Задание 5. Выберите правильный вариант ответа

1. He’s been trying to keep in touch / get in touch with Lilian all day.

2 I’m meeting my close friend / colleague today. I haven’t seen him for ages.

3. We met / knew our new boss for the first time today.

4. Lucas and his sister are / have a lot in common.



Задание 1. Выберите правильный вариант ответа.

1. This cheese has to _____ today.

A be ate B be eat C be eaten 

2. ‘I’ve been to a wedding.’

Sally said she _____ to a wedding.

A went B has been C had been 

3. My son, _____ lives in Brazil, is a lawyer.

A  who B which C whose

4. The museum is _____ at the moment so it’s closed.

A been painted B being painted C being painting 

5. ‘When were you born?’ She asked him when _____.

A was he born B you were born C he was born 

6. The film _____ in Japan.

A was setted B set C is set 

7. The meeting is ______ 24 March at 3.00 p.m.

A at B on C in

8. ______ you ever been to the museum?’ ‘No, this is the first time.’

A Had       B Has         C Have  

9. The painting, _____ is one of Van Gogh’s most famous, was sold for millions of dollars.

A whose B who C that 

10. The teacher told me _____ talking.

A that I stop B that I stopped C to stop

11. You _____ touch that! It’s dangerous.

A have to     B mustn’t     C don’t have to 

12. Go away and don’t come ________!

A here    B back     C away

13. I haven’t eaten anything for hours. I’m ________!

A freezing    B starving    C furious

14. We often have dinner outside on our ________ .

A terrace    B path     C roof

15. It’s easy to buy things on ________. You just pay a little every month.

A credit B online C tax

16. My wife’s a _______. She’s having an exhibition in Glasgow next month.

A guitarist B conductor C sculptor

17. Jill’s so _____. She’s always trying to get people to do what she wants.

A extrovert B mean   C manipulative

18. I think _______should be banned from children’s TV because they encourage them to want material things.

A channels B adverts C presenters

19.  I’ve finally thrown ________ my old leather jacket.

A in B away C up

20. Could you give me a 20% _______ on this bag? It has a dirty mark on it.

A refund B bargain C discount

21. When I was in Turkey, I couldn’t understand anything anyone was saying. It was so ________.

A exciting B terrifying C frustrating

22. I’m ________ my third year of university, studying biology.

A in       B at      C through

23. You’re not allowed to drive in a ________ area.

A residential B pedestrian  C suburb

24. The film was ________ by Scorsese.

A directed B set C dubbed

25. I _____ to the manager because I wasn’t happy with my hotel room.

A told B complaint C complained

Задание 2. Соотнесите надписи 1–5 с предложениями a–h, их объясняющими. Предложений в этом задании больше, чем надписей.

1. Children’s portions served

2. Hand wash only

3. Dry clean only

4. 10% service included

5. Service not included

a Wash this in cold water.

b Don’t wash this in a machine.

c You can leave a tip if you like.

d Please don’t smoke.

e You can order a smaller meal for your children.

f Please help yourself.

g Don’t wash this.

h You don’t need to leave a tip.

Задание 3. Расположите слова в правильном порядке, чтобы составить предложения. Напишите их.

1. coffee / cold / getting / is / your

2. a / bought / coat/ I

3. a / is / nice / place / this

4. for / hospital / ill / is / mentally / the / this

5. a / behaved / in / silly / Tessa / way

6. a / house / in / live / lovely / old / stone / they

7. biscuit / can't / find / I / large / the / tin

Задание 4.     Некоторые предложения являются правильными, а в некоторых есть слово, которого там быть не должно. Если предложение правильное, то поставьте галочку V. Если предложение неправильное, укажите лишнее слово. Первые две строки с номерами 00 и 01 даны в качестве примера.

00 I won't be able to come to the meeting. V

01 We didn't needn't have watered the garden because it's raining. didn't

1. Would you mind for checking these figures?

2. Would you like to be in the team?

3. Did people have to bring their own sleeping-bags?

4. We may be go swimming tomorrow.

5. You don't have to do all the work yourself.

6. I could to ski when I was quite young.

7. We're not supposed to use this entrance.

8. Anna wasn't be allowed to take photos.

Задание 5. Выберите правильный вариант ответа.

1. Oliver doesn’t work / isn’t working tomorrow, so we’re meeting for lunch.

2. Emma tries / is trying to get fit for the athletics competition next month.

3. He’s doing / been doing yoga for three years now.

4. Zoe won’t go if / unless Rob goes, because she can’t drive.

5. This is an urgent message. Please call me as soon as / if you get home.


Задание 1. Выберите правильный вариант ответа.

1. That’s the girl _____ cell phone was stolen.

A who     B which     C whose     

2. Hanna _____ me that she was Polish.

A told     B said     C asked     

3. This is the area _____ I grew up.

A that     B which     C where     

4. The film will _____ made in Britain.

A be     B have     C been     

5. The policeman told me _____ drive so fast.

A to     B not to     C not     

6. The best-selling book was written _____ an ex-footballer.

A with     B by     C for  

7. We ______ work tomorrow.

A haven’t to B don’t have to C must to

8. I think this is the ______ song on the CD.

A better B most best C best  

9. I asked the shop assistant _____ me.

A for help     B to help     C help     

10. I’m sorry but all the tickets have _____ sold.

A been     B being       C be     

11. I tried to _____ my suitcase but it was too heavy.

A pick off     B pick up     C pick out     

12. The Lord of the Rings films are _____ on the books by J.R.R. Tolkien.

A set     B based     C filmed     

13. The Beach was _____ location in Thailand.

A shot on     B shot in     C shot at     

14. A newsagent’s is a shop which _____ newspapers and magazines.

A buys     B sales     C sells     

15. The film was so popular that it was _____ into seven languages.

A dubbed     B filmed     C based     

16. A person who buys things in a shop is a _____ .

A manager     B shop assistant     C customer     

17. My current job is temporary. I’m looking for a _____ job.

A permanent     B full-time     C part-time     

18. I’m responsible _____ the advertising department.

A about     B for     C with     

19. There are three trains _____ hour.

A an     B a     C –     

20. Have a good holiday, and don’t forget _____ lots of photos!

A to take     B taking     C take     

21. You spend too _____ time playing those computer games!

A many     B plenty of     C much     

22. Doesn’t your cousin work as _____ architect?

A the     B an     C a     

23. He has a _____ of friends. He’s very sociable.

A lot     B lots     C plenty     

24. I’m not _____ to vote. I’m only 16.

A enough old     B old enough     C too old     

25. I hate _____ up early in the morning.

A to get     B get     C getting    

Дата добавления: 2018-02-28; просмотров: 1311; Мы поможем в написании вашей работы!

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