Choose the correct form of the verbs.

1) You must be / can't be very proud of your son winning so many prizes.

2) The film has been such a big success I guess it must be / can't be easy to get tickets to see it.

3) I'm sure you could mend this if you really tried. You must be / can't be using the right tools.

4) You must be / must have been thirsty after carrying those heavy boxes. Shall I make some tea?


V. Разрешение на действие, просьба, предложение

сan – можно?

could – можно (более вежливое) Could you help me? – Вы не могли бы мне помочь?

may – позвольте. May I use your phone? – Можно воспользоваться вашим телефоном?

might – позвольте (более вежливое)

to be allowed to -разрешается

would you like – вы бы не хотели?

shall, will – предложение, просьба

Will you do me a favour? – Вы не сделаете мне одолжение?

Shall I help you? – Вам помочь?


1. Rewrite these sentences using «can», «could» or «may».

1) I'd like to talk to you for a minute, Bill, (friendly)

2) I would like to use your phone, (more polite)

3) I would like to stop work early today, (formal)

4) Take my bike if you want to.

5) Are children allowed to go into pubs?

6) I don't want you to come into my room.

7) I would like to speak to Jane, if she's there, (polite)

8) I would like to have a beer, (friendly)

9) Are students allowed to use this library?

10) I would like to pay you tomorrow, (polite)



Rewrite these sentences, beginning with  ...,Can I...? You can ..., Can you ...? Could you ...? or I wonder if you could...?

1) Would you like me to take your coat?

2) Start cooking the supper now, please.

3) I'd be glad if you would translate this for me. (friendly)

4) I'd be glad if you would translate this for me. (polite)

5) Why not watching a video if you don't know what to do?

6) Why don't you spend the day with us if you're free on Saturday?

7) I don't mind feeding the horses, if you'd like me to.

8) I'd be glad if you would lend me £5. (polite)

9) Tell me when it's time to go. (friendly)

10) I'd be grateful if you would tell me when it's time to go. (polite)



I. Translate the following sentences into Russian.

1. This must be Jack's house

2. It can't be 7 o'clock already!

3. Shall I open the door for you?

4. You should buy a new car.

5. You can't leave before 12 o'clock.

6. You may come in now.

7. Could I ask you a question?

8. He ought to be more careful.

9. There might be some apple pie left.

10. We've got to run to catch the bus.

11. Would you like me to give you a lift?

12. Can you pass me the salt, please?

13. I must go to the dentist's.

14. You can leave your coat here.

15. You mustn't tell anyone what happened.

16. I'll answer the phone for you.

17. He could play the piano when he was young.

18. She needn't wait for us.

19. Do I have to come with you?

20. Neil may not remember my phone number.

21. I didn't need to go to the bank yesterday.

22. You must listen to your parents!

23. He may know something about it.


II. Translate the following sentences into English.

1. Можно мне войти?

2. Ему не разрешают выходить на улицу.

3. Мне нужно много работать.

4. Она должна быть дома сейчас.

5. Мы, может быть, поедем за город в воскресенье.

6. Можно мне задать вопрос?

7. Мне придется остаться дома. Идет дождь.

8. Тебе нужна моя помощь?

9. Ей не нужно идти в магазин, у нас все есть.

10. Скоро, наверное, пойдет дождь.

11. Неужели он опоздает?

12. Вряд ли они приедут сегодня, уже поздно.

13. Ты могла помочь ему.

14. Она не в состоянии плыть сегодня снова, она слишком устала.

15. Ей придется научиться делать все самой.

16. Он опоздал на автобус и ему пришлось остаться у нас.

17. Кто должен был вас встречать?

18. Выхода не было, ему пришлось заплатить штраф.

19. Здесь нельзя парковать машины.

20. Вероятно, это здесь.


Unit 4


Тип 1

  Придаточное предложение условия Главное предложение (результат) Использование
Тип 1 (реальное условие в настоящем) If + any present form (Present Simple, Present Cont. or Present Perf.) Future/Imperative; Can/may/might/must/should+ инфинитив без to; Present Simple Реальное условие – Вероятность события в настоящем или будущем 

I. Match the following parts of the sentences.

1. If I go on a diet, A. we'll make a snowman. 1. D
2. If it's sunny tomorrow, B. I'll buy you some chocolate. 2.
3. If John doesn't hurry, C. she'll have to take a taxi. 3.
4. If it snows, D. I'll lose weight. 4.
5. If there are no buses, E. he'll be late. 5.
6. If you're a good girl, F. we'll go for a picnic 6.
7. If you keep pulling the cat's tail, G. take the day off. 7.
8. If you still feel awful tomorrow, H. the boss will definitely fire you. 8.
9. If you take another week off work, I. if you play that music so loudly. 9.
10. The neighbours will complain J. she'll scratch you. 10.

II. Fill in: unless or if.

1. __If___ you make so much noise, I won't be able to sleep.

2. I'll tell you ________ there are any messages for you.

3. I won't finish the work _________ you help me.

4. _________ you're hungry, I'll make you a sandwich.

5. We'll miss the bus _________ we hurry.

6. They won't get married ________ he gets a job.

7. You won't understand ________ you listen carefully.

8. The match will be off ________ the weather doesn't clear up.


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