Make up a plan and retell the text according to it.



Государственное образовательного учреждение

высшего профессионального образования





                                                                             на заседании кафедры

                                                                             иностранных языков

                                                                             22 мая 2010 г.


Методические указания

По профессионально-ориентированному чтению для студентов ДТИ

(английский язык)



Ростов - на - Дону


УДК 803.03=03(088.8)+(07)


Методические указания по профессионально-ориентированному чтению для студентов ДТИ (английский язык, ч.2) - Ростов н/Д: Рост. гос. строит. ун-т, 2010. -36 с.



Методические указания включают 3 раздела, состоящих из нескольких тем и разнообразных типов заданий, направленных на развитие навыков профессионально-ориентированной устной и письменной речи. Рассчитаны на аудиторную работу студентов, продолжающих изучать английский язык, рекомендуются для практических занятий в неязыковом вузе.



                      Составители: А.В.Резникова, к.соц.н., ст.преп.;

                        М.С.Володина, преп.

                         Рецензент: Л.Н.Литовченко, преп.

                              Тех. консультант: Зырянов В.В., д.т.н., проф.



© Ростовский государственный

                                                         строительный университет, 2010



The Intelligent Transport Systems (ITS)

Topic 1: The notion of the ITS

1. Read and translate the text:

A quick search on the Internet reveals more than 50 different meanings for ITS – everything from Inventory Tracking system to Interferometer Thermal Sounder. Most people, though, probably think it is something related to Informational Technology, and in some cases it is. But in the world of transport, one definition clearly comes out on top: Intelligent Transport Systems and Services.

ITS is the marriage of information and communication technologies with the vehicles and networks that move people and goods. Under development for the past 20 years, these systems and services have been implemented at various levels around the world. In Japan, for example, vehicle navigation systems are widely used, whereas in the United States they are less common.

In Europe, Intelligent Transport Systems and Services are helping to improve virtually every section of the transport chain as well as reduce their environmental impact. Commercial vehicle operators, individual drivers and public transport users alike are already benefiting from ITS, not to mention the infrastructure operators and public authorities reaping ITS’s many regards. Most of these people, though, don’t know what type of technology is helping to smooth their journey. ITS covers such a broad range of systems and services that users may not identify with the benefits ITS has to offer.

In the end, ITS will likely be transparent to the end user. Intelligent Transport Systems and Services will simply improve safety, efficiency, comfort and the environment with the general public having limited knowledge that ITS technology is at work. Already today, no one speaks of the ITS tracking system used by the local delivery service, but they do talk about the fact they can locate their parcels online and that on time.

Unfortunately, ITS technologies are not yet completely transparent and may be quite confusing to the casual user or newcomer to the ITS community. A basic understanding of ITS could in fact aid in the further implementation of the systems and services currently being developed. If public authorities, for example, know about the basic functions and benefits of an Intelligent Transport System, they will be more likely to pursue its development. Similarly, if end users understand the principles behind ITS and how they can improve their daily lives, then they are more likely to buy and use those products.

So what is Intelligent Transport Systems and Services? It can be divided into four main categories of ITS development, namely, ITS for

-Private Vehicles

-Public transport

-Commercial Vehicles

-The Infrastructure

Each category is subdivided into smaller sections discussing the various systems and services involved. Some of what is described is already on the market and widely deployed, whereas other items are still on the drawing board or in the development and testing phrases. Thus you will see how ITS is today and where it is headed in the near future. This should provide a better understanding of these new technologies and allow you to take advantage of their many potential benefits in your own daily life.

2. Find Russian equivalents for:

- Intelligent Transport Systems and Services

- To be implemented

- Environmental impact

- Road network

- Public vehicles

3. Say whether the given sentences true or false. Correct if necessary:

- ITS is the marriage of information and communication technologies with the vehicles and networks that move people and goods.

- In Japan, for example, vehicle navigation systems are widely used, whereas in the United States they are less common.

- ITS technologies are not yet completely transparent and may be quite confusing to the casual user or newcomer to the ITS community.

- ITS covers such a broad range of systems and services that users may not identify with the benefits ITS has to offer.

- In Russia, Intelligent Transport Systems and Services are helping to improve virtually every section of the transport chain as well as reduce their environmental impact.

Make up a plan and retell the text according to it.

Дата добавления: 2018-05-12; просмотров: 359; Мы поможем в написании вашей работы!

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