Match the verb with the noun. (Add the preposition where necessary)

To deposit                         particles                             to

To consolidate                   beddings                            up

To dissolve                        land                                   together

To break                            new beds                            down

To convert                         skin

To pile                               scrap

To pack                             silicates

To cement                          remains

To abrade                          grains

To lay                                rocks

To erode                            solid mass

To create                            parent rock

To cover                            sediments

2.4 Complete the following sentences, by unscrambling the bolded words.
Spell the word. Give its definition.

1. NTOIPOISDE lays down sediments in beds / strata.

2. Rocks made from fragments are TLACSIC sedimentary rocks.

3. Some sedimentary rocks are the RMESANI of living things.

4. Beds with ripple marks reveal ancient TERNSRUC.

5. Minerals laid down between grains EMENTC a mass of sediment together.

2.5 There is a spelling mistake in each line. Write the correct word in the
space provided. Prepare for a spelling dictation.

Diagenesis converts sedment to rock (1) _________________

sediments pile up and the presure   (2) _________________

squezes water from the sediments.  (3) _________________

Then the particles are cemented togeher (4) _________________

by cementaton. Transportation of   (5) _________________

eroded sediments abades and rounds (6) _________________

the paticles and then sorts them    (7) __________________

by densty or size. Deposition lays  (8) __________________

down sediments in beds or strat.   (9) __________________

2.6 Fill in the space with the appropriate word or phrase.

1.     is a division separating one bed from another.

2.     is a process of depositing sediments.

3.     is the movement of particles by air / water / or gravity.

4. __________  is a mineral between the sediment grains, forming an

integral part of the rock.

5.    is mechanical wearing down of rock surface.

6.    is the sum of all processes that contribute mass to


7. ___________  is a destructive natural process by which rocks are


8. ___________  process changing sedimentary rocks.


Rocks from living things

Answer all the questions on the basis of what is stated in the passage. For each question select the best answer A, B, C, D.

Organic sediments produce the rocks we know as coals and limestone. Coals are rich in carbon derived from swampy vegetation. Coal type varies with the processes involved. Coal formation starts when plants die in wet acid conditions; instead of rotting completely the plants turn to the soft, fibrous substance peat. Later, overlying sediments drive out much moisture and squash the peat, converting it to lignite (soft brown coal). Even greater pressure gives bituminous coal harder, blacker and with a higher carbon content. The final stage is anthracite a hard, black, shiny coal with the highest carbon content in the series. Most of the world’s coalmines tap remains of low-lying forests drowned from time to time by an invading sea and buried under sediments.

Limestones are rich in calcium and magnesium carbonates. They make up about 8% of all sedimentary rock; only shale and sandstone are more plentiful. Organic limestones contain calcium carbonate extracted from seawater by plants and animals that used this compound for protective shells. These rocks include reef limestones built up from the stony skeletons of billions of coral polyps and algae inhabiting the beds of shallow seas. Chalk is a white, powdery, porous limestone comprising tiny shells of fossil microorganisms, drifting in the surface waters before they died and rained down on the bottom of the sea.

(David Lambert “The Field Guide to Geology” 1988, Cambridge University Press)

Fig. 30 Coquina

1. What rocks don’t produce organic sediments?

A. coal

B. limestone

C. sandstone

2. What are coals rich in?

A. oxygen

B. carbon

C. hydrogen

3. When do coal formations start?

A. weathering of rocks

B. chemically dissolved minerals

C. plants dying in wet acid conditions

4. What is peat?

A. soft, fibrous substance

B. soft, clay substance

C. soft, sticky substance

5. Lignite is

A. hard black coal

B. soft brown coal

C. debris

6. Which is not coal?

A. anthracite

B. lignite

C. carbon

7. Which is more plentiful?

A. limestone

B. shale and sandstone

C. chalk

8. What is coquina?

A. cemented mass of shelly debris

B. cemented mass of coral polyps

C. cemented mass of stony skeletons

9. Chalk is

A. mudstone

B. sandstone

C. limestone

10. What is the origin of limestone?

A. seawater reefs

B. seawater microorganisms

C. seawater debris

3.1.2 Rocks from chemicals

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