Ask your partner some more questions on the text. Find in the text 5 sentences in Present Indefinite

Find in the text 5 sentences in Present Indefinite. Translate them into Russian.

16. Summarize the text using the following phrases:

The text reports on…

The text touches upon…

It is reported that…

Much attention is given to…

The text points out that…

The text deals with the problem of…

The text provides information on…

The text defines the phenomenon of…

The text covers such points as…

17. Read Text B and choose the headline from the ones given below:


 – Responses to Injury

 – Response to Disease

 – Plants Communication


Words and expressions:


disease-causing – вызывающийболезнь   fight – бороться, сражаться

herbivore – травоядноеживотное             scartissue – рубцоваяткань

respond – реагировать                              carryout – проводить, осуществлять

innate – врожденный                                greenhouse – теплица, парник

wound – рана                                             harm – вредить

interferewith – вмешиваться, мешать      neighboring – соседствующий

medication – медикаментозноелечение




Plantsareattacked by a variety of disease-causing organisms and by plant-eating herbivores. Plants respond to disease in much the same way as animals do. When infected with a disease, plants have an innate ability to fight the infection. Plants also repair wounds by growing a form of scar tissue over the wounded area.

Plants fight herbivores in a different way. Many plants produce toxic materials, which interfere with the metabolism of animals that eat plants. When the leaves of plants are eaten by animals, the new leavesoften contain higher amounts of toxic materials than the original leaves.

Plants may even have the ability to communicate with one another. An experiment carried out in a greenhouse produced some interesting results. Some of the plants had their leaves mechanically “eaten” by an experimenter, whereas nearby plants were not harmed. Not only the cut plants produced new leaves with more toxins, but the new growth on neighboring plants had increased toxin levels as well. This shows that plants communicate in some way, perhaps by the release of molecules that cause changes in the receiving plant.

Many of the toxic chemicals produced by plants have been used as medications. Quinine has been used to fight malaria. Digitalis is used to strengthen heartbeat. Taxol is an anticancer drug.


18. Choose the correct answer:

1. What are plantsattacked by?

A humansB bacteria C carnivoresDdisease-causing organisms and by plant-eating herbivores


2. What do plants do when infected with a disease?

A they fight the infection B they ignore the infection C they cure the infection D they always die


3. How do plants repair wounds?

A by growing vascular tissue over the wounded area B they do not repair wounds C by growing new leaves over the wounded area D by growing a form of scar tissue over the wounded area


4. What did the experiment in a greenhouse show?

A plants can eat each other B plants can fight each other C plants can communicate with each other D plants can cure each other


5. How can the toxic chemicals produced by plants be used?

A as poisons B as medicationsC as fertilizers D as food


19. Match the parts of the sentences:


1. Plants respond to disease in much the same way … 2. Plants also repair wounds by growing a form of scar tissue … 3. Plants fight herbivores … 4. The new leavesoften contain higher amounts of toxic materials … 5. Plants may even have the ability … 6. The experiment showed that plants communi­cated… 7. Many of the toxic chemicals produced by plants … 8. Quinine has been used … 9. Digitalis is used … a) … over the wounded area. b) … to communicate with one another. c) … to fight malaria. d) … have been used as medications. e) … to strengthen heartbeat. f) … as animals do. g) … than the original leaves. h) … in some way. i) … in a different way.



Retell the text in Russian.


21. Read and translate Text C in writing using a dictionary:


Text C

Co-evolution of Plants and Animals


The first terrestrial organisms were plants. Shortly after the plants became established on land, animals, such as insects and amphibians, arrived. Thus, terrestrial plants and animals have a long history of interaction, which has had an influence on the evolution of each group. There are many examples of their co-evolution.

Most flowering plants are pollinated by insects or other animals. Insect-pollinated plants produce flowers that are showy, have nectar, and produce odors. Some flowers bloom only at night and are pollinated by moths or bats.

Grasses and grazers have co-evolved. Grasses have silica in their cell walls. This is a very hard material, and it tends to wear down the teeth of grazers. Most grazing animals have very long teeth, which can accommodate a lifetime of wear. Grasses also differ from most other plants in that their leaves and stems grow from the base of the plant rather than from the tip. Thus, they can withstand regularly having the tips of their leaves chewed off.

Many kinds of flowering plants produce large, nutritious fruits, which animals use for food and thus taking part in the process of distributing the seeds. There are even seeds that will not germinate unless they have passed through the gut of an animal. In tropical forests, many trees have very large fruits, which are eaten by monkeys. They eat the fleshy part of the fruit and drop the seeds.

Plants produce a variety of chemicals. Some of these chemicals are toxic or irritating and deter certain animals from eating portions of the plant. Others chemicals produce odors that help animals locate flowers or fruits. These attractive odors aid the plant by assuring that pollination and seed dispersal will take place. Humans use many of these plants and the chemicals they produce as spices and flavorings.





English Forms of Address


I. Listen, read and memorize:


Hello!               Здравствуй!/Здравствуйте! Hi!                    Привет! Good morning!Доброеутро! Good afternoon!Добрыйдень! Goodevening!      Добрый вечер! I’mverygladОчень рад(а) toseeyou. тебя (вас) видеть I’mgladtoseeЯтожерад(а). you too. Certainly.        Конечно. Howareyou?   Какдела? syn.How are things with you? syn. How are you doing? Very well.Отлично! Fine. Нормально. Everything is well. (OK) Всевпорядке. Notbad.                         Неплохо. Bad.Плохо. So-so.Таксебе. Bye. (Bye-bye.)              Пока. See you.Увидимся. See you tomorrow.Дозавтра. Thank you. (very much)Спасибо. You’re welcome.Пожалуйста. Excuse me.Извини(те). Noproblem.                    Ничего. May I…? Can I…?       Можно…? Please…Пожалуйста…


Обратите внимание!

В англоязычных странах к мужчине обращаются Mr., к замужней женщине – Mrs., к женщине независимо от ее семейного положения – Ms., к девушке и незамужней женщине принято обращаться Miss. Обращения Mr., Mrs., Ms. иMiss употребляются только с фамилией или с именем и фамилией.

Например:Mr. Smith – мистерСмит; MrJohnSmith – мистер Джон Смит.

При обращении к супружеской паре после слов Mr. AndMrs. называют фамилию.

Например:Mr. andMrs. Smith – мистер и миссис Смит.

Обращение Missбез называния фамилии или имени и фамилии возможно, когда просят подойти официантку или продавщицу.

В отличие от русского языка, в английском языке слова Thanksи Thankyouставятся обычно после ответа на вопрос.


Какдела?                             Howareyou?

 –Спасибо, хорошо.           – Good, thanks.

В английском языке, как и в русском языке, слово please(пожалуйста) используется для выражения вежливой просьбы и может ставиться как в начале, так и в конце предложения.


Pleasecomein.          Пожалуйста, войдите.

Come in, please.             Войдите, пожалуйста.

Но, в отличие от русского языка, английское pleaseне употребляется, когда удовлетворяют просьбу человека, а также при ответе на спасибо.


Можнопозвонить?            May I use your telephone?

– Пожалуйста.        – Yes, certainly.

Спасибо.                             Thank you.

– Пожалуйста.        – You are welcome.


II. Listen, memorize and act out:


1  – Hello, Sasha!  – Hello, Bess!  – How are you?  – Good, thanks. And how are you?  – I’m good too.  – Goodbye!     2    – Hi, Bill!  – Hi, Tom!  – How are you doing?  – Fine. And how are things with you?  – OK. 3  – Good evening, Mr. Smith!  – Good evening, Mr. Johnson! I’m very glad to see you.  – I’m very glad to see you too. How are you?  – Very well, thanks. And you?  – Also fine.  – Good bye.  – See you tomorrow.   4    – Hello, Ms. Sims. May I come in?  – Yes, certainly. Thank you.    



Give the answers.


1.  – How are you?

2.  – Bye!

3.  – Goodbye.

4.  – Hi!

5.  – Hello, Lena!

6.  – Thank you.

7.  – I’m very glad to see you.

8.  – Excuse me.

9.  – May I use your telephone?

10.  – Good morning, Ms Mills.


2. Match the parts of the dialogues:

1. – Hi!                                                         a) Good, thanks.

2. – Can I use your pen?                              b) Also fine.

3. – I’m fine. And you?                                           c) I’m glad to see you too.

4. – Goodbye.                                              d) Bye.

5. – Thank you.                                            e) Hello, Irina.

6. – Hello, Mary!                                          f) Good, thanks. And you?

7. – How are you?                                        g) Hi!

8. – I’m very glad to see you.                      h) No problem.

9. – How are things with you?                     i) Yes, certainly.

10. – Bye.                                                                   j) Goodbye.


Make up dialogues.




Types of Plants


Grammar for Revision:  Comparatives and Superlatives

Text A:                                 Types of Plants: Plant Classification

Text B

Text C       :                                 Garden Types of Plants

Socializing:                           Getting Acquainted. Introductions



"Love the animals, love the plants, love everything.

If you love everything, you will perceive the divine mystery in things.

Once you perceive it, you will begin to comprehend it better everyday.

And you will come at last to love the whole world with an all-embracing love".

Fyodor Dostoyevsky



Warm up


You may know that rice is the seed of a plant, but what is the world's oldest known plant? Which kind of plant can be an annual, biennial, or perennial? Take this quiz and find out the answers.


1. Which of these is not a kind of plant?



2. A banana plant fits into which of these groups?



3. From what plant was paper originally made?

A pineBrosemaryCpapyrusDwheat


4. How old is the world's oldest known plant?

A13,000 years oldB43,000 years oldC81,000 years oldD124,400 years old


5. Why is cotton such an important plant?

AIt is easy to growBIt provides shadeCIt smells goodDIt is both a food and fiber


6. Which kind of plant can be an annual, biennial, or perennial?



7. Which of these is not a dehiscent plant?



Read the answers to the quiz and check yourself:


1. Abacus. An abacus is an instrument for performing calculations by sliding counters along rods or in grooves.

2. Herbs. Although called a tree, the banana plant is really an herb. It does not have a woody trunk. The banana stalk grows above ground and looks like a trunk.

3. Papyrus. The ancient Egyptians made a paper, also called papyrus, from the pith, or inner portion, of the stalk of the papyrus plant.

4. 43,000 years old. In 1996 botanists announced the discovery of a shrub called Lomatiatasmanica, or king's holly, on the Australian island of Tasmania. It is 43,000 years old.

5. It is both a food and fiber. The cotton plant is grown for its fibers, used to make more than half the world's textile fabrics, and its seed is a source of oil for cooking and of protein for cattle feed.

6. Hollyhock. The hollyhock is native to China. Its several varieties include annual, biennial, and perennial forms.

7. Banana. The fruit of a dehiscent plant splits open when it is ripe to disperse seeds. Examples are peas, beans, peanuts, and magnolias. Technically, a banana is an herb.


Grammar Revision





  Положительная степень Сравнительная cтепень (Comparatives) Превосходная cтепень (Superlatives)
  Односложные, двусложные* hot easy (adj) polite soon (adv)   hotter easier politer sooner (the) hottest (the) easiest (the) politest (the) soonest
  Многосложные   correctly (adv) beautiful (adj)   more correctly more beautiful (the) most correctly (the) most beautiful
Смешанные случаи old (adj) often (adv), slow/slowly quick/quickly   older/elder oftener/more often slower/more slowly quicker/more quickly oldest/eldest oftenest/most often slowest/most slowly quickest/most quickly
  Случаи, которые следует запомнить well (adv)/good (adj) badly/bad much little far near   better worse more less farther/further nearer best worst most least farthest/furthest nearest

*Двусложные прилагательные с ударением на втором слоге, двусложные прилагательные, оканчивающиеся на y и некоторые другие прилагательные: common, pleasant, quiet.


Некоторые особенности употребления прилагательных в сравнительной
и превосходной степени


most     farther farthest   further furthest   elder eldest   nearer nearest next   later latest last имеет и другие значения: крайне/весьма Может использоваться с артиклем a/an большинство/большая часть   используется, когда речь идет о расстоянии: дальше, самый дальний   выражает значения: дальнейший, по следующий, добавочный   употребляется для обозначения возрастных отношений в семье   ближе, ближайший (о расстоянии);   следующий (о порядке следования)   позже, последний (о времени) последний (о порядке следования) This is a most interesting film. They are most interesting people.     Most of my friends live in Moscow.   You must go a little farther.     further information дополнительнаяинформация further discussion дальнейшееобсуждение   my elder brother     Where is the nearest post office?   They live in the next house.   I’ll call you back later.   It’s his last book.


Для сравнения качества предметов используют также следующие формулы:


1) than – чем                                               Moscow is larger than St.-Petersburg.

2) as…as – так(ой)же…как                        He is as young as my brother.

3) not so…as – нетак(ой)…как                  This train goes not so quickly as that one.

4) the more…the better – чем…тем          The more you work the better you know the


5) much, far – намного,гораздо,               The husband was much older than the wife.


6) a bit, a little – немного                           Could you speak a bit louder?



I. Take this Comparatives/Superlatives Quiz.Fill in the gaps:


1. The blue car is ______ than the red car.     2. This is _______ than that one.     3. Mt. Everest is _____ than Mt Fuji.     4. This is the ______ shirt in the store.     5. The Mona Lisa is one of the ______ paintings in this museum.   6. Michael Jordan is the _______ basketball player.     7. This is the ______ book in the store.     8. That was the __________ exam I had all semester.     9. Oxygen is the __________ natural resource.     10. A blue whale is the ________ animal in the world.   a) more fast b) more faster c) faster d) fast   a) more interesting b) interestinger c) more interest d) interesting   a) more high b) highest c) higher d) more higher   a) expensivest b) most expensive c) most expensiver d) more expensive   a) more beautifuler b) most beautiful c) beautifuler d) most beauty   a) most best b) best c) most better d) more better   a) worse b) most bad c) baddest d) worst   a) more difficult b) difficultest c) most difficult d) most difficultest   a) cheapest b) most cheap c) more cheapest d) more cheaper   a) heaviest b) most heavy c) most heaviest d) heaver


II. Open the brackets using Comparatives or Superlatives:

1.The Trans-Siberian railway is (long) in the world. 2. The 22nd of December is the (short) day of the year. 3. Iron is (useful) of all metals. 4. The Volga is (wide) and (deep) than the Neva River. 5. Elbrus is the (high) peak in the Caucasian Mountains. 6. His theory is (practical) than yours.7. Moscow is the (large) city in Russia. 8. Yesterday was the (cold) day we have had this winter.


III. Fill in the gaps with as…as or so…as:


1. The temperature today is … high … it was yesterday. 2. He is not … old … he looks. 3. He is … strong … his brother. 4. This street is … wide … the next one. 5. The luggage is not … heavy … I expected. 6. His TV set is not … powerful … mine. 7. She is … tall … her mother. 8. In Novgorod it is not … hot … in Rostov.


IV. Read and act out the dialogue:


The City and the Country


David: How do you like living in the big city?

Maria: There are many things that are better than living in the country!

David: Can you give me some examples?

Maria: Well, it certainly is more interesting than the country. There is so much more

to do and see!

David: Yes, but the city is more dangerous than the country.

Maria: That's true. People in the city aren't as open and friendly as those in the countryside.

David: I'm sure that the country is more relaxed, too!

Maria: Yes, the city is busier than the country. However, the country is much slower

than the city.

David: I think that's a good thing!

Maria: Oh, I don't. The country is so slow and boring! It's much more boring than the city.

David: How about the cost of living? Is the country cheaper than the city?

Maria: Oh, yes. The city is more expensive than the country.

David: Life in the country is also much healthier than in the city.

Maria: Yes, it's cleaner and less dangerous in the country. But, the city is so much more

exciting. It's faster, crazier and more fun than the country.

David: I think YOU are crazy for moving to the city.

Maria: Well, I'm young now. Maybe when I'm married and have children I'll move back

to the country.


Word Study


1. Listen, read and memorize:


1) build (built, built) 2) belong 3)study   4)reveal 5)vary 6)size 7)huge 8)mainly 9)according (to)   10)bear (bore, borne)   11)relative 12)represent   13)cotyledon 14)liverwort 15)vascular tissue 16)angiosperm   17)gymnosperm   18)pteridophyte   19)nutrient   20)trachea 21)bryophyte   22)hornwort 23)genus (plgenera) 24)bymeansof 25)contain строить принадлежать изучение, исследование обнаруживать разниться размер огромный в основном согласно, в соответствии (с) рождать, производить родственник представлять, изображать семядоля печеночный мох проводящая ткань покрытосемянное растение голосемянное растение папоротникообразное растение питательное вещество древесинный сосуд мохообразное растение роголистник род посредством содержать 26)quantity 27)vital 28)thrive(throve, thriven) 29)moist 30)wet 31)environment 32.)tiny 33)slender 34)plain land   35)rocks 36)mild 37)superior 38)cool 39)dry 40)hot 41)damp 42)existence 43)scientific researches 44)embryo 45)food supply 46)enclose 47)seed covering 48)cone 49)instead of 50)within 51)female 52)shrub 53)vegetation 54)varied 55)trait   количество жизненно важный процветать, разрастаться влажный мокрый окружающая среда крошечный тонкий, стройный гладкая, ровная местность камни мягкий, умеренный лучший прохладный сухой жаркий, горячий влажный, сырой существование научные исследования эмбрион, зародыш запас еды окружать, заключать семенная оболочка шишка вместо (чего-либо) внутри, в пределах женский кустарник, куст растительность разнообразный черта, особенность  


1 GivetheRussianequivalents to the following words and word combinations:


fundamental, block, form, microscopic, classify, type, reproduce, spore, criterion, basis, to transport, collectively, genetic matter, region, tropic regions, identify


2. Translate the following word combinations into Russian:


fundamental building blocks; scientificstudy;at least 500,000 species; vary in size; huge sequoia trees; spore bearing plants; seed bearing plants; according to this criterion; as follows; on the basis of the presence or absence; by means of spores; a small quantity of vital genetic matter; simple stems; tiny, slender leaves; mild,dampregions; hot, damp tropic regions; around 15,000 species; according to scientific researches; cones instead of flowers; within female cones; majority of gymnosperms; land vegetation; till now; the distinguishingtrait


3. Match the verb and its synonym:


1)build 2)belong 3)reveal 4)vary 5)bear 6)represent 7)contain 8)thrive 9)enclose a)uncover b)show c)include d)construct e)prosper f)differ g)cover h)relate to i)produce


4. Match the word and its definition:


1)study 2)relative 3)angiosperm 4)gymnosperm 5)pteridophyte 6)bryophyte 7)genus 8)environment 9)existence 10)cone 11)shrub a)any of a large group of plants that produce flowers b)a class of flowerless plants, embracing ferns and other like plants c)division of plants or animals within a family d)aperson to whom one is related (an uncle or aunt, etc.) e)fruit of certain evergreen trees f)manner of living g)non-vascular plants h)plant with woody stem, lower than a tree, and with several separate stems i) that which is investigated j)the combination of external physical conditions that affect and influence the growth, development, and survival of organisms k)plants having naked seeds  


5. Fill in the blanks with the appropriate words:


1. These animals are difficult to detect since they feed ____ at night and hide in older vegetation during the day.

2. Seen from the sky, the river looked like a ____ snake.

3. They absorb many useful ____ by which to supply their own growth.

4. They arrived in France ____ airplane.

5. A huge tree starts from a ____ seedling.

6. If you want to learn more about landscaping ____, you should read this article.

7. They have ____ climate due to the warm air of the Gulf Stream.

8. I hung my clothes back out to dry as they were still ____.

9. ____ of having soft coral-pink flowers, you can have bright rosy-red ones.

10. He was surprised to learn that some types of ____ are able to live in that harsh climate.

11. I was dressed ____ the ten minutes, and came out.

12. Shyness is one of her noticeable ____.


(vegetation,by means of, damp, huge, within, rocks, traits, nutrients, tiny, instead, mild, mainly)


6. Read Text A and answer the question:

 – What is the mainfeature of flowering plants?


Text A

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