Личные местоимения (в именительном и косвенном падежах) и притяжательные местоимения

Биологи, 1 сем

Тема 1. 2 . Наука биология

Занятие 2. Biology and related sciences

Задание 1. Vocabulary. Ознакомьтесь с лексическим минимумом

to bind - связывать, объединять

biochemistry - биохимия

biology - биология

botany - ботаника

chemistry - химия

chemical - химический

contribution - вклад

to deal with – заниматься чем-то, иметь дело с чем-то

to define - давать определение

to derive - заимствовать

genetics - генетика

geology - геология

to inherit - наследовать

physics - физика

science - наука

subdivision - подраздел

to sustain – сохранять, поддерживать

trait - черта

to obtain – получать, приобретать

variety - разнообразие

vital – жизненный, жизненно важный


Задание 2. Прочтите и переведите текст

Biology and related sciences

Biology may be defined as the science about life and how to sustain it on the planet Earth. The word biology is derived from the Greek words “bios” (“life”) and “logos” (“word” or “science”). Biology deals with all kinds of living things and living systems. In studying them we learn some of the great fundamental laws and processes of nature.

Biology is a very old science and it is closely bound with other natural sciences such as physics, chemistry, geology, anthropology, psychology, medicine and others. Biology is called the most vital of the sciences.

Modern biology is a very broad science which has a lot of subdivisions. But there are two principle divisions in it: botany which deals with plants and zoology which deals with animals. Ecology is the study of environmental factors and how organisms interact with them. Biochemistry deals with chemistry of living system and studies chemical substances and chemical changes in an organism. One of the most important biological sciences is genetics which deals with the nature of genes and how different traits are inherited.

Biologists have made a great contribution to science. They have developed new and better varieties of plants and animals. They have obtained various physiologically active substances.

Задание 3. Give English equivalents to the following word-combinations:

сохранить жизнь на планете Земля; слово происходит от; иметь дело с (заниматься изучением чего-либо); живые организмы; тесно связана; жизненно-важная наука; подразделы науки; факторы окружающей среды; взаимодействие с живыми организмами; черты, получаемые наследственно; вклад в науку; получать новые вещества.

Задание 4. Complete the sentences

1. Biology may be defined as…

2. When studying biology we learn the relations of…

3. Biology is closely bound with…

4. Biology may be subdivided into…

5. Ecology studies…

6. Biochemistry deals with...

Задание 5 . Ответьте на вопросы:

1) What does the science of biology study?

2) What language is the term derived from?

3) What objects does Biology deal with?

4) What natural sciences is biology bound with?

5) What branches of biology do you know?

6) How is the study of inheritance called?

7) What contribution have biologists made to sciences?


Задание 6. Match words in the left column with the definitions on the right:

1. genetics 1. The scientific study of the formation, structure, and function of cells.
2. enthymology   2. The study of the chemical composition of the substances that form living matter and of the chemical processes that go on in living matter.
3. cytology   3. The scientific study of the biological processes involved in the transmission of characteristics from an organism to its offspring.
4. ornithology 4. The scientific study of fishes.
5. biology 5. The scientific study of birds.
6. biochemistry 6. The scientific study of micro-organisms.
7. microbiology 7. The scientific study of living things and life processes, including growth, structure, and reproduction.
8. ichthiology 8. The scientific study of insects


Работа над грамматикой.

Притяжательный падеж имён существительных

Используется, чтобы:

1) Показать принадлежность кому-то: Halley's comet; Pete ’ s apple .

2) Указать место, где люди живут или работают: They are at John’s (They are at John’s house); She is at the butcher’s (She is at the butcher’s shop).

3) Притяжательный падеж существительных, обозначающих людей и животных, образуется с помощью 's : dog’s booth

4) Для выражения принадлежности чего-либо неодушевленным предметом используется предлог of: the room of the house

Исключения: Sun’s light; America’s product и тд

5) К существительным в единственном числе и к именам собственным прибавляется 's: Michael's bag; Ann ’ s blouse ; My sister ’ s bicycle .

6) К именам собственным, оканчивающимся на –s, прибавляется либо 's, либо только апостроф: Williams ’ s wife ; Williams ’ wife

7) К существительным с окончанием –s во множественном числе добавляется только апостроф: girls ’ toys

8) К существительным с нестандартной формой множественного числа добавляется 's: children ’ s bicycles

Упр. 1. Выберите правильный вариант:

1) My (cousin’s / cousins’) name is Pete.

2) Their (children’s / childrens) bicycles are new.

3) This is the (lady’s / ladies’ ) coat.

4) Look at the (branch of the tree / tree’s branch).

5) Her (sons’ / son’s) names are Pete and Paul.

6) My (brother’s / brothers’) name is John.

7) His (friend’s/ friends) cars are red.


Личные местоимения (в именительном и косвенном падежах) и притяжательные местоимения

Личные местоимения

Притяжательные местоимения (с сущ./ без сущ.)

Именительный падеж Косвенный падеж
I – я me – меня, мне my – mine мой, моя, мое, мои
you – ты you – тебя, тебе your – yours твой, твоя, твое, твои
he – он him – его, ему his – his его
she – она her – ее, ей her – hers ее
it – он, она, оно it – его, ее its – -- его, ее
we – мы us – нас, нам our – ours наш, наша, наше, наши
you – вы you – вас, вам your – yours ваш, ваша, ваше, ваши
they – они them – их, им their – theirs их


Упр. 2. Дайте на английском соответствующую форму местоимения :

1) (Его) ______ notebook is nice. 2) (Наша) ______ laboratory is large. 3) Dress (ваши) ______ white coats in the laboratories and dissecting-rooms. 4) (Её) ______ academic achievements are very high. 5) (Моя) ______ future profession is a dentist. 6) (Их) ______ group is the best at the University.


Упр. 3. Выберите соответствующую форму местоимения:

1) We have a lecture in Chemistry every Tuesday. ______ (It, Its) is a very interesting lecture. 2) We have two practical classes in Chemistry on Tuesday and Thursday. ______ (It, They) are more interesting than the lectures. 3) ______ (We, Our) first classes start at 8 o’clock in the morning. We mustn’t be late on ______ (it, them). 4) The main building of ______ university (we, our) is far from ______ (it, its) affiliated (учебный) dental polyclinics and clinics. 5) _______ (Me, I) passed all the entrance exams successfully last summer and now _____ (I, my) am a first-year student. 6) Prof. Petrov delivers ______ (its, his) lectures very interesting. We like to attend ______ (their, them).


Упр . 4. Закончите предложения соответствующей формой местоимения:

1) I don’t know those girls. Do you know ______ ? 2) I don’t know that man. Do you know ______ ? 3) I don’t know those people. Do you know ______ ? 4) I don’t know Helen’s friend. Do you know ______ ? 5) I don’t know Helen’s friends. Do you know ______ ? 6) I don’t know Dr. Ivanov. Do you know ______? 7) I don’t know Dr. Ivanova. Do you know ______ ? 8) I don’t know the student at the blackboard. Do you know ______ ?


Упр. 5. Выберите соответствующую форму местоимения:

1) It’s (their/theirs) problem, not (our/ours). 2) This is a nice smart phone. Is it (your/yours)? 3) That’s not (my/mine) bag. (My/mine) is brown. 4) Whose books are these. (Your/Yours) or (my/mine)? 5) Helen is going out with (her/hers) friends this evening. 6) (My/Mine) bag is bigger than (her/hers). 7) She’s many new friends but she doesn’t remember (their/theirs) full names. 8) Can I borrow your pencil? (My/mine) is broken.

Упр . 6. Закончите предложения соответствующей формой местоимения:

1) Where is Alan? - … is at work. 2) Who is that woman? - … is my sister. 3) I want this book. – Please give … to me. 4) Where is the newspaper? - … is on the table. 5) I like my job. - … is very interesting. 6) I like Oxford. - … is famous for its university. 7) Where are my textbooks? - … are on the shelf. 8) Where is the money? - … is in the purse. 9) My camera is in my room. - … is on the shelf. 10) Are these people your friends? – Yes, … are my close friends. 11) How much are these shoes? - … are very expensive. 12) Who is that man? - … is my brother. 13) Where is your house? - … is far from here.


Дата добавления: 2019-01-14; просмотров: 280; Мы поможем в написании вашей работы!

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