MY FAMILY (Intermediate Level)

Содержание экзамена: 1. Сделать письменный перевод со словарем с иностранного языка на русский язык текста объемом 800 - 1000 печ. знаков или выполнить задание по иностранному тексту: ответить на вопросы, указать верные/неверные утверждения, выбрать правильный ответ и т.п.). Время на подготовку - 20 мин.   2. Сделать заранее презентацию-приглашению в англоязычную страну или в один из ее городов, штатов, графств, округов (в электронном виде или заранее распечатать на цветном принтере).   3. Беседа на общие и специальные темы:   1. О себе. 2. Моя семья. 3. Внешность и характер известного человека. 4. Британская кухня. 5. Мой дом/квартира. 6. Семь чудес света. 7. Мой родной город Москва. 8. Лондон. 9. Английский язык в мире. 10. Великобритания. 11. Праздники в Великобритании. 12. США. 13. Канада. 14. Австралия. 15. Новая Зеландия.



Greetings ( Приветствия )

В англоязычных странах наиболее «нейтральными» приветствиями, которые употребляются при обращении как к хорошо знакомым, так и к мало знакомым людям, являются:

Good morning! (till 12 a.m. – midday) (Доброе утро! – до 12.00)

Good afternoon! (since 12 a.m. – till 5 p.m.) (Добрый день! – с 12.00 до 17.00)

Good evening! (till 8 p.m.) (Добрый вечер! – до 20.00)

Good night! (since 8 p.m.) (Доброй ночи! – с 20.00)

  • a.m. – ante meridiem – до полудня
  • p.m. – post meridiem – после полудня
  • midday – полдень, midnight – полночь
  • What are you doing tonight? – Что ты делаешь сегодня вечером?


Official situation

How do you do?               How do you do?

Pleased to meet you.         So am I.

Glad to meet you.        Me, too.

(It’s) nice to meet you.

Not official (colloquial) situation

Hello!                                            Hi!

How are you?                               (I’m) all right (O.K.), thank you.

How are you getting on?              Fine, thanks.

How are things?                            So-so.

                                                      Not too bad.

                                                      Could be better.


Questions about profession, job title and name ( Вопросы о профессии , должности и имени человека ).

What are you?                               I am a businessman.

What are you by profession?        I am a CEO (Chief Executive Officer – исполнительный директор) of a big company.

What is your occupation?             I am a secretary.

What do you do?                     I am a first-year student.


Where do you study?                   I study at Academy of National Economy and State Service.


What is your name?                      My name is Helen.


I am sorry… Do I know you?      Простите… Мы знакомы?


Имя – name, first name, given name

Фамилия – surname, family name, last name, second name

Отчество – middle name, patronymic


3. Questions about place of work and place of living ( Вопросы о месте работы и месте жительства человека ).


Where are you from?                                                       Из какой вы страны, города, штата. Из какой вы компании, организации.

What company are you from?                              I’m from Continental Equipment.

What country (town, city, state) are you from?   I’m from the USA. I am American.

                                                                             I’m from Russia. I am Russian.

                                                                             I’m from France. I am French.

Questions about family ( Вопросы о семье ).

Are you married or single?                       I’m married (single, divorced).

Have you got a family?                                        I’ve got a family: my wife (husband) and two children – a son and a daughter.

                                                                  I live with my parents: my father and my mother, an elder brother and a young sister.

                                                                  I am single and I rent a flat.

What is your wife’s name?                                   Her name is Mary.

What is your husband’s name?                            His name is Nick.

What is your brother’s name?                              His name is Alex.

What is she by profession?                       She is a designer.

What is his occupation?                            He is a doctor.


Questions about age ( Вопросы о возрасте ).

How old are you?                                                 I am 25 (twenty five) (years old).

When is your birthday?                            My birthday is on October (the) 1st.

When were you born?                               I was born on January (the) 2nd, 1975.

How old are your children?                      My daughter Sandra is 5 and my son Pall is 18.


Questions about hobby and sport (Вопросы о хобби и спорте).

What is your hobby?                                I like dancing.

What do you like to do during your         I prefer music.

spare (leisure) time?                                  I am fond of drawing.

                                                                  I am just crazy of rock music.

What sport do you go in for?                   I go in for swimming.


Thanks and Possible Answers (Благодарности и ответы на них).

Thank you.                                                Not at all.

Thank you very much.                              Don’t mention it.

Thanks.                                                     My pleasure.


You are welcome.

That’s nothing.


Saying Goodbye (Прощание).

Goodbye.                                                  See you later.

Bye-bye.                                                   See you tomorrow.

So long.


Forms of Address (Формы обращения)

к мужчине:                                              Mister (Mr) Johnson, Mr Sage

к замужней женщине                             Mistress (Mrs) Joseph, Mrs Green

к незамужней девушке                          Miss Lee, Miss White

к женщине независимо от ее статуса   Ms Lee, Ms White (произносится как [miz]

к человеку, имеющему ученую степень: Doctor (Dr) Sage, Dr. White

Doctor of Philosophy (Phil.Doc.)

Doctor of Laws (LL.D)

Doctor of Medicine (M.D.) и т.д.

клиенту в ресторане, магазине,            Sir (к мужчине), Madam (к женщине)

к незнакомому человеку                        Excuse me, Sir (Madam)

аудитории на конференции                              Ladies and Gentlemen

MY FAMILY (Elementary Level)

Our family is large (small, not very large). We are the family of seven (two, three, four, five, six): my mother, my father, my grandmother, my grandfather, my sister, my brother and I.

My mother's name is … She is … years old. She is a teacher (a doctor, a worker, an engineer). She is a very nice, kind and clever woman.

My father's name is ... He is ... years old. He is a worker (a teacher, an engineer, a doctor, a businessman). He is rather tall and strong. He is a man of strong character and all of us love him very much.

My grandmother's name is ... She is ... years old. She does not work now, she is a pensioner, but she has a lot of work to do about the house. All of us try to help her.

My grandfather’s name is... He is... years old. He is a pensioner too.

My brother and sister are students (pupils). There names are ... They are older (younger) than me.

We are a very good family. We love each other very much. In the evenings, when all the members of our family get together after work and study, we like to watch TV, to read books and newspapers, to talk about different things and to discuss all our problems together. When the weather is good we sometimes go for a walk. We have a small house in the country with a garden and a kitchen-garden. There is much work there. On week-ends we go there and work and have rest all together.

MY FAMILY (Intermediate Level)

In my opinion family is one of the most important things in one's life. Almost all our life we live within a family. There are five of us in the family: My father - Iliya Nikolayevich, my mother Vera Pavlovna, my elder brother Michael and the youngest child in our family my ten-year old sister Olga. I think it would be right if I begin with my parents. They have been married for 20 years now. They met each other at the institute where they studied together. Both of them were first year students then. During their last year at the institute they got married. My father is a chief sales-manager in a company which sells various computer equipments. Many years ago after he had graduated from the institute he became an electronic engineer in one of the Moscow research institutes. His company has several branches in some other big Russian cities such as St Petersburg, Voronezh, Novosibirsk and others. So he has to travel a lot. My father is the only breadwinner in our family but as he is very good at his job his company pays him a good salary.

However his Saturdays and Sundays are totally devoted to his family. In his youth he went in for sport so we often play either football or volleyball which is his favorite game. My mother is a housewife. A year after she graduated from the institute my elder brother was born and she had to stay at home. Later it was decided that she would run the house and look after the family. My mother is a nice looking woman. She is of medium height. Her hair is dark and she usually wears a bun. Most of her time is devoted to housework. Except for the time when soap operas are shown on TV. She adores them though my father thinks they are silly. Like other men he prefers detective stories and action films.

My elder brother is now a third year student at Moscow State University. He studies at the Geographical faculty. He was keen on Geography when at school and wanted to travel to places yet unknown. I think that the spirit of adventures made him go to the Geographical faculty.

Describe Your Person


His/her name is ______________.




is _____ years old.

was born on _____(month, date, year).


is _______________. (Nationality)


speaks ___________. (Language)


is from _______________.

lives in _______________.


is single / PACSed / married / divorced / widowed.

has a husband/a wife (a boyfriend / a girlfriend).

has ___ children / ___ daughter(s) and ___ son(s).


likes ___________+ing.

likes to ____________.


doesn't like ___________+ing.

doesn't like to ___________.

What does he/she look like?



is tall / short.

is fat / skinny.


has long / short hair.

has black / brown / red / blond / gray hair.

is bald.


has brown / blue / hazel / green eyes.


wears glasses / contacts.


wears a hat / earrings / a necklace / a bracelet / a ring.

wears a white dress (a black suit and a blue shirt)


has a mustache / a beard.


has a piercing / a tattoo.




Wе live in a new 16-storeyed block of flats in Strogino. It's situated in a very picturesque place not far from the Moskva River. There's a big supermarket on the ground floor and it's very convenient to do everyday shopping.

Our flat is on the fifth floor. It's very comfortable and well-planned. We have all modern conveniences, such as central heating, electricity, gas, cold and hot running water and a telephone. There are three rooms, a kitchen, a bathroom and a hall in our flat. There's also a balcony and we can enjoy a lovely view of the river.

The largest room in our flat is the living room and we use it as a dining room and as a sitting room. In the middle of the room there's a big table and six chairs round it. Opposite the window there's a wall unit with lots of books, a TV-set and a video cassette recorder. There are two comfortable armchairs and a small coffee table in the right-hand corner. There is also a sofa and an electric fire in our living room. We like the living room best of all, because in the evenings we gather there to have tea, watch TV, talk and rest.

My room is the smallest room in our flat, but it's very cosy and light. There's a bed, a wardrobe, a desk, an armchair and several bookshelves in my room. There's a thick carpet on the floor. The walls in my room are light-brown and there are some big posters on them. I like my room very much, but from time to time I change it round. I quite often move the bed and change the posters on the wall,

Our kitchen is large and light. It's very well-equipped. We've got a refrigerator, a freezer, a microwave oven, a coffeemaker and a toaster. We haven't got a dishwasher yet, because it's very expensive. But I'm sure we'll buy it in the near future.


16-storeyed - 16-этажный

convenient - удобный, подходящий

block of flats - многоквартирный дом

comfortable - удобный, комфортабельный, уютный

to be situated - быть расположенным

picturesque – живописный

well - planned - хорошо спланированный

supermarket – супермаркет

modern conveniences - современные удобства

ground floor - первый этаж

central heating - центральное отопление

electricity – электричество

gas -  газ

running water – водопровод

balcony – балкон

to enjoy – наслаждаться

lovely - красивый, прекрасный

view of - вид на

living room - жилая комната

dining room – столовая

sitting room – гостиная

wall unit - стенка

armchair – кресло

left-hand corner - левый угол

coffee table - журнальный столик

electric fire - электрическийкамин

cosy - уютный

light - светлый

wardrobe - платяной шкаф

desk - письменный стол

bookshelf - книжная полка (мн.ч. bookshelves)

carpet - ковер

poster - плакат

to change round - менять местами (мебель и т.п.)

well - equipped - хорошо оборудованный

refrigerator – холодильник (сокр. fridge)

freezer - морозильная камера

microwave oven – микроволновая печь

coffemaker – кофеварка

toaster - тостер

dishwasher - посудомоечная машина

expensive – дорогой


Meals in Britain.

A traditional English breakfast is a very big meal-sausages, bacon, eggs, tomatoes, mushrooms....But nowadays many people just have cereal with milk and sugar, or toast with marmalade, jam, or honey. Marmalade and jam are not the same! Marmalade is made from oranges and jam is made from other fruit. The traditional breakfast drink is tea, which people have with cold milk. Some people have coffee, often instant coffee, which is made with just hot water. Many visitors to Britain find this coffee disgusting!

For many people lunch is a quick meal. In cities there are a lot of sandwich bars, where office workers can choose the kind of bread they want - brown, white, or a roll - and then all sorts of salad and meat or fish to go in the sandwich. Pubs often serve good, cheap food, both hot and cold. School-children can have a hot meal at school, but many just take a snack from home - a sandwich, a drink, some fruit, and perhaps some crisps.

'Tea' means two things. It is a drink and a meal! Some people have afternoon tea, with sandwiches, cakes, and, of course, a cup of tea. Cream teas are popular. You have scones (a kind of cake) with cream and jam.

The evening meal is the main meal of the day for many people. They usually have it quite early, between 6.00 and 8.00, and often the whole family eats together.

On Sundays many families have a traditional lunch. They have roast meat, either beef, lamb, chicken, or pork, with potatoes, vegetables, and gravy. Gravy is a sauce made from the meat juices.

The British like food from other countries, too, especially Italian, French, Chinese, and Indian. People often get take-away meals – you buy the food at the restaurant and then bring it home to eat. Eating in Britain is quite international!

Дата добавления: 2019-02-12; просмотров: 280; Мы поможем в написании вашей работы!

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