D ) had listened, wouldn't have sailed

19. He____ the ball hard and this time it____ into the back of the net.
    a) hitted, flew b) hit, flowed c ) hit, flew d) was hitted, flied

20. Harry can’t stand … on Saturdays.

     a) work b) working c) to work d) have worked

21. I’m tired .I’d rather _____at home this evening, if you don’t mind.

  a) stay b) to stay c) staying d) to staying

22. I suppose I can walk. Some exercise will ____ me good.

  a) make b) give c) have d) do

23. There _____ a lot of traffic last Sunday.

 a) were b) was c) is d) are

24. If you ___ so far away ,we____ you more often .

a) don’t live, would visit b) wouldn’t live, didn’t visit c) didn’t live ,would visit 

d) didn’t live, will visit

25. Working together with his father, Jack____ a lot of experience.

a) obtained b) got c) gained d) received





IV. Word formation. Form a word that fits.

Pronunciation is important

 1. Some learners of English think that pronunciation is not very

important. That is _________________ wrong. ABSOLUTE


2. Even if you have an acceptable grasp of the English language, with

good grammar and an _______________ vocabulary, native English EXTEND

speakers may find you very difficult to understand you if you don't work

on your pronunciation.


3. Correct, clear pronunciation is __________________ if you really ESSENCE

want to improve your level of English.


4. Pay particular attention to any sounds that you are ______________ FAMILIAR

with or that do not exist in your native tongue.


5. For example, ________________ have difficulty pronouncing the RUSSIA

“th” sound, as it does not exist in their native language.


6. Remember that the pronunciation of certain English words varies

depending on the part of the world it's spoken in. For example, American

English differs _______________ from British English. GREAT




V. Cultural Quiz

Write the right answers.

1. What was the first holiday, celebrated by American colonies?

2. What is the highest mountain on the British Isles?

3. Who presides in the House of Commons?

4. What monument can you see in front of Buckingham Palace?

5. What two oceans is the USA washed by?

6. What is Eisteddfod?  

7. What is the nickname of the Conservative Party?

8. The London Royal Opera House is called … .

9. How many children did Princess Diana and Prince Charles have? Name their names.

10. What is the name of Prince Charles’s second wife?

11. When is President’s Day celebrated in America?

12. Who established “Apple”?


VI. Comment on the following statement:

Some people think that to be a success you need talent; others believe that hard work can compensate for the lack of it.


What is your opinion? Write 200–250 words. Use the following plan:

- make an introduction (state the problem)

- express your personal opinion and give 2–3 reasons for your opinion

- express an opposing opinion and give 1–2 reasons for this opposing opinion

- explain why you don’t agree with the opposing opinion

- make a conclusion restating your position






 Task I: 1. C 2. D 3. A  4.C 5. C  6. B  7. C

Task II:

A−5 B−6 C−3  D−4 E−7 F−2


Task III:

1. c

2. b

3. c

4. d

5. a

6. c

7. d

8. d

9. c

10. b

11. c

12. a

13. a

14. c

15. d

16. a

17. c

18. d

19. c

20. b

21. a

22. d

23. b

24. c

25. c


Task IV:

1. absolutely

2. extensive (extended)

3. essential

4. unfamiliar

5. Russians

6. greatly

Task V:

1. Thanksgiving Day

2. Ben Nevis in Scotland

3. the Speaker

4. the Queen Victoria Memorial

5. the Pacific Ocean and the Atlantic Ocean

6.  a festival in Wales

7. The Tories

8. Covent Garden

9. Two children. They are Princes William and Harry

10. Camilla

11. It is celebrated in February

12. The most famous is Steve Jobs (Steve Wozniak and Ronald Wayne)


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