Ex. 6. Insert the numeral (quantitative or ordinal).

1. There are ________ months in a year.

2. January is ________ month of the year.

3. May is ________ month of the year.

4. There are ________ months in winter.

5. December is ________ month of the year and ________ month of winter.

6. There are ________ days in a week: ________ one is Monday, ________ one is                        Tuesday, ________one is Wednesday, ________ one is Thursday, ________ one is Friday, ________ one is Saturday and ________ one is Sunday.

7. Sunday is ________ day of the week in England and ________ one in Russia.

8. Monday is ________ day in Russia and ________ in Great Britain.

9. There are ________ hours in a day, ________ minutes in an hour and ________ seconds in a minute.

10. September, April, June and November have ________ days. All the rest have ________ except February.

Робота над текстом за професійним спрямуванням

І. Вставте пропущені букви у словах першого абзацу

ІІ. Виберіть та вставте запропоновані у дужках слова (one, are, herself, quality, personality, must, disappear)

ІІІ. У третьому абзаці оберіть правильну граматичну форму

IV. Складіть план до тексту.

V. Поставте 10 запитань до тексту.

VI. Напишіть анотацію.    

From Psychology Articles


Montessori approach

                                                                                        By Adriana Staraj

Maria Montessori is known as a developer of Montessori 1) ap_roach based on a child                     2) p_ychology. In Montessori 3) met_od the lesson 4) co_responds to an experiment. In the first days of the school the children do not learn the idea of 5) col_ective order; this idea follows and comes as a result of those 6) dis_iplinary exercises through which the child learns to discern between good and 7) ev_l.

The lessons ____individual, and brevity must be _____of their chief characteristics. Another characteristic _______of the lesson is its simplicity. The teacher must not lose ___ in vain words. The lesson _____be presented in such a way that the ___of the teacher shall ____.

Montessori approach is also 1)(based, base) on exercises of practical life such as personal cleanliness, intellectual exercises (objective lessons interrupted by short rest periods, sense exercises), gymnastics (ordinary movements done gracefully, normal position of the body, walking, marching 2)(in, on) line. In order 3) (to protect, protection) the child’s development, especially in neighborhoods where standards of child hygiene 4) (is, are) not yet prevalent in the home, it 5)(would, was) be well if a large part of the child’s diet could be entrusted to the Montessori school. It iswell known today that the diet must be adapted 6) (to, for) the physical nature of the child. The diet of little children must be rich in fats and sugar: the first for reserve matter and the second for plastic tissue.

Практичне заняття № 2

Тема: Планування діяльності підприємства. Пошук роботи. Резюме .

Task 1. Think and say: «What do you know about the structure of a company? »

Task 2. Read, translate and retell the following text.

The Structure of a Company

Organization structure in business is very important. People in a company, its employees hold different positions. The relationship between those employees with different positions makes organization structure. At present, most firms are divided into their major parts:

- capital (shareholders);

- management;

- labour.

Let us take a typical company. A director is a senior manager. He sets up the Board of Directors under the authority of the President. The Board decides what company policy and expendi­ture must be. The chief executive officer (CEO) is the link between the Board and the senior management. As for middle managers, they run departments of a firm. They account to the senior management for their area of the work done.

There is a difference between executive directors and non-execu­tive ones. The directors who run their firm on day-to-day basis are called executive directors. Those who sit on the Board and do not run the firm directly are called non-executive directors. In modern American English, they use also the term inside directors for executive and outside directors for non-executive ones.

Task 3. Read and discuss the text.

The Kind of Job You Want

The first step in a successful search for a job is to decide on the kind of job you want and the kind you are qualified for. This means that first you should answer the questions "What can I do well?" and "What do I really want to do?" Begin with thinking about the work you can do. Include work you have been trained to do, work you have actually done, and work you enjoy doing. Therefore, you have to answer some questions.

• Do you like to work with your hands?

• Do you like to work outdoors?

• Do you like to work with others?

Next, talk to as many people as possible about your job interests and concerns. Talk to your friends, neighbours, and your family or relatives. These contacts may help you to get more information about different jobs; to form a "network" of people interested in helping you; to find people who work (or who know people who work) in the area of your interest; each discussion will give you additional practice in expressing yourself.

Now when you know the kind of job you want, the next question to answer is "Where can I find that job?" People use many methods of finding a job. They answer job advertisements (want ads), or apply directly to employers. Of course, some methods are better than the others.

Task 4. Read, translate and try to identify your interests.

1. What are you looking for: money, power, prestige, security, travel opportunities, spare time?

2. How important are the salary, environment, benefits, and job stability?

3. Do you enjoy working with people, information, or things?

4. Is it important to be your own boss?

5. What is your idea of a perfect job? A perfect boss? A perfect colleague?

Task 5. Write you resume

Дата добавления: 2018-09-22; просмотров: 203; Мы поможем в написании вашей работы!

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