the reins of counsel into the hands of the representatives of the people.


Thou, indeed, hast done well,

for thereby the foundations of the edifice of thine affairs will be strengthened,

and the hearts of all that are beneath thy shadow, whether high or low, will be tranquillized.


It behoveth them, however, to be trustworthy among His servants,

and to regard themselves as the representatives of all that dwell on earth.


This is what counselleth them, in this Tablet, He Who is the Ruler, the All-Wise.

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