Kostrytsya M.Y. The Ukrainian Regional Geography Studies: Theoretic-Methodological Basis, History, Practice. — Manuscript.

A thesis for a degree of Doctor of Geography, specialization 11.00.13, History of Geography.–Kyiv National Taras Shevchenko University.–Kyiv, 2007.

The thesis introduces an original conception of regional geography studies of Ukraine (RGSU) history research, axiomatic generalization of their theoretical and methodological basis.

The manuscript presents a well-balanced system of scientific knowledge where some theoretical assertions are taken as axioms and the rest are being drawn by the way of logical reflections — proofs.

For the first time the synergetic approach is shed to investigate the genesis and evolution of RGSU by the way of analysis of abundant documentary material. Particular methods of research have been worked out, according to which the division into periods and stages of development of RGSU are defined from their origin to their improvement as an independent scientific discipline.

The matter and substance, objects and functions of RGSU, their principal schools and centres are determined, main vectors of their research work and the level of institutionalization are revealed.

All these factors are being treated against the cultural and historical background of progress in Ukrainian spiritual and intellectual life.

Special attention in the manuscript is given to present scientific heritage of several generations of outstanding personalities of the Ukrainian national ethnographic movement, whose names were unjustly silenced by the totalitarian regime for long years and to depict their role in establishing and developing the regional geographical studies of Ukraine as inseparable component of cultural, educational and scientific sphere of the nation.

Key-words and concepts: Regional geographical studies of Ukraine (RGSU), historico-geographical analysis, objects-matter field, division into periods, stages of development, genesis, scientific school, level of institutionalization.

Дата добавления: 2023-02-21; просмотров: 25; Мы поможем в написании вашей работы!

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