II. Ответьте на следующие вопросы.

1. What does Amy think of her father as a person?

2. Why doesn't Amy remember much about her father?

3. Why does Amy feel guilty about her father sometimes?

4. Why was Amy's father against her getting married?

III. Исправьте предложения в соответствии с содержани­ем текста.

1. Amy's father always tells her when he's on TV.

2. Amy's interests have always been music and above all, opera.


Прочитайте текст два раза и выполните следующие задания.

Nowadays the number of crimes involving violence is growing in Sweden as well as many other countries. The main cause of this development is undoubtedly the use of drags especially in larger cities. The higher rate of unemployment and growing racism are significant reasons too. Meaningless murders and assaults' are the frightening results. One can, as a consequence, see how people not only in countries like the United States, but also in countries like Sweden, arm themselves with weapons for protection, but violence breeds violence.

It is often claimed that an efficient way to lower the number of acts ol violence is to have more severe sentences2. However, people who commit these crimes often have serious social and psychological problems. Many of them may therefore be indifferent to how severe the sentences are. Besides, these criminals do not think that they will ever get caught. Because of these reasons I doubt that acts of violence in Sweden would decrease if our government was to make the sentences for this type of crime more severe. A common measure to reduce the acts of violence is to increase the num­ber of policemen patrolling the streets. Although this is a good way of preventing acts of violence, it will not actually stop people from becoming criminals.

I am convinced that it is impossible to erase3 the violence related criminality completely, but there is a way in which I think it can be reduced considerably. Children should be informed about crimes related to violence and drugs. This information should be given in kindergarten as well as in elementary school Furthermore, it should especially reach those children who live in areas with high crime rates. The information should take the form of a discussion, not a lecture, led by some expert, preferably a local police officer.

Hopefully, the children would then at an early age already have some understanding of these problems that would be valuable to them for the rest of their lives. Although the costs for such a project would be considerable, the benefits would be great. It would certainly prevent many from becoming violent criminals in the future.

1 assault—нападение

2 sentence — приговор, наказание

3 to erase — уничтожать, ликвидировать

Test № 7

I. Определите, верны ( True) или неверны ( False) следу­ющие утверждения.

1. The author doesn' t know the reasons for the growth of violence related crimes.

2. The acts of violence cannot be reduced by violence.

3. Many criminals don't care about the possible punishment.

4. The author thinks that the real problem is the high cost of increasing the number of policemen in the streets.

II. Ответьте на следующие вопросы.

1. What do many people in different countries do to protect themselves?

2. What is often regarded as an efficient way to lower the rate of violence in a state?

3. What can erase violence related crimes completely?

4. Why is educating people important?

III. Исправьте предложения в соответствии с содержани­ем текста.

1. Information about acts of violence should be given in kindergarten as well as in high school and colleges.

2. The information should take the form of a discussion preferably led by the headmaster.


Прочитайте текст два раза и выполните следующие задания.

My Great Aunt's name is Mary Grieve. She is my grandmother's aunt. I do not know her very well having always lived a long way away, but she has always been a woman I have respected for many different reasons.

She is now over eighty years old and was born in Scotland in 1912. She had one brother called Tom. Her family was wealthy for those times and luckily for Mary, her father believed in educating both his children. He did not send her to one of the typical schools for daughters of the rich where they only learnt skills preparing them for marriage. She was obviously intelligent and when she left school she went to Oxford University.

In the 1930's there were very few women at University. However

Mary is not a quiet, submissive woman, in fact she has always been very

determined and prepared to be different. At this time it was assumed

that woman of her class would spend a few years enjoying her freedom

, and then settle down and get married. Mary did not do this.

After graduating from the university, she got a job in journalism. Newspapers were increasingly popular and to sell them to a wider audience some papers realised that appealing to women was important. She not only worked for newspapers but also wrote articles and books later in her life.

After the Second World War, she got a job with one of the new women's magazines that were to become more and more popular. After many years of hard work and struggling in a male dominated profession she eventually reached the top and became the editor of the magazine.

Mary never married as her work was very important to her and a job and marriage did not mix in Britain in the 1950's.

She is now old in years and confined to a wheelchair. However she is still full of enthusiasm about life. Her personal courage, her enthusiasm and interest in life, as well as the example she has set for all women working in our still male dominated society, makes Mary a woman I feel privileged to have known.

Test № 8

I. Определите, верны ( True) или неверны ( False) следую­щие утверждения.

1. The story was written in the 1980s.

2. Mary got an education typical of the women of her class.

3. Mary stayed in her profession all her life.

4. There have always been more male magazine-editors in Britain than female.

Дата добавления: 2018-11-24; просмотров: 140; Мы поможем в написании вашей работы!

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