Текст к разделу «Аудирование».

Пояснительная записка к заданиям промежуточной аттестации по иностранному (английскому) языку за 7 класс.

Задания промежуточной аттестации составлены на основе УМК «Rainbow English» (базовый уровень).

Работа рассчитана на 40 минут.

Количество вариантов – 2.

Работа состоит из трёх разделов:

1) аудирование,

2) чтение,

3) лексико-грамматический тест.

В разделе «Аудирование» представлено 6 заданий. Обучающимся предлагается прослушать текст и выбрать один вариант ответа из трех предложенных.

Результат – 6 х 1 = 6 баллов

В разделе «Чтение» содержится текст, приблизительно 350 слов, к которому прилагается 6 высказываний.

Обучающиеся оценивают справедливость каждого высказывания относительно содержания текста, отмечая его как соответствующее содержанию текста – True (a), не соответствующее содержанию текста – False (b) или не указанное в тексте – Not stated (c).

Результат – 6 х 1 = 6 баллов

Лексико-грамматический раздел состоит из 2 заданий. В задании 1 (лексика) представлено 8 предложений, которые необходимо дополнить подходящими по смыслу словами (вариантами a, b и c).

В задании 2 (грамматика) приведено 6 предложений, в которых требуется преобразовать слова в скобках так, чтобы они грамматически соответствовали содержанию предложений.

Результат – 14 х 1 = 14 баллов


Итого – 26 баллов

Демо-версия заданий промежуточной аттестации

По иностранному (английскому) языку.


Задание 1. Вы услышите разговор двух школьников. В заданиях 1-6 выберите букву (a, b или c), соответствующую выбранному вами варианту ответа. Вы услышите запись 2 раза.

1. Pete’s duty is _______.

a) to talk to people about ecological problems

b) to do a project about plants

c) to find information about endangered animals


2. Pete doesn’t use much water when he _______.

a) has a bath

b) has dinner

c) plants trees


3. Pete thinks that recycling paper can help _______.

a) to save a lot of energy

b) to save forests and animals

c) to build recycling factories


4. Pete says that if a person wants to be green he must _______.

a) help to save water and paper

b) go by bicycle as often as possible

c) look differently at many things he usually does


5. Liz likes the idea of _______.

a) giving money for saving wild animals

b) going to school on foot

c) reading books about wildlife


6. Pete learnt a lot about saving animals and birds when he _______.

a) was reading books about air pollution

b) was playing games on his phone

c) was doing a project about endangered species



Задание 2.Прочитайте текст. Определите, какие из приведенных ниже утверждений (1-6) соответствуют содержанию текста (True), какие не соответствуют (False) и о чем в тексте не сказано, то есть на основании текста нельзя дать ни положительного, ни отрицательного ответа (Not stated). Напишите букву выбранного вами варианта ответа.

The Amazon Rainforest[1]

Do you know that the Amazon rainforest is very big? It’s about five and a half million square kilometres. You will find the rainforest mostly in Brazil and in other South American countries.

It is very unusual. It’s very dark in it. If it starts raining there, you will have about 10 minutes to find your umbrella. There are so many trees that it can take 10 minutes for the rain to reach the ground.

10% of the known world species live in the Amazon rainforest. 20% of all the birds in the world live there. It is home to about 40,000 plant species and 2.5 million different insect species. The animal types are different: from big to small, from cute to strange looking, from quiet to noisy. There are a number of dangerous species living in the Amazon rainforest, for example the anaconda.

What will happen if all those animals, birds, fish and plants lose their home, their natural habitat? Some animals will move to other places but most of them will die out. Can it really happen? Yes, and it’s happening now. The rainforest is very old and big, but it is getting smaller every day. The problem is that people hunt animals, they cut down trees to make way for farm land. So many species of plants and animals have already become extinct. About 35 species of animals in the Amazon rainforest become extinct every day. Among the animals that are endangered now are the jaguar, gorilla and some others.

There is another problem, too. Trees and plants in the Amazon rainforest give us a lot of oxygen. If we cut them down, we lose this oxygen, and it can lead to temperature rise.

A number of ecological organizations are trying to save the Amazon rainforest. So if you want to save the rainforest on the Earth, do something! The rainforest will disappear at the end of the 21st century if you don’t save it. Every little can help.


1. It often rains in the Amazon rainforest.

a) True          b) False                  c) Not stated

2. You can find all kinds of flora and fauna in the Amazon rainforest.

a) True          b) False                  c) Not stated

3. All the animals in the Amazon rainforest look really strange.

a) True          b) False                  c) Not stated

4. The Amazon rainforest appeared about 55 million years ago.

a) True          b) False                  c) Not stated

5. Very many species of animals have become endangered there.

a) True          b) False                  c) Not stated

6. People are destroying the rainforests because they are cutting down lots of trees and hunting animals.

a) True          b) False                  c) Not stated



Задание 3.Закончите предложения подходящими по смыслу словами. Запишите выбранный вами ответ (a, b или c).

1. In the middle of the forest we could see a small lake _____ the trees.

a) between                            b) in                       c) among

2. Children! Behave _____ while I’m away!

a) good                                 b) yourselves         c) yourself

3. We have _____ time left before the lesson begins. Hurry up!

a) few                                   b) little                               c) a little

4. I am responsible _____ planting trees in the school yard.

a) after                                  b) about                 c) for

5. I _____ skating when I was seven years old.

a)took up                              b) put off               c) took in

6. Things that we throw away are _____.

a) waste                                b) extinct               c) endangered

7. Some endangered animals can _____ from our planet if we don’t protect them.

a) appear                                          b) appearance        c) disappear

8. Air pollution can _____ the ecology of our planet.

a) damage                             b) protect               c) save



Задание 4.Прочитайте приведенные ниже предложения. Преобразуйте слова в скобках так, чтобы они грамматически соответствовали содержанию предложений. Заполните пропуски полученными словами.

1. How long _____ it usually _____ (take) to get from Moscow to Vladivostok by train?

2. Mrs Robinson _____ (be) a member of Greenpeace for ten years. She saves endangered animals.

3. If people _____ (not pour) dirty water into rivers and oceans, we will live in a better world.

4. You look tired. How long _____ you _____ (work) in the garden?

5. Alice _____ (know) me since I was 15, but as a person, not as a writer.

6. Dinosaurs _____ (become) extinct 65 million years ago.


Образец выполнения работы

Текст к разделу «Аудирование».

Liz:Hi, Pete! How are you doing?

Pete:Oh, Liz! Sorry, I didn’t see you.

Liz:Yeah, what are you busy with? You are thinking about something very important, aren’t you?

Pete:You are right. We are doing an ecological project. I am responsible for the interviews. I ask people questions about how they help to save our planet.

Liz:Help to save our planet? You are joking! What’s wrong with our Earth?

Pete:People have been polluting the environment for so many years. We are in real danger. Time has come to save our planet.

Liz:And what? What can people do? And what can I do?

Pete:A lot. Look at me, for example. I save water. I am trying not to use too much water when I wash dishes, take a bath, water the plants outside.

Liz:Oh, I think I can do that, too. Anything else?

Pete:I don’t throw away paper because people cut down a lot of trees to make it. Recycling paper we save forests where animals live.

Liz:I have never thought about it.

Pete:There is one more important thing. This is air pollution. My parents don’t use their car if they can. They go by bicycle or on foot. They want to be green.

Liz:I go to school on foot. Am I green?

Pete:Going on foot is not enough. Try to change your whole lifestyle.

Liz:I think I will.

Pete:And you should help to save endangered animals.

Liz:What should I do?

Pete:Why not give money to protect wild animals, like whales, dolphins, tigers? You know the Amur tiger is in danger now. Many people want to help it.

Liz:A good idea! I hope I will. But, Pete, you know so much about ecological problems.

Pete:Do you think so? It all started when I was playing a game about elephants on my smartphone. I learnt a lot about endangered species, climate change and other things.

Liz:How interesting!

Pete:And you can also read books and surf the Internet if you want to know about them. How about joining our project?

Liz:Thank you, Pete. I’ll think about it.

Задание 1.1. a, 2. a, 3. b, 4. c, 5. a, 6. b

Задание 2.1. с, 2. a, 3. b, 4. c, 5. a, 6. a

Задание 3.1. с, 2. b, 3. b, 4. c, 5. a, 6. a, 7.c, 8a

Задание 4.1. does take, 2. has been, 3. don’t pour, 4. have been working, 5. has known, 6. became

Работа считается зачтенной, если обучающийся правильно выполняет 50% заданий, то есть набирает минимум 13 баллов.


[1]a rainforest – тропический лес

Дата добавления: 2018-05-12; просмотров: 7244; Мы поможем в написании вашей работы!

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