Year era after 2012, and doesn't actually predict a life-ending

Apocalypse. But given that the long-dead Mayans were wrong about

Virtually everything else, why should we trust them on this?


<h2>Robot Takeover</h2>

<p>Not quite as frightening as a Vampire Takeover or Living-Dead

Takeover, a robot rebellion is still a disquieting thought. We are

Already outnumbered by our technological gadgets, and even Bill Gates

Fears the day his Japanese robot slave turns him over by the ankles

and asks (in a suitably robotic voice) "Who's your daddy now?"


<h2>Unexplained Singularity</h2>

<p>We don't know how the universe started, so we can't be sure it won't

Just end, maybe today, and maybe with nothing more exciting than a

puff of anti-matter and a slight fizzing noise.</p>

<h2>Runaway Climate Change</h2>

<p>Dismissed by some, Al Gore's prophecy of doom may still come true. If

It does, we may have to contend with vicious storms, widespread food

shortages, and surly air conditioning repairmen.</p>

<h2>Global Epidemic</h2>

<p>Some time in the future, a lethal virus could strike. Predictions

Differ about the source of the disease, but candidates include

Monkeys in the African jungle, bioterrorists, birds and pigs with the

Flu, warriors from the future, an alien race, hospitals that use too

Many antibiotics, vampires, the CIA, and unwashed brussel sprouts.

Whatever the source, it's clearly bad news.



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