Fill in the gaps using the words below

1. It is not easy to get... from the government

2. Have you already paid the... ?

3. Don't forget about the ... with whom you should ... for these actions

4. You have a wonderful opportunity to put a reliable man on the ...

5. I am only a ... and I can't take the responsibility for the actions of all the ... of the

Incorporation fee, owners, board of directors, co-owners, tax benefits, share liability, shareholder

Imagine that you are at business meeting with American businessmen,

Wishing to set up a business in Russia. Describe to the American businessmen the business climate in Russia and tell them about the forms of ownership.


Read and translate the text


The price of a product should logically cover its production and distribution costs, including a proportion of the company's fixed costs or overheads, such as certain interest payments, and have a small profit. But prices are also influenced by the level of demand, the prices of substitute products, and the prices charged by competitors. High quality products made with expensive components and requiring a lot of craftsmanship are expensive. For new products for which the price is a sufficiently high demand, companies may choose to set the highest possible price The price can further be reduced in order to reach further market segments. The strategy is setting as low a price as possible to increase sales volume, leading to lower production and distribution costs and higher long-run profit.

A company faced with demand that exceeds supply is likely to raise its prices. But of course, all prices can be adapted. Most companies offer cash discounts to customers who pay immediately, and quality discounts to buyers of large volumes. Many products and services are sold at a lower price during an off-season.

2. Answer the questions

3. What should the price cover?


4. What can influence the price?

5. What strategies do companies offer discounts to customers?

3. Translate the following expansions into Russian and then use in your own sentences
Cover, costs, the level of demand, a sufficiently high demand, intensive competition, cash
discounts, off-season.

4. Put the verbs in brackets into the right form of Gerund or Participle II

8. High quality products (to make) with expensive components are expensive.

9. The opposite strategy is (to set) as low a price as possible.

10. A company (to face) with demand that exceeds supply is likely to raise its prices.

11. The price should cover the production and distribution cost (include) a proportion of
the company's fixed costs.

12. High quality productions (to require) a lot of craftsmanship are expensive.

5 .Imagine that you are a manager of a company. You should get profits from your goods or services. What strategy would you choose to reach this aim? Why?


Read and translate the text

Market forecasting

To estimate total market potential a company needs to forecast the number of buyers, and the average quantity that they will purchase. There are various methods of forecasting, but they all depend on one of three factors: what people say, what they do, and what they have done in the past.

Forecast based on what people say are made from surveys of buyer intentions, conducted by personal, telephone or postal interviews of a statistically selected sample of consumers. Buyer - intention surveys are often quite accurate for major consumer durables and industrial goods.

Surveys are also the only possible forecasting technique for new products for which past data does not exist. If surveying customers is too expensive an alternative method is to get estimates from sales representative who are close to customers. When a company does not have its own sales force, distributors can provide equivalent information. Direct market tests enable a forecast to be made based on what people actually do. Market tests are often carried out for new products.

An alternative to both surveys and market tests is to analyze existing data, taking into account the business cycle and unpredictable events such as shortages, strikes and others.

2. Translate the sentences into English paying attention to the infinitive

1. Для того чтобы установить общий потенциал рынка компании
прогнозировать количество покупателей.

2. Альтернативой, как опроса, так и тестирования рынка является

3. Чтобы установить потенциал рынка, вы можете использовать разные методы

4. Прямое тестирование рынка дает возможность производить прогнозирование,
основываясь на том, что

3. Open the brackets using the right form of the given verbs, using Participle II or
Passive Voice

1. Forecast (to base) on what people say (to make) from surveys of buyer intentions (to
conduct) by personal telephone.

2. Direct market tests enable a forecast (to make) (to base) on what people do.
3 . Market tests (to carry out) for new products.

4. To estimate total market potential a market forecast is to (to make)

4. Match the words

Estimate                  Data

Provide                    Information

Make                       Tests

Carry out                The market potential

Analyze                   Forecasts

Дата добавления: 2018-10-25; просмотров: 699; Мы поможем в написании вашей работы!

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