Juristic persons and the crown

16. the law of contract

17. trusts

18. the law of property

19. the law of succession

20. procedure

Tasks for boundary control(1 and 2)

Can we live without laws?

1. Why do we need the law?

2. What spheres of life are regulated by law?

3. Must people obey laws?

4. What rules of behavior are accepted in the society?

5. Do you share the idea that people should look only after themselves and take no care about others?

6. What rules do you obey willingly?

7. What rules would you abolish if you could?

8. Do laws limit your personal freedom?

9. Must all people study law at school?

10. Do you feel that laws protect you?

11. When was the RK Constitution adopted?

12. What does the RK Constitution consist of?

13. How are the first 10 amendments to the US Constitution called?

14. What rights and liberties are protected under the Bill of Rights?

15. What is required in federal criminal cases?

16. What kind of trial is guaranteed by the Bill of Rights?

17. What are key features of the US Constitution?

18. What are the three branches of power according to the Constitution?

19. Is there a strict separation of powers?

20. Does any branch have more power than the others?

21. What duties does every branch have regarding the other branches under the principle of checks and balances?

22. What are the composition and powers of the judicial branch according to the RK Constitution?


The list of questions and tasks to prepare for the exam

Studying law

1. historical sources of english law

2. classification of law

3. law and enforcement

4. states, statutes and constitutions

5. the uk and characteristics of english law

6. the european union and law

7. human rights

8. the judiciaries, law officers and legal profession

9. courts

10. legal sources

11. criminal law

12. the law of tort

13. the law of person

Juristic persons and the crown

15. the law of contract

16. trusts

17. the law of property

18. the law of succession

19. procedure



9.The combined exam (the exam structure of the material) combined ( tickets+tests)


Evaluation criteria

The study of the course ends with an exam in the test form that will cover material throughout the course "Professionally - oriented foreign language ". A prerequisite for admission to the examination is the presence and knowledge of the lecture material, the availability of answers in seminars, fulfilling independent assignments, delivery of boundary control and obtaining a rating.

Visiting student all lectures and seminars without delay, the preparation and participation in the seminar is mandatory.

Students need to report for each topic, the teacher time to carry out a training course of independent work. Deadline independent work – 2 day before the midterm examination. Rating of the student will be billed the day of delivery of boundary control.

Схема оценки знаний по дисциплине:«Профессионально- ориентированный инностранный язык»

№ п/п

Критерий оценки



балл за работу Кол-во выполн-х работ
Активность на лекции 100 30
Активность на семинаре (практическом занятии) 100 15
Активность на лабораторном занятии 100  
Активность на занятии СРСП   100 45
Выполнение заданий СРС 100 45
Рубежный контроль 100 2
Промежуточная аттестация 100 1
Экзамен 100 1

Среднеарифметическое значение суммы всех оценок



During the semester two final papers on 8 week and 15 week. Following the passing of boundary control, and work for classes, attendance and independent work of the student ranking. The maximum rate of student in two ranks is 60%.

At the end of the semester on academic discipline, examination in test form, covering the main content of theoretical and practical material of the course.

The maximum rate of progress on the exam is 40%.

The final grade for the discipline is defined as the sum of the performance on the two ratings (max 60%) and exam (max 40%), max is 100%.

Letter grade and its digital equivalent in points are determined by the percentage of correct answers according to the table below:

Knowledge, abilities and skills of students are evaluated as follows:

Оценка Цифровой эквивалент баллов Процентное содержание Оценка по традиционной форме
А      4,0 95-100



А -      3,67 90-94
В +      3,33 85-89



В      3,0 80-84
В -      2,67      75-79
С +      2,33 70-74




С      2,0 65-69
С -      1,67 60-64
D +      1,33 55-59
D      1,0 50-54
F       0 0-49 неудовлетворительно



Дата добавления: 2018-10-27; просмотров: 331; Мы поможем в написании вашей работы!

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