Ex.3 Compare the English and the Scottish. In what way are they different? What can account for these differences?

Ex.4 If you had a chance to visit Scotland, what would you like to see there?

Scotland Quiz

1 The capital of Scotland is

a) Edinburgh

b) Glasgow

c) Aberdeen

2 A haggis is a type of

a) musical instrument

b) food

c) clothing

3 Many Scots have names beginning Mac or Mc. Originally this meant

a) head of the family

b) son of...

c) Scottish for «Mr»

4 A clan is a

a) type of Scottish family group

b) Scottish castle

c) traditional Scottish sword

5 Ben Nevis is, or was

a) a famous Scottish nationalist

b) the highest mountain in Britain

c) an island on the west coast

6 How many of these does Scotland have?

a) its own banknotes

b) its own church

c) its own national football team

7 The Scottish national emblem is

a) heather

b) a thistle

c) a deer

8 One of Scotland's most famous exports is

a) lager

b) beer

c) whisky


Ex.5 Imagine that you and your groupmates have just returned from Scotland. Recall the places you visited, the things you saw, the things you learned about this country and its people and share your impressions with your groupmates.

Text 11 Some Glimpses of the History of Wales

Although it is now approximately seven hundred years since England and Wales be­came part of the same kingdom, the Welsh people have retained, to this day, their own in­dividuality and their own language, an ancient Celtic tongue whose literature goes back 1400 years (Gaelic).

A deep and fierce love of their country has always animated the Welsh people and, for this reason, even when the whole of England was subdued by foreign invaders, the Welsh never failed to retain some corner of their land, some mountain fastness, from which they could defy the enemy. Although Edward I (1272-1307) built throughout Wales castles which served as military bases for the subjugation of the Welsh people, the Snowdonian region was never con­quered.

The Welsh are intensely musical and great lovers of poetry, with a natural urge and abil­ity to express themselves. What could be more natural than that legend and romance should flourish there? Indeed, the legend of King Arthur, who seems to have travelled widely on the Continent, originated in Wales.

Ex.1 Answer the questions.

1 Can you find in the text two words for to conquer ?

2 What is mountain fastness?

3 What is the opposite of retain?

4 Which verb is closer in meaning to the verb animate in the sentence: A deep and fierce love of their country has always animated the Welsh people. Choose from: enliven, stimulate, activate, quicken, encourage, waken, arouse, excite, provoke, stir, inspire, invigorate.

5 What do we do if we defy the enemy? Choose the best variant(s).

We Disregard ignore scorn disobey confront provoke resist oppose challenge                                      the enemy

6 What is the opposite of to defy?

7 What can be retained by a nation?

8 Can you find another word for retain?

9 What is another word for language?

10 Say in other words: The legend of King Arthur originated in Wales.

11 Find the synonym to the word deeply in the text.

12 What do we mean by fierce love of the country? Choose the best variant(s): violent, furious, stormy, wild, intense, keen, powerful, strong, uncontrollable, passionate, ardent.

13 What is the opposite of fierce?

14 Find in the text the word that means a strong wish or need.

15 Say in other words go back 1400 years.

16 Explain the difference between go back 1400 years and go back to the year 1400.

17 Can you find another word for invader?

18 Say in other words: for this reason.

19 Find in the text the word that means to develop well and be successful.

Ex.2 Complete the sentences below using the correct word from the text. To help you the first letter of each word is given. Some words can be used more than once.

1 This custom о__________in Chinese culture.

2 I________from the South ransacked the town.

3 My family g________ b________500 years.

4 Napoleon s________much of Europe.

5 The plants f________in the warm sun.

6 The Normans с________England in 1066.

7 The old diary g_________b______to Tudor times.

8 It's important that the elderly should r_____a sense of dignity.

Ex. 3 Write down the questions for these answers.

1 For seven hundred years.

2 1400 years.

3 A deep and fierce love of their country.

4 For the subjugation of the Welsh people.

5 The Snowdonian region.

6 Because of their natural urge and ability to express themselves.

Ex. 4 Answer the questions.

1 What is the origin of the Welsh people?

2 When did they join England?

3 What language do many people in Wales speak? What is its origin?

4 How did the Welsh manage to retain their individuality?

5 What famous legend originated in Wales?

Text 12 The Land of Song

Wales has been called «The Land of Song». The Welsh people are renowned for their good voices and it is rare to find a village without at least one choir competing in an «ei­steddfod» or arts festival. The bigger festival of all is the International Eisteddfod held every year in Llangollen in Clwyd. Singers, dancers, musicians and poets come from all over the world to compete for the awards, often wearing colourful national costume. The prizes are awarded in the presence of a large crowd clad in ancient Druid robes. The Welsh girls con­tribute to the festival gaiety with their national dress - a tall black hat, a scarlet skirt and a starched white apron. The streets of this small country town bustle with the comings and goings of visitors speaking many languages.

Ex. 1 Answer the questions.

1 What is the opposite of rare?

2Can you explain the meaning of hustle and bustle?

3 What can be colourful?

4 Can you think of another word for gaiety?

5 Give a colloquial word for clad.

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