EEK 81.2 Attrn. - 923

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AHfJJHHCKHH  ll3blK: YlJe6Jm-Meto)l..tt'fecKoe  rroco6ue

AcrnHa: Pf KTI «Hau110HaJibHbIH JJ,eHlPJecrnposaHHJD>, 2010 - crp.

tt:;,} :

ISBN 978-601-260-114-5                                    '"'/, t.'

Yqe6uo-MeTo.UHlJecKoe noco6He co)l.eplKHT 4 sapriaura recroB no aHrn11i1cKOMY .ll3bIKY. Dpe;:uiaraiorcll reCTOBbie Ja.uaHHll no cnywaHH!O, neKCHKe 11 rpaMMaT11Ke, lJTeHHJO. TeKcr&r no cnywaH1110 3am1cattb1 Ha ay)ll10A11CKe, KOTOpblH np1rnaraeTC,5! K MeTO)l,H'feCKOMY noco6mo.

Doco611e peKOMeH.n:yeTCll  .n:Jrn  rro)J.rOTOBKll  K  scrymneJihHbl M 3K3aMettaM  B

MarMcrparypy,.uoKTopattrypy,pe3tt.UettTypy,a)l.  n!OHKTYPY·


Y )1.K  811.111.(075.8)

lil>K 81.2 Attrn. - 923

ISBN 978-601-260-114-5

©PrKn «Ha!UiOHaITbHbIH ueHTP TCCTHpoBamum, 2010




YBa:iKaeMbtii npeTeui:.euT!

PfKD  «HarwoHanbHbIH  ueHTp  Tecrn.posaHmrn  MHHHCTepCTBa  06pa30Bamu1  H HayKH  Pecny6JIHKH  Ka.3axcTaH  npeJJ.JiaraeT  yqe6HO-MeTO,!Vt'lecKoe  noco6He  Jl.Jl>l

no,nroTOBKH K BcrynHTeJibHhlM 3K3aMeHaM B MarncTpaTYPy, ,l.(OKTOpaHrypy, pe3H,l.(ettzypy, a,l.('blOHK'fYPY no aHnIHHCKOMY >l3h1Ky.

1. Teer no aHrJIHHCKOMY >l3bfK)' COCTOHT H3 3-x 6JIOKOB:

l>JIOKI- CJiyrnauue TeKCTa c CD .n.ncKa

B .n:aHHhIH 6110K BXO,l.(HT npoceyurnsami:e  ay.n:HoTeKCTOB  H BblilOJIHemte 20

TCCTOBbIX 3a,l.(aHHH. Ka)f(J(b H ay.l.(HoMaTepHaJI 3anHcaH .nsyKpaTHO. Tiocne IIpoCJIYIIIHBaHIDI Ka)f(,l.(Oro TeKCTil .n:aeTC>l BpeM>l Ha BbIIlOJIHeHRe npe)J.JIO)l(eHHbIX K HeMY II>lTH TeCTOBbIX 3a,l.(aHRH.

l>JioK II -Jle1ecu1eo-rpaMMaTH'lec1euii TecT

JleKCHKO-rpaMMaTH'leCKHH TeCT  co.n:ep>KHT  50  TCCTOBbIX           Ja.LiaHHH. Co,nep)!(aHHe npe.unaraeMb X  TecTOB  .uaer  BOJMO:lKHOCTh  nposepHTb  yposeHb  3HaHHH no   >l3b KOBhlM   HOpMaM    (rreKCH'leCKHM,   rpaMMaTH' eCKHM),    ycsoeHHe

mrnrnHCTH'leCKHX             noIDITHH         (<PonenNeclG!X,             neKCHKonornqecKHX, rpaMMaTH'ICCKHX), BJia,l.(eHHe cnoco6aMH 11.eiicTBHll npR aHaJIHJe .ll3b KOBbIX .llBJJeHHH .

JiJioK III - q yeuue.

B ,l.(a.HHh H 6JIOK BXO.UHT 4 TeKCTa H BhlilOJIHeHHe 30 TeCTOBb!X Ja.uaHHH. Tiocne npotffeHIDI Ka)l(.llOro TeKCTa ,naeTCll BpeM>l Ha BblIIO.'IHeHRe npe.n:no>KeHHbIX K HeMY TeCTOBhIX Ja,l.(aHHH.

2.  KaiK,l.(oe  3a,nam1e  Tpe6yeT  Bh 6opa  o.n:ttoro  npaBRJihHoro  OTBeTa  H3 5

npe;J.JIO)l(eHHbIX  BapHaHTOB.

3. TecTOBhle  Ja,n.aHR.>l  npe.l.(JJo:>KCHhIno TpCM  ypoBH}!M  cJIOJKHOCTH:  A- nerKKe,

B - cpe.UHHe, C - CJIO)l(Hhie.

4. m1 caMorrposepKH cne,nyeT o6paTMThC>l K rrpmro)l('.emri, M Ko,aaM npaBHJihHb!X OTBeTOB B JaKJIIQ'IHTCJihHOH qaCTH noco6H>l.




H ucrpytcUHH


B MarHC'fPaT)'py, ,noKTopaHTYPY· pe3H,neHTYPY· a)J.b!OHYKTYPY no HHOC'fPaHHbl M ll3b!KaM


Ha ay,nHotJ,HcK JanHcaHhI8 TeKCTOB no aHrnHHCKOMY ll3hlJ<Y (4 TexcTa .n.rrn 1-

2 aapHaHTOB, 4 TeKcTa Wlll 3-4 BapHaHTOB). 3syK B $opMaTe MP3 .

Ilopll,D.OK npoCJIYIIlf!BaHHll TeKCTOB Ha ay,nHO,l(HCKe:



I-II sapHaHTM:

L MyJbIKaJihHhlii cRrnan (s Haqane nepsoro TeKCTa).

2. TeKCT NH- npocnynrnBaeTcll ,nBIDKJ.{hl.

3. IlayJa  K  reKcry  N2l  (BpeMll  Ha  BbIIlOJIHeHHe  TecTOBh X  33,!J.amrn no.LJ. HOMepaMH 1-5)

4. TeKcT N22- npocnymHBaeTCll ,nBIDKJ.{h .

5. Ila)'3a K  rexcry  N!!2  (speMll  Ha BhmOJIHeHHe  TecTOBhIX  3a,naHHH  no.11. HOMepaMH 6-10)

6. TexcT N23- npocnym1maeTcll .nsab1.

7. TiayJa K TeKcry  N23  (BpeMll Ha si.moJIHemi:e TecToBb X  JaJ.I.aHHK  no.11. HOMepaMH 11-15)

8. TexcT N24- npocnym1rnaeTCll .UBIDKJ.{hl.

9. IlayJa  K  TeKCT)'  N24  (BpeMll  Ha  si.moJIHeHHe  TeCTOBhIX  Ja,n;amfii no.n HOMepaMH 16-20).

10.Ilo OKOH'lamrn BpeMeHH npo3Byq1n 3BYKOBOH CHrnan 0 3aBepmeHHH TeCTa Ha CJIYillaHHe.

III-IY sapuauTM:

11.MyJbIKaJibHhlH CHrHan (B Ha'l.a.ne nepsoro TeKCTa) . 12.TeKCT N2 l- npoc.JJ)'lllHBaeTcll .nsa:>K.ni,1.

13.DayJa  K  TeKcry  N2l  (speMll  Ha  Bh!IlOJIHeHHe  recTOBh X  33,!J.am1ii  no.u.

llOMepaMH 1-5)

14.TeKcT N!!2- npocnyurnsaeTcll ,D.BIDKJJ.hI.

15.DayJa K TeKCT)' N!!2 (BpeMR Ha BhIIIOJIHeHHe TeCTOBbIX Ja,Il,aHHH no.n

HOMepam 6- 10)

16.TeKCT N<.?3- npocnywHsaeTcJI JJ.BIDKJ.{hI.

17.lay3a K TeKCT)'  N!!3  (BpeMR  Ha BhIIJOJIHem1e TeCTOBhIX 3a,n;amdi no.u HOMepaMH  11-15)

18. TeKcT N<.!4- npocnywHsaeTcll ABa hl.

19. TiayJa K TeKcTy N<.!4 (BpeMll Ha BhinOJIHeHHe TeCTOBhIX 3a,naHHH no.u. HOMepaMH  16-20).

20. Tio OKOHlJaHHH BpeMeHH np03BYlJHT 3BYKOBOH CHrttaJJ O 3aBepIUeUHH TeCTa Ha cnyrnauHe.


Ilepen npocJiyUIHBBHHeM TeKCTOB BHHM3TCJ1bHO 11po'IHT3HTe HHCTpy1e1.uno!


1. Ha1eanHe TeCTa:

TecT no AHCI.J,HrurnHe «AHrJIHHCKHH .1!3h K»


TecT pa3pa6oraH .11,mr rrpose.11,eHHX BCT)'IlHTeJibHoro 3K3aMeHa a Marncrparypy no

,llHC.1.1,H.IIJIHHe «AHrJIHHCKHH l{3h K»  opraHH3al.l,HH Bh Clllero npoipecCHOHaJibHOro o6pa3osaHHX  Pecny6JIHKH  KaJaxCTaH.

3. 3ati.a•1a:

Onpe.n;enemrn  HOMeHKJiaTyphI .ll3hIKOBbIX  RBJieHHH  (neKcH'!eCKHX  eAHHHI.J,,


HHO.ll3h qHoro o6meHH.I!, ypoBeHh c¢opMHpoBaHHOCTH no aHrnHHCKOMY l{3h!KJ.

4. Co.uep11CauHe  TeCTa:

KoMnJieKCHhlH recT onpeii.emieT yposem, c<PopMHposaHHOCTII KOMMJHHKaTHBHh X }'MeHHH cnyrnaHIDI H qreHHX, a TaK)l(e o<t>opMJieHHOCTH peqH (neKCHKO-rpa.MMaTH'leCKHH TecT). B TeCT BI<J IO'leH MaTepHan 110 .n;HCl.l,HilJIHHe

«AHrJIHHCKHH R3hIK» no CJie.D,yIOil.l,HM pa3.D,eJiaM:


TeMbt, noti.TeMbl              I             Coti.e:iKauue Al:AHoeauue

Ha CD JanHCaHhI TeI<CThl.

IlposepxeTCX ypoBeHh BOCilpID!TIDI H IIOHHMaHHe HHOX3bI'lHOH pe'!H B 3aIIHCH Ha cnyx, a TaK)l(e rno6aJibHoe H ,lleTaJihHoe noHf!Mami:e npocnyIUaHHoro TeCTa c onopoii  Ha  R3yqeHHhrH:  .1!3h KOBOH  MarepHan,  <PoHOBhJe  crprumee,llqecr<He  u

npo<}>eCCHOHaJihHbi e 3HaHHJ{, HaBhII<f! R3b KOBOH H KOHTeI<CT)'aJihHOH ,llOra,llKH,

)'MeHHe onpe,lleJIHTh TeMY, H.D;eIO TeKCTa.

4enoseK  H ero      Po.ucTBeHHLie CB.1!3H. CeMhR H ueHHOCTH CeMeHHOH )l(H3HH. or<py)KeHI e     )4l)'3h.I!. )J.oM.  CTpo¢eccHR. Pa6ora. CTyremecTBIDI.

l1H.nyctpHR OT.llhIXa. )J.ocyr. Mmepechl ysne'!eHHX. Xo66H. CnopT H cnopTHBHaJI :lKH3Hh.

06pa30BaHHe H     YHHsepcHTeT. Co1.1,HOJIOrHll o6pa3oBaHIDL Tpa.n.mHH HayKa          o6pa:msaHHR  B crpattax  H3yqaeMoro  .ll3h1Ka H KaJaxcraHa.

oH6JIHOTer<a. Hay'lHaJl pa6ora. JJ:enemIHayKH. DHOrpacl>Hx. 3KonornqecKM eyn1:>rypa . TexHH'leCKHH nporpecc H rno6aJihHhte  no6neMhIqeJioBe'!ecTBa.

KaJaxCTaH H           reorpa$H'leCKOe IlOJIO)l(eHJ. e. loro.ua H KJIHMaT.

CtpaHa                    3KOHOMHKa. 06pa3 )l(H3HH, HaUHOHaJlhHhie CTepeonmhl H 1nyqaeMoro .113h11<a  npa3AHHKH. Tpa.uHI.\HH H uettHocTM..5!3hIK H Kyni,Typa.

HcropH•.TiomrrH'<ecKoe ycrpoHcroo cocy)lapcroa.  Crom<"a

H ropo.na. ApxHTer<rypa H ctpoHTeJibCTBO. Cpe,llcTBa  Maccosoii  1rnoQMaum-1.

KoMM)'HHl<aTKBHo-nosea0>NttKHe  cTaHMPTM noBe"'"" ·

opHeITTHpOBaH Hh e  CHryaI.J,HH, CBJ{3aHHLie c couHaJihH0-61:>noaoii c<t>epoii



CHTyar.tHH, CB.ll3aHHhle c coQHanLHO-KJll hTJPHhIMH HOpMaMH nose.11,eHHX.       _



C1uyaUHH, call3aHHb1e c coUHaJihHO-IlOJlHTH'iecKoii ccpepoii o6meHHH.

CHTYaUHH, cBH3aHHhie c HayqHo-npoipeccHOHaJihHOH H

nnoH3BO)l.CTBeHHOH cd>epaMH o6meHHHMH.

JleKCHKO-TpaMM3TH'1 eC1rnii TeCT                                 --

IlpoaepHeTCR ypouem, BJia,neHHR HaH6onee yno'Tpe61nenhttoii (6a.Joeoii) rpaMMaTHKOH H OCHOBHbIMH rpaMMarnqecKHMH jlBJieHHHMH, 3HaHHe 63.JOBOH neKCHKH  a  TaIOKe  OCHOBH)'lO  repMHHOJIOrHlO  CBOeH  urnpoKOH  H  yJKOH


1. l1M5I cymecTBHTeJlbHOe.

1.1. MHo)l(ecTBeHHoe qJ1cno cymecTBHTeJlbHhIX

l.2. IlPHTjl)l(aTeJibHb H na,ue:lK HMeHH cymeCTBllTeJibHOTO

2. APTHKJih ( orme.!\eneHHblH, tteorrpe]\eJieHHb H)

3. MeCToHMeHHe

4. lJ.HCJIH'reJibHOO

S.   fnaron. BH.!\OBPeMeHHh e cpopMbIrnarona

5.1. Cornacoeairne epeMeH

5.2. AKTHBHb H H naccHBHblii Janor.

5.3.  MO.!\aribHbie rnaronbI


7.1  CTeneHH cpaaHeHffjl

8   HapetJHe

9. Ilpe)lJIOfH

10. COJ03bl

11. IlpgMrui H KoceeHHM peqi,

..1_2_.__,_Y _c _ JIOBHble  npe)lJIO)[(eHID!

1 3.


CiIOll<Hhie  ripe.r.(.JIO)l(eHIDI

Cnosoo6paJoBaHHe.M  exaHH3MhICJIOBoo6pa:iosaHHH.


15.l  CTHJIHCTH'IecKnii HeiiTpa.'lbHM neKCHKa, OTHOCHillMCK K o6meMy ll3bIKY.


I  15.3



I  15.4

0cHOBHbie TePMHHbl UIHpOKOH cneUHaJibHOCTH. 06meHayqHM JieKCHKa. CoqeraeMOCTh  cnos.  HeH.l\HOMan1qecKrui  (nornqecKM)  H Hll,HOMaTHt{eCKM CO'leTaeMOCTb CJIOB.

YcToifqHBbie Bb!pa)l(emui:: Hau6onee pacnpocTPaHeHHble pa3rosopttb1e



17.  Crpattose.u.ettHe

18.  CornacHTenbHoe  HaKJioHeHHe.

. ,,_ -

Vn.\rv1111 ..,--·- -





Ilpe,!Vlat'aeTCH 4 TeKCTa

Uenhlo npe,n;cTaBJieHHb IX TeCTOBbIX Ja,uairn:li rouI qTeHHH HBIDleTcH: H3BJieqeHHe 3a,uaHHoro o6beMa HH¢opMau;ttH, IOHHMaHHe co,n:ep)KaHHH pa3HO )KaHpOBbIX TeKCTOB, B TOM qHCJie ny6JIHD;HCTttqeCKHX CTaTeii,ycraHaBJIHBaTb HX JIOrH'ieCKYJO


       ,I Po,n;cTBeHHhie CBll3H. CeMhH H u;eHHOCTH ceMeii:Hoii )KH3HH.

llenoBeK H ero  ,Upy3hH..JJ:oM.  lpoipeccM.Pa6oTa. fiyrewecTBIDl.  1H;zycrpHH oKpyJKeHHe   OT)].hIXa• .JJ:ocyr. .l1HTepecbl ysneqettm1. Xo66R. Cnopr H

1 cnopTHBHlUI 'lKH3Hh.

    06pa1osattHe H HayKa

YttRBepcHTeT. Cou;uorrorHH o6pa30BaHHH. Tpa,uHu;HH o6pa3oBaHHH B crpaHax tt3yqaeMoro H3b Ka H Ka:mxCTaHa. E116rrH0TeKa.

Hayqtta.11 pa6ora. .JJ:einerrH ttay1rn. E11orpaqmH. 3KonornqecKM

xyn1>rypa. TexttuqecKHii nporpecc If rno6anhHb e npo6neMbI qenoseqecrsa.

  KroaxCTatt H crpatta 113yqaeMoro ll3hIKa

reorpaqmqecKoe IJOJIO'lKeHile. CToro,n;a H KJilfMaT. 3KOHOMHKa. 06pa.:3 )f(H3HH, HaUHOHaJibHb e C<epeOTHilbIH npa.3)].HHICH . Tpa,n;mum H u;eHHOCTH..HJh K H eyrrhrypa. l1cropttH. OonnTJfqecKoe ycrpoiicrno rocy)].apcrna. CToJmu;a n ropoJ(a. ApxineKrypa u crpoHTeJii:.creo.

Cpe,n;cTBa Maccosoii ttmbopMau;n11.

    KoMMYHHKarn BHO- optteHTHpOmlH Hbte CHryalJHH

KoMMYff11KaTHBHo-nose,n;eH'ieCKHe  CTatt,JJ.aprhl nose.neuHK. CHryawm,cs.113aHHI. e c  couna.rri:.tto-6i:.rrosoii  c<t>epoif  o6memrn. Cttryau;Hlf, cBll3aHHbie c cou;HaJJhHO-K)'JibrypHbIMlf HOpMaMH nose.n;eHllil.

CuryalJHH, CBK3aHHbie c cou;HaJihHo-nonurHqecKofi  c$epoli

o6meHHll. CHryalJHH, CBll3aHHhJe c ttayqHo-npocpeccHoHa.rrhHOii  H npoH3BO)].CTBeHHOH  c<l>epaMH  o6meHHJIMH.



5. IIJJau TecTa:

l. CnyIIIaHHe - 20 recTOBb X 3a,n;aHHii (no S I< KaJK)].OMY TeKcry). K 3anaqaM cpej.(HeH Tpy)].HOCTH OTHOCl!TCll  10 3a,n;aHHH, K nerKHM - 5 3a)].aHHH, K

-rpy,n;HhIM - S 3a,n;am1H:.

2. JieKCHKO-rpaMMaTw-IeCKHH recr - SO recTOBh X 3a)].aHliii. K 3a.o:aqaM cpe)J.Heii TpY.D:HOCTH OTHOC!ITCll 30 3a):\aHilH, K nerlillM - 10 3a):(aHHH, K TpY.D:Hb M - 10


                                                          . -.,





I  KMH•ecrao'''"""""  I


· HMst  cym:ecrsuTeJibHOe                    I 3

I     2.    ApTHKJib                                                                           3              I

3. MecroHMeHtte                                                                    3                 J

4. llHCJIHTeJibHoe                                                                   3

s.   fnarorr                                                                              3-    - j

6     Hem1qttble  cj>opMbIrnarorros                                I       3

7. l1MH npttnarareJihHoe. CrerreHH q:aBHeHHH.  I          3


8. Hanequ:e 3
9. ITne.n.norn 3
10. Col03b1 3
11. I loj1Mru£ H KocseHHrur peq& 3
12. YCJIOBHMe  rme.n.no:ll<eHHjl 3
13. Cno)l{Hble noe.n.no:ll<eHIDi 3
14. Cnosoo6pawBaH11e. MexattH3MLI cnosoo6mnoBaHffjl. 3
15. JleKCH'lecKH jlBJieffHjl. AHTOHHMbl, CHHOHHMbl,  OMOHHMbl. 2
16. IlommoK CJIOB B npe.n.no:ll<eHHH





17. CmrumBe.ueeu:e
18. Cornacu:1en&eoe  HaKnoHeHHe.


3. 1ITCHHe - 30 TeCTOBbIX 3a,llfil!HH. K 3a.Ua'JaM cpe.l{HdlTPY.l(HOCTH OTHOCjlTCH - 14

3a,naHHH, K nen<HM - 8 3a,llaHHH, K rpy.l{H&IM - 8 Ja.l{aHHH.


6. XapaKTepHCTHKa co.uep:llCaHHH JManuii:

TeCToBble 3a,Z{aHHH JI/CH rrpoBe,n:eHHH BctynHTeJibHhIX 3K3aMeHoB B Marncrpatypy no ruirnHHCKOMY ll3hlKY Il03BOJUUOT onpe.uenHTu ypoBeH& KOMMYHHKanmeoH: KOMileTCHUHH TeCTHpyer.10ro, a HMCHHO npoBepll!OT HaBblKH ay.n:HpoBaHJfjl, yposeHb BJla,l{emrn rpaMMaTHKOH, JICKCHKOH aHrJIHHCKOro ll3b1Ka, HaBbIKH H YMCHHJI 'ITCHHJI c ueJibIO H3BJ!e'Jemrn Tpe6yeMoiiirn4;iopMaUHH.

7. Xapai.. epHCTHKa OTBeToB K KaoMy Ja.l{aHHIO: Bee Ja.l{aHHll npe.ucTaBJICHbl B JaKp&ITOH <i>opMe.

Ka)f{.l{oe 3a.l{am1e HMeeT e,l{HHCTBeHHO  npaBHJlhHhlH BapHaHT OTBeTa, KOTOpb!H COOTHOCHTCll c .l{HCTpaKTOpHblMH (npoBOUHpYJOIUHMH) BapHaHTaMii OTBeTOB.

8. HucrpyicQHH K Tecry:

BM6op o.n:eoro OTBeTa H3 DJITH npe.n.no)l{eHHhIX.

l1HCfPYKUHjl: 3aKpaCHTh KpyJKOK c .Bap11aHTOM rrpaBHJlhHOfO OTBeTa.


9. BpeMH Bhmo.rrneuuH TecTa:

06ee speMll Bb!IlOJIHCHHH Bcero TeCTa - 180 MHttyr. Bpet.rn: B&moneeHHH TecTa ea CJJ)'lllaHHe - 45 MHHyT.

BpeMJI Bhmoneettffjl neKCHKo-rpaMMan1qecKoro Tecrn - 75 MHHYT. BpeM}I Bb!IlOJIHemu1Tecrn ea 'ITeHHe - 60 MHHyT.

CpeJ:1eee BpeMll Bbin0 1HCHlijl o.l(Horo Ja,naemc  1-2 M1rnyT,l 1. KonH'!ecTBO Ja,naeHiI a O.UHOM sapHaHTe TCCTa - 100 3a.l{aHHH.




10. Oueaicn 3a BblDOJrneane Ja.llaHnii:

3a Ka)l(,llhlH npaBHJibHhlH OTBeT npHcyJ1<,naeTCSI l 6am1, BO Bcex OCTaJlhHh X CJIYqruIX - 0.

11. Onpe.llem1eMb1e xapaKTepHCTHKH Ka'lecTBa 1aanuii:

Onpe.neJIS!eTcsi  rpy.nttocn Ja.namrn B % npaBHJihl:lbtX  OTBeToB.


12. 0:iKH.ll8eMble pe1yJibTI\Tbl TeCTOBbl X 3a.ll3HHK:

HopMaTlrnHo-optteHTttpoBaHHIDl HHTepnpeTaum1 rrptt KOHKypcHOM  OT6ope.




Bapll8HT l                                                                                                                                                                                      CeywaHMe


Text 1

1. How  many  students  did  in the  thirty-eighth  International  Physics  Olympiad compete?

A) More than four hundred

B) More than six hundred

C) More than three hundred

D) More than five hundred

E) Three htmdred


2. How old was the president of the International Physics Olympiad?

A) sixty-seven years old

B) fifty-seven years old

C) sixty-four years old

D) sixty-five years old

E) sixty-two years old


3. When did the thirty-eighth International Physics Olympiad take place?

A) last semester

B) two months ago

C) last year

D) last week

E) last month


4. Where did the thirty-eighth International Physics Olympiad take place?

A) in Moscow

B) in Iran

C) in Sudan

D) in Italy

E) in Paris


5. How many countries did in the Olympiad participate?

A) seventy-seven

B) seventy-three

C) seventy-one

D) seventy-five

E) seventy-four





Text 2

6. And if you have a question, send it to ... .

A) special@voanews.com.

B) social@voanews.com.

C) special@nfb.com.

D) special@nfb.org.

E) blind@voanews.com.


7. What does S.A. Ogunlowo in Ile-Ife want to know?

A) S.A. Ogunlowo in Ile-Ife wants to know if visually impaired foreign students can get a partial scholarship as an undergraduate.

B) S.A. Ogunlowo in Ile-Ife wants to know if physically impaired foreign students can get a full scholarship as an undergraduate.

C) S.A. Ogunlowo in Ile-Ife wants to know if visually impaired american students can get a full scholarship as an undergraduate.

D) S.A. Ogunlowo in Ile-Ife wants to know if foreign students can get a full

scholarship as an undergraduate.

E) S.A. Ogunlowo in Ile-Ife wants to know if visually impaired foreign students can get a full scholarship as an undergraduate.


8. . .. it awards scholarships that do not have any citizenship requirements.

A) Once a year

B) Once a month

C) Each year

D) Each month

E) Twice a year


9. What is the Web site of the National Federation of the Blind?

A) voaspecialenglish.org

B) nfb.org

C) voaspecialenglish.com

D) fed.org

E) nfb.com


10. At what web site can Foreign Student Series be found?

A) voaspecialenglish.org

B) nfb.org

C) voaspecialengJish.com

D) nfb.com

E) fed.org



BapMaHT I                                                                                                                                                                                    Cnywamie

Text 3

I I. It was built as a "..." school based on requirements from the United States Green Building Council.

A) white

B) yellow

C) blue

D) green

E) pink


12.Students say the ... rooms help them stay awake during class.

A) sunny

B) light

C) bright

D) white

E) dark


13.And an underground tank can store one million seven hundred thousand liters of rainwater for ... .

A) heating system

B) air conditioning

C) water cycling systems

D) air conditioning and other systems

E) communicating systems


14.The average cost was only ... percent higher compared to a traditional school.

A) 6

8) 5

C) 2

D) 3

E) 4


15.The council is a ... .

A) nonprofit organization made up of building industry leaders

B) nonprofit organization made up of building business leaders

C) nonprofit organization consist of building industry leaders

D) profit orgar.iization made up of building industry leaders

E) nonprofit organization made up of office leaders




Bap11aHT l                                                                                                                       CrryIDam1e

Text 4

16. Who go to summer camp?

A) Volunteers

B) Children

C) Childs

D) Teachers

E) Sportsmen


17. \Vho has written the VOA Special English Education Report?

A) Mario Ritter

B) Allan Sherman

C) Bob Doughty

D) Mike O'Neil

E) Erin Braswell


18. Also, children can learn how to make ... .

A) cartoons

B) programs

C) movies

D) Web sites

E) e-mail address


19. During what period has the number of day camps in the United States grown?

A) Inthe past ten years

B) In the future twenty years

C)In the past fifteen years

D) Inthe past l:'..venty years

E) In the past five years


20. How many persent has the number of day camps in the United States grown?

A) by almost 45%

B) by almost 31%

C) by almost 40%

D) by almost 13%

E) by almost 90%






Bapna1rr 1                                                                                                                                             





21. Find the noun used only in the singular form.

A) Agent.

B) Cup.

C) Tea.

D) Dress.

E) Chair.

22. Choose the right variant:

My father is not only the town mayor, he runs ....., too.

A) business

B) a piece of business

C) any business

D) some business

E) a business

23. "What would you like to eat?" "I don't mind ... Whatever you have".

A) somewhat

B) everybody

C) something

D) nothing

E) anything

24. BorneJT ell(e OAHH qenoseK, noroM ell(e.

A) Two men entered then the third

B) Came one more man then one

C) A second man entered, then a third

D) After the two people came one man

E) One man entered, then second

25. Choose the right variant:

"Can Itum off the TV?":·...,. it?"

A) Watch they.

B) Do they watch.

C) Are they watching.

D) They are watching.

E) They watch.

26. They never ... to the cinema when they ... in the country.

A) went ... Jjve

B) gone ... lived

C) went ... lived

D) went ... living

E) went ... lives





Bap; rn. 1 rr 1                                                                                                                                               JleKCHK O ·· rp 3 MM3Tff t.t ecxnfi' TeCT

27. Choose the right form of the verbs:

... you .. .TV? - No, you can tum it off.

A) Have ... watch.

B) Are ... watch.

C) Are . . . watching.

D) ls ... watching.

E) Do .. . watch.

28. Choose the correct answer.

              Ia doctor?

A) Am .

B) Were.

C) Are.

D) Been.

E) Is.

29. As if ... him l turned and stared into his face.

A) obeying

B) has being obeyed

C) has been obeyed

D) being obeying

E) has obeyed

30. He made his money . .. and . .. houses.

A) on buying ... selling

B) to buying ... selling

C) by buying ... selling

D) with buying . .. selling

E) buying ... having selling

31. They wrote because they had to, and ... thought only of what they were going to write next.

A) have writing

B) being written

C) writing

D) after v.Titten

E) having written

32. I enjoy ..., but I wouldn't like . . . it all my life.

A) teaching, to do

B) to teach, doing

C) to teach, to do

D) teaching, having done

E) having teaching, doing




Bap11aHT l


33. Fill inthe correct preposition or adverb:

JleKCHKO-rpaMMaTH'tecKll  TeCT

When the monitor entered .... the classroom the students kept silent.

A) Out

B) On

C) In

D) Into


34. Choose the correct answer.

She looks               passengers.

A) After.

B) In.

C) By.

D) On.

E) To.

35 . Hc3a6YAKH

A) forget-not-me

B) forget-me-nots

C) not-to forget-me

D) Don't forget me

E) not-forget-mes

36. Fill in the gaps with the correct variant:

... Giant Ape Man, our biggest and probably one of our first human ancestors, was just about the size of a male gorilla.

A) That is believed

B) It is believed that

C) Believe is

D) That it is

E) That believing

37. Choose the right synonyms to the underlined words These methods answer our purpose completely.

A) Claim

B) Intention

C) Favor

D) Aim

E) Decision

38. Complete the sentence:

He  had a very bad head-ache and decided to go to the ... .

A) Doctor.

B) Worker.

C) Door.

D) Engineer.

E) Barber.





BapHaHT 1                                                                                                                                            JleKCHKo-rpaMM3TH' "'<:KHI! Te<:T

39. Find the correct word:

The United Kingdom is a constitutional ... .

A) Capital

B) Monarchy.

C) Principality.

D) Position.

E) Ocean.

40. Parliament consists of two chambers:

A) the House of Lords and House of Commons

B) the House of Bishops and the House of Lords

C) the House of Commons and the Congressmen

D) the House of Peers and House of Commons

E) the House of Justice and the House of Commons

41. Find the nouns used only in the plural form.

A) Goose, scales, tooth.

B) Scissors, goose, trousers.

C) News, goose, scales.

D) Scissors, scales, trousers.

E) News, goose, tooth.

42. Choose the right answer. My watch is ... minutes fast.

A) Ten

B) Fifth

C) The ninth

D) A third

E) The tenth

43. Choose the right variant:

Supply the proper degree of comparison. My car is                        than yours.

A) More fast

B) Very fast

C) Faster

D) Most fastest

E) Not fastest

44. Choose the correct variant

Something has gone ... with my iron.

A) Right

B) Worse

C) Wrong

D) Short

E) Not right




BapHairr I                                                                                             JlekCHXO-rp3MMaTlf'lCCKHil     TCCT

45. Choose the right variant:

The ... produced at our factory in Scotland.

A) good is

B) good are

C) goods are

D) good is

E) a goods are

46. Choose the right variant:

Many chemicals react ... in acid solutions.

A) More quick.

B) As quickly more.

C) Quicklier.

D) More quickly.

E) As quickly as.

47. Choose the right variant:

What about the weather? - Well, it was fairly ...

A) Most good.

B) Good.

C) Better.

D) Best.

E) More good.

48. Choose the right variant:

Our holiday was too short - the time went ...

A) Quicker.

B) Quickliest.

C) More quickly.

D) Quickly.

E) The most quickly.

49. Choose the right variant:

There's ... use in complaining. They probably won't do anything about it.

A) a little

B) a few

C) little

D) few

E) much

50. Choose the suitable preposition:

This report is ... great value for my scientific research.

A) of

B) for

C) with

D) after

E) in







51. Find the incorrect variant:

He isn't driving to the convention in March and neither they are.

A) Neither they are

B) Driving

C) In March

D) To

E) The

52. Yesterday our teacher asked us, "Do you read much?"

A) Yesterday our teacher asks if we read much

B) Yesterday our teacher talked us if we read much

C) Yesterday our teacher told us if we read much

D) Yesterday our teacher asking us if you read much

E) Yesterday our teacher asked us if we read much

53. Choose the correct variant of prefix :

Her shyness was a ... advantage in a company .'

A) Im-.

B) Anti-.

C) Ir-.

D) Un -.

E) Dis-.

54. Choose the correct variant:

California relies heavily on income from fruit crops, and                              _

A) Neither Florida does.

B) Florida is as well.

C) Florida also.

D) Florida too.

E) So does Florida.

55. Choose the right answer: Kazakhstan borders on ... .

A) Russia and Georgia.

B) Russia and China.

C) Kirghizia and Iran.

D) Uzbekistan and Mongolia.

E) China and Mongolia.

56. Make  the right choice:

... Statue of Liberty was . .. gift of ... friendship from ... France to ... United States.

A) The I a I - I  - I the.

B) A I - I - I the I the.

C) The I the I the I - /the .

D) The I a I the I the I the.

E) - I a I - I the I -





BaplfaITT I                                                                                          JleKCHKo-rpaMMa'TH'lecKHA TeCT


57. Choose the right word:

The student spoke English        badly that the teacher couldn't give him even a satisfactory mark.

A) Many

B) Any

C) Such

D) Some

E) So

58. Supply the correct auxiliary verb. How         you spend your summer vacations last year?

A) Is

B) Does

C) Are

D) Do

E) Did

59. Choose the right variant:

I didn't like it in the city at first. But now ... here.

A) was used to.

B) I'm used to living.

C) I got used.

D) I used to living.

E) I used to live.

60. Choose the suitable variant: She looks ....in her new hat.

A) Niceful

B) Nicely

C) Niceless

D) Nice

E) Nicly

61. Choose the correct variant:

I like working with computers.

A) Neither don't I.

B) So am I.

C) Neither I like.

D) So do I.

E) Neither do I.

62. Choose the correct variant: I asked him ....

A) Don't go away.

B) Go not away.

C) To go not away.

D) To not go away.

E) Not to go away.




Bapnairr  I


63. Choose the right variant:

Ifit ... rain we ... to the forest to gather some mushrooms.

A) To be not I go.

B) Isn't I went.

C) Will not I will go.

D) Is not I shall go.

E) Does not I will go.

64. Choose the right variant:

IfI ... a bird, I... away.

A) Has been/would have flown.

B) Were/would fly.

C) Am/would  fly.

D) Will be/will fly.

E) Will be/would fly.

65. Identify the part of speech of the underlined pronoun: He scored a goal and we all cheered him.

· A) Object.

B) Adjective.

C) Adverbial  modifier.

D) Subject.

E) Predicate.

66. Choose the correct answer:

He promised he would return the book as soon as he ... .

A) would read

B) had read

C) will read

D) has read

E) should read

67. Choose the synonym to the following word: to bring

A) To start.

B) To cook.

C) To fetch.

D) To prepare.

E) To be through with.

68. Form a sentence using these words: and (l ) his (2) Asanov (3) their (4) friends

(5) weekend (6) enjoyed (7) much (8) very (9)

A) 8/3/5/1/7/2/6/8/9 B) 2/4/5/8//1/3/71619 C) 9/8/6/5/7/3/1/4/2 D) 3/1/2/5/7/4/6/9/8 E) 2/5/9/7/8//6/4/3/l



BapHaHf I                                                                                        


69. Choose the right translation:

BaM 6Mnyqme OCTilThC.ll .uoMa.

A) You had better to stay at home

B) You should better stay at home

C) You would better stay at home.

D) You had better stay at home

E) You have better stay at home

70. Choose the right variant:

In your place I ... on the immediate arranging of these measures.

A) Had not insisted.

B) Didn't insist.

C) Not insist.

D) Wouldn't  insist.

E) Have not insisted.






Vk.comlb tau

BapttaHT I


qTeaue Ocean Liners

The millions of people who cross the Atlantic every year usually do so by jet. These planes are fast, safe, and convenient. But in the past, virtually all Atlantic travelers took ships, The first ocean liners were primitive. On early 19th-century sailing ships, cabins were cold and wet. Food was fresh only on the first day, and the passengers suffered constantly from the condition Charles Dickens called "not ill, but going to be". Some were going to be worse than ill. In those days, one out of six sailing ships crossing the Atlantic sank. Ocean Notes for Ladies, published in 1877, advises passengers to dress well because "a body washed ashore in good clothes would receive more respect". But by the end of the 19th century, along with improved safety came comfort and, in some cases, luxury. Ocean liners were strictly divided by class. Down below, hundreds of immigrants were crowded together in steerage -the section having the poorest accommodations. Up above, first class passengers had private rooms with marble bathrooms, and they ate in elegant dining rooms.

After World War I, taking the boat to Europe became fashionable and popular for tourists as well as the rich. Bigger and bigger ships were built that carried a million tourists a year to Europe. This was the time of the greatest ocean iiners. They were faster and more comfo1table, and they offered food and luxuries comparable to good hotels. The voyage to Europe was seen as part of the vacation. Passengers swam, danced, and walked the decks looking for famous people on board. One passenger \\rrote about sailing on the French liner Normandie: "Caviar and pate for dinner yesterday. The whole place is like a setting for a ballet."

The Normandie was destroyed by a fire in  1942, and today almost all of

the other great ocean liners are gone, too. They have been put out of business by jets. Jets are crowded, they aren't elegant, and they serve mediocre food - but they are fast. Planes cross the Atlantic in six hours instead of six days, and travelers can't resist their speed


71. How do the millions of people cross the Atlantic every year?

A) by plane

B) by jet

C) by submarine

D) by ferry

E) by helicopter


72. When was "The Normandie" destroyed?

A) in 1642

B) in 1742

C) in l 842

D) in 1942

E) in 1542


BapnaHT I


73. What did all Atlantic travelers use in the past?

A) planes

B) hang- gliders

C) ships

D) baloons

E) feny

74. Which writer describer the condition "not ill, but going to be"?

A) Hathaniel Hathorne

B) Charles Dickens

C) Charles Darvin

D) Charly Chaplin

E) Theodore Dreiser

75. According to the text. What privileges did birstclass passengers have in big ships?

A) first class passengers had private rooms and ate in elegant rooms

B) first class passengers had private rooms with gold bathrooms

C) first class passengers had private restrooms

D) first class passengers had TV intheir rooms

E) first class passengers ate in decks

76. When did taking the boat to Europe become popular?

A) after World War I

B) after the Pearl Harbor

C) after World War II

D) after the Peasants'  Revolt of 13 & I

E) after the Civil War

77. What was the name of French liner?

A) Normans

B) Northmandie

C) Northumbria

D) Norfolk

E) Normandie

78. What delicacies were on the menu for dinner?

A) caviar and Pele

B) caviar and potato

C) caviar and pate

D) caviar and plate

E) caviar and plato





The Power Of Imagination.

Mr. Brown lived in America, but he liked travelling very much. He

made trips to Europe and Asia, and he visited India, too. Once after a long trip from England to America he arrived at a small country place. There was a small hotel there.  Ir Brown got to the hotel late inthe evening. At the hotel  he asked the receptionist whether there were any vacant rooms there. At that moment another traveller came to the hotel and asked the receptionist for a room, too. The receptionist checked if there were any vacant rooms. The

only vacant room he could offer was a double room.

"Will it be convenient to you if you share the room?" the receptionist asked. "It'll be less expensive for you, you'll each pay half."

At first they didn't like the idea, but just then it began raining heavily and they were too tired to go to another hotel. They spoke to each other and told the receptionist that they agreed to spend the night in the same room.

A porter showed them to their room, took in their things and wished them good night. Soon the two men went to sleep.

Suddenly Mr Brown heard some noise. He opened his eyes but didn't see anything. It was quite dark.

"What's the matter?" Mr Bro\.\n asked in surprise. The second traveller answered, "I'm very sorry, I had to wake you up. I'm not well. Please, open the window  quickly."

Mr Brown got out of bed and began  looking for matches, but he couldn't

find them in the dark, so he tried to find the window. It took him some time and at last he thought he had found it. He couldn't open the window. As the voice of the traveller became weaker and weaker, Mr Brown took a chair and broke the window with it. The man said he was much better. Then the two of them slept until morning.

When they woke up the next morning they were surprised to see that Mr.

Brown had broken to pieces a large mirror.


79. Who was Mr. Brown?

A) A driver.

B) A traveller.

C) A porter.

D) A singer.

E) A lawyer.


80. What did he ask at the hotel?

A) Something to eat.

B) A double room.

C) Some money.

D) A vacant room.

E) First aid.





81. What did the receptionist tell the men about sharing one room?

A) "It will be less expensive for you".

B) "Ifyou take this room we will bring you dinner".

C) He said nothing.

D) "You will spend a good time together".

E) "It is a very fashionable room".

82. What did the receptionist offer?

A) A Lux-room.

B) A private house.

C) A Pent-house.

D) A single room.

E) A double room.

83. What happened to the men at night?

A) They wanted to eat.

B) Mr. Brown's neighbour felt unwell.

C) They wanted to observe the hotel's place .

D) The receptionist asked them to go out of the hotel.

E) They couldn't fall asleep.

84. What did Mr. Brown think he broke at night?

A) A vase.

B) A glass of water.

C) A wall-unit.

D) A lamp.

E) A window.

85. Where did Mr. Brown live?

A) In China.

B) In Europe.

C) In India.

D) In Asia.

E) In the USA.





BapHa!IT I


Because she was a Negro woman

Balashyan arrived in New Orleans on Sunday morning on his way to Baltimore. A Aclerk at the booking office told him: "There are some seats for the train going to  Baltimore in half an hour".

· Soon Balashyan was sitting by the window in the smoking compartment of a car. He began to look through the newspapers. But then he noticed a young woman sitting at the window of the next compartment. She was beautiful with black hair. A book lay in front of her but she was not reading it.

At a small station the train stopped and a group of young men in military

uniform entered the car. One of them took a seat near Balashyan.

"Are these today's newspapers? Do you mind if Iread them?" he asked Balashyan in French.

"Not at all", he answered.

"Are you French?"

"No, Iam Armenian," said Balashyan.

"Oh, is that so?" the young man cried out in-surprise. "I've never met an Armenian."

Soon everybody knew about Balashyan, and began asking him questions:

"What  kind  of  people  are  the  Annenians?  Is  your  country  far  from  New Orleans? Are the girls in Armenia beautiful?"

But  suddenly  the  conversation  was  interrupted  by  a  woman's  scream

corning  from the next  compartment.  They  all jumped  up and hurried  to  see what was happening there.

This is what they saw: a tall officer was standing in front of the young

woman and shouting at her: "I repeat my question: Are you a Negress? I repeat my question. Are you a Negress?"

But the young woman said nothing.

"You are! Ican recognize Niggers from a distance. Where are you going?"

he shouted.

"To Baltimore to see my husband. He is in the army too. He is leaving for France tomorrow.

"Why do you go in the car for white people?" asked the man.


86. Complete the sentence:

This story arises the problem of ... .

A) Homeless people.

B) Female suffrage.

C) Racism.

D) Unemployment

E) Poverty.




Bapll3HT I


87. Complete the sentence:

The young woman was going to Baltimore to... .

A) Do some shopping.

B) See her husband.

C) Sing before soldiers going to the war.

D) Listen to a concert.

E) Take part in the march of the American Negroes against discrimination.

88. Fill inthe blanks according to the content of the text:

Soon everybody knew about Balashyan and began asking ... questions.

A) Them.

B) You.

C) Us.

D) Him.

E) Her.

89. Choose the right answer:

What did Balashyan's neighbour get interested in?

A) His nationality.

B) His occupation.

C) His appearance.

D) His clothes.

E) His position.

90. Fill in the blanks according to the content of the text:

At a small station the train stopped and a group of young  ... entered the car.

A) Women.

B) Fishermen.

C) Men.

D) Girls.

E) Boys.

91. Choose the right answer:

What colour was the woman's hair?

A) Black.

B) Brown.

C) Yellow.

D) Red.

E) Fair.

92. Choose the right answer:

What language did a young officer address to Balashian?

A) Chinese.

B) German.

C) French.

D) Armenian.

E) English.




BapHaHT i


93. Fill in the blanks according to the content of the text:

The woman's husband was leaving for ... the next day.

A) France.

B) South Africa.

C) Bulgaria.

D) Canada.

E) Russia.




Bapnah"T 1

The Problems oflnventors

Many of the modem world's most famous discoveries and inventions were not made by scientists, but by amateur inventors. Often, these inventors had such unusual ideas that they were laughed at. But people like these, working on their own, gave us many of the things we use every day.

Clarence "Bob" Birdseye, who invented frozen foods, was both a successful

inventor and a good businessman. But it took him years to overcome the biggest problem of successful inventions - convincing people to try something new and different. Birdseye first tried to freeze fish. After years of experimenting with the process, he started Birdseye Seafoods, Inc. But the company soon went bankrupt. Even though the process worked, people didn't believe that frozen fish could possibly be good. It took a long time, but people finally accepted frozen food. By the end of his life, Birdseye, who was completely self-taught inventor, had I 00 patents that he sold for a total of 22 million dollars.

Few inventors were as successful as Birdseye. Some, like the original owners of Coca-Cola, didn't realize the potential of their discoveries. The son of he inventor of Coca-Cola sold the recipe for $2,300. Today the product is worth billions of dollars. In 1853, Karl Gerhardt invented aspirin, but he didn't know what to do with it. Fifty years after his invention, a German company discovered that it was a painkiller and has since made millions selling it. Edwin Armstrong invented FM radio, but he spent his whole life trying to protect his invention. Competitors stole his patents, and companies cheated him out of money. Finally, he became so frustrated with his failures that he ended his life by jumping out of a window.

Most great inventors, like Gerhardt and Armstrong, made little or nothing from their inventions. The first person with a new idea may get attention, but he also gets the problem of an untried idea. Inbusiness, it is sometimes better to be second.


94. Who invented frozen foods?

A) Carl Birdseye

B) Clarence Beoyence

C) Clarence Birdseye

D) Carsper Birdseye

E) Christopher Birdseye


95. What is the greatest problem of successful inventions?

A) to buy a modern equipment

B) to prove their authorship

C) to convince people to try something different

D) to prevent stealing their patents

E) to avoid competitors






96. What did he start?

A) Birdseye Seasnails, Inc

B) Birdseye Seashells, Inc

C) Birdseye Seafoods, Inc

D) Birdseye Seagoods, Inc

E) Birdseye Seasnakes, Inc

97. Why did Birdseye's first company go bankrupt?

A) people cheated him out of company

B) people didn't have money

C) people didn't like fish

D) people didn't believe frozen fish could be good

E) people didn't like him

98. Birdseye sold his patents for a total of:

A) 32 million dollars

B) 42 million dollars

C) l 2 million dollars

D) 20 million dollars

E) 22 million dollars

99. When did German company find out that aspirin could possibly be useful?

A) sixty years after its invention

B) thirty years after it<; invention

C) twenty years after its invention

D) fifty years after its invention

E) forty years after its invention

I 00. In business, it is sometimes better to be:

A) bold

B) second

C) first

D) lucky

E) cunning






Bapnam-2                                                                                                                                                                               C.ll)'tIJa1rne



Text l

1. How many  students did in the thirty-eighth  International  Physics Olympiad compete?

A) More than four hundred

B) More than five hundred

C) More than three hundred

D) Three hundred

E) More than six hundred


2. What countries took the third place?

A) the United States and South Korea

B) the United States and Italy

C) Italy and South Korea

D) France and South Korea

E) the United States and Russia


3. How many days did the Olympiad last?

A) seven

B) eleven

C) twelve

D) nine

E) ten


4. What was the name of the city where the Olympiad took place?

A) Kabul

B) Luxor

C) Isfahan

D) Kunduz

E) Istanbul


5. What students did in the thirty-eighth International Physics Olympiad compete?

A) senior course students

B) high school students

C) primary school students

D) college students

E) secondary school students




Bap1<aHr 2


Text 2

6. And if you have a question, send it to ... .

A) social@voanews.com.

B) special@nfb.com.

C) blind@voanews.com.

D) special@nfb.org.

E) special@voanews.com.


7. Students must be legally ... .

A) blind

B) American

C) foreign

D) deaf

E) citizen


8. The federation says there are no ... for the blind .

A) special libraries

B) special colleges or universities

C) special transport

D) special hospitals

E) special schools


9. Who is the author of this VOA Special English Education Report?

A) The Organic Food Sellers' Association copywriter

B) Wal-Mart's Sales Agent

C) The Organic Trade Association

D) Shep O'Neal

E) Nancy Steinbach


10. The federation says there are no special colleges or universities for ... .

A) the blind

B) the disabled

C) the deaf

D) the students

E) the foreigners






BapH81r1' 2                                                                                                                 CnywaHHC


Text 3

11. It was built as a ti • • • ti school based on requirements from the United States Green Building Council.

A) white

B) blue

C) green

D) pink

E) yellow


12. And an underground tank can store ... liters ofrainwater.

A) one million one hundred thousand

B) one million six hundred thousand

C) one million seven hundred thousand

D) two million seven hundred thousand

E) three million seven hundred thousand


13. And an underground tank can store one million seven hundred thousand liters

of.... .

A) gas

B) rainwater

C) gasoline

D) liquid coal

E) water


14. The new building cost about ... million dollars to build.

A) 90

B) 80 C) 150 0) 50 E) 120


15. Capital E examined the cost of ... green schools in the United States.

A) 40

B) lOO

C) 50

D) 30

E) 25





Bapuam 2




16. Who go to summer camp?

A) Childs

B) Sportsmen

C) Volunteers

D) Children

E) Teachers

Text 4

17. Specialty camps offer ... the chance to learn about different subjects.

A) tutors

B) boys and girls

C) parents

D) children

E) young people


18. In technology camps, one subject that children can learn about is ... .

A) movie design

B) video game design

C) computer game design

D) video design

E) game designing


19. Where is Cybercamps located?

A) at the Oxford University in Great Britain

B) at the Cambridge University in Great Britain

C) at the University of New-York

D) at the University of Harvard

E) at the University of Maryland


20. What is Kids-N-Technology?

A) a highly developed camp

B) a day camp

C) a scientific camp

D) a technology camp

E) a night camp







JlCkCHKO-rpaMMaTl!'ltckHH  TecT



21. Choose the right variant :

Excuse me, sir. rm_ stranger here .

A) An.

B) A.

C) -.

D) This.

E) The.

22. Choose the correct answer.

Suddenly                 cloud grew darker.

A) A.

B) The.

C) This.

D) -.

E) An.

23. Choose the correct answer.

----time does the News start? At 8.00 o'clock.

A) Where.

B) When.

C) Why.

D) Which.

E) What.

24. Choose the right variant:

JJ.sanl..laTOro mom1 1969 AnoJJJJOH l 1 Jl.OCTHr CBOeH HCTOpH'leCKOH l..leJrn .

A) On July 20, 1969, Apollo 11 achieved his historical goal

B) On the July 20, 1969, Apollo 11 achieved his historical goal

C) In July 20, 1969, the 11-th Apollo achieved the historical goal

D) On July 20, 1969, Apollo 11 achieved the historical goal

E) On 20 July, 1969, the Apollo 11 has achieved the historical goal

25. Choose the correct variant:

She likes living in a \Varm clim a te _?

A) Wouldn't she.

B) Isn't she.

C) Had she.

D) Won't she.

E) Doesn't she.

26. Choose the correct answer.

What      you doing when I rang you up?

A) Were.

B) Is.

C) Are.

D) Was.

E) Am.



                                                                                 J leKCHKO-r-paMMaTHtleCKHH TeCT

27. Have you read the text ... by the students?

A) be translated

B) is translating

C) translated

D) having translating

E) have been translating

28. I can remember ... voices in the middle of the night.

A) to hear

B) heard

C) hearing

D) hears

E) being heard

29. l last saw him ... down the road towards the shops.

A) walkes

B) walked

C) walking

D) in walk

E) walks

30. I regret ... school at fourteen, it was a big mistake.

A) to leave

B) being leaving

C) to leaving

D) that leaves

E) has leaving

31. Choose the correct preposition:

Jane wanted to get a brooch ... the shape of a horseshoe.

A) to

B) at

C) of

D) with

E) in

32. Choose the correct answer.

Iwant to stay                    home this evening.

A) On.

B) At.

C) To.

D) With.

E) In.

33. Which suffix isn't an adjective forming?

A) -ful

B) -able

C) -y

D) -er

E) -ish



BapllllITT 2                                                                                                                                           


34. _ne3eprnpLI

A) dropers

B) dropouts

C) dropdowns

D) dropaways

E) drop-offs

35. Choose antonyms to the underlined words.

Such a matter a girl can be allowed to arrange for herself.

A) Hindered

B) Forbidden

C) Known

D) Shunned

E) Forgotten

36. Which word is different? Find it.

A) Comedies

B) Jokes

C) To ride

D) Humour

E) Funny

37. Find the odd word:

A) Sick.

B) Unwell.

C) Intelligent.

D) Healthy.

E) Medical.

38. The famous Westminster Abbey was built by .. .. .

A) King Edward VI

B) Emperor Constantine

C) William Caxton

D) Edward the Confessor

E) Edward the Conqueror

39. Who wrote "Canterbury Tales''?

A) John Milton

B) Geoffrey Chaucer

C) Robert Burns

D) William Caxton

E) Joan Osbourne

40. Choose the right variant:

A) Ifyou had leave earlier you would have caught the tram

B) If you left earlier you should had caught the tram

C) Ifyou have left earlier you would had caught the tram

D) If you had been left earlier you would have caught the tram

E) Ifyou had left earlier you would have caught the tram




BapHaHT 2


41. Choose the right variant:

When he fell over, he broke two of his              

A) Teeth.

B) Tooths.

C) Toothes.

D) Teethes.

E) Teeths.

42. Choose the correct variant:

The speaker ... the members of the government in strong terms.

A) Was thanking.

B) Supported.

C) Was praising.

D) Was blaming.

E) Was criticizing.

43. Choose the correct form of the adjective. The economy of ............. states contains 80% of the World's well-being.

A) Powerfully

B) Power

C) Powemess

D) Powerful

E) Powerless

44. Choose the right variant: He comes home very ... .

A) Late

B) Later

C) Lately

D) The latest

E) Latest

45. Choose the correct variant:

How do you usually get to the ... underground station?

A) Far.

B) Close.

C) Near.

D) Next.

E) Nearest.



Bapmurr 2                                                                                                                                        

46. Fill inthe gaps with the correct variant:

One of ... of the late Middle Ages was Saint Thomas Aquinas, a scholar who studied under Albertus Magnus.

A) That was thinking

B) Who thought greatly

C) The thinkers who was great

D) The greatest thinkers

E) The great thinker

47. Choose the correct form of the adjective. Kyzylorda is a .... ...... town than Shymkent.

A) Industrous

B) Not industrial

C) Very industrial

D) Less industrial

E) Most industrial

48. Fill in the gaps with the correct variant

The total production of bushels of com in the United States is ... all other cereal crops combined.

A) More of

B) More as

C) More than that

D) More than that of

E) More that

49. Choose the suitable preposition

He split                  with his girlfriend last week.

A) Down.

B) Off.

C) Up.

D) Over.

E) Away.

50. Choose the correct variant:

She was invited to this conference ... a specialist in medicine.

A) How.

B) Like.

C) Though.

D) As.

E) As it.

51. Choose the correct variant:

The director told his secretary ... the message straight away.

A) Deliver.

B) To deliver.

C) Delivered.

D) Delivers.

E) Delivering.



BapHllHT 2                                                                                                                                           JleCHKO-rpaMMaTH ecKHii =

52. Choose the right variant

Ifit                   this weekend, I'll stay home and watch TV.

A) Rained.

B) Rain.

C) Will rain.

D) Rains.

E) Would rain.


53. Choose the right variant:

There's nothing left for him but escape, ... ?

A) Is there's.

B) Is there.

C) Is it.

D) Isn't.

E) Isn't there.

54. Choose the right fonn of the verbs: I am right, ... ...?

A) Aren't I.

B) Am not I.

C) Are I.

D) Am l.

E) Hasn't I.

55. Answer the question:

What is the largest state in the USA?

A) Hawaii.

B) Minnesota.

C) New Jersey.

D) Montana.

E) Alaska.

56. Complete the sentence

I need to buy         _

A) A loaves of bread.

B) A bread.

C) A loaf ofbread.

D) A loaf bread.

E) Breads.

57. Choose the right variant:

... Crimea is in ... South of our country.

A) A, the

B) The, -

C) The, a

D) The, the

E) -, the




BapHa>rr 2                                                                                                                                           


58. Make the best choice of the modal verb. You                  not smoke, it's ruinous for your health.

A) May

B) Could to

C) Need to

D) Can to

E) Should

59. Choose the right passive form of the verbs

Regular conferences  ... ... at this company every year.

A) Being held.

B) Have been held.

C) Are held.

D) Held.

E) Have held.

60. Choose the right variant:

We can't go along here because the road is ... .

A) being repaired

B) repair

C) was being repaired

D) repaired

E) been repaired

61. Choose the correct variant: He makes me _

A) Laugh.

B) Laughing.

C) Have laughed.

D) To laugh.

E) To be laughing.

62. Choose the right word:

He is (ToT CaMbIH) person we want to see.

A) Very

B) A very

C) The right

D) The same

E) The very

63. Choose the correct variant:

He ... for me for 20 minutes at the entrance to the theatre.

A) Has waited

B) Waiting

C) Was waiting

D) Waits

E) Has been waiting




BapHaHT 2                                                                                                                                           JleKCHKO-rpaMM3TH"lleCKHif Teer

64. Choose the correct variant:

I am not acquainted with Wales customs..... I.

A) So am.

B) Neither do.

C) Neither am.

D) So do.

E) Neither was.

65. Find the incorrect variant

Bess is used to fly after having crossed the continent many times during the past decade.

A) To fly

B) Past decade

C) Many times

D) Having crossed

E) Is used

66. Choose the right variant:

IfBenjamin Franklin so hard, he the symbol of America.

A) Had not worked I would not have become.

B) Wouldn't work I didn't become.

C) Didn't work I wouldn't become.

D) Have  worked/becomes.

E) Would not have worked I hadn't become.

67. Fill in the gap with the correct variant

At Woolworth's first five-and-ten-cent store, ... more than a dime.

A) Items none costing

B) Neither items cost

C) Some items no cost

D) No item cost

E) Items not cost

68. Fill in the gap with the correct variant Not until the Triassic Period ... .

A) First primitive mammals did develop

B) Did the first primi tive mammals develop

C) The first primitive mammals developed

D) Did develop the first primitive mammals

E) The first primitive mammals develop

69. Choose the correct word:

Don't ( 3a6yp;b ) your copy-book at home!

A) Forget

B) Leave

C) Left

D) Stay

E) Remain






70. Choose the right -variant:

Do I ba-ve to get ready now? -Yes, it's time we _.

A) Go.

B) Went.

C) Woutd go.

D) Should be going.

E) Will go.



JleKCHtco-rpa11t 11taTH'leCKHIiTeCT







qyeune Ocean Liners

The millions of people who cross the Atlantic every year usually do so by

jet. These planes are fast, safe, and convenient. But in the past, virtually  all Atlantic travelers took ships. The first ocean liners were primitive. On early l 91 -

century sailing ships, cabins were cold and wet. Food was fresh only on the first day, and the passengers suffered constantly from the condition Charles Dickens called "not ill, but going to be". Some were going to be worse than ill. In those days, one out of six sailing ships crossing the Atlantic sank. Ocean Notes for Ladies, published in 1877, advises passengers to dress well because "a body washed ashore in good clothes would receive more respect". But by the end of the 19th century, along with improved safety came comfort and, in some cases, luxury. Ocean liners were strictly divided by class. Down below, hundreds of immigrants were crowded together in steerage - the section having the poorest accommodations. Up above, first class passengers had private rooms with marble bathrooms, and they ate in elegant dining rooms.

After World War I, taking the boat to Europe became fashionable and popular for tourists as well as the rich. Bigger and bigger ships were built that carried a million tourists a year to Europe. This was the time of the greatest ocean liners. They were faster and more comfortable, and they offered food and luxuries comparable to good hotels. The voyage to Europe was seen as part of the vacation. Passengers swam, danced, and walked the decks looking for famous people on board. One passenger wrote about sailing on the French l!ner Normandie: "Caviar and pate for dinner yesterday. The whole place is like a setting for a ballet."

The Normandie was destroyed by a fire in 1942, and today almost all of the other great ocean liners are gone, too. They have been put out of business by jets. Jets are crowded, they aren't elegant, and they serve mediocre food - but they are fast. Planes cross the Atlantic in six hours instead of six days, and travelers can't resist their speed


71. How do the millions of people cross the Atlantic every year?

A) by ferry

B) by helicopter

C) by submarine

D) by plane

E) by jet


72. What happened to "The Normandie"?

A) was destroyed

B) was repainted

C) was exchanged

D) was sold

E) was stolen                      Vk.com/bastau


Baplla!JT 2


73. What are the advantages of ships compared to airplanes?

A) they are safer

B) they are faster

C) they are elegant, comfortable

D) they are warmer

E) they are cheap

74. What kind of food is offered in planes?

A) medium food

B) mediocre food

C) media food.

D) medieval food

E) medicine food

75. Why were sailing trips in the 19th century uncomfortable?

A) captains were cruel

B) crew was unreliable

C) cabins were narrow

D) cabins were without doors

E) cabins were cold and wet

76. How many ships crossing the Atlantic sank?

A) one out of five

B) one out of six

C) one out of four

D) one out of seven

E) ODftRUt of three

77. How did ships improve in the early 20th century?

A) ocean liners got new names

B) ocean liners were divided by colour

C) ocean liners were divided by class

D) ocean liners were divided by size

E) ocean liners were modernized

78. What did the ocean liners offer to their passengers

A) food a..-.id meeting famous people

B) food and money

C) food and luxuries

D) diving and food

E) food and saving boats




Baprnurr 2


The Power Of Imagination.

Mr. Brown lived in America, but he liked travelling very much.

He made trips to Europe and Asia, and he visited India, too. Once after a long trip from England to America he arrived at a small country place. There was

a small hotel there. Mr Brown got to the hotel late in the evening. At the hotel he asked the receptionist whether there  were any vacant rooms there. At that moment another traveller came to the hotel and  asked the receptionist for a room, too. The receptionist checked if there were any  vacant rooms. The

only vacant room he could offer was a double room.

"Will it be convenient to you  if you  share the room?" the receptionist asked. "It'll be  less expensive for you, you'Ii each pay half."

At first they didn't like the idea, but just then it began raining heavily and they were too tired to go to another hotel. They spoke to each other and told the receptionist that they agreed to spend the night in the same room.

A porter  showed them to their room, took in their things and wished them good night. Soon the two men went to sleep.

Suddenly Mr Brown  heard  some noise.  He opened his eyes but  didn't see anything. It was quite dark.

"What's the  matter?"  Mr Brown  a ked  in  surprise.  The  second  traveller answered,

"I'm very sorry, I had to wake you up. I'm not well. Please, open the window quickly."

Mr Brown got out of bed and began looking for matches, but he couldn't find them in the dark, so he tried to find the window. It took him some time and at last he thought he had found it. He couldn't open the window. As the voice of the traveller became weaker and weaker, Mr Brown took a chair and broke the window with it. The man said he was much better. Then the two of them slept until morning.

When they woke up the next morning they were surprised to see that Mr Brown had broken to pieces a large mirror.


79. Who was Mr. Brown?

A) A singer.

B) A traveller.

C) A porter.

D) A driver.

E) A lawyer.

80. What did Mr. Brown hear at night?

A) Some noise.

B) Music.

C) The sounds of a thunderstorm.

D) The birds' singing.

E) Shouts outside the room.



Bapaairr 2


81. At first, what was Mr. Brown looking for in the dark?

A) A book.

B) Matches.

C) The window.

D) A tape-recorder.

·'E) The door.

82. Why did they agree to spend the night in the same room?

A) They were too tired to go to another hotel.

B) They had no choice.

C) They were hungry and wanted to have dinner in the cafe of the hotel.

D) They were in a hurry.

E) They didn't like to spend the night alone.

83. What did the man say after Mr. Brown had broken the window?

A) "Let's go outside and breathe fresh air".

B) "I am much better".

C) "Thank you very much". L, "I don't feel better".

E) "It's very kind of you".

84. What did the neighbour ask Mr. Brown to do?

A) To open the window.

B) To bring some water.

C) To look for the receptionist.

D) To give a warm blanket.

E) To call for a doctor.

85. Could the men fall asleep after breaking the window?

A) They talked all night.

B) They slept until morning.

C) They went to hospital.

D) They walked through the streets of the night town.

E) They could not sleep.





BapMaHT 2                                                                                                                          'iTeHHC


Because she was a Negro woman

Balashyan arrived in New Orleans on Sunday morning on his way to Baltimore.  A clerk at the booking office told him: "There are some seats for the train going to  Baltimore in half an hour".

Soon Balashyan was sitting by the window in the smoking compartment of a car. He began to look through the newspapers. But then he noticed a young woman sitting at the window of the next compartment. She was beautiful with black hair. A book lay in front of her but she was not reading it.

At a small station the train stopped and a group of young men in military unifonn entered the car. One of them took a seat near Balashyan.

"Are these today's newspapers? Do you mind  if I read them?" he asked Balashyan in French.

"Not at all", he answered. "Are you French?"

"No, Iam Armenian," said Balashyan.

"Oh, is that so?" the young man cried out in-surprise. "I've never met an Armenian."

Soon everybody knew about Balashyan, and began asking him questions: "What kind of people are the Armenians? Is your country far from New Orleans? Are the girls in Armenia beautiful?"

But suddenly the conversation was interrupted by a woman's scream coming

from the next compartment. They all jumped up and hurried to see what was happening there.

This is what they saw: a tall officer was standing in front of the young woman and shouting at her: "I repeat my question: Are you a Negress? I repeat my question. Are you a Negress?"

But the young woman said nothing.

"You are! Ican recognize Niggers from a distance. Where are you going?" he shouted.

"To Baltimore to see my husband. He is in the army too. He is leaving for

France tomorrow.

"Why do you go in the car for white people?" asked the man.


86. Complete the sentence:

This story arises the problem of ... .

A) Homeless people.

B) Female suffrage.

C) Racism.

D) Unemployment

E) Poverty.





87. Complete the sentence:

The tall officer was standing in front of the young woman and ··· ·

A) Making her a proposal.

B) Reading the Bible.

C) Telling her compliments.

D) Shouting at her.

E) Singing a serenade.

88. Choose the right answer:

Where was Balashyan going?

A) To Baltimore.

B) To New York.

C) To New Orleans.

D) To Santa Fe.

E) To Washington.

89. Choose the right answer:

Where was a young woman sitting?

A) Next to Balashyan.

B) On the platform of the station.

C) At the door of the compartment.

D) At the window in the next compartment.

E) At the booking office.

90. Fill in the blanks according to the content of the text:

lcan recognize ... from a distance.

A) Armenians.

B) Italians.

C) Russians.

D) Armenians.

E) Niggers.

91. Choose the right answer:

What did a tall officer want to know of the woman in the next compartment?

A) Vlhcthcr she \.Vas a Christian.

B) \Vhether she was a Jewish woman

C) Whether she was a Negress.

D) Whether she had children.

E) Whether she was married.

92. Fill in the blanks according to the content of the text:

A group of young men in ... entered the car at a small station.

A) Sports kit.

B) Military uniform.

C) Dinner jackets.

D) Fancy dress.

E) Working clothes.




BapHllllT 2                                                                                                                          'he11i;e


93. Fill in the blanks according to the content of the text:

The conversation was suddenly interrupted by ... coming from the next compartment.

A) A woman's scream.

B) A storm.

C) A baby's crying.

D) Sounds of music.

E) A thunder.





BapMairr 2                                                                                                                                                                                           1!TeHHe

The Problems of Inventors

Many of the modern world's most famous discoveries and inventions were not made by scientists, but by amateur inventors. Often, these inventors had such unusual ideas that they were laughed at. But people like these, working on their own, gave us many of the things we use every day.                                                                                                             '

Clarence "Bob" Birdseye, who invented frozen foods, was both a successful inventor and a good businessman. But it took him years to overcome the biggest problem of successful inventions - convincing people to try something new and different. Birdseye first tried to freeze fish. After years of experimenting with the process, he started Birdseye Seafoods, Inc. But the company soon went bankrupt. Even though the process worked, people didn't believe that frozen fish could possibly be good. It took a long time, but people finally accepted frozen food. By the end of his life, Birdseye, who was completely self-taught inventor, had  l 00

patents that he sold for a total of 22 million dollars.

Few inventors were as successful as Birdseye. Some, like the original owners of Coca-Cola, didn't realize the potential of their discoveries . The son of he inventor of Coca-Cola sold the recipe for $2,300. Today the product is worth billions of dollars. In 1853, Karl Gerhardt invented aspirin, but he didn't know what to do with it. Fifty years after his invention, a Gennan company discovered that it was a painkiller and has since made millions selling it. Edwin Armstrong invented FM radio, but he spent his whole life trying to protect his invention. Competitors stole his patents, and companies cheated him out of money. Finally, he became so frustrated with his failures that he ended his life by jumping out of

a window.

Most great inventors, like Gerhardt and Armstrong, made little or nothing from their inventions. The first person with a new idea may get attention, but he

also gets the problem of an untried idea. In business, it is sometimes better to be second.


94. Who invented frozen foods?

A) Carl Birdseye

B) Carsper Birdseye

C) Clarence Beoyence

D) Christopher Birdseye

E) Clarence Birdseye


95. What did he try to freeze first?

A) meat

B) cheese

C) fruit

D) fish

E) forage




Bap1tairr 2


96. By the end of his life Birdseye had:

A) 100 parties

B) 100 pets

C) 100 patients

D) I 00 patents

E) 100 passions

97. The recipe of Coca-Cola was sold for:

A) 2400 dollars

B) 2500 dollars

C) 2300 dollars

D) 2350 dollars

E) 2000 dollars

98. Gerhardt's invention appeared in:

A) l853 B) 1953 C) 1753

D) l893

E) 1983

99. Who discovered that aspirin was a painkiller?

A) Austrian company

B) French company

C) Georgian company

D) German company

E) Chinese company

100.Armstrong spent the whole life trying:

A) to improve his invention

B) to invent something new

C) to travel abroad

D) to protect his invention

E) to help homeless people








BapHaHT 3




Text 1

1. When was The Securities and Exchange Commission in Washington created?

A) In nineteen thirty-three

B) In nineteen twenty-four

C) Innineteen thirty-five

D) In eighteen thirty-four

E) In nineteen thirty-four


2. How many members are there in commission?

A) four

B) ten

C) three

D) two

E) five


3. Where was The Securities and Exchange Commission created?

A) InNew-York

B) In Washington

C) In Paris

D) In Moscow

E) In Boston


4. What was the Securities and Exchange Commission in Washington created for?

A) To admit investors

B) To protect businessmen

C) To protect investors

D) To control investors

E) To protect entrepreneurs


5. The S.E.C. ... laws and rules that govern financial markets.

A) Accepts

B) Controls

C) Enforces

D) Admits

E) Executes




Bap11aHT 3                                                                                                                         CnyrnaHHe


Text 2

6. What pain are many people around the world feeling right now?

A) the dental pain

B) the pain of "stomach"

C) the liver pain

D) the stomach pain

E) the pain of "agflation"


7. What is Wen Jiabao?

A) University Dean

B) Reporter

C) Premier

D) Writer

E) Speech Writer


8. Agricultural inflation has been hitting the price of ... .

A) food products

B) phann products

C) oil products

D) grains and other products

E) services and other products


9. Who has strongly supported ethanol production?

A) the society

B) the agricultural companies

C) the business groups

D) the government

E) the senate


10. When did Congress set a national goal of using twenty-eight billion liters of ethanol a year by two thousand twelve?

A) In two thousand four

B) In two thousand five

C) In two thousand

D) In two thousand one

E) In two thousand three




BapHaHT 3                                                                                                                                                                               CnywaHl'!e

Text 3

11. What are the diseases that can ruin a farmer?

A) Rinderpest, foot-and-mouth disease and bluetongue disease

B) Flu, foot-and-mouth disease and bluetongue disease

C) Flu, tuberculosis disease and cancer

D) Tuberculosis and bluetongue disease

E) Rinderpest, tuberculosis disease and bluetongue disease


12. Some animals die after ... .

A) just four or five days

B)just a day or two

C) a week

D) ten days

E) just two or three days


13. What are the animal viruses that can ruin a farmer?

A) Flu, tuberculosis disease and cancer

B) Rinderpest, tuberculosis disease and bluetongue disease

C) Tuberculosis and bluetongue disease

D) Rinderpest, foot-and-mouth disease and bluetongue disease

E) Flu, foot-and-mouth disease and bluetongue disease


14. Wbat cmu1try has been dealing with foot-and-mouth -- and now its first cases of bluetongue?

A) Russia


C) Turkey

D) Italy

E) Britain


!5. What officials see the recent arrival of that virus in the United Kingdom as another sign of a bigger problem?









Bap>lllll'T  3                                                                                                                                                                                  CnywaHMe

Text 4

16. What is the leading cause of suicide?

A) Depression

B) Hard diseases

C) Divorces

D) Fatigues

E) Sickness


17. The National Institute of Mental Health paid for ... study.

A) the sixteen million euro

B) the sixteen million dollar

C) the seventeen million euro

D) the seventeen million dollar

E) the seven million dollar


18. ... says more than one hundred twenty million people worldwide suffer from depression.

A) The World Trade Organization

B) The Ministry of Health

C) The World Health Organization

D) The United Nations

E) The International Health Care Comission


19. The World Health Organization says more than ... people worldwide suffer from depression.

A) three hundred twenty million

B) one hundred twenty million

C) two hundred twenty million

D) one hundred thirty million

E) four hundred twenty million


20. The World :Health Organization says more than one hundred twenty million people ... suffer from depression .

A) of the region

B) of America

C) of China

D) worldwide

E) of Asia

TECT no l>JJOK)'

CJJymauue 3ABEPillEH


BapHaffT 3                                                JieKCHKO  rpaMMaTH"'ieCKHH  TCCT


21. Use the proper article:

It was        early autumn.


B) A

C) An

D) Some

E) The

22. Choose the correct article.

You know, we are going to ......tea with the Smiths today.



C) Be

D) A

E) The

23. Choose the correct variant:

Bob wants the money. Please give ... to him.

A) They.

B) Its.

C) Them.

D) Those.

E) It.

24. Choose the correct pronoun : Are ( ....) clean notebooks?

A) It

B) This

C) That

D) These

E) Those

25. Choose the right form of the numeral "B 1969 ro.uy":

A) In nineteen-seventy-nine.

B) In ninety-sixty-six.

C) In  nineteen-sixty-nine.

D) In ninety-sixty-nine.

E) In one-nine-six-ninth.

26. We prefer the letter ... by the chief.

A) answered

B) answering

C) being answered

D) being answering

E) having answering



BapHaHT 3                                                                           


27. You can find out somebody's phone number ... in the directory.

A) with looking

B) on looking

C) when looking

D) by loolcing

E) through looking

28. He had no language problems, ... English for a long time.

A) studied

B) studying

C) study

D) having study

E) having studied

29. Ifa thing is worth doing it is worth doing ... .

A) worst

B) worse

C) badly

D) bad

E) badder

30. Choose the right variant:

The driver of the car was (serious) injured in the accident.

A) Most serious.

B) More serious.

C) Seriously.

D) Serious.

E) Seriouser.

31. Choose the right preposition:

Let me tell you how to get         our place.

A) For.

B) Of.

C) To.

D) With.

E) In.

32. Choose the correct variant:

He has been unemployed ... he left college.

A) From.

B) During.

C) For.

D) Since.

E) Within.





BaptiaHT 3                                                J l.e;; c nKo-rpaMMaT Wi CCK H i T CC T

33. The first time Mrs. Moffat invited him to watch television with her, Simon declibed.  He would rather read, he said . .. she gave him a book, ...she gave him classics

A) yet ... still

B) such as ... but

. ..C) when .. . but

D) so ... but

E) but ... so

34. ... the Curies extracted radium from pitchblende , several years passed . . . they became concerned about its effects on the people who were using it.

A) after ... before

B) however . .. before

C) before ... after

D) yet ... before

E) while .. . before

35. A person who leaves for another place without permission

A) a runout

B) a runaway

C) a runer

D) a runago

E) a runoff

36. Find the synonym for the underlined expression :

The airplane goes from London to New York City  without stops.

A) Mis-stop.

B) In-stop.

C) Im-stop.

D) Unstop .

E) Non-stop.

37. What publishing house produces the Oxford Engl ish Dictionary?

A) Oxford University Press

B) Oxbridge University Press

C) Oxford Coilege Press

D) Oxford Department Press

E) Oxford University Publisher

38. Choose the right variant

Who was the lst. president of the USA?

A) G. Washington.

B) R. Reaghan .

C) B. Clinton.

D) A. Linkoln.

E) J . Carter.




Bapuam 3                                                                             


39. ,L\OHruthcy TOJihKO .uecllTh, HO OH BpeMeH!lMH paccy)K,UaeT KaK aTIUieTHHH.

A) Donald is only ten but sometimes he talks as though he were twenty

B) Ten-year Donald speaks sometimes as like he were twenty

C) Donald only ten years but he talks as though he reached twenty

D) Donald tells sometimes as if he is twenty though he is only ten

E) Donald is ten only but occasionally he speaks like a twenty-year

40. Choose the right variant:

A) Robert's employer has suggests that he transferred to another division

B) Robert's employer has suggestion he is transferred to another division

C) Robert's employer suggested that he transferred to another division

D) Robert's employer suggests that he transfer to another division

E) Robert's employer had suggests that he transferred to another division

41. Choose the suitable variant:

The government is doing nothing to help .... .

A) Poors

B) The poors

C) Poor

D) The poor

E) A poor people

42. Choose the correct form ofreading. "30/08".

A) The August and thirty.

B) The thirty of August.

C) The thirtieth and August

D) The thirtieth of August.

E) The thirtieth August.

43. Choose the correct form of the adjective. The southern part of Kazakhstan land is ...

A) Mountainly

B) Mountainous

C) Mountainful

D) Mountains

E) Mountainless

44. Choose the correct form of the adjective. This negotiation will be .......

A) Believably

B) Believeful

C) Belief

D) Beliefiless

E) Believable




45. Choose the correct variant:

They have ... paper than we have.

A) Less.

B) Fewer.

C) A little.

D) Few.

E) The least.

46. Choose the right form:

This is the ... place in the park.

A) More beautiful.

B) Most beautiful.

C) Beautifulest.

D) Beautifuller.

E) Beautiful.

47. Choose the right form:

He knows English (good) than his sister.

A) Gooder.

B) Good .

C) More good.

D) The best.

E) Better.

48. Choose the correct preposition:

Fill in the correct preposition or adverb:

My brother goes  ...sports.

A) At

B) On

C) In for

D) In to

E) Of

49. Choose the correct variant:

Ijust had to take the dog out ... of the awful weather.

J\) h1 spite

B) Although

C) Even though

D) Despite

E) Even if





BapMlllrr 3                                                                             fleKCHICO-rpaMMaTINecKHi!  TCCT


50. Fill inthe gaps with the correct variant:

Although they are both grown in the United States and exported abroad, com is not native to America and winter wheat ... .

A) Is neither

B) ls either

C) Isn't neither

D) Neither is

E) Isn't either

51. Choose the correct variant:

The librarian asked us ... so much noise.

A) not making

B) not make

C) didn't make

D) don't make

E) not to make

52. Choose the right variant:

Ifher alarm-clock had rung, she ... on time for work yesterday.

A) To be.

B) Would have been.

C) Will be.

D) To was.

E) Would having been.

53. Choose the right form of the verbs:

... he ...(read) this book yet?

A) Have he read.

B) Was he read.

C) Had he read.

D) Has he read.

E) Did he read.

54. Form a sentence using these words: your breakfast (l) who (2) prepares (3) in the morning (4)?

A) 2/3/1/4 B) 4/1/2/3 C) 1/3/4/2 D) 3/1/2/4 E) 1/4/3/2

55. Make the right choice.

What chamber is the Upper House in the UK?

A) The National  Assembly.

B) The House of Commons.

C) The Senate.

D) The House of Lords.

E) The House of Representatives.




Uapna;  J                                                                          


56. Choose the sentence with an uncountable noun.

A) They have never been to any foreign countries.

B) I prefer to travel by train.

C) Iam sorry but Ihave no time to discuss this question now.

D) Give me my watch, please .

.E) Charles Dickens is one of the greatest and most popular English novelists.

57. Choose the right verb tense:

There was no one else at the box office. I... in a queue.

A) needn't wait

B) needn't have waited

C) mustn't wait

D) didn't need to wait

E) hadn't wait

58. Choose the correct variant:

The size of the pupil in the eye                        good indicator of a person's interest, emotion, attitude and thought processes.

A) Is a.

B) Being the.

C) As the.

D) -

E) The.

59. Choose the correct variant:

Extraordinary abilities in mathematics ... in the boy, so he was transfered to the mathematical school.

A) Was displayed.

B) Has displayed.

C) Is displayed.

D) Were displaying.

E) Had been displayed.

60. Choose the right passive form of the verbs

When you go through customs, your luggage may ... . .. by a customs officer.

A) Have checked.

B) Be checked.

C) Check.

D) Checked.

E) Have been checked.

51. Choose the correct variant:

1 thought that she ... that he ... the first place in the chess tournament?

A) Knew; has taken.

B) Knew; had taken.

C) Knows; had taken.

D) Knows; has taken.

E) Know; had taken.



Bapuam 3                                                 JleKCJ.fKO-rpaMMaTWJecKHii  TecT

62. Choose the correct variant:

He made Ann          the letter.

A) To be written.--

B) To be write.

C) Write.

D) Writing.

E) To write.

63. Complete the sentence:

  tum off the light.

A) Before left.

B) Before leaving.

C) Before to leave.

D) Before being left.

E) Before !eaves.

64. Choose the right variant:

We ... told ... a beautiful river not far away.

A) Were I there were.

B) Were I there was

C) Were I it was

D) Are I that was

E) Are I this was

65. Choose the correct variant of the sentence:

"Don't make such noise, will you?" the man said to him.

A) The man asked him not to make so much noise.

B) The man asked him to make so much noise.

C) The man said to him not to make so much noise.

D) The man asked to him not to make so much noise.

E) The man asked him to not make so much noise.

66. Choose the correct variant:

He speaks as if he ... ... London himself.

A) visited

B) have visited

C) visits

D) was visited

E) had visited

67. Choose the right synonyms to the underlined words. The newcomers were met with hostility.

A) Unfriendly

B) Enemy

C) Enmity

D) Hatred

E) Attack





BapHait t3                                                                             

98. Choose the right synonyms to the underlined words. On that day the sea was delightful,

A) Placid

B) Irresistible

C) Too cold

D) Tranquil

E) Terrific

69. Choose the correct variant:

You're off to Bangkok, you say? What a ... ! So am I.

A) Fate.

B) Luck.

C) Chance.

D) Coincidence.

E) Fog.

70. Find the synonym to the word: Transform

A) Work.

B) Tum to.

C) Enable.

D) Achieve.

E) Reach.



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