C. Answer the questions to the text

1. How much land did Carlo ask to lease? What was he offered in return?

2. Why is north-east of Kenya perceived as worthless?

3. What unique phenomenon is there?

4. How big is the project for Kenya? What does it aim to do?

5. What financial organizations support the project?

6. Where do the project's roots lie?

7. Could they fulfill their vision at once?

8. When did their chance come?

9. Did the wind power expert like the project? Why? / Why not?

10. What is the role of the two mountains in the process?

11. What makes Lake Turkana the best wind site in the world?

12. What are the advantages of Kenya's wind power plant?

13. How beneficial is the project as far as job creation?

14. What must be done before building the energy plant?

15. What will they earn for not polluting the environment? How much money is that?

16. What is the expected effect on business?

17. What is the expected political effect?

18. What is known about bribery in Africa? What are Carlo's previous experiences concerning that?

19. What did most people think and say about Carlo and his colleagues and why?

20. Why were there no unethical proposals to Carlo and his consortium?


D. True or False? (Use the facts and the keywords from the text to prove and specify your viewpoint)


1. Carlo van Wageningen is a Frenchman.

2. It was Carlo's first time in Kenya.

3. The new wind power plant will provide one fifth of Kenya's energy needs.

4. The plan of the project was born in early 1990s.

5. The two mountains make the wind change its direction.

6. There is a big difference between wind energy cost and geothermal one.

7. The distance of the road that needs serious upgrading is more than 210 kilometers.

8. 100 percent of the money earned by the wind power plant will cover the needs of African people.

9. Most Kenyans don't consider the north-eastern desert a part of their country.

10. There were no unethical approaches because it was too early for them.



Choose the word closest in meaning to a boldfaced one


1) lease A rent B take C give
2) value A gap B cost C rent
3) unsurpassed A gone B reliable C incomparable
4) aim A target at B focus on C separate from
5) reliable A trustworthy B faithful C devoted
6) investment A leak B transaction C stream
7) soar A hide B fall C rocket
8) gap A void B fill C value
9) fulfill A start B accomplish C open
10) disturb A calm B foster C alarm
11) enhance A boost B like C inspire
12) fluctuation A platform B stagnation C change
13) accelerate A advance B start C finish
14) consistent A resistant B persistent C clever
15) competitive A major B reliable C competing
16) fossil A petrifaction B coal C machine
17) create A finish B build C start
18) upgrade A decline B stop C boost
19) equipment A machinery B gap C gadget
20) facilitate A help B block C neglect


Choose the word opposite in meaning to a boldfaced one


1) lease A rent B take C give
2) value A aim B detriment C praise
3) unsurpassed A inferior B superior C enhanced
4) aim A reach B strive C disconnected
5) reliable A unreliable B forgiving C challenging
6) investment A money B divestment C change
7) soar A decline B sustain C obtain
8) gap A aim B finish C harmony
9) fulfill A abandon B target C aim
10) disturb A violate B calm C swift
11) enhance A increase B decrease C plummet
12) fluctuation A stabilization B line C curve
13) accelerate A boost B end C slow
14) consistent A irrational B stable C rational
15) competitive A valid B noncompetitive C business-like
16) fossil A artificial B coal C limestone
17) create A form B begin C break
18) upgrade A diminish B lift C stop
19) equipment A machine B hand-made C hand
20) facilitate A increase B boost C block


Complete each sentence with a word from the box

creating soared enhance
value upgrade fluctuation
unsurpassed fulfill accelerate
aim disturb consistent
reliable equipment competitive
investments facilitates fossil


1. This is a better and more __________________car than my last one.

2. They hope to __________________ their objectives by 2016.

3. I didn't want to __________________ you in the middle of a meeting.

4. A computer is the most important piece of ____________ we are using nowadays.

5. The __________________ of this project is to build a new plant.

6. Even a minor __________________ in the water temperature can affect the fish.

7. It doesn't need a wire connected all the way back to a power station burning __________________ fuels.

8. I have been __________________ in my approach over the years.

9. The authorities don’t know what __________________ to give to this land.

10. These measures should __________________ the residents' quality of life.

11. Twenty miles north you'll find a coastline __________________ in its beauty.

12. You'll need to __________________ to 512Mb RAM to run these programs.

13. Unemployment has __________________.

14. The increased capital could greatly __________________ economic development.

15. The main road was closed, __________________ traffic problems.

16. Her __________________ were mainly in technology stocks.

17. Many firms are struggling to survive in a highly _________________ marketplace.

18. The counselor __________________ communication between the couple.


Дата добавления: 2019-02-12; просмотров: 184; Мы поможем в написании вашей работы!

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