
Задание 1. Подберите соответствующие дефиниции следующим словам:

1. unemotional a) bringing about a person’s death
2. traumatic b) emotionally painful
3. distressing c) not showing your feelings
4. life-threatening d) very shocking
  e) not wanting to talk to anyone


Задание 2. Подберите к выделенным словам в предложениях слова с похожим значением из предложенного списка:

Depression is highly treatable (1), especially with the development of safer antidepressant medications. Depression may be induced (2) by alcoholism.

a) curable

b) is given

c) temporary relief

d) caused


Задание 3. Подберите синонимы к словам из первой колонки:

1. reason a) occur
2. recurrence b) repetition
3. happen c) cause
4. potential d) possible
  e) careful

Задание 4. Переведите текст и сопоставьте мифы и факты о психических заболеваниях.

Myths about mental illness

1. Myth - People with mental illness are violent and unpredictable (непредсказуемый).

2. Myth - Mental illness is a figment of the imagination (плодвоображения).

Facts about mental illness

a Fact. Despite the image portrayed in the media, statistics show that people with mental illness are no more violent than the general population. People with psychotic illnesses like schizophrenia are more likely to be frightened and confused than violent.

b Fact. Mental illness is real. It causes suffering and disability, and can even shorten life. The symptoms are a sign of real illness which needs treatment and diagnosis,

c Fact. Mental illness is surprisingly common, and can affect anyone. A 2004 survey by the World Health Organization of 60,000 adults in fourteen countries revealed that a significant number of the people interviewed had had an episode of mental illness in the last year. This varied across countries - for example, from 4.3% in China to 26.4% in the USA.

Задание 5. Заполните пробелы в предложениях соответствующими словами из списка и переведите предложения.

1. Student nurses go on ____________to learn.

2. The patient committed __________ .

A) Placements; B) bipolar; C) psychotic; D) suicide



Задание 6. Переведите следующие слова и словосочетания.

1. A depressed patient

2. A patient recovering from a stroke

3. Psychiatric disorders

4. Social and personality factors

5. The majority of suicidal patients

6. To experience depression

7. Suicidal thinking and behavior

8. To stay within arms length of the patient

9. To observe every 5 minutes

10.  A nursing assessment process

11. Warning signs

12. Weight loss

13. Main users of hospice care

14. To create a comfortable climate

15.  To use one’s skills of hospice care

16. Temporary relief



Задание 1. Подберите соответствующие дефиниции следующим словам:

1. a caregiver a) thoughts going very fast
2. manic b) unpaid relatives or friends of a disabled individual who help that individual with his or her activitiesofdailyliving.
3. Racing thoughts c) an unusual increase in the rate or speed of conversation
4. Pressured speech d) behaving in an abnormally excited way
  e) strange and false ideas that somebody believes are true


Задание 2. Подберите к выделенным словам и словосочетаниям в предложениях слова с похожим значением из предложенного списка:

Hospice care is care of the patients who are at the last stage of a fatal disease (1). Older people who are more physically fit and have less body fat (2) may also have a better outlook on life.

a) disease

b) sorrow

c) not overweight

d) the terminally ill

Задание 3. Подберите синонимы к словам из первой колонки:

1. attack a) beginning
2. curable b) healthy
3. onset c) treatable
4. length d) episode
  e) duration

Задание 4. Переведите текст и сопоставьте мифы и факты о психических заболеваниях.

Myths about mental illness

1.Myth - Mental illness only affects people in rich countries.

2.Myth - There is no hope for people with mental illness.


Facts about mental illness

a Fact.Mental illness isn’t your fault, any more than heart disease or diabetes is your fault. Mental illness is a product of biological, psychological, and social factors. Research shows that schizophrenia, depression, and alcoholism can be linked to genetic and biological factors. Social influences, such as the loss of a loved one or a job, can also contribute to the development of mental illness.

b Fact.Mental and brain disorders are found among people in developed (развитых) countries as well as in developing nations. In a study of 27 countries carried out by the World Health Organization, no country was found to be free of schizophrenia. Alcohol abuse is another common disorder around the world,

c Fact. There is a wide range of treatments, therapy, and community support for mental illness. Most people with mental illness get better. Many recover completely and lead active, productive lives. Science has shown that having hope is an important factor in an individual’s recovery.


Дата добавления: 2018-02-28; просмотров: 750; Мы поможем в написании вашей работы!

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