As exam fever hots up, keep cool with tips from our health correspondent Dr. Barry Lunger

- Stress is difficult to define but most of us know it when we experience it. We may have mental symptoms: panic, feeling trapped or overwhelmed. Or there may be physical symptoms: sweating palms, butterflies, headaches, breathlessness or sleeplessness.

- Stress can cause us to feel overwhelmed and powerless to tackle the very things that are causing the stress in the first place. So make a carefully written plan and the problems will seem less overwhelming. Ticking off each thing as you do it will help you feel there is light at the end of the tunnel.

- When you’re writing your revision plan, make sure you include some time off – exactly an hour or whatever – before you go back to work. Look forward to your time off and do something pleasant in it. Work out little treats and rewards for yourself as you tick off each thing on your plan. The treats can be simple: an ice cream, half an hour listening to your personal stereo, or walking the dog.

- Easier said than done, I know, but exercise is one of the best ways of relaxing: it’s the natural way to deal with adrenaline and similar hormones that are rushing around your body. A walk will help; a quick swim on half an hour of tennis or another game is even better.

- Don’t drink endless cups of tea or coffee although caffeine is a stimulant it will eventually only make you more tense and nervy.

Don’t try to go without sleep – sleep is a natural way of relieving stress.

Don’t be tempted to use alcohol or other drugs to relieve stress. They create more problems than they solve.




Translate from Russian into English.

1. Сложно писать лексический тест. Для этого необходимо повторить много слов и выражений, иметь хорошую память на предлоги, много работать над идиомами.

2. Когда твой брат заканчивает школу? – В этом году. Он собирается поступать в Белорусский государственный университет на факультет журналистики.

3. Мой племянник увлекается литературой и учится на втором курсе педагогического университета. Он делает большие успехи.

4. Не звони мне в это время, так как в это время я буду готовиться к экзамену по фонетике.

5. Он провалил экзамен по латинскому, потому что постоянно пропускал занятия и не готовился к экзамену.

6. На наших занятиях по аудированию мы слушаем записи, отвечаем на вопросы учителя, обсуждаем тексты и диалоги и пишем контрольные работы.

7. Образование в Великобритании является обязательным в возрасте с 5 до 16 лет.

8. На семинаре преподаватель и студенты обсуждали тему, рассмотренную на лекции.

9. Мне жаль, но Майк единственный неуспевающий студент в группе.

10. Учитель похвалил его за то, что он быстро нагнал класс после болезни.

Topics for discussions and essays:

1. Practice makes perfect.

2. Money spent on brain is never spent in vain.

3. If you think that you know everything, you have a lot to learn.

4. “Experience is the name everyone gives to their mistakes.” – Oscar Wilde

5. No pain, no gain.

6. Education, experience and memories are three things no one can take away from you.

7. Taking exams is a real trial.

8. It’s not fair to take exams.

9. Swotting is not the only way of getting ready for exams.




Student A Student B
You failed your English exam and there were reasons for this, you know. Your fellow-student got a “ten”. She / he tries to calm you down and gives you advice. Your fellow-student failed her / his English exam and there were reasons for this. You got a “ten”, you try to calm her / him down and give her / him advice.



Student A Student B
You got a lower mark in English than you have expected. On the one hand, your mother / father is not pleased at all, on the other hand, she / he feels sorry for you. Your daughter / son got a lower mark in English than she / he had expected. On the one hand, you are not pleased at all, on the other hand, you feel sorry for your child.


Дата добавления: 2019-01-14; просмотров: 364; Мы поможем в написании вашей работы!

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