Make up special questions about the words in bold type.



Revise the tense forms of active and passive voice.

Read the sentences given below and identify the tense form used in each of them. Translate the sentences.


1. Twenty pages were read by me yesterday.

2. Will they publish her new novel next year?

3. The construction of the new stadium in our city will have been finished by the end of the year.

4. The sun rises in the east.

5. The cake was cooked by my Granny.

6. I took English courses when I was twelve.

7. I’m afraid the rain won’t stop soon.

8. I’m meeting my sister at 5 at the café.

9. The job will be finished by Monday.

10. She was playing piano and her sister was singing.

11. The teacher was asked many questions.

12. By the time you come home, I will have cooked dinner.

13. Tom has been invited to the party.

14. The streets are wet. It has been raining all the morning.

15. We have known each other since school years.

16. Basketball is played by two teams of five players each.

17. Flowers are watered every day.

18. The bestseller is sold in many countries.

19. The Russian language is being taught in many countries.

20. I'll get the phone.

21. We were given a list of books for home reading.

22. We had been working hard and managed to finish the project in time.

23. Don’t worry, everything will be alright.

24. I will have been working at the project for a month when you join me.

25. He hadn’t said a few words when somebody interrupted him.

26. We have been preparing for our exam since morning.

27. I had been waiting for his airplane for 2 hours when it was announced about delay.

28. Next March we shall have been living in Bulgaria for 2 years.

29. It has been raining since Monday.

30. They usually sing such songs in class.

31. The sushi had been delivered when we came back home.

32. He does not want to be disturbed.

33. The contract will be signed tomorrow.

34. The soup smells really good.

35. Your dog is running around like crazy.

36. My brother has moved to a new place.

37. I bought this car in January.

38. We were taking a walk in the park when a heavy thunderstorm suddenly broke out.

39. Sarah had studied psychology for two years before she joined our lab.

40. The office will be closed for Christmas.

41. Tomorrow we'll have more snow.

42. Our accountant will have retired by the end of the year.

43. Even in the morning, a few people will still be partying.

44. India has not won many Olympic gold medals.

45. The film was not interesting.

46. The house is being built by masons.

47. We have been living in this street for well over ten years.

48. The news is too good to be true.

Вопросительные предложения в английском языке ( Interrogative Sentences in English )

В английском языке используются следующие основные типы вопросов:

1) общий;

2) специальный;

3) альтернативный;

4) разделительный.

1. Общий вопрос ( General Question ) относится ко всему предложению в целом. Ответом на него служат, прежде всего, слова yes или no .

– Do you speak English? – Yes, I do. I speak English. (No, I don’t. I don’t speak English).

Порядок слов общего вопроса:

1) вспомогательный или модальный глагол, или глагол-связка:

Do you like milk? Have you read this book?

Can this student speak German?

Are you a student? Is this book yours? Is he against it? Is she nineteen? Is the lesson over? Is the weather fine? Is the glass broken? Is your duty to help them immediately? Was his greatest pleasure traveling?

2) подлежащее, выраженное чаще всего существительным или местоимением:

Do you like milk? Have you read this book?

Can this student speak German?

Are you a student? Is this book yours? Is he against it? Is she nineteen? Is the lesson over? Is the weather fine? Is the glass broken? Is your duty to help them immediately? Was his greatest pleasure traveling?

3) смысловой глагол или именная часть сказуемого, которая может быть выражена существительным, местоимением (существительным или местоимением с предлогом), числительным, наречием, прилагательным, причастием, инфинитивом или герундием:

Do you like milk? Have you read this book?

Can this student speak German?

Are you a student? Is this book yours? Is he against it? Is she nineteen? Is the lesson over? Is the weather fine? Is the glass broken? Is your duty to help them immediately? Was his greatest pleasure traveling?

4) дополнения, обстоятельства (если есть):

Do you like milk? Have you read this book?

Can this student speak German?

Is your duty to help them immediately?


2. Специальный вопрос ( Special Question ) относится к какому-нибудь члену предложения или к его группе и требует конкретного ответа:

Where do you live? – I live in Kemerovo.

Порядок слов специального вопроса:

1) вопросительное слово (who, what, where, when, how и т.д.):

What do you like? (Who likes milk? Обратите внимание на вопросы в Present Simple и Past Simple, которые заданы к подлежащему!)

Who has read this book?

What language can this student speak?

What are you? Whose greatest pleasure was traveling?

2) вспомогательный глагол (модальный глагол или глагол связка):

What do you like? (Who likes milk? Обратите внимание на вопросы в Present Simple и Past Simple, которые заданы к подлежащему! В таких вопросах не употребляется вспомогательный глагол, и сохраняется прямой порядок слов).

Who has read this book?

What language can this student speak?

What are you? Whose greatest pleasure was traveling?

3) подлежащее:

What do you like?

What language can this student speak?

What are you? Whose greatest pleasure was traveling?

4) смысловой глагол или именная часть сказуемого:

What do you like?

What language can this student speak?

5) дополнения, обстоятельства.

Where did you live last year


3. Альтернативный вопрос ( Alternative Question ) предлагает выбор из двух возможных вариантов:

– Do you like milk or water? – I like milk.

Альтернативный вопрос начинается как общий вопрос, затем следует разделительный союз or и вторая часть вопроса.


4. Разделительный вопрос ( Disjunctive ( Tail ) Question ) состоит из двух частей. Первая часть представляет собой повествовательное предложение, вторая – краткий вопрос, который отделяется от первой части запятой (иначе называется «хвостик» (tail)).

– You speak English well, don’t you?

«Хвостик» состоит из соответствующего местоимения и вспомогательного или модального глагола, который входит в состав сказуемого повествовательного предложения. Если сказуемое стоит в Present или Past Simple, т.е. когда в его составе нет вспомогательного глагола, то в кратком вопросе употребляются соответственно формы do (does) или did. Если в повествовательной части разделительного вопроса содержится утверждение, то во второй – отрицание. Если в повествовательной части – отрицание, то во второй части – утверждение:

    You are a student, aren’t you?

    You have a brother, haven’t you?

    Your friend can speak English, can’t he?

    Your friend can’t speak English, can he?

    She went to London, didn’t she?

    Peter works hard, doesn’t he?

Make up general questions.

1. I work from nine to ten. 2. We are leaving for London next Saturday. 3. She has been busy the whole evening. 4. My sister studied in Cambridge when she was young. 5. I had to go there in the daytime. 6. I will show them how to do it. 7. You must work hard. 8. I can’t read English authors in the original.


Make up special questions about the words in bold type.

1. Mary and her husband will go to London next year. 2. I wrote 3 letters to my sisters yesterday. 3. After breakfast I go to the University. 4. We work at the library till late in the evening.


Дата добавления: 2018-11-24; просмотров: 437; Мы поможем в написании вашей работы!

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