Give Russian equivalents to the following expression

Develop particular strategies, change objective, take responsibility for, set standards, impact on the environment, maintain good relations, on permanent stand-by

4. Imagine that you are a management of a company. Draw and explain your company structure.

5. Translate into English

1. Ты должен разработать определенную стратегию

2. Не забудь учесть влияние твоих действий на окружающую среду

3. Тебе придется иметь дело с торговыми партнерами

4. Данное занятие требует определенных усилий

5. В твоей команде есть лидер?

6. В нашей компании очень много опытных сотрудников


7. Каждая компания должна иметь секретаря

8. Он возглавляет отдел продаж и маркетинга


The UK Economy.

Read and translate the text.

The UK economy is one of the strongest in Europe; inflation, inter­est rates, and unemployment remain low. Growth is now at 3.0% per annum, which is higher than that of France, Germany and many other European countries.

The UK has large coal, natural gas, and oil reserves; primary energy production accounts for 10% of GDP, one of the highest shares of any industrial nation.

Due to the North Sea oil during the 1990s the UK became a net hy­drocarbon exporter and the second largest producer of oil in Western Europe after Norway. Around about 80% of the UK electricity is cur­rently generated from fossil fuels, nuclear power. The UK is the world's 8th greatest producer of carbon dioxide emissions, producing around 2.3% of the total generated from fossil fuels.

Service industries, particularly banking, insurance, and business services, account for the largest proportion of GDP and employ around 70% of the working population.

Manufacturing continues to decline in importance. The UK was left with a very small domestic manufacturing sector. However British companies world wide continued to be present in the sector through foreign investment or through the closure and movement of factories to Eastern Europe and the Far East in search of lower costs.

Tourism is the 6th largest industry in the UK, contributing 76 bil­lion pounds to the economy. It employs 1,800,000 full-time equivalent people — 6.1 % of the working population.

Agriculture is intensive, highly mechanised, and efficient by Euro­pean standards, producing about 60% of food needs with only 1 % of the labour force. It contributes around 2% of GDP. Around two thirds of production is devoted to livestock, one third to crops. The main crops that are grown are wheat, barley, oats, potatoes, sugar beets, fruits and vegetables. The livestock that is raised is cattle and sheep.

Answer the questions to the text

1.What is the place of the United Kingdom in the world economy?
Is unemployment rate high in the UK?.

2.What is the role of primary energy production sector in the UK?

3.Why is the UK has become a net hydrocarbon exporter?

4.What country exports more hydrocarbons than the UK?

5.What other industries are developed in the UK?


Translate into English .

1. Экономика Великобритании является одной из самых силь­ных в Европе и мире. 2. На протяжении нескольких лет процентные ставки, уровень безработицы и инфляция остаются низкими. 3. Ве­ликобритания обладает большими запасами угля, газа и нефти. 4. Великобритания является вторым по величине экспортером уг­леводородов в Европе после Норвегии. 5. Доля энергодобывающей промышленности Великобритании составляет десять процентов ВВП. 6. Великобритания находится на восьмом месте до выбросам углекислоты..7. Семьдесят про­центов трудоспособного населения Великобритании занято в секторе обслуживания» например в банковском секторе, страховании и т.д. 8. Значение производства для экономики Великобритании снижается .9. Сельское хозяйство Великобритании высокомеха­низированно и эффективно по европейским стандартам

4. Write sentences with the following words and ex­ pressions:

1. financial centre;

2. unemployment;

3. interest rate;

4. inflation;

5. shares of GDP;

6. fossil fuels;

7. decline;

8. livestock

Explain how the geographical position of the UK influence the economy of the country.


Дата добавления: 2018-10-25; просмотров: 278; Мы поможем в написании вашей работы!

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