Дайте відповіді на запитання

1. What are the reasons for the current wave of globalization?

2. What are the advantages of globalization for corporations?

3. What is a defining feature of globalization?

4. How has technology promoted globalization?

5. In what way is globalization controversial?


Варіант №4


Розкрийте дужки, вставляючи прикметник у потрібній формі ступеня порівняння. Речення перекладіть.

4.1.1. Clothes are … (cheap) in the USA, but fashion design in the UK is … (good) than design in the USA.

4.1.2. The ... (dim) light in the room grew ... (dim).

4.1.3. Dad often says that Mum is his ... (good) half.

4.1.4. ... (wide) is the bed, ... (comfortable) is to sleep.

4.1.5. We all ran pretty … (fast), but Sam ran … (quickly) than I, Leen ran … (fast), however.

Перекладіть рідною мовою, зважаючи на ступені порівняння прикметників та прислівників.

4.2.1. Ставок був небагато ширше в довжину, ніж в ширину.

4.2.2. Чим старше ти стаєш, тим швидше ти читаєш.

4.2.3. Мова цієї статті полегше, почніть з неї.

4.2.4. Хто найкращій спортсмен в команді?

4.2.5. Я голосно кажу чи говорити голосніше?

4.2.6. Я не міг іти швидше за зламаною ногою.

4.2.7. Ви багато витратили на цей посуд.

Розкрийте дужки, вставляючи дієслово у потрібній часовій формі груп Perfect або Perfect Continuous. Речення перекладіть.

4.3.1. Mom … (have) a headache since she came from the theatre.

4.3.2. Who's that man standing on the corner? He … (stand) there for the last half an hour.

4.3.3. Bob tried to find a job after he … (serve) a five-year sentence.

4.3.4. I … (stay) at the hotel for a fortnight when I received your letter.

4.3.5. My sister … (learn) the results of her exam even before you get to university.

Перекладіть рідною мовою, зважаючи на вживання групи часів Perfect та Perfect Continuous.

4.4.1. ІЇ сестра жила в Москві вже 4 роки, коли почалась війна.

4.4.2. Дощ вже закінчився, та люди йдуть без парасоль.

4.4.3. Коли ви повернетесь, я буде вже час спати.

4.4.4. У січні виповняється 20 років, як я працюю з вами.

4.4.5. Боюсь, до того часу я к ви принесете гроші, всі книги буде розпродано.

4.4.6. Ніхто не казав їй, наскільки вона була хвора, доки вона не одужала.

Заповніть пропуски одним із наданих слів: classical unemployment, seasonal unemployment, cyclical unemployment, structural unemployment, frictional unemployment, voluntary unemployment. Речення перекладіть.

4.5.1.           I lost my job with 4,000 other people when they closed down the coal mine.

4.5.2.           I work with a travelling circus in the summer, but it's just closed for the winter.

4.5.3.           The union went on strike for an 8% pay rise. They got it, but the company laid off ten of us.

4.5.4.           It's crazy – the only jobs available round here pay less than I get from Social Security.

4.5.5.           I'm a skilled electrician, but there's such a slump in the construction industry right now that I'm out of work.

4.5.6.           I left my job last week after an argument with my boss. I'm sure I can find something better.

Перепишіть текст за фахом та перекладіть його рідною мовою.

The consumer theory is a theory in economics that tries to explain the relationship between a consumer's purchasing choices and income. The idea behind consumer theory is that consumers will try to purchase the products that will give them the highest levels of benefit or enjoyment for the amount of money that they can afford to spend. Restrained by a budget, they will buy less expensive products if prices increase and more expensive ones if prices decrease. Likewise, they will buy more expensive products if their income increases and less expensive products if their income decreases. Consumers make these choices in an effort to maximize the benefit they receive in return for the money they spend.

The theory assumes that consumers will spend only the money that they actually have and does not account for saving money. This is called the budget constraint. According to consumer theory, budget constraint will affect a consumer's spending decisions by limiting his or her choices. If a consumer can spend only the money he or she has, then any choices that cost more must be eliminated.

Next, consumer theory looks at preferences. In general, the theory assumes that the consumer prefers a group of products packaged together, which is commonly called a bundle. A consumer often will prefer a bundle without regard to the brand, instead basing a purchase decision on something such as the number of products in the bundle or the size of the bundle.

Consumer theory also discusses a factor called the substitution effect. This factor states that if the price of a product goes up, the consumer will have to choose to buy less or substitute a less expensive product in order to purchase the desired amount. In most cases, the consumer will substitute the less expensive product when faced with this choice.

The income effect is another factor in consumer theory. The income effect states that if a consumer's income increase, he or she will be able to purchase more of a desired product. The consumer also might choose to substitute a different product that previously was too expensive for his or her budget.

Дата добавления: 2018-04-04; просмотров: 261; Мы поможем в написании вашей работы!

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